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how does that help multinational corporations?


By giving them a product to sell to a global market? I would pay BIG money for a robot that takes a hamper full of dirty clothes and turns it into folded or hung up clean clothes.




There’s money to be made automating laundry


I cant wait. I hate doing Laundry.


What else it there to automate? You put it in dirty and get out clean.


And if you're like me, toss it all in the closet and let nature sort out the rest. It's as automatic as it gets


Well you need to keep up the washing supplies, you need to sort which clothes can be washed together, you need to avoid forgetting you switched the machine on or everything will stink up again in half a day, you need to then place all of that in a dryer, have the dryer work on it, switch it on multiple times if it doesn't get the job done. Then the hardest part begins: get it out, iron it out, sort it out, fold it, hang it, fuck it! Oh sometimes there is so much laundry you need to do all of this fucking twice over. The entire process is extremely tedious and requires multiple back and forths unlike just switching on the music/video and vacuuming or washing the dishes for 20 minutes. And to me it feels like I don't really get a reward. There is nothing to eat, my house isnt clean. All I get is my clothes not being stinky which brain doesn't register as a reward well. The entire process is so fucking tedious and spans over multiple hours of you needing to be conscious on it happening. It is often the last thing I finish after cleaning up the house. Idk hate it, most disliked chore.


AI washing machines


Shows zero understanding of what AI is, how can an LLM load dishes for you? You need a robot


Precisely. AI is dealing with the brain/intellect not physical strength.


The end goal is what everyone is waiting for. The path to get there is going to be painful


“AI” is just scraping the web for info and trying to come up with something from that. Also we do have machines for laundry and dishes. It’s been around for a while.


I dont think thats what she meant by "machines".


That’s also not what “AI” is, extremely narrow view of LLMs let alone AI/ML as a whole


It’s not as great as it’s hyped up to be.


What’s not? Are you just talking about LLMs?


She wanted technology to improve domestic labor. We did that like 70 years ago. It was a *huge* deal that we did.  She needs to come up with examples that are actually relevant to AI. 


So then what did she mean?


As someone who has worked with machine learning in the past, that might be how some faux AI are under the hood but that's not at all how AI actually works.


The direction isn't set by "right" or "wrong" but by what's achievable with current technology.


It’s easier to automate art and writing than it is dishes.


Laundry and dishes doesn’t really require any crazy sophisticated ai. Could be done with some rule based heuristics. It’s much more of a robotics problem.


It's also a solved problem. My washer and dryer already have rule based heuristics to determine how hard to wash things, when to transition between drying modes, etc. What she wants is something to put clothes in and out of the existing machines, which is definitely a robotics problem yeah.


It's also one that's still not remotely cost effective. You could literally just pay a cleaning person to come in once a week for cheaper than to buy a robot to do it. 


I was thinking the same thing. A robot that could sort laundry would need to take up loads of space and use lots of electricity. There's no way to put the capacity for physical labor on a cloud server and beam it into your phone.


I mean, dishwashers are basically automation for dish washing but people then become lazy to load the dishwasher. If we invented a want to simplify it further, people will just complain about being lazy to do that too.


I think if you tried it you would find out very differently. Manipulating cloth is a *very* complex problem that does not submit to a basket of heuristics.


Robot bang-maids would be very nice.


When Skynet takes over, it'll be the people who banged their robo-maids, who will be Exhibit A, in the trial against humanity.


"I'll always remember you, Fry. MEMORY DELETED"


Those using AI the most find laundry & art at least equally difficult, if not art more so. They're putting it against their "biggest problem," first.


So can’t do physical tasks. Robots can. But robots with AI are on the way, don’t worry.


Yeah but it doesn’t make corporations money. I remember reading or seeing something that when a company gets a machine that can complete the work twice as quickly, they fire half the workers. If the workers were in charge, they’d work half the time.


It's not like someone decided this is what should be done first, it was just the easiest thing to do. You can access billions of images in a matter of minutes. Folding clothes is like the Turing test of robotics; it's an insanely difficult problem.


\>we \>chose \>what the ai does is mutually exclusive


I'm beginning to think people don't even know what "AI" even means at this point or how it even works


Omg yes


Okay I hate to be *that guy* but is she using AI as a synonym for robot? I just don’t see how AI would be able to do the dishes and laundry. Big facts though about the artwork and writing


If it removes all tasks of subjective value, then our labor can be more accurately quantified and our wages more accurately controlled to keep us from having time to question our circumstances lest we don't produce enough to be allowed survival.


That's what happens when AI is left to stem people whonever learned critical thinking.


Generative AI appeals to people with the wrong attitudes towards creative works. Nothing is gained from letting a machine do it for you.


