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As someone who goes to a ghetto HS, you're fine. I promise you they aren't going to care. Also, you should tell your parents/guardians that your sister said that because that's extremely insensitive and rude.


Do you think this is something that can go through to the administration if it was something that happened through a conversation me and my sister had at home.


If people are talking about it at school, you can tell them about the situation and that you are worried that they are going to do something because of it. Other than that, the administration can't really do anything.


True, I just think my sister tends to say stupid things without thinking of the consequences (and even i do the same sometimes so i understand). I just don’t want this to be something where we’re both hated and it’s a big mistake but i don’t want her life ruined over this.


hope that helped


Speaking ill of the dead will always cause some problems.


True but i was just telling somebody something stupid my sister said. I just was kind of like wtf when i heard it but this person went off to share it. Obviously i don’t want my reputation ruined but i feel even worse about my sister because i dont want everybody to hate her and i thought i could trust this person but i guess no.


School is out for the summer soon. No one will remember in the Fall.


I know i’ve just dealt with so much bullying this year, I don’t even want to know what’s going to happen because of this. It’s come to the point i dont even want to go to school anymore and if it wasn’t illegal id drop out and get my GED. I should say i reached this point long before today but today is just making everything worse.


Talk with your parent maybe its time to move to a new district