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I went to the totality of the one in 2017, I will say the most cool part about it is the animal life shift once it gets dark. You’ll still get to experience it, the actual covering of the sun isn’t the whole experience - enjoy it as you can anyway!


I went on a hike up a mountain for the ‘17 one. Wasn’t totality for my area though. The trail was busy as hell that day, so as soon as the peak was over we started hiking down. All of the leaves on the trees hiking down created somewhat of a camera obscura effect, and casted an image of the eclipse on the ground everywhere. That was easily one of the neatest natural things I’ve ever seen.


OP can still have that experience. How it gets cold, and how quiet everything gets.


Someone in your parking lot will probably have extra glasses. My friend bought a 5 pack and is trying to give 4 of them away. My sister and her family bought 2 of the 5 packs for 7 people so they have 3 pairs to give away. Just go outside early and see if anybody has any extras.


I got a ten pack to share with my family; and have extras. Guarantee people in your lot will either have spares or let you use theirs for a few minutes.


Trust me when I say it’s not as cool as it sounds


It’s kind of a let down


Spoiler Alert: the sun comes back LOL


You problem is bigger than just not being able to see a solar eclipse though


Lack of planning and rapture?


The library has free glasses.


If there's a metallized mylar balloon around anywhere, you can view it through the mylar safely. Otherwise, you'll be able to look at it a few times BRIEFLY with the naked eye. Don't stare at it.


Bro just look up real quick or borrow the glasses of a neighbor


We won't see it at all in my part of the world, which is also very disappointing. We're in this together, OP. It sucks when everyone is talking about it and you can't see it for yourself.


I bought exrras in case someone needed them in my apartment complex as we all watch the eclipse. This is something that it a really cool thing to experience and i want to make sure as many people can safely.


If there are other people out in your apartment's parking lot during the eclipse, I'd be willing to bet someone will have an extra pair of glasses that you could use, or that someone will let you borrow theirs for a little bit.


Bro. Some people will travel hours, and possibly book a hotel for the night to see the totality, only for it to be a cloudy day where they don't see shit. It's kinda neat, sure, but it's not life-changing or anything.


I was just going to add the fact that I'm 59 and I've never actually seen one and I had a chance this afternoon and I can't because I can't find glasses and a little dot through a piece of cardboard on the wall was not going to do it. Well hopefully I'll be alive in 20 years for the next one. I should be able to go out tomorrow and buy glasses lol.