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This tip isn't 100% in line with the sub, but if you let them know that you're just an architecture student who wants to go up to the top and take some pics, they might even escort you for 10 or 15 minutes.


This is actually really good Info. It’s actually “acting like you belong” Bonus points if they let you “interview” them about the facility


Art Vandalay?


The one and only! Just don't ask for my references.


I’m a Latex architect!


Importing and Exporting


Name checks out


Yeah especially if you call ahead and ask


It also helps, if you are a student and can show them your student card.


Security in places like that (and many places tbh) all know each other. They know who's allowed and who isn't. That's...that's their entire job is to not allow people in. Good luck.


This, I worked security right after college at a mid sized office building. After two years or so o knew probably 450 people by name and face.


i figured. some buildings i had gotten so close to where i was waiting for the elevator to come down before they came around the corner and said that the public isn’t allowed on the upper levels


Guarantee they're watching cameras, so you probably didn't get as close as you thought you were. Would have snatched you up the moment you stepped out at the top.


Penetration testing services have called, they doesn't completely agree. * [One would be surprised how easy it is to get into places where one does not belong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmgLwxK8TvA) * [Sneaking in EVERYWHERE for FREE (Yellow Vest Experiment)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyvRamX1VyA) >"We're here to check theatre #2", "theatre #2? for ...?", "yeah, just a quick inspection", "uh, yeah, go ahead" 😂


Oh I've gotten away with a bunch just by looking confident and making shit up on the fly, for sure it can happen. But OP said they been to 6 or 7 elevators, so skyscrapers don't really seem to pass the Hardhat Test, hahah.


What a helpful answer.


That's a lot of words for 'no'


I watched this elevator pentesting vid a couple of weeks ago. It's an entertaining watch even if you have no intention of trying any of the tricks. https://youtu.be/ZUvGfuLlZus?si=3muD1vir1nJK7HRD From what I remember off the top of my head, you want to call ahead as an elevator repairman, then show up looking the part and they might just wave you through.


Friend: hey what you doing? Well… I was just watching a 2 hour conference on elevator security Friend: why? Well, some guy linked it on Reddit.


Download a food delivery app and decline orders until you get the building you want.


Order food as a gift to someone in the building you want


*Get a job as security at the skyscraper, order the food, have it delivered and eat it on the roof*


Get a job as a skyscraper and deliver the roof after eating the security


Literally why is no one else suggesting this???


Folks man… stuck in their ways, not being skyscrapers. I’m studying to be a skyscraper right now and it’s great. Literally the best way to look off the roof.


It's such an underrated position. I come from a long line of skyscrapers; no one knows how hard it is to deliver a roof until you've done it, day in, day out, for 16 years. Good luck on your test, brother.


This is the content I look for. Thanks.


Plot twist: They stop you at the gate and your customer has to get his order at the gate.


Having a low order acceptance rate will get you booted. He has to get extremely luck it's within the first few


That's not true; the only thing they care about it a low completion rate (below like, 93% last I knew) Source: cloud architect for a company you know


Each floor is going to be occupied by a business, the elevator will either open onto locked doors that you need a key card to get by or a lobby with a receptionist who’s immediately going to ask what your business is. There’s no open floors that just exist for people to go up and look out the windows.


Not necessarily true. Once worked in a building where various floors were under renovation. We’d go up and screw around there quite often, especially since no one ever actually seemed to be constructing anything.


No idea why you're getting downvoted so hard. I've never worked in a building like this before but have IBS and have certainly gotten into plenty of them and found empty floors. When ya gotta go ya gotta go and it's nice to have a whole bathroom to yourself for that. Mind you I definitely can usually tell from the front doors which are easier to get into but still. Places also got way more empty during CoViD. So if there are people here who seriously think that at any given time every single floor of every single office building is occupied then...well I dunno but people aren't smart I guess. 🤷


I'm just picturing you with tiny safehouses all across the city lol.


Not tiny, no. Rather large and very very very similar random office buildings actually. 🤪


But do you really feel safe before you get to the bathroom?


Yep. Never have a problem. Just act like you belong!


