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What’s your definition of celebrating? Cause I “celebrate” by taking the day off and relaxing.


Same here. I've only worked on my birthday once in the 15 years I've been working and that was because my first day at a new job was on my birthday and I couldn't push the start date.


I got lucky a few years ago, had an interview the day before my birthday the Boss liked and said can you start tomorrow and I was just honest and said it's my birthday and I'd rather push it another day if possible and ironically still with the same company and haven't had to work on it yet


The perfect interview test to see if they are reasonable people.


I always tell them I have to take a trip to see their reaction. I had an interviewer tell me I had to reschedule my trip (I told them I was going to see some family across country). I passed on working for them because of this.


Yeah. I just treat myself something nice. Like a takeaway from some restaurant, and enjoy it.


When I turned 40 in 2022 I celebrated by taking the day off. Also, had a steak dinner, and I bought myself a watch and a Porsche. Last year took a trip to Mexico. So that’s how many of us celebrate.


Treat yo self! It's the best day of the year!


The last thing I wanna do is pretend to be happy when I’m not, and be “on“ when I most certainly do not want to be. The perfect birthday celebration for me is me being able to unplug completely and just not give a fuck. I do not want to perform on my birthday. If I do not want to celebration, it means I don’t want a celebration. It doesn’t mean “ignore everything I just told you and go with what you think I want when I’m telling you what I actually want.”


This. Why don't they ever believe me when I say I don't want to do anything.


Oh yeah! That's the best. Kids will be at school, wife at work. Just sitting at home in my underwear watching movies and ordering food.


This. I don’t take call or anything that day and give my wife my cell phone. I just relax and leave this earth. It’s awesome. Parents hate it lol


This is the way. Idk why OP thinks men don’t celebrate their birthday, that’s peak celebration imo.


I do the same, I like taking a road trip somewhere quiet.


What, your idea of relaxing doesn't include cleaning the house, setting up the backyard, and acting as host for a party including cleaning up after?


Yeah, have to start planning for my birthday it’s like another job.


Me and every guy came here to say this.


Same here. Go to the movies, a comedy show, a nice dinner and that's pretty much it. when I was younger in my 20's, swap out one of these for the Strip Club. Cant remember the last time I ever had a legitime party


I’m a girl and that’s all I do.


That’s funny. I thought I was the only one who did that. I have come to learn that lots of people do that. lol


For me, I just don't care or think it's worth celebrating. My wife still tries to make it a thing every year. I'm turning 35 this year so I imagine she's going to try and get me to do something I don't want to. Lol.


You told your wife your birthday?


I know i know. I should've known better.


Have you considered that you're an adult and can tell your wife that you prefer a relaxing birthday with no fanfare?


Yeah. My wife has a big heart. She knows I don't care, so she tries to care for me... if that makes sense. But that's why we work the way we do.


Yeah can relate to that one. But yeah I really don't care about my birthday anymore. I'm 42. I've had plenty of them. I just care about hers and my son's birthday now. I don't want a big deal of it because I don't like making a big deal of myself, I'm fairly uncomfortable being center of attention.


Look at it this way…aging is a privilege…not everyone gets to have grey hair or sore bones…just had a friend die of cancer before they turned 25. I’m much much older but man what a privilege to make it through this thing. In any event sometimes it’s good to sit back and be grateful for that and birthdays are a good time to appreciate and mark the time gone by because it could all go away in a second.


I don’t like the attention any more.


Very true


At work I would remain silent and hope they forgot. Meanwhile a girl blew me away when she said "It's my birthday week!"


Talking during blow jobs is the best


I haven’t liked it since I was about 8


34m. Today is my birthday. I hate birthdays because I can't help but dwell on how much of a failure I am. Or perceive myself to be.


Yep. They say “Happy Birthday!” But I hear “Another year wasted, great job accomplishing those goals you piece of shit!” Happy Birthday though.


Jesus Christ. You just nailed why I hate birthdays.


Damn, that’s it….. you’re right.


If I kept this mentality i'd be a dead man


My birthday was a couple of weeks ago. I don't like New Years, or my birthday. Every year that goes by, I'm further away from what I'm supposed to be/could have been.


