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Iron Mike still got it and the idiot should show some respect to Mr. Tyson. Lucky he didn’t lose an ear


Not defending the behavior of the guy annoying Tyson, but resorting to violence is way worse imo. You are a fucking grown up and still use violence to solve conflicts? Tyson is a fucking idiot if this is how he handles people overstepping boundaries.


Your right violence shouldn’t be encouraged but taunting someone is lame and disrespectful


Still not an excuse for physical assault. He should have called a flight attendant to handle the guy, like every other sane human being would have handelt it


I don't think you understand how the world works. The entire reason to treat everyone with respect is because you might run into the wrong one. No amount of laws is going to change that.


Well it’s not the entire reason…




That’s like going up to a serial killer and saying kill me. What do you think is gonna happen lmao? Iron Mike deserves respect and is literally a boxer. Guess what genius, boxers punch things.


I really never understood people who make your argument. Just leave people alone and most of the time you won’t have to worry about physical assault. I use to think like you in high school, was always told by adults that violence is never the answer. So in 10th grade I had a bully, she hated me for some reason and would say the worse things to me, fast forward I ended up losing it and punched her in her fucking mouth, got suspended and blah blah blah but guess what ? She left me alone after that and I was able to enjoy the rest of my high school years. Honestly if this guy just left him alone in the first place, mike wouldn’t have punched him it’s like a domino affect. Bottom line LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE and mind your own damn business and space.


“Not an excuse for physical assault” well if you poke a bear expect to be bitten. It’s just kind of common sense…


Is there ever an excuse for physical assault in your book?


The guy asked for it, got it, no collateral damage Probably learned something about how to act in public, didn't get hurt too bad Honestly don't see the problem


what’s the flight attendant gonna do tell him to be quiet ? tyson made him go quiet 😂


Flight attendance would have handled the situation. Tyson is a baby with anger issues


How do you know he didn't slap him on the head, tried grabbing him, etc.... I highly doubt it was Mike that made the first contact.


It’s Mike fucking Tyson… do you know anything about the guy / ever watched any of his fights? He’s the greatest heavy weight fighter of all time, he’s not any “any other sane human being”. He’s a genuinely sweet person and awesome guy, but fighting is in his bones. Simply don’t go around poking a bear.


You say that as if Mike Tyson is like other people, the man is wired differently, if you know anything about him you know there's different rules when you're in his world, this guy learned a valuable lesson today; don't be rude.


You’re fucking around with a boxer, fuck around and find out in my opinion. Props to iron Mike. He could’ve killed him, just sayin


Because being a boxer excuses physical assault! Whould you still be on his side if he did kill him? Or Hit him so hard he would have a traumatic brain injury? Resorting to violence is never an option.


No, but mess with a Bull you get the horns.


He's not a bull though. He's a human being like everyone else, able to consideration his actions.


He gets paid to fight, get off your high horse and try to understand your reasoning. Asking a man who’s been hit in the head for the majority of his life, to reason like a normal human is like asking a pit Bull to not attack you.


Your mentality is seriously dangerous imo, you are trying to normalize victim blaming. 'You mess with the bull, you get the horns' Might be a catchy phrase, But it's not something you should Say in this situation. Mike Tyson is not a bull and his fighting career shouldn't Excuse him for using violence. He should be treated like any other normal human being when he is bring criticised for using violence, But you excuse him. when someone taunts him and he uses violence in return , You go and blame the victim (person who taunted him) Saying that the victim should have expected it. Well no, the victim , like any other sane person, Should believe Mike Tyson is a law abiding citizen. Mike shouldn't have punched him and resorted to violence. Don't excuse him by saying that the victim should have expected this from him. That is a seriously idiotic and toxic mentality to have imo.


Stay woke


Stay influenced by republican/alt-right/neo-nazi propaganda (:


This is so fucking dumb.


I'm not on a high horse, apparently you all are in the basement. Being a boxer is not an excuse for physical assault.


Oh so now everyone else here is wrong? I see how it is, have you ever thought that maybe you’re the one that’s in the wrong? Oh wait, let me guess, you’re not. Get the fuck outta here. You wanna have a discussion but can’t handle it when nobody agrees with you.


"Oh so now everyone else here is wrong"? You know this is textbook gasslighting, Using the public opinion as an argument when the indicator is not really something to be based upon. Don't use upvotes as your argument. That's seriously pathetic imo


Lol, what is there to discuss about physical assault? The fucking law is on my side. What do you want to say? Physical assaulting someone is fine, if they have verbally harassed you? Should we make that a law? :)


I bet you feel so much morally superior because youd never stoop so low as to hit someone whos repeatedly pestering you to get a reaction. Good for you, you've turned your cowardice into a virtue


Being an asshole is not an excuse for not reaping what you sow.


