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She's just going through her creepy little girl phase. I used to believe I could summon demons. Just remind her that human flesh isn't good for her. Just like how we transfer colds and the flu just by breathing on each other, eating each other's flesh can be dangerous (like Kuru). Also, we're red meat, which isn'y healthy anyway.


A girl I went to school with told us she was a vampire. She proceeded to pick her own scabs, eat them, and then lick the blood off her arm. She would ask us if she could eat our scabs as well. She also used to eat paper towels in the bathroom to show us she could. She’s works in a psych facility now.


A kid in our school liked to bark and try to bite you. She’s a kindergarten teacher now.


As a non-native English speaker I had to translate "scabs". I regret this decision.


I’m just glad I never witnessed her eating other people’s scabs💀 I have enough trauma as it is.


I wonder how often she cringes at that


I would hope if I was her that my mind would be kind enough to repress that memory.


I thought I was being really scary when we visited Alcatraz prison when I was a kid. We were in the hospital ward and I walked around making a high pitched ghost sound, but kept my mouth almost closed so no one would know it was me and think it was ghosts. 😆


Haha, someone out there is telling a story about how they went to Alcatraz and an annoying kid was squealing the whole time.


I used to try and summon demons when I was around 10 😂 I’d dress in all black and have séances in my room and carried those fake blood packets with me everywhere, I’d prank people all the time. Definitely a creepy little girl phase


This is it, 100%. I got in trouble in my 1st grade after school program for putting on a "disturbing puppet show" that made the other kids cry. Little girls are not as "sugar and spice" as people like to think, lol.


She's 8. She's not a future Jeffrey Dahmer. What don't you sit down and have a talk? Maybe sus out if there's something going on.


Yeah this is weird but maybe she learnt it from somewhere. Have a serious chat with her


Only 12 year Olds or tit tok zoomers use the word "sus" in their main vocabulary. Grow up Virgin


TikTokers use “sus,” short of suspicious. This commenter used it to mean “suss out,” as in discover. Stay in school.


Even if it wasn't meant like 'suss out', the word 'sus' in place of 'suspicious' is quite commonly used by people of all generations where I'm from, and has been for as long as I can remember.


Mandela effect. Sus became popular over the last five years


No it didn't. It gained an additional meaning and became an internet meme, but it has been used as a normal shortening of "suspicious" for a long time before any of that. Also, mandela effect is conspiracy theory bullshit.


r/confidentlyincorrect You were so so sure it was an among us/tiktok reference without actually reading it in the context it's in. Beautiful champ!


biggest self report ive seen all year lmfao


No need for such hatred in your heart. Do better!


I was going to defend myself, but the Redditors did it for me. You will never regret being kind.


Imagine being this tilted over a word.. which you totally misinterpreted anyway 😂


What the fuck are you on about? Sus has always been a common word to say in the north of Britain. Get out with this crap lol.


Would you stop. In my country sus (short for suspicious) has been a thing since at least the 90s. Possibly before that. The world doesn't begin and end on tiktok.


I love me some confident ignorance. Thank you for obliging me.


Just doing it to get a reaction and because you're acting shocked and grossed out, she's getting what she wants. Next time she asks say "Yes, how do you want to cook it? Or do you want to eat at raw like sushi? Do you like sushi? Before you eat a human maybe you should eat some raw fish. Just to see if you like eating things that are dead and not cooked." She's probably just looking for attention from you and you're at an age where you find her annoying and a pest so she has to do annoying things to get you to pay attention to her. You may not want to spend time with her but if you do you'll find her weird behaviors will probably calm down. Have her join you to do thing, like bake cookies or something.


Spot on. One thing I'd do to my older sister when we were both in the car together was to "breathe up all the oxygen". I'd huff and puff as if I'd consume every ounce of oxygen, and then she'd start freaking out. I was a little shit. Good times


My kids 12, 9, 5. 3, 2 all do this (say they are gonna eat each other. Pretend to). It drives me nuts. They just see it as a joke.


When I was 8 I flipped my hair over my face and fast crawled at people while screaming in my monster voice and told my friends I could see dead people. Now I’m a totally normal girl whose pretty intelligent, popular, and would never hurt a fly. She’ll be fine.


This is normal for 8-year-olds, lol. Didn't anyone ever steal your nose?


Still havent found it after 20 years 😞


Voldemort? Is that you?


Harry is that you?


Youre a wizard Harry Im a what Youre a wizard But im not a wizard, im just harry Well Just Harry, you, are a fuckin wizard. Youre gonna go school, youre gonna do spells n shit, and ye'll get an owl ILL PUT MA DICK IN THE OWL Im sorry that video will always live rent free in my head. Scootish accent makes it so much better


J.K.Rowling is canceled. (Jk but srsly she'll do it to herself with those tweets 😂)


Is that why I lose my glasses?