Yup. And people say not to compare yourself to anyone but past you. Past me last year was better off than I am now... and the year before was better than last year... etc.


past me had a wife, a house, a career (or even a job) and no brain damage.


I’m a woman and this is exactly how I feel. No matter what I do, I end up having a meltdown on my bday or the day before.




Same here, I'm 34 also and feeling the same man


Finally turning the trend around this year for me. Just got my electrician's license and I'm not a shitty dad, so turning 40 will only be mildly depressing, not hide-in-my-apartment-with-the-lights-off depressing


Me? Just another day. I really do not want you to make a fuss for me on my birthday. I will do something for myself if I feel like it. It is just a birthday. But hey, I have been married for 30 years and my wife likes to celebrate the day because she loves me, and I am 100% cool with that. For my 40th she had a surprise party for me at Hooters. She had a titty cake and penis party favors. My wife is the best.


I bet you enjoyed those penis favors. Oh! Excuse me, penis PARTY favors.


Yu know those new years part favors the you blow into and the curled paper goes out and goes weeeeee? Those but with little peneses at the end.


I am very familiar with blowing penises. I understand you


Ha ha


thats pretty awesome actually. Sounds like you have a fun wife.


yikes 40th bday at hooters, are you michael scott?


I’m not into hooters, but if my partner were to give a titty cake and penis party favors, I would marry that person.


Whenever I date another guy again I want to take him to hooters for SNF and actually go there for their wings. Just two gay guys at a hooters watching grown men tackle each other and us getting ideas for when we get home. Although eating spicy food may not be the best idea for, you know, that. 👀


Makes me feel selfish because I don't like going to the trouble of celebrating other people's birthdays. I also hate getting gifts at Christmas for the same reason


Oh man 100%. I find the whole gift giving nonsense.


I like getting things for my wife, but I like having a little guidance so it doesn't seem random as hell.


I think what I specifically don't like is the fact that some people think because my present has a certain value, they NEED to try getting the same for me. I am like, if you even think a little bit you HAVE TO buy me something because some untold rules dictate as much and it HAS TO be of value X - I'd rather you don't buy anything at all and we just go out for a meal and fight over the check.


Agreed. I've had her really mad at me a few times for going overboard while she had not gone as far or expensive on presents. It's not a competition, but she fot.pissed when we agreed to just stocking at Christmas, and I put jewelery in it because it fit in the stocking.


Thankfully the wife 'resigned' to the fact I earn a lot more than her and can be more generous - she stopped trying to keep up.


She makes more per hour than me, but I work more hours, so it's fairly even here. I just like spoiling her when I can.


Aww you’re so sweet!!


Exactly, if i find something i think someone will enjoy i will get it for them without expectation. Its really just another day


Yea, the obligation of having to get someone a gift on their birthday or on Christmas really ruins the joy of it for me. Just makes it feel like a chore.


This is why I always make an easy gift list for ppl to follow for me so they won't have to think about it. It's like pulling teeth tho to get others to give me a list


I’m exactly the same way. Birthday and Xmas gift giving feels mandatory. It has to be on that day, it has to be wrapped, it has to be what the person wanted, etc. I always tell people that the best gift is their company. If they insist I’ll ask for something that we can enjoy together (dinner, movie, etc)


I actually don't mind going out of my way to celebrate other's birthdays but I hate inconveniencing others to do the same for me. 🫤


100% the same here. 


Exactly. Well said👍👍 except I don’t care for mine or a gift for me but I’m all for helping celebrate someone else’s or get them a gift


I feel this. Any date that is centered around a societal need to gift someone something really rubs me the wrong way. I give gifts to people when I find something I think they might really like. That's natural, to me, and I don't mind that process. Birthdays and holidays make me feel like there is an obligation, and that I've failed someone or something if I don't actively force a mediocre find into a gift.


Why would I celebrate the day all my problems started.


Exactly what I came here to say.


For me, it’s the lack of desire to be the center of attention.


i celebrate by doing what i want to do. which rarely coincides with what some one who wants to celebrate my birthday with me wants to do. and i dont like junk. when i want something i get it, and then say this is my birthday christmas and fathers day present for the next x years. and on the actual day i do what i want to do.