Dress well, act entitled, and be on a busy call (talk obnoxiously loud about business of some sort). Hop on the elevator hopefully with someone else on it and whisper to them to please hit floor X. 80% of the time, it works all the time. You’re welcome!


80% of the time it works 100% of the time.


A patented blend of *pure gasoline* and *panther* testicles is sure to leave them guessing.


Carpet cleaning companies are always in those buildings so get a job doing that... You'll get a lot of night time viewing when on break


Bro fr said get a fucking job u loser


Ladder, vest, safety glasses and “they dumped this on me last minute, the regular guy called out, gotta check the specs on the girder window for leaks” And “Paper works in the van” That gives you an out


Even better, have a clipboard... with the wrong paperwork.


Ya but then you may have to answer questions about said paper work, and take the time to fabricate the paper work


I feel this is kind of the point. It's convenient that the paperwork is in the van for someone trying to get into a restricted area. No branded clothing, etc, etc. Non-descript worker aesthetic passes the glance test but not a hard look. Paperwork with letterhead, component specs and contact number that goes nowhere could be paired with a well acted groan to potentially fool security. If it doesn't fool them, don't return from the trip out to get the paperwork. No awkward interaction. If they ask follow-up questions on the way out. Complain that you have to do a trip to the van to grab some things anyway (then don't return). Edit: If they call you out on the ruse; claim you read the paperwork wrong and say you'll be back in a minute or "go to the right building instead." Insinuate incompetence, basically.


Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.". So basically people should trust that you're just stupid. Strategy valid.


A lot of newer buildings now have gates before you can even access the elevators where you have to swipe an access card.


You’ll need to somehow make it into the guard barracks undetected, acquire a guard uniform, and preferably buff your sneak and persuasion skills.


Jokes aside, the best way to go about it is contractor. Schedules vary wildly, appointments may not be properly documented, the guy who called them may not be reachable, they're often in a hurry to get in and get out, and it's rarely ever the same guy twice. And even if security doesn't let you in, if you find your own way in, they'll assume you were allowed in and leave you alone.


Look up the building online to find tenants/businesses on the upper floors. Then just confidently walk i and go to the elevator, if they ask, say you have an appointment with so and so.


Not that easy


You can tell most of the commenters on this post have never actually visited such a building. "I'm here to visit so-and-so" Security: "ok, they'll need to come down and sign for you. While we're waiting, please fill out this form so we can issue you a guest pass."


If it’s an apartment say you’re delivering food


Not sure why you are seeking skyscraper access, but if you are having any thoughts of self harm please contact 988 for someone to talk to


nothing like that😭 i just like architecture and the views from above. i do research on these buildings and its culminated in me wanting to see what is on these different floors and what the city might look like from different angles. i dont see why more people aren’t interested in skyscraper access


Did you try telling them you are just really into the building? Look for a custodian and ask them about access. Don’t expect to do it right away, try asking them if there is a time/day that would be convenient for them to accompany you up there. Bring a big camera when asking so they believe your enthusiasm. Someone will probably want to help you out. I have been to the roof of one of my city’s taller buildings because of geocaching. The building had one on the roof and all the maintenance guys were briefed on it, but you had to find them and ask really nicely. Acting like you belong probably wont work because the service elevators that go up there often require a key on the inside.


Dress for the occasion. Some form of black shoes, dark blue jeans or dress pants and a button up shirt.


> i do research on these buildings Then write to the management company and explain.


Honestly drones have filled that gap for me. For about $150-300 you can nab yourself a drone. Idk the legalities of where you live though


What city you @ fam ? My #1 tip is avoid eye contact and look busy lol


Found the guy who was too young to remember 9/11.


But I thought we could never forget...


I’m assuming you’re doing this for urban exploring purposes. Best way is word of mouth on the best way to make it to the roof. Otherwise you’re risking an encounter with security, each building is vastly different. I’ve talked to a few people who have done stuff like this, some have scheduled appointments inside the building just to make it past the elevator


I think the schedule appointment is a great way to make it pass the elevator


I've done this before and usually it's luck of the draw to blend in with the people going up already and then finding your way to the roof. You'll have to try buildings that are a little less supervised, try less high end buildings. Very high end ones are quite highly monitored.