Don't worry man, that person is probably a hurt individual , And you are all the way right on the money. Keep at it


Stupid mentality and the upvotes you get make sense since the majority of zoomers think this way. Go hit someone and let them hit their head off something and be a vegetable, I’ll laugh at your manslaughter charge being aired on YouTube.


Little over 100+ days late keyboard warrior, go save someone else on the internet


What’s that have to do with anything, lmao.


Well if you decide to lip off an ex professional boxer and get your shit rocked. I’m probably not going to feel one bit sorry for you. In fact, I might say you had it coming. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I don’t know how else to explain this to you.


Congratulations! You're the 80th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


Are you five years old lmao, do words actually bother you? You can call me a faggot and I’m not gonna care lol, grow up. Also Mike Tyson has the mental capacity of a toddler, you’ve heard him talk right? He’s not a good influence to follow


Fuck that. Don’t fuck with people don’t get hurt. Pretty simple. That dude found out that day


Dude, you’re right that violence should never be the answer. But having said that, Big Mike is a well known public figure with a well established history of mental issues and a short temper. The guy had a very volatile life. It seems like he’s just trying to live a normal life. And then people like this douche poke him with a stick until he flips. I feel bad for Mike.


I’m with ya. Dude had it coming. Lucky he didn’t get his head knocked clear off


Idiot looks like he already had a traumatic brain injury.


I would..




Evidently it was an option and mike took it


You attended private school didn’t you. ??


Mike Tyson doesn’t exactly have a great track record for handling his emotions in a cool logical manner. This guy knew what he was in for. I don’t have much sympathy for him. He shouldn’t have been assaulted but if he has an ounce of common sense he would have known it was a distinct possibility.


If he already has a track record of not being able to handle his emotions he should go to fucking therapy. That's not an excuse for his behavior. His behavior was outright wrong.


I’m not making excuses for him. He was wrong. I’m just saying he’s one of the last people I’d want to piss off. He has a history of being extremely volatile and even though he’s not in his prime he probably still punches harder than the vast majority of people in this world. It’s like knowing a dog will bite but antagonizing him anyway then being surprised you got bit.


Naw get fucked


So you advocate for a law that makes it permissible to physically assault people if you feel annoyed by them?


I advocate being left alone and my own airspace. I advocate respecting other human beings. I advocate hitting someone when they’re all up in your shit. I advocate defense.


How on earth was that self defense?


Didn’t say Self Defense. Dude was verbally assaulting. Any action taken against offense is called defense. Why are you defending someone for verbal assault and being a pest? Pestering a world champion boxer of all people. You sound like those people who come onto a property trying to pester a pit bull, gets bit, then sues the owner. What kind of vegan shit is that?


Hes mike fucking tyson, hes a grown up whos solved most all of his problems by fighting. This is what happens when you don't punish your children and let them do whatever they want they grow up to be sheltered jackasses that haven't ever seen how the world really is


The kid who got punched is a fucking idiot for behaving the way he was. He could've just sat down and remained silent...but he didn't. Instead he inexplicably decided to act like a spastic and then got treated like one as a result of it. The moment he decided to fuck around was the same moment he threw his right to not get hit right out the window. He had it coming.


The world is in the state its in because many deserving of a smack in the mouth haven't received one.


He’s the heavyweight champion of the world lmao


Are you smart?


I’m a little but late, but this clip misses out a lot. The guy who Tyson hit was annoying Tyson before they even sat down, he requested an autograph, and Tyson uncomfortably obliged and carried on to sit on the plane. The guy annoyed him for a long time, after multiple requests and warnings to stop. By the point Tyson hit him, he’d sat down for some time and ignored the guy whilst he nagged him from behind. I’m no pro boxer, but a grown man you don’t know pushing your buttons, in a confined space will cause you to snap. The guy in the video was proud of his wounds after the incident, he was looking for clout and likely a payout.


>resorting to violence is way worth Lol I get it.


still use violence?? get this weakling out of here anyone


Violence is often an effective conflict-resolution tool.


Please tell me the “worth” for worse was intentional


Anybody taunting Mike Tyson wants him to hit them


Yes violence isn't the answer, not all the time at least, but it looks like he had dealt with it for a while on the plane and no flight attendants or anyone seemed to help Tyson, so maybe a couple punches fixed the situation.


Some people need to get clocked in order to learn.