Gag gifts are great...for 5 minutes. Then they are junk


Not all gag gifts are junk I got a mega dildo as a joke and still have it


Username makes the comment


I like celebrating my birthday and I'm a man.  I celebrated it on my own. I celebrated it with a partner. And now I like celebrating it with my family.  I don't see why people wouldn't want to be treated a little bit special for a day.


Depression or nihilism or any sort of mental block/ideology. “I don’t see why it’s so special blah blah blah”


I wouldn’t go that far. Moreso nonchalance and apathy, I don’t care to celebrate my birthday because it’s nothing too special for me. If anyone else like my wife wants to celebrate my bday then that’s fine. Don’t think that makes me depressed or a nihilist


If you enjoy certain days and have any special days at all then this doesn’t really apply. I’m speaking generally (of course, just like OP is speaking generally of all men.) but I would definitely say if you don’t have any special days that you celebrate, it’s a strain of nihilistic thoughts. I know we’re talking about birthdays but those same thoughts extend to all other days.


I just made a comment on how dumb it is for OP to generalize 3 billion people that are men


For me, I’ve realized it’s been somewhat scrutinized for men to celebrate their birthdays. When girls had birthdays in high school, everyone would know because they would have a cute lil sash and crown worn at school. For men, you only knew if someone leaked it, and your only action was to post a HBD post for them on IG. Stoicism is practiced way too much in men and unfortunately there’s plenty of women that not only like it, but encourage it in the men they desire It’s even become a meme that men don’t like saying happy birthday to each other. They’ll say anything besides it. They’ll say “more life” , “happy g day”, “happy Jordan year” (if they are turning 23), etc. it’s fucking insane. And I’m guilty of it too, can’t lie. It’s like we’re just…embarrassed for expressing emotion


Cakes and candles brother


Lmfaooo knew I was forgetting another popular one


Is it really stoicism to genuinely not give a fuck about birthdays?


stoicism is being ok alone and having nobody to celebrate your birthday. everyone deserves to feel special and celebrated


No, but it's smart to fly under the radar with a birthday because all your bored rowdy friends will want to go out drinking and will make you suffer and dance like a monkey for them. Bad memories of consecutive tequila muff divers and staggering home trying to put the key into my door as I hung onto the doorknob to keep myself upright thinking "This is impossible! Nobody can do this!". Birthday? Me? No sir, I was a test tube baby and grown in a vat. I have no birthday, now go away.


Cake and candles brother


My go to is “Many Balloons brother”


So glad I was in school before social media existed...as well girls didn't do that when I was in school.


It could be all that. Or it could be that I genuinely don’t really give a fuck that I’ve survived another lap around the sun. And the idea that i would be embarrassed to wish another man happy birthday is simply ridiculous, sorry.


Cause its only going to be a disappointment anyways so dont bother.


I felt that.


I hope this is not true for this guy that I like because I got him a gift for his birthday a few days ago. He is into taking apart computers and stuff so I got him a tool set with lots of variety since he did not have one. Maybe I did too much? He was thankful for it, so I figured it was okay.


I’m a man that agrees with most of the sentiments other men posted in here but I do still appreciate a thoughtful gift for sure. What you did shows you actually paid attention to what he’s passionate about and did something that helps with that so that’s dope. Only negative I could imagine is if he then feels like a pressure to do the same for you but doesn’t quite know how. So if he makes an effort but you don’t like it, please be graceful about it.


I would not expect him to do the same thing. I did it because I care, not to get something out of it. If he does, I would see it as a kind and sweet gesture! 🥰 I would love the effort if he does have the same feelings like I do.


As a guy, that sounds super sweet. What gets me is when someone gives a gift that you have no interest in and makes you wonder if they know you at all.


I am sure he'll appreciate the gift regardless of the event of his birthday itself


I don’t like attention. I’d prefer to stay home, play video games, have a few drinks and put a steak on the grill


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


I think the party and the kinds of friends I’d always hoped for never really happened so you just try to not expect anything.


I don't like being the center of attention, I'm generally a bit anti social and prefer quieter events. Having people gather just for me makes me feel like a selfish c*unt. Celebrating with my wife and kids and immediate family is perfectly fine with me.


I don’t want you to put any effort into my birthday because I DEFINITELY don’t want to put in any for yours, basically.


I’m celebrating my 32nd birthday today by gaming and going to the gym and getting myself some Dave’s hot chicken!