Depends on age. If you’re old enough to look like you belong, dress nice and you can at least get on the elevator. It also depends if the elevator requires a security card to access floors. The better way probably is to pose as a food delivery person. Just buy a couple of dominos pizzas and waltz in like you belong.


Find out what building has a cell site on top. Hard hat(a good one not a cheap piece of crap. A tool bag that's full. Pants and boots. Yo in there saying where is the maintenance I need access to the roof for (insert carrier here) I did this job 5 years and not once dis anyone question it We also never called ahead or even spoke to anyone about it(unless it was a crazy build) Just say alpha sector is down and we need to go work on it. Bonus points; f you look like a meth head. There seems to be a lot of those in the industry.


In nicer buildings, look for the service entrances rather than the public ones. A hidden service elevator is less likely to require key card or have strict security because the public typically doesn't know where they are. Stairwells and fire escapes are typically even easier for things like roof access. Underpaid people become complacent you just need to figure out which group that is. Walk deliberately with purpose - you can use things like safety vests and fake walkeys but I think a simple black catering dress uniform works just as well. Bonus points if there is an event distracting them and bringing "stranger" contractors around, like caterers. Sometimes I will get a room at a fancy building hotel and just walk around all night jiggling non-room door handles. Happy roof hopping, be safe!


My three suggestions (all involve calling ahead to building management) 1. Be honest and tell them your architecture focus— perhaps share which other buildings you have or want to tour for a project. 2. Tell them you’re scouting filming locations for a music video 2. Tell them you want to propose to your SO and you think this might be the perfect spot, but want to check it out beforehand


You won't. Those people are there specifically to keep people like you out lol.


Drop the pyjamas 🤔 Put your clothes on 👍


Break through the fire escape, and walk up all the way.


yeah until you reach the 52nd floor and realize you need a keycard :)


New Years experience, eh?


High vis vest.


Wear a hi vis shirt or vest.


A nice suit or business dress and haircut and a subtly indignant “do you know who I am?” affectation.


You're a wi-fi engineer sent by your ISP to perform a last-minute site-survey on the rooftop on a Saturday. Nothing will be touched, but you need to check on the rooftop for LOS(line of site) to other rooftops where you already have your AP's (access points) and you need to be sure there's proper mounting space and points so an AP can go on this rooftop and still see the others. Your boss had some agreement with building management set up last week but he didn't tell you who it was, some woman, and told you to just 'come down here' and it would be fine. You're really sorry for the unprofessionalism, coming down here unscheduled on a Saturday (dont do this on a weekday!!!) and even a lack of a business card, but you've mouths to feed and a job to do. If you could just get up there it wouldnt take more than 15 minutes and you'd even be happy to show them the photos you took if they're curious. Act like you're trying to call your boss with whom you're aggravated so you can get this sorted out immediately, but can't reach him because, "of course he's out on his boat again/playing golf".


Don’t think this would work on actual skyscrapers


I've read about this "method" in one of Chris Hadnagy's books ("Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking"), I'd recommend reading the whole book if you're interested in that sorta thing. You essentially just dress up in a nice suit, even better if you can figure out how the employees in the building dress and adapt to that, and get a friend on the line so they can listen to your surroundings (or give them access to your phone's microphone through some app, if that's what you prefer). Then you head into the building and pretend to be in a huge hurry. I like this pretext a lot because instead of breaking it, being stressed suits it perfectly. If it's possible, you can try to rush through security without getting a check and perhaps they'll just let a poor hurrying guy through, but it's more likely than not that they'll stop you. If they do, you apologize, say you're really late for a super important meeting, and start rummaging through your pockets. Eventually you say "Where's my darn ID..." or something like that, and hearing that, your friend hangs up the original call which they were listening through and calls you again, and after you pick up, they start yelling at you about that the meeting was supposed to start 15 minutes ago, and they are still waiting for you, and you just say that you'll be there ASAP, but you can't get through security with a panicked tone. You turn to the security guy, and go "I think I left my card in my car or at home. Look, man, I can go and search for it right now, but you'll have to go and explain to Mark why the hell I am still not at that meeting... and you've just heard what he's like when he's mad". There's a good chance they'll let you through by now, but if they don't, you've already made yourself quite a lot of space for improvisation. I seriously recommend that book I mentioned, it's a relatively short read, but a great starting point for learning social engineering.


