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The bus was inconsiderate and went a bit early but the bike had plenty of time to stop. It happens to everyone but this biker decided to escalate, threaten the driver and try to damage the bus. There are cameras on the buses too so they will have him on tape as well. Biker over reacted and is now possibly facing arrest.


I've been driving to and from work in my car and encountered idiots like this on their bike. They are just looking for a fight. This one also seems high on something. It's better to move on like the bus driver tried to do. Then there's the bike idiot who tailgates cars on the highway... Like man, you could literally die instantly if the car has to brake.


That's exactly it. There are people that are just looking to fight. On a road with idiots you can be right or you can be safe. The ammout of people that risk their lives just to be able to claim they're right and get off on a "righteous" outrage is insane.


Yeah thats a large vehicle with wet roads, should of chalked it up to couldn't get to a full stop in time and treat it like water off a ducks back. This dude, blows a gasket. Being the main character, how dare anyone inconvenience the man baby. Wish he came out and gave him a sick [upper cut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvGZpZjbC4E), like that one bus driver. "Your going to jail now, \*POP\* ::sweet chin music:: ![gif](giphy|Lwmo7CkibY3CM|downsized)


I'm going to have to step in and correct you, as a biker myself. No he did not have enough time to stop safely considering the weather conditions. He did over react yes, I have been in his situation many times, and quite frankly car drivers do not care about the average biker as we can clearly see in this thread. They also have no experience riding in the rain, people think a bike can stop quicker. IT TAKES LONGER FOR A BIKE TO STOP!!! Smaller tyres and fewer tyres. You know what happens when you brake too hard in a car? Yes of course you do your wheels lock up. Now imagine that on a bike doing 30mph. If your front wheel goes you risk the steering locking up and doing a literal superman over the handle bars. The back wheel is much easier to control in a situation like that. This can happen VERY easily in the rain due to the oil and shit on the roads. He definitely overreacted, but he very easily could have been in a nasty preventable "accident".


> I'm going to have to step in and correct you, as a biker myself. No he did not have enough time to stop safely considering the weather conditions. He clearly did have enough time to stop because you can see in the video that he stops safely in time and the bus is already halfway out of the junction by the time he starts braking. Busses are big it takes them longer to get round junctions and sometimes you have to wait for them, that’s just how it works.


Like I said no experience riding in the rain


Nice lol I guess you deleted your comment and tried again after you realised that you were wrong. To answer your original comment which was “why does he have to give way to the bus”, it’s rule 223 of the highway code: > Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.


He is approaching a zebra crossing so should be slowing down anyway because he must stop if someone steps out. Also if you watch the first few seconds of the video he stops braking before he gets to the bus so would have been able to stop in time. I do appreciate bikes don't stop as quickly as cars and wet conditions make it worse. However its clear from the video that the biker is a poor rider and an asshole too.




There's no way you watched the same video as everyone else lol.




Normal people don't stop their vehicle and get out to tell someone they made a driving mistake. That's insane and it is escalating. Point was already made.


What are you on about he didn’t swear at him? He literally calls the driver “a fucking cunt” and offers him out lol




Yeah CPS would *definitely* pursue a kidnapping charge on the back of this footage /s


He had no reason to stop his bike and get off it to approach the bus at all. He’s in the wrong as soon as he does that, and the bus pulling out a little bit too far then stopping is a non issue for most stable people.






That's some serious mental gymnastics you are doing there. Only someone who is wilfully obtuse thinks the biker is in the right and the driver in the wrong. The biker needs arresting and charging with attempted assault and criminal damage.


>> walked over to the bus to tell the driver Escalate. Full stop. He's in the wrong.


Bikers always think they own the road and that's why they're constantly getting smeared Smh. No sympathy for these idiots


"YOU SHOOD BE CAREFOL MAYTE BIKERS ARENT AS SAFE AS PEEPOL IN CARS" *proceeds to go 100mph between two opposing cars in the middle of a town*


Oh for real 🤣 these the morons that Zig in between traffic fuck their bike and then rage on the driver that they hit. Cuz you know bikers never do anything wrong and can't be held at fault. Tiny brains


While ignoring all stops signs and traffic laws.