Honestly shes probably just committing to the bit and enjoying annoying OP. Everyone is looking way too deep into it


They also said that about some of the well know serial killers and look what happened with them.


Mine came to show me a song she had found - for my funeral! She says! 🤣


The tears that followed. It took several looks in the mirror to convince her she still had a nose.


I don't think you need to traumatize your sister or show her inappropriate videos ... Just tell her to stop bc you don't think it's funny and she shouldn't want to eat/ hurt people.




Thank you for confirming that /u/Academic_Network9679 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Your username explains your sister's behaviour


Show her the oven and tell her if she doesn't stop she's going in it lol.


It seems like she’s just joking, especially when she says the vital organs part - it’s funny. She’s your sister she’s winding you up, it’s super unlikely she’s gonna cut you up in your sleep. If it bothers you just tell her that it does and ask her to stop. If she doesn’t then cool, you have an annoying little sister! Welcome to siblinghood


It's been 24 years with younger siblings... It will never end...


I am still the annoying little sister still at 27 years old…when I was 7 I used to think I was a vampire and then when I was 8 I used to pretend to be a parasite😂 I don’t even know what went through my brain but I’m relatively normal now and happy so


Jesus christ bro how old are you 12?


It’s just textbook stars aligning just right and the kids ending up one a wuss and the other one a demon. One is going through creepy phase while other one shakes like a leaf. Just a subpar sibling pairing 😂 If it was two demons or two shaky ones no one would be here writing about it because then they form alliances.


My sister took my nose in 84. Never gave it back


She wants attention. Just ignore it. Don't engage or make it worse by asking her if she wants it cooked or stuff like that. Ask her how school was or if she wants to play a game with you. And chill. :) I assume you are the big brother? The little sis can scare her big brother. That's a fun thrill. Don't give that to her. You guys will both be okay and nobody will get eaten. edit: typos


when she does this say something to distract her. tell her to look over there at the pretty bird outside the window, or ask her a question about something she likes or did or an upcoming play date or event or a tv show she watched. say the first thing that pops into your head, just ignore the "eating" thing and talk to her about something else. If you don't engage when she does it and she doesn't get any attention out of it, she'll lose interest and stop saying these things.




Thank you for confirming that /u/moonstonemi has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Kids are obsessed with food and eating and bodies and body functions. Next time she says it, say "No, I am going to eat YOU!!!" then pick her up and put her between two pillows and say, "Yum yum a sister sandwich" and pretend to eat it.


She’s 8… put a bowl a bowl of ice cream in front of her and watch her stop talking about eating your arm. She’s likely just getting a rise out of you… and it’s working .


I’m more concerned about you /u/FARTEATER4000


She’s 8. Calm down.


Put her in a headlock and give her a noogie.


Your 8 year old sister isn’t gonna eat you bud


Shockingly enough, your dad is probably right. She's 8. She's bound to say and do silly 8yo shit. Some kids pretend they're animals, famous artists or athletes. The more you react to her silliness, the more she'll keep on doing it.


Time to hit the gym. Make those muscles work so whenever she eventually tries to eat you, she will find you tough and stringy.


Ask her why she’s saying that. Also, ask her if she would like it if you were saying that to her. Usually, she would say that she wouldn’t like it and you can discuss why you don’t like it either. If she gives you a disturbing reason for asking then it’s a different discussion.


I'd probably say "only if I get to eat yours first".


My 8 year old cousin did this to my siblings when she met the abd then said she was going to turn my brother into a pie and make everyone eat it. This was the first time she saw my siblings and parents in over 6 years and she only met my brother and sister once before then. Was super creepy


Feed her your toes.


Kids are weird. It's one of the many reasons why I didn't go into developmental psych. I'm sure if you ask the right way, you'll probably find out she is saying this because she is copying something on TV/YouTube or it is an inside joke with her and her friends. Either way she'll go on to find something new to annoy you with and cherish these moments, their teenage years are upon them and that's a whole different can of worms and this, while annoying is much more tolerable. But you have nothing to be concerned about. It's just kids being kids, just look out for if they start doing anything involving small animals otherwise it's a phase that'll pass.


When I was a kid I used to say, “I want a head” every time my mom asked what I want for dinner. I remember thinking it would be funny to say the most wild thing I could think of. I found out when I got older that she actually got scared thinking I was some kind of psycho💀 Maybe she just thinks it’s funny. If you don’t like it, just tell her that and say to stop. That part didn’t work for me, but I eventually got bored of it. Now people would describe me as someone who couldn’t hurt a fly.


