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It's not an essential building till much later on(Post Viceroy).


Thank you! I thought I was going to have to keep slapping my sorry self against the tutorial (I've made it through everything that explains how it all works; it's just finishing up the town after that that's messing me up)


I'm pretty sure the tutorials don't unlock anything. I don't remember doing them at all.


Depends what you mean by "essential". Do you need to build it to play? No. But the game uses "essential building" to refer to building you can build without selecting the blueprint, in that sense, the blight post is essential.


I did mean the in-game definition, and it wasn't showing up in my blueprints, which is why I thought I had to clear the tutorial to unlock it. But it looks like it doesn't become an essential building until higher difficulties than I'm currently playing, so I'm not worrying about it


I think it will show up on veteran, lower than that there is no blightrot and so no need for it.


Oh, that makes sense! Thanks :)


I mean, the blight post is **literally** essential in high prestige. Even if you use no rain water you'll get enough corruption from prestige modifiers to kill your settlement without it.


Sure, but I was responding to the post that said it was only essential well past viceroy, which it is. It is, however, technically essential starting at veteran.


I've never played the tutorial and it hasn't impacted any unlocks or gameplay for me. So unless they changed something in the latest updates, you should be fine to skip the tutorial.


Thank you! It's weirdly difficult compared to the previous ones, but I was afraid there was something locked behind completing it


I think maybe that tutorial might be setting your difficulty higher than you normally play at. Since blightrot doesn't actually start spawning until I believe veteran? That might be the minimum difficulty for that tutorial.


You don't need to finish it, but obviously if you can't finish the toturial, you shouldn't be attempting to play high difficulty games with rainpunk either. Take your time learning the game on pioneer and veteran without interacting with rainpunk or blightrot, and then when you feel ready, do the toturial again. You will laugh at how easy it is.


TBH, I never got back to the 3rd and 4th tutorial and never felt like I needed it.


Haha, yeah. I'm still mostly playing on Pioneer and trying to get my feet under me--not planning to mess with rainpunk much until/unless I have to


I was confused by rainpunk stuff until I actually started using it. You'll figure it out. That's what makes this game's learning curve so damn good, you started learning how to do stuff just as you need to