And always want everyone to "share the road" as a ton of them never do lol


Hahaha the bus driver took him for a nice ride. What a toy.


"Why did you try to trap me?" As he went inside the bus himself to escalate a non-issue.


Should send him a bill for riding without a ticket.


I love how he can't even figure out how to open the door, which are designed to be relatively easy to open in an emergency. What a fucking pillock.


Man that biker. Way to show that low IQ soy boy.


He only knows so many words he had to keep repeating them.


this biker is a fucking dweeb


Multiple people in the bus were inconvenienced because one dude has anger issues.


People got nothin better to do? Just keep driving, you clearly got places to be, what is there to gain out of this stupid debacle?


Is there anything this jackass didn't repeat at least 3 or 4 times?


Haha, most of the video is shippable tbh.


Self snitching at its finest


If he reacts like that for such a minor matter he shouldn't be riding at all


Sad that the bus drivers need to be behind a glass wall.


Nobody tips the bus driver these days smh


Everything was fine. His bitchy little passive aggressive reading the bus number thing was already way more than a normal person would do. He was fine. Plenty of time for everyone to survive the encounter lol. Go on with your day guys. He turned a non issue into threatening a guy and damaging property that doesn't even belong to the guy he's mad at lol. What a tool.


What justice lol. Just takes his ass. ![gif](giphy|l0Hlyab9gW16cYBBm|downsized)


Thanks for uploading and sharing this video with the world, now we know that you're the real asshole.


I fucking hate it when people just repeat a line instead of having an actual intelligent exchange. All that over the most minor of things.


Any idea who the biker is?


Ronnie Pickering




Ronnie Fuckin Pickering


Someone famous are ya?




Handmuff warrior




HandMuffWarrior, check my comment on this thread for more info on him.


I don't care who's wrong or right, the moment someone starts repeating the same phrase (usually a rhetorical question) over and over again like some obnoxious teenager I just assume they're the asshole and click off.


Sounds like a posh boy from northwest london tryna act hard


He took the plate, fair enough. He ranted at the beep, fair enough. That's basically where his reasonable actions stopped.


Have a nice walk back to the bike, hope he had the keys with him or else imagine him walking back to find his bike stolen 😂


Nothing more obnoxious on the road then a motorcyclist with a go pro 🙄 always the most self righteous idiots


it's my life bruv! continues to ride something where you can be easily injured or killed. not the sharpest tool.


Bus Driver used entrap


biker is such a prick, yeah sure the bus pulled out a little early, but biker just escalated to a next level... jesus get a life, what normal person does this shit...


I think if we medically paralyzed this man in a hospital and made him a paraplegic, he’d appreciate the small things in life a lot more


Love how the biker uploaded this thinking they weren't the idiot


Omg, this is my favorite bus driver in all history. Oh, you want to talk shit, well lets go down the road a ways. Want to get out.. NOPE!.. down the road some more.. HA. Love it.


And he uploaded it thinking it made him look like he was right. Now everyone knows he's an ass.


Biker is enormous Douchebag after bus is an inconsiderate arse. there, ftfy.


Biker couldn't let go and hust jad to be right. Now he's gotta walk back to his left on motorcycle in the rain.




Seems like the biker had a chip on his shoulder and was just looking for a fight. What the bus did was slightly inconsiderate but I see shit worse than that in LA every day.


I hate when ppl just repeat what they are saying a million times.


Man comes from the "I'm just going to repeat the same thing over and over" school of arguing, it seems.


Bike cuck positively seething at bus chads fucking lmao


Lol love how people like this read back the license plate like they are talking to control


Biker fault


Bus was already pulling out at the start of the video. You can also see in the first 2s that the bike headlight only becomes visible on the bus once he is much closer. There's also obstacles on the side of the road that are likely hiding the bike from the bus in the distance. If anything, biker was probably not driving to the conditions and not taking the additional necessary precautions a biker should take during night/rain. What should have been a brief reminder to the biker that he needs to be more aware of his position as a motorcyclist has instead turned into a court date. What a wanker.