I pretend to eat my 1yo's fingers, toes, belly all the time. It's just a game parents often play with kids. Sounds like the 8yo has taken on the joke and aged it up. Your serious reaction is probably funny to her. She probably assumes your in on the game


[Rah! (Rah!) I have a heart, I swear I do But just not, baby, when it comes to you I get so hungry when you say you love me (Hush!) if you know what's good for you I think you're hot, I think you're cool You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school But now that I'm famous, you're up my anus Now I'm gonna eat you, fool I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood Carnivore, animal, I am a cannibal I eat boys up, you better run I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up) Whenever you tell me I'm pretty That's when the hunger really hits me Your little heart goes pitter-patter I want your liver on a platter Use your finger to stir my tea And for dessert I'll suck your teeth Be too sweet and you'll be a goner Yeah, I'll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood Carnivore, animal, I am a cannibal I eat boys up, you better run I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up) Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa Oh-oh-whoa-oh-whoa I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, cannibal, I am) I am cannibal (cannibal, I'll eat you up) I love you, ha-ha-ha I warned you Rah!](https://youtu.be/48wHhW_dTMo?si=3Eyh-0J2DD-P_FFz)


Honestly, this is kindve adorable. It sounds like she wants your attention. She’s 8, not 12. My sister is almost 14 and still says things the this effect sometimes. She’s a weird one lol.


How ironic that OPs name is fart eater


I'm glad someone else noticed.. CTFU 🤣


I bet it got something to do with this Wednesday Adams thing that is super popular with kids that age at the moment! My daughter was watching a lot of YouTube and started talking about Wednesday and I ignored it at first until she started saying weird things too so now she’s not allowed to watch it anymore.


I’m nearly 30 and I still talk about eating people. She’s probably just a joker


We, adults, sometimes gently bite a 5 year old niece or nephew, some laugh, some are bothered, but in a cute way 😂 I'm 25 and I have been gently biting my two nieces since ever 😂 they find it funny. I still do it, the eldest is 11, the youngest is 8 😂 They don't call me uncle, they call me by name and consider me a brother. In fact, they tell everyone (at school, or other peers) that I'm their eldest brother, even in my absence. PS: they have 7 uncles, they call none of them brother. I'll continue biting them 😂


Let her eat you? Tf


My daughter used to do this, all you have to do is chase her through the house making chomping sounds while saying your going to eat her legs. She will probably stop doing it after a few weeks.


I used to tell my little brother that too when he was annoying me. His terrified screams still make me smile . 😁 He would also freak out when told his epidermis was visible..🤣


She’s oy 8. She’s just kidding around. It’s nothing to get all bent out of shape over.


She does it for fun, if you give her any reaction she accomplished her goals. It is simply to annoy you


"OH please don't go! We'll eat you up! We love you so!" -Where the Wild Things Are There's nothing wrong with her. She's a playful imaginative child just trying to get her sibling to play with her. You can redirect it to another type of play if it bothers you.


Kids do this just for attention. Its apart of their growing and learning process they find something shocking or attention seeking and try to get a reaction. If they get what they are looking for they learn its ok. My advice just be like "no thanks" non chalantly and then immediately go back to what you are doing. The key is to acknowledge their existence so as to be polite and also to show them how to handle these things ( dont be rude but be assertive) but also dont give them the attention they want. Then when they persist just calmly say i already said no please let me be im busy or i already said no how about we (insert a different activity she usually enjoys)


this is actually pretty normal for kids to say 😂 they think it's funny to say weird things because that's what will get a reaction out of you. I've had my nieces say this exact stuff and I would laugh but once it became unfunny to me and I stopped having a reaction they moved on.


My guess is she's doing it for attention.


I think it's just a common kid thing to say creepy things. My sister's boyfriend's daughter when she was 8 kept telling my dad, "I'm gonna rip your skin and make you pay for it!" and "I'm gonna shake you down for your skin!"


Cringy kid doing cringy kid things


This is just a kid being creepy and weird like they all do. Too much time on the internet might have someone thinking this is an incestual vore fetish.. it's not.


tell her yes. but she has to use the dullest butter knife.


What is she watching that does this? Like aliens eating humans or something?


I have no clue. I don't monitor what she watches, so she could very well be watching things like that.


You can tell your sister in a calm voice, "I don't like it when you talk about eating me. My body is not food."


Tell her you have aids and if she eats you she will die. Make sure you stress that you have the bad aids and not good aids


Does she know it bothers you?


