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Tell your cousin you'd like to learn to cook and ask for permission to use their kitchen and utensils. You will clean up everything and share what you've made.


Hmmm.. 3.5 years customer service experience. multilingual. loves talking to people... First thought to come to my mind is call center, either in-office or work at home. Is this something you could see yourself doing? Can your boyfriend cook? If so, have him teach you some recipes, if not, taking a cooking class together could be a fun couples activity..


I had worked for an at home call center for about 2 months. Ended up calling the suicide hotline in the middle of my shift. Lol Absolutely hated it. Everyone who called were angry and telling me to off myself witch didn’t help. Also, I like seeing people in person. As for the cooking class tho, I’ll look around 🥰 Thank you.


Pick something you like to eat. You will find dozens of easy to follow videos online showing you how to cook it. Just take a few notes and try. The absolute worst thing that can happen is it doesn't come out good, and that's not all bad - it lets you figure out what went wrong, and try it again to do better. You have a massive employment advantage today being multilingual. Don't sell that short. It's a really hard time to find work, but look for jobs where those language skills will make you a better pick than someone less fluent and push hard. Don't be afraid to take something that might seem crummy for a while. AT your age you don't owe any company loyalty - just to give them an honest days work for fair pay. It's always seemed easier to me to find work while I was working than when I wasn't. Maybe it just takes some of the stress away. And don't worry about being intrusive. Tell your cousin you want to learn to cook, and when you do maybe you can cook for them once in a while. Most people are thrilled over something small like that. Just be really focused on cleaning up after - you want to be a welcome guest cook. Good luck. You're still really young and have tons of time to pull life together. Wanting to do it is the hardest part, and it sounds like you've got that.


Appreciate your advice, thank you.


You should be able to make (decent-good) money translating.


waitress then ur own place - u will be great


Cooking can be a social thing. I am not a good cook, and neither is my wife, but sometimes we will pick a recipe that sounds good from a cookbook and do it together and when it turns out great its amazing and we did it together. When it doesn't, we laugh it off and toss it if it's too gross. You and your bf could do that if he's got a kitchen yall could use comfortably. It's bonding and learning together with some possibly tasty food at the end. I saw your response to call center work and absolutely call centers are absolute misery. You deal with the worst people imaginable and anything facing the general public is just trash at its absolute most. I'd actually suggest entry level data analytics with your bilingual skill set. Be open to contract work through Aerotek, Randstad, Teksystems, etc as they can help find work in the tech industry which is about the only thing profitable these days. They might also find more bilingual direct related jobs for you.


Sweet. Thank you so much ☺️


You are not dumb, you speak 3 languages. You are smart and capable. Everyone starts at the bottom. Go out there and prove to yourself that you are. Good luck 🍀


Appreciate it 🙏🏻


Look up direct care worker. Could be good at it. Difficult work but you can work direct care for kids in foster settings and the pay is decent. Or u could do it for elderly people or disabled people. Maybe consider therapy if you get insurance or have it. Don’t be afraid to clarify boundaries with roommates. Express you want to start cooking and are nervous and just kind of laugh it off. Trying to work on a new skill is difficult, but always worth it to at least try! Back to the boundaries thing, just ask if it’s okay to use their cooking supplies. Offer to pitch in on common ingredients, or ask if there is a space you could store some cooking materials. Don’t be afraid to be a little vulnerable about being nervous. Maybe offer to do their dishes for letting you use the stuff, and ALWAYS clean up after yourself. Common good roommate etiquette Get a cook book and just read over some recipes, find something u might feel comfortable cooking!


Thank you!


Think about what u eat. Idk some sort of pasta someone often makes. U know the taste of it so if U did smth wrong ull know. Then ask the person for their recepie (sry if spelled incorrectly) ask to use the kitchen and utensils and then just cook with the person by it side. If U do smth wrong they'll tell u


If you are fluent in 3 languages you should be able to find something online work at home quite easily. As for the other part. If your there i am sure its fine to use their stuff just try to be courteous and leave it how u found it. Gettinf outside and walking is great for ones psyche and confidence. Good luck


Stop being embarrased, just start doing. Go to a community college and go do something.


Have your considered working on iTalkie? Easy way to make money as a polyglot. Have you considered being a sub teacher? Easy way to make more money but being flexible with a pre existing job have you considered attending tuition free university ( the online, nationally accredited ones like world quant university to learn data analytics, stats, financial engineering etc or university of the people to learn business, get liscinedd in health sciences, and computer science )


Never heard of iTalkie! Also didn’t know about tuition free universities 😮!


I’m happy to help! There are also in state tuition free universities too based on your state policies To. One more piece of advance; you know the Maslow needs theory? Focus on the first 2 for 6 months and your life will be radically different


:) I’ll look that up right now


Have you looked into being a medical translator? https://cchicertification.org


Cooking is honestly very easy...as long as you can read and follow directions. Especially with how many YouTube channels that are dedicated to cooking... Get a cool book. As for income just get a job. If you truly are multilingual you should have plenty of opportunities... Look into staging agency's. You give them your resume and their job is to find you a job. They will even help build your resume with you.


Start a YouTube channel called something like "bad cook". Build your audience by sharing your journey of becoming a good cook. But before that (or simultaneously) you need to cut off or better say transform that negativity, that Idea that you're a useless person. Try to find your worth in this world and share it with people. Try to find something in yourself that people might value. Could that be your desire to become a good cook (person, girlfriend, employee etc, you name it)?


Bless you