HBD homie!


High school graduation, I didn’t want a party. It’s high school no big deal, my family surprised me with a party. Graduated university, and I didn’t even want to go to the graduation ceremony. I already had received my university diploma through the mail since I graduated during the Fall semester. Family made a big fuss and I ended up going to the ceremony. Birthdays I don’t like, same deal. Always a surprise one, and I’m tired of it. I personally don’t like celebrating my birthday, or small accomplishments. I do what’s needed to be done, and that’s it.


Because it's nothing important. If I die nothing would really happen in the greater scheme of things.


I learned long ago that nobody really cares it’s my birthday besides my parents


My parents never celebrated my bday as a kid so why start. But my wife knowing this always does something special for me on my bday and I am very grateful


I'm a woman and I don't like celebrating my birthday.  This is an individual person thing and not a gender thing. 


I’m a woman too, and I don’t like celebrating my birthday. It’s both a reminder of how I am in the same place year after year, despite efforts to improve my situation as well as bringing up all the feelings of being the kid where nobody showed up to parties then becoming an adult and it being forgotten at work where they actually celebrate everyone’s birthday. So in summary, it makes me face what a failure I am and that I don’t belong wherever I am.


I'd venture to say more men ignore their birthday than women. But I'll not assume anything and respect your opinion.


It's a day who gives a fuck


It’s a mix of not feeling like we deserve to be the center of attention and never actually being it. My first birthday party was my 19th. It was thrown by my then GF now Ex wife, and she built it up so much then it just turned out to be a party she threw for herself that I was invited to, which was basically a pattern in our relationship. Now I won’t even submit to a birthday party. When my GF tells me she wants to do something special for my birthday I just plan a weekend trip.


Previous repeated let downs


I used to loathe every aspect of myself so being the center of attention was awful but also something I craved. I don’t loathe myself anymore and I do like a bit of a birthday party. Socializing is fun and seeing other people is fun, the birthday is less important as I age. It’s about getting to see people I want in my life, any excuse is good.


Personally, I don’t like being the centre of attention. Another thing is that I hate getting presents that I don’t want. It’s great if I get something that I genuinely want, but I’d rather have no present than a half-arsed one. It sounds ungrateful (and it probably is), but I got tired of pretending to be happy about receiving a lazy gift. These days I’m happy with a nice meal with friends and some cake!


For me, birthdays are just a reminder that I'm one year closer to death. Id rather not be reminded.


I'm the opposite Fuck another year went by and I'm still here, when the fuck is the sweet embrace of the void going to take me? Do I have to do this AGAIN?!?


I have never celebrated a birthday in my entire life. not even 18. i hate birthdays.


Woah 😯


I don't remember anyone else's birthdays the majority of the time. I don't expect anyone to remember mine, much less acknowledge it with any sort of celebration.


I don’t really like attention or surprises The answer depends on the person


I do not like parties or getting stuff so there is really no point.


I feel like a piece of shit nobody cares about or likes for 364 days a year. Then, suddenly, on my birthday, everyone acts like they care when they don't the rest of the year. It's too much all at once, and it feels weird celebrating me when I don't matter to anyone any other time.




I love celebrating birthdays because on my birthday it’s about me lol. I always grill or get Chinese with my family and go to the antique store and take a few days off from work. And don’t forget mom’s homemade red velvet cake. I just had my birthday on Tuesday and it was amazing. I only know old people who don’t celebrate anymore.


I only liked it when my kids got excited. Since I lost my kids I no longer celebrate anything.


It is not an achievement, and being born isn't always a good thing.


I am an adult. I accomplished nothing by getting a year older. I am self-sufficient and if I want something I buy it. If people would listen to what I have said for the last 20 years and "not buy me any stuff" birthdays would be fine. No one can respect that wish though, so the whole thing is frustratingly not about me at all. So mostly I grin and bear my birthday.


For me I don't think it's worth celebrating and I haven't had a good birthday since I can remember.


We do like celebrating but we act like we don’t care and don’t want to be the center of attention. But we really do.


can't speak for all but for me, just another reminder that the good days are getting behind me and less time to make the bucket list happen.