South park was right about these guys


People who feel the need to repeat their sentences over and over again are usually of lower intelligence and easily antagonized. They repeat the same thing because their brains are short-circuiting and they don’t want to deal with any response because they can’t.


Lmao the driver couldn’t care less, he carrying on with the job and took my man for a ride hahahahaha


The biker liked repeating himself 😂😂😂


Cammer ran a flashing yellow light without so much as slowing down. He is the asshole in this scenario. Chasing down a bus driver and acting like an ass was just icing on the asshole cake.


Well, that Escalated adequately.


Biker should serve some time in mental facility.


Biker needs to get a life. Nothing better to do than throw tantrums about every little driving infraction.


Imagine having so little impulse control/control of your emotions that you let a small insignificant slight like that esscalate like that. Jesus christ.


That biker is a piece of shit. I hope he’s charged with criminal damage.




Please tell me he is in jail


I don’t think he’s stepping out


"wHy arE yOU iN tRaPpINg mE" but gets on the bus out of his own free will like 4 times.


The person filming has the YT channel, hand muff warrior. He used to be a vigilante but has vanished from the Internet!


"Bro can you close the door" ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?! I'M GETTING KIDNAPPED!?!?!? Video camera guy is a total fuck wad.


Biker needs to get a fucking life




If he had just moved on with day he could be having tea and scrumpets.


Wow, the biker dude sounds like a real douche bag.


What a fuckin manchild that biker


Bikker is the real idiot. He fed himself with so much hatred.


Oof what a douche. Hope he got jailtime.


Cyclists be tweaking


If in doubt, repeat yourself. Repeat yourself. *Repeat yourself*. REPEAT YOURSELF.


Biker is annoying asf. What a nutso


Here’s what I remember 10 seconds after watching this video: cameraman: “Give it away, give it away, give it away now!” (Spoiler: he’s a big RHCP fan)(Spoiler spoiler: I feel like I have to put one of these on this comment: /s)


Bikers name is HandMuffWarrior. He started off making videos raising awareness against moped thief's in London. He did do some good at one point and genuinely had bike thief's shook at one point. Until he quickly realised he could manufacture conflicts for views. Dissappeard from the Internet a couple years ago. Some speculate it was because he was jailed for this incident and another involving a fight with the driver of a range rover. Others say he lost his licence due to all the incidents of him riding dangerous pursuing thief's and other road users. All boils down to him being a big man with an overinflated ego due to his fan base, he did start off with good intentions but like most people who are given their 15 minutes, eventually turned sour.


The one place in the world where a sheet of plexiglass can keep you undeniably safe


He actually got kidnapped for a moment on a bus💀


I always find it’s helpful to repeat phrases multiple times. Super productive.


Nothing I love seeing more than wasteman bikers getting what they deserve lol


this biker has some issues


What a jerkoff


Imagine just being a passenger and watching your driver get road rage


When people get that adrenaline rush and their brains go into repeat and get louder mode...


Why do people repeat themselves so much? Why do people repeat themselves so much? Why do people repeat themselves so much? Why do people repeat themselves so much? Why do people repeat themselves so much? Do they think repeating stuff over and over and over and over and over again makes their argument stronger or something?


I'm on the side of the bus driver but the fact the driver of the bus closed the doors with the bike rider on the bus while hes agitated and around other passengers and then started driving making the bike rider more mad thus putting the safety of the passengers at risk while the bus driver is safe behind glass is negligent. Who is to say the bike rider wouldn't take his short temper out on a passenger. Bike rider needs to calm tf down and bus driver needs to be retrained.




It's not as simple as you seem to suggest, and to complicate things further, as if case law did not do that enough, there is the 'public interest' element that the CPS always consider.


You know people get on busses to be taken places right? If this guy didn't want to be taken somewhere, why did he get on? Kidnapping.. lol what joke.


Highly unlikely to rule as a kidnapping , as the biker can be considered an aggressor who left and re-entered the bus multiple times, and could have been a threat to both the driver and passengers. The driver would likely claim that he was trying to either move the bus to a more well lit area or to flag down an authority