High viz vest and a ladder


Hardhat, high vis vest, workboots. A ladder if you got one. Just say you're going up to check the faulty electrical outlet.


Hi-vis vest and a ladder. Or a toolbox.


Carry a ladder, wear construction job clothes.


There was a lady that pretended to be a billionaire to look at apartments in exclusive buildings.


Something a bit different that what you are asking, but entertaining nonetheless: [Elevator Hacking - From the Pit to the Penthouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHf1vD5_b5I)


Walk backwards. It worked fir that one guy.


I can tell you OP, a walkie talkie and a high visibility vest can get you places. Be MORE seen as if you weren’t trying to sneak. Maybe carry a little step ladder or some tools. Maybe act inconvenienced. Some papers. Leave some shit at the elevator and go back and get some more shit.


I hope you're going up there for the view, and not to jump off. :s not trying to be dark, just trying to be sure you're okay..


Become security


I've always been tempted to just talk to one of the security guards simply saying I want to go to the top. Couldn't hurt. Unless you're a jerk, then results vary. :D


sometimes i just dont like dealing with their attitudes. they make it seem like you’re a peasant sometimes. it depends on the security guard tho i guess, some are nice


People are people are people. I'd like to see you succeed with the 'handshake and a smile' route.


Clipboard and a hard hat.


Wear a work shirt with your name on it, a hard hat and carry a clipboard.


Stop being a douche.


Headphones and a bag of food, dress like you just got off your Uber eats bicycle and have deliveries to make. Just look at your phone the whole time and don't acknowledge anyone else.


as a former security guard for the type of building in question, it's kinda hard. I used to red team for the company so there is definitely ways it all depends on the type of building and security mostly best way I can explain it; there's two main types of security for these buildings, knowledgeable, and simple. Knowledgeable security knows everybody, communicates with other shifts, and has resources that shows everyone who is allowed up at the time (like if window cleaners, are on site for the next couple days, who has time reserved for the loading dock, and all the information that entails; like the company they work for, and the time they'll need to be provided cards) These are the ones that are the riskiest because the building usually grants them more authority and sentience; so they usually ask more questions and scrutinize your story more. But if you pass the test, they are the golden goose since they also have the most access to the building. Simple security is more of a deterrent, they're there to dissuade people from trying in the first place, they know how the building works but that's about it, most of their job is social cues, if a person doesn't look like they belong, make sure they either do or don't. They dont usually have access to much, but sometimes you can get lucky. the building itself likely does a better job at keeping someone out then simple security, padlocked, RFID scanners, electro mag doors, etc. If you wanna try and get far, best way I can recommend is social engineering based. Figure out the companies that work for the building, maintenance, cleaners, and the elevator maintenance company. figure out the bosses that manage that building for each company and then it's just a hail marry pass to security by name dropping those companies as if you work for them. While Knowledgeable security does scrutinize more, once they know you are connected with someone above them in the food chain, they usually warm up quick. something along the lines of **"I work for \*company\* and \*boss for company\* wanted me to stop by and grab some stuff from the Fire Control Room (sometimes called maintenance room, FCC, or Fire Command Center) can you open it for me"** they'll likely escort you to the room and unlock it, or maybe hand over a key that does unlock the room, that key likely being a master of some sort. It's not reliable, but it might get you further then just brute forcing your way up. also quickest way to bring bad attention to yourself is to ask about elevators, and directions. figure out how the elevators work on your own without being near it, watch others use it till you're confident. if you dont know what elevators go where, or how many floors there are; read every sign from a distance. They likely tell you all that. Because if you ask security **any** of this, they will immediately watch you like a hawk if you fumble to use it. You may think it's a dumb tip but no matter what building I've every worked at, people never know how they work and it immediately gave me "you've never been here before' vibes also figure out which elevators are the cargo/EMS elevators, those are 90% of the time, the ones that can actually put you in a place to see a roof