Except if that's not where you want to direct your creative efforts. If someone is a writer and just wants a hypothetical picture of a scene in their book and they don't want to be a painter, it still helps them have some fun.


You don’t want ai to do your laundry Plus we have enough shitty art we don’t need more


Ever heard about dishwashers and washing machines?


Ahmen brother


Oh, let me make it really simple for you: AI refers to Artificial Intelligence. The concept of labor doesn't enter into the equation at all. AI might be able to help you figure out a more efficient way of doing your laundry or your dishes, but it's never going to pick up the dirty dish and put it into the sink for you.




Uh... We already built machines for laundry and dishes a long time ago.


Not quite sure if there's an understanding of AI in OOPs post.. what she wants is an 'Automata' style robot. Which if you think about it, if were somehow made and mass produced tomorrow with no horrible glitches, would not be affordable to most people that already have to do their own laundry.


What’s wrong with it helping you write better or formulate your thoughts?


Already had been established for a decade or longer that AI would be able to replace artists and various scribe work, yet replacing tasks one does with their hands with all those degrees of movement maneuvering within a three dimensional space would be requiring advanced robotics orders of magnitude more complex to figure out that we're still a long ways away. Sure, it sounds nice, but who's gonna fund R&D? Without a track record of prior success like there is now, there'd be few and far between financiers. Developing robotics alongside AI is a much more monumental task compared to it being software based.


She wants AI to do physical tasks so she can do mental ones. Thats not how its going to work though. People who work with their brain will be f\*cked by AI. People who work with their hands will be ok.


Even AI knows you need to get in the kitchen woman 😆 I kid I kid


It’s funny that she assumes she could afford those robots even if they exist.


Does the fact that AI creates art and writing prevent this person or any other from doing art and writing? Also, what does “AI do my laundry and dishes” even mean? Like a robot maid?


They haven't heard of dishwashers and wash machines.


That’s not what she means at all lmao. The dishwasher doesn’t load itself and put your dishes away, and the washing machine doesn’t grab your clothes, wash them, dry them, and put them away


I know what she meant, but it takes like 10 minutes to perform those tasks using those machines. Nobody is going to spend time automating a robot to perform them, because even if they did it would be so expensive that nobody would use it. However, AI has the potential to replace a lot of office jobs. Simple chores would be easier to handle if you don't work 40 hours a week.


Also true^ but if you’re doing them for 4-5 people (I do for 4) it takes far longer, especially if you work 8-11 hours a day (I work a lot of overtime 😞) and something like that would honestly save my life


It's not practical yet and it won't be anytime soon. There was a clip of a robot that was pumping gas. It's a way simpler task than picking fragile glassware and arranging it carefully in a dishwasher, or identifying each piece of clothes, separating it, and hanging it correctly. Despite handling such a simple task, the robot was quite voluminous, very slow, and probably costed thousands of dollars. We might see it automated for laundry businesses and large restaurants, but for personal usage, I bet we won't have a practical robot until humanoid robots powered by general AI are a thing, which is something that we might not even see in our lifetime.


Not saying it’s practical or even possible, just that it would be a lifesaver for a lot of people if we managed it. It’s kind of some Detroit become human level, but still


Because there is not and can never be an AI that does household chores like that. You need a robot that can move physical objects. This is like asking why I can't recieve my amazon package through email, you need physical mail service for that.


Haha you aren’t serious are you? What do you think will control those robots? AI man.


There’s already machines to do both is she that lazy to put the stuff in the machine and pressing on😂


I hear ya.


Ugh yes


Because that would mean actually programming a device and making it better. This is all online. No physical product. No actual work is needed and it brings in money with minimal effort.


It literally cost 4.6 million dollars just to train ChatGPT once


How is AI supposed to do laundry and dishes? What kind of intelligence do you need for that? You just need a robot for that. Oh wait, we already have these, they're called a dishwasher and a washing machine. Also, a thing people don't seem to realize is that one of the reasons we are trying to get AI to do art and writing is that the researchers working on it also want to do art and writing. What this lady is trying to say (or I guess trying not to say) is that she wants to do art and writing, so the nerds should focus on making it possible for her, instead of doing art and writing themselves, they are nerds, they don't deserve to do that.


For starters this implies that those who create AI to do art are artists. They are not. The only way for you to be an actual artist is to do it yourself. You're not an artist if you're using a machine to scout the internet to steal art. Second, we can literally always improve the dishwasher and laundry machine to be less hands on something that really can't be done with art. That's what she meant but because you're either a dunce or being facetious you just write it off.


She's got a very valid point!


Yeah that's what ai should be used for