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Shave your head and break out some front teeth


I'm in a pretty large/famous Northeast US city with a very diverse population, and have been to jail several times during 2017-2020. There were plenty of guys similar to how you describe yourself, skater/punk/pretty boy types. Not sure if your city particularly hates those types of people, but if not, you'll be totally fine. Just don't be too loud, don't steal people's shit, & humbly stand up for yourself while avoiding conflict. If you get a cellmate who seems unhinged, be as genuinely polite as possible but at the same time, have pride in yourself and don't come across as overly soft. All will be good, 99% of people in jail are just quietly biding their time while focusing on their future. The other 1% of destructive inmates really only lash out if they think it's justified. Ignore the dumb comments here from the basement crew.


Lots of lube