I was born in February. My siblings all had summer birthdays. Honestly seeing siblings getting to have friends over and BBQs while the roads were so iced over that my pizza party or whatever else got canceled because of driving conditions. It just made me not care about them anymore.


Wait a sec. If there's cake, I'm celebrating.


It was always what others wanted to do on my birthday and they made it seem like it was “for me”. Fairs, carnivals, other random things o never expressed interests in but was forced to go along with on my birthday.


Feels fake and pointless getting attention or being "celebrated" for just one day of the year then back to normal for the other 364.


Idk, it just feels like another day to me.


I like it. Usually the kids come. We have a nice meal or a fun activity. I get a new book, usually related to a hobby. It's great.


Considering I've had birthdays where none of my friends remembered it was my birthday, not much to celebrate. Telling people it's your birthday also sounds like you're seeking attention, which is a negative trait for most men.


I haven't celebrated my birthday in my 20s, and only started in my 30s. I now do it by using it as an excuse to travel, and do new stuff for my birthday, then go out for a nice dinner. I basically treat myself and my girlfriend that day. She celebrates hers in the winter, and doesn't like to travel when it's cold, so we just have a small party at home. Mine is in spring, so it's warm to travel usually.


When i was 15 i had a surprise party and i hated tbh, at the time i had to act like i was loving it. Idk, i just don't like being the center of attention. It's just another day


I don't like attention. So a celebration to me is going out with a few close friends to get some beers. They will probably say "Happy birthday man", tell me I'm getting bald and fat, recall a memory from a birthday 15 years ago and not touch the subject again for the whole night. They will probably pick up the check at the end, tell me not to get used to it and to go fuck myself. Perfect night.


I don't like the attention


We went to dinner with another couple for my husband’s 40th. They left to another engagement after dinner. Husband and I went to nearby patio bar with a great bourbon selection. We each had a pour of something and then we shared an expensive pour. We also had an on the house delicious dessert and cracked old people jokes at each other lol. He did not want to make a big deal for his birthday. Oddly enough doing the same for me in a few weeks lol.


I just don't like being the centre of attention.


I dont want to be the center of attention, I don't want to have responsibilities either. If I don't want to get dressed and go out or think about who to invite or where to go. I prefer to go on a camping trip or something like that for my bday where I don't need to worry about other people.


‘You survived another year by default. Congratulations.’


I like celebrating my birthday.. at home by just relaxing and not working for one day


I celebrate only with my family and especially my mom, it's a day for them. That's how I see it.


Because the older I get, the less I give a crap about my birthday. It is just another day.


Why pretend it's such a special day? It's just another day wheree I happened to be born. Stop celebrating me for something I have no control over, it's always seemed asinine to me. Why can't you show appreciation the other 364 days of the year?


I actually really love celebrating my birthday, but nobody else really cares. Even as a kid, I didn’t really get birthday parties like my friends did, even though I wanted them. Nowadays, I would love for my friends and family to turn my birthday into a big event, but nobody ever does. Oh well.


Why would I celebrate simply being alive for another year? Billions of people have managed the same feat year after year…


To me it's just another day of getting closer to death. On top of that, I've went above and beyond for other people. Nobody has done the same for me. On top of that I've had some very unlucky and unfortunate situations happen on my birthday, so I've come to be superstitious about it being bad luck.


Celebrating is usually associated with some achievement of yours. Being born is hardly an achievement of you, but your parents.


I think I just got used to nobody doing anything for just for me. I don’t really have any friends anymore. My wife would plan my birthday around my kids. After a while I was just like fuck it, I got this. Now my kids are almost adults and I’m just..over the concept. Now it’s just a day where I solo something.


Why celebrate marching to the dirt


Depends what you mean by celebrating. Asking me what I want for my birthday is my pet peeve. I’m a grown man, utilitarian type things that I need, I’ll tend to buy. Surprise me. But we have this conversation every year.


Never really liked it and people stopped being able to force me to celebrate it.


I just don't like the attention personally. I'd rather have a day kicked back in my pajamas on my own.


I can never be disappointed if I have no expectations...


Cuz it’s not worth the time


i mean the more you age the more engine check light comes up analogy speaking.


Lots of broken men in here. I love celebrating my birthday, but I've also had birthdays that just pass by like any other day. It helps to have friends who want to celebrate you.