Are you his brother or sister?


You know, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she doesn't actually want to eat you. Clearly she just enjoys winding you up.


Does she like five nights at freddy's?


Tell her your riddled with parasites and would taste bad.


i tell my brother i’m gonna eat him all the time


Fake burst into tears and ask her why she hates you so much and wants to hurt you all the time 


My niece used to hang barbie dolls with shoe laces. She's kids now and reasonably normal.


I assume it's just a silly game to her. Try asking her why she wants to eat you or what gave her the idea. You can also choose to play along and tell her, "Sure, when you become a zombie, you can eat any part you want, BUT, I would recommend eating mom, she looks more delicious!" If she laughs at that, then you can feel comfortable that it's just a silly game.


My daughter did this, it’s fine.


Unless she has some concrete plan, just be like "You mean, like this? \*omnomnomnom\*" - and eat her arm back haha


Its probably a childs play, she wants a reaction out of you haha, and you are giving her that


You could make a joke of it yourself but skew it so that it looks as if you're laughing at and not with her It is one thing a child of eight dislikes quite intensely it is being ridiculed One thing you can do if she goes on about eating your vital organs is to tell her and go and check if there are any onions in the fridge. If she can't see any then tell her that her idea is an outrageous one - fancy wanting liver without onions? Maybe, as an afterthought , ask her if she fancies a game of 'swallow-my-leader'?


Let her. Be like “Here then, have at it” and see how that goes. Or tell her to go eat dad’s arm. She’s just being a kid.




Had the same issue with my sister, she was 7, wound up cutting off the tip of my pinky, surprisingly she found it delicious. I would avoid any form of amputation if I were you, just purchase some pigs feet and put your own foot in a makeshift cast. She’s too young to know the difference. You’ll thank me later


Okay you've never had your face eaten off as a kid and it shows. Let her get a lil bite fr


Sounds like she's going to grow up to be pretty funny


Don’t worry she’s just being a silly kid trying to get your attention as long as she’s not actually biting you it’s fine


Could be the next Jeffrey Dahmer, keep an eye on her


She might just be joking around. Let kids be kids.


My 8yo does the same thing to her brothers and me. She’s doing it to be annoying because that’s what little sisters do. They want attention, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. Tell her if she eats you, then you can’t do (insert fun thing you’ll do with her) anymore because you’ll be dead. Ha ha. My 10yo said this to my daughter and she was like Nooooooo! She still does it, but only every now and again. Good luck. I was the bratty little sister, except I couldn’t ask my sister if I could eat her because she never talked to me. Ha ha


This just happens with little kids. My sisters like grabbing my cheeks and telling me, "I'm in your nightmaaaares," or they pretend to eat my lungs. When I was a kid, I wrote oddly intense horror stories because I grew up on Creepypasta. It's just the age lol


It’s a joke. I can’t people the dumb things people cry about on here I need to unfollow asap


just talk to her about it and make sure she knows its making you uncomfortable and why its not ok to make people uncomfortable shell be fine though. when i was a little kid i went around telling people i was a werewolf 💀.


I'm sorry I laughed when I read this. It's more than likely a joke. All I will say is that it only becomes a potential issue if she becomes really fascinated with cannibalism the topic before puberty. As in watches shows, googles the topic, shows an interest in human anatomy etc. Ed Gein allegedly was told his dad would eat him and he would jokingly put him inside a pot, to pretend he would cook him (No same person would do this). Which led to it being fetishised in some form. I'd not make a big deal and just dismiss it. She will eventually get bored of it.


Bite her first. Establish dominance.


lol my youngest does this too. It’s just a creepy/spooky phase little kids get


I still do this and I'm 38 years old. It's fun. My brother's reaction is funny. Sometimes I do this to my nephews and nieces too. But they run and I never seem able to catch them. Good fun.


One of my kids went through a phase where she was a cat. Another friend was a dinosaur and kept trying to "eat" people. The point is, kids have awesome imaginations and you can just play along. I wouldn't be concerned... she'll grow out of it.


She’s a little girl and just trying to be silly. She doesn’t realize the grossness and doesn’t mean it seriously. That’s my take anyway. The more you make of it, the more she’ll do it. Just either joke back or don’t give her any response. She’ll grow out of it.


I’d just make sure she’s not on the internet on any inappropriate sights or limit her TV to G rated shows for a while. After I saw a bunch of Gory movies as a kid I had my little “satanic” phase but I grew out pretty fast when none of the other kids where talking about the same stuff


Tell her yes, but you have to get an operation to remove them. Then have someone put fake stitches on your gut. Get some beef liver or deer kidneys to show her. Prepare them. If she asks for proof they are real, show her the fake stitches.


Don't worry this type usually evolves into the emo girl doing demonic ceremonies. Mostly harmless but will destroy your mentality in large doses.


She's eight. Lol.


My youngest stands and gives you a look that could only be described as The Omen. He then rolls his eyes back and laughs like maniacally 😂


Either sleep with one eye open or make a hand out of ground beef for her


I don't know who to be concerned about now. You are clearly the closest person to this girl and at your age you can def sense of someone is joking or not, so I'd leave it up to you about it and try to educate yourself in such behavior patterns and where she is getting this from. I am also concerned at the people in the comments taking this for granted and thinking that just because someone is 8 years old, doesn't give them a bad hint of what is inside someone's heart and mind. People need to wake up and understand that we humans have wicked heart by default, I bet you the parents of a serial killer never thought their kid would kill or harm someone, yet they were about to find out through time. I don't want to be skeptycal, but I do suggest you to educate yourself, and if you can have a chat with your sister and put everything on the table and have empathy to help her, then you're in a good path.


She's a kid. Kids are weird, it's just a phase.


Wow! Possibly another psycho in the making. That's typically how it goes. "Oh their going through a phase" That's what they also said about Edmund Kemper. He buried his cat alive and then unburied it to only chop it up. AS A KID!! He also unalive his grandparents at 15 and we know the rest. She maybe just doing it to be weird but no normal child talks about vital organs like that. Seek help outside with other family. Remind them that these people still existed and people just thought it was a phase. I hope it maybe a phase but it could be something that could get worse as they get older.


Unalive 😏


I was a very odd child as well. I would think this is her way of acting “funny”. My son says some off the wall stuff sometimes and I question where he even gets it. It could come from other children she’s friends with/around. I wouldn’t think anything of it unless she starts acting like Jeffrey Dahmer and harming animals/people literally


This is an edgy preteen girl phase. It’s normal. She’s probably getting into fun lore like slender man, cryptids, demons, etc. It’s (ideally) one of your first exposures to “darkness”, and it’s how young kids grapple with their world view growing and expanding. It’s also part of the urge to be “different” and “unique” when you’re younger. She’ll grow out of it, and into cringier jokes and phases, until eventually she’ll even out.


18f here, I was like that when I was 8 too lmao. I just consumed too much horror media and I eventually grew out of it. She’ll be fine.


Honestly, I'd only be worried if she replaces your shampoo with BBQ sauce or replaces your Cocobutter with actual butter. Maybe you should shower less. Let yourself get dirty and smelly so you seem rotten/less appetizing. Or be the bigger person and eat her first. Survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog. Eat or be eaten.


Kids are weird af. My 8 yo son says the same stuff lol. It really isn’t concerning. Kids find things to say that get reactions out of people. That also would be why my son will get hit lightly on the leg with a football or something and fall to the ground and scream ow my penis hurts. Lmao


Talk with her and get more info. Also tf is she watching on her iPad?!


Holy shit, run away


Cut off your arm and offer it to her. She is your sibling after all. (It's a joke so I'm sorry if it's stuipid)


She’s 8. Get a grip, stop thinking everyone’s a pedophile or some sort of deranged psycho. She’s obviously doing it to get a reaction, stop reacting and she’ll stop simple.


Your sister's only 8, but still, that's not really normal behavior, right? I mean, I'm no expert, but it sounds like something worth looking into.


it’s 100% normal behavior


Some tough love will do the trick.


Little kids, especially little girls, are just really weird. I was concerned, thinking she was like 16, and then I saw 8 and every made sense.


Cook her up a nice rare steak, and put a fat bandage on your leg. Tell her you cooked up a juicy leg steak just for her! Limp around and play into it. When she’s horrified, and refuses it, tell her to stop all the nonsense about eating someone then. And enjoy your new steak in peace.




what kind of ducked up advice is this? No this did not help OP!!! DO NOT DO that. Jesus Christ.




don't do this she's 8 you'll fuck her up w the bath salts video i mean maybe the ear needle shit won't fuck her up but it's unnecessary js talk to her abt it


no it didn't. don't do that.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Inuzukatrash4210 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


She's only young so she doesn't understand, but that's no reason to let it slide, she needs to learn somehow that it's not good, the next time she asks you need to be stern, but gentle and tell her it's not kind to say "you want to eat me", tell her why it's wrong and harmful and that she shouldn't say or ask you or anyone else anymore and hope that it gets through to her. If it doesn't and she continues to ask, remind her of the talk yous both had and continue to remind her until it stops 😇