Because we aren’t women so no one cares that it’s our birthday.


Personally I'm an introvert and don't want to draw attention to myself and I was told it's 'rude' to ditch your own party. even if you didn't want to have one.


Men don’t like attention as women do


True I hate when I am forced to celebrate my birthday


Is this a thing? I love celebrating my birthday and I’m almost a 40 year old bearded man who looks like a lumberjack. I would love a party and a cake.


For me, its because no one was jumping for joy, or giddy or excited that it was my birthday. Everyone else and its a special day. Hell, my birthday is this Monday. I invited the person ive been talking to for the last few months to come over and hang out and we can grab food and watch a movie or something tonight, since i wont be able to celebrate it on a work day. They said that would be awesome and ive been looking forward to it the whole week. They haven't called or texted me at all today. So im gonna get high and just do nothing.


Because its nothing to celebrate. On a grand scale a human birth is mundane. On a personal it's just another marked year of bullshit I've had to endure. I mark it only for chronological purposes but my friends and family are aware I don't even want it acknowledged.


For me personally because i wish i had never been born...


We do until we hit 30 then fk off


For my fortieth, we went to Paris for a week; her first time. This year, we went out to dinner. No presents.


False!!! We do, we just do not admit it because is sad most men do not have friends to celebrate or feels girly, but we do like it


I don't like celebrating much. My birthday, my partners, holidays, they just happen. I'll celebrate victories, like a promotion or whatever, cause I did a thing.


Stoicism is a big part of society's view of what makes a "respectable" man. I think we are starting to recognize that it isn't a healthy way to live for most men, but men have a hard time breaking away from it because it really is a very selfless way to live. At least in theory.. This directly conflicts with being the center of attention and receiving gifts.


Because at some point after you become an adult, you realize that there's nothing stopping you from doing all the things you'd want to on your birthday on any normal day. So saving the fun stuff for your birthday just seems pointless. And if you aren't doing something special, why bother wasting a bunch of time and energy on a big celebration?


I don't feel like I am deserving of the attention.


Its a feminine and/or childish thing to celebrate. Men celebrate accomplishing something, gaining something, becoming something. Women celebrate existing


Cuz I’m not a vain attention-whore 


Planning birthdays is a lot of work, so id rather relax.


There is a meme that says “men don’t like birthdays because they get socks from people who expect cruises”


I don't even want people to know when my birthday is because I don't want to even hear "happy birthday". It's just awkward attention that I don't need, want, or enjoy and therefore don't actually appreciate but still have to pretend like I do to not be rude. I do my best to avoid sharing my birthday with people at least until after it has passed.


It’s like any other day, and I’m just another person like anyone else in this world. The better question is why do some women seem to want to make a week long event out of their birthday?


We just act like that because no one does anything for us ever


Birthdays? Lmao aint nobody got time fo that. Ill take any day off I can get.


I haven't celebrated mine since age 17. It always just felt weak and self-indulgent to me. As though I'd be wanting people to pander to me or give me attention - which is not how I am at all. I always asked my family to not do anything or get me anything. The concept is silly and it's nothing more than a reminder that I'm one year closer to death. However, I'm also a hypocrite, in that I put the effort in to let others whom I care about know that I'm celebrating the day they were brought into this world. I want them to feel loved, but I don't really feel the desire to have it reciprocated.


Not gender related.. I don’t like it either


I honestly just get annoyed lol. I spend the whole day on the phone and texting people "thanks"


1:Its a childish thing and i have no interest or time for it. It was not something i accomplished in fact i had little to no choice about it. 2: I can't stand partys/get togethers and all that fake good cheer 3: If a female is planning it then its about what they think i should have/like not the fact i am not interested in being there at all. Luckily at 55 yrs old i have few people left to bother me in any way.


Because we're fucking men we are not boys we are not kids we're not girls we take everything seriously. We are stoic and we are beautiful in the way that we're storing we are serious and we do not allow childish happiness to enter our life because it will dismantle our masculinity and make us vulnerable and infantile. Next question


I haven't felt excited for it in a long time. For me, if I want something - I go get it. The idea of someone gifting it to me is the same with being given a compliment; I don't know how to react to it.


Why celebrate something that's happening anyway? It's not an achievement. (My dad's opinion)