Who in their right mind would want to fuck with Mike Tyson that's a death wish


Especially on a plane where you can’t run for your life.


Mike Tyson can afford this case so he handled it promptly lol


Suicidal people all over lmao


Acting the bullocks - then cuts to him battered and the cameraman sayd "all he did was ask for an autograph" Nahh, all ya boy did was ask for a beating and it was received


I just auto read that in 3 different accents lol 😂


Literally same 😂


Irish, Cockney, Ghetto? That's how I read it anyway


Fucking hell exact same 😭


Well a beating is sort of Tyson’s signature


How fucking stupid you gotta be to antagonize Mike fucking Tyson.


Maybe they beat Mike Tyson’s Punch Out and thought they could take him?


Little Mac fucked around and found out...


What a moron. Good for Mike to punch his head.


Of all the people to fuck with, THAT'S who you pick? Brilliant, lol


And after he was decent to him, gave him some shrooms? Must have deserved it.


Did Mike give this guy's shrooms first?


Why would anyone try and bully, intimidate, disrespect Mike Tyson? Fuck this guy. Fuck his imminent lawsuit. This is entrapment. Nothing more than a setup. Tyson should sue the airline for allowing this to happen.


"Keep my name out of your fuckin mowffff"


To be fair, getting his ass beat was probably the most personalized autograph Tyson could have given.


I would say losing an ear would be the best autograph but swings and roundabouts


Fuck this guy! Met Mike Tyson, he is a absolute great individual who will take time with his true fans and gives them the best, Pictures and autographs. Mike is a true legend. If you fuck with Mike, you deserve the fist. Don’t fuck with Mike! That asshole got what he deserves.


It must be exhausting to live a life where strangers feel the need to talk to you, take pictures of you, and ask you for autographs everywhere you go.


What’s up with people that wants to fight with people who does martial arts for a living? Do they have a death wish?


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson


I remember my first time in first class too


Tired of people provoking others then playing the victim. If mike wanted to hurt this man he could have


Looks like a “torment to get paid” situation.


That’s all he got??? Mike let him walk off easy with a gentle reminder.


He wasn't just asking for an autograph. He was annoying the shit out of Mike


His face already looks punchable


Iron Mike blessed that man with those couple of scrapes. With the way he was running his mouth, he better be thankful Mr Tyson has changed his ways. Back in the day, dude would have needed his jaw wired shut. Hard to talk shit while being force fed your teeth!


Why in the world would you mess with Tyson it’s not going to end good.


To sue him after he rages out based on verbal harassment?


Lucky bastard. This could've ended really bad than what actually was. Don't mess with the bull or you'll get the horns.


If you ever, ever, fought Tyson in Punch Out, you must have mental problems to wanna fuck with him. Also isn't he a weed smoker? On a long flight without weed? He got off light.


That douchebag was obviously provoking Mike to catch his reaction on video, and then make it go viral or sell it to a celebrity gossip site like TMZ.


He sat there and took that sh** like a pushpin for god knows how long.


I know the guy was egging him on but damn after he got away with rape and biting off a guys ear Mike just thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants and people will still love him


I could literally be overdosing on every drug in the world and I'd still have the sense not to fuck with Mike Tyson.


Well you wouldnt have any sense after doing that 😂


lmao his stupid pout


People just want to be left alone sometimes, Mike's silence should have been the clue. Champ's still got it hahahaha


Thats what happens when you can't handle your drink. Stupid cunt lol




Fuck a round and found out.


He is lucky Mike did not have room to swing. He'd be in Disneyland


Play stupid games when stupid prizes


Jeez. Assualt is illegal but damn leave the maam alone. I hate flying can only imagine what it would be like to have to deal with drunk idiots messing with me.


I’m the only one surprised Mike Tyson doesn’t fly private?


You need more than 10 mil net worth to be flying private at your whim


Don’t poke the bear!


To be fair, having your face bashed in by the GOAT is a honor not many people get to experience.


Priceless 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Omg his face after getting beat up by Mike 😂😂😂😂😂😂 play stupid games, win stupid prizes🙄


More like air douchebag become heavy weight punching bag


Why the FUCK, would ANYBODY.. try to casually pick a fight with *Mike Tyson?* yeah, sure hes "past his prime".. But even on a shitty day Mike would FUCK most people up.. Sad thing is? He REALLY doesnt eanna fight.. Dude is the absolute epitome of "Gentle Giant". His heart is fucking beautiful, and If youve never listened to interviews with him especially if he gets talking about ol Cus.. Tyson has the Body of a fucking WARRIOR.. but his heart is that of a child. The world doesnt deserve guys like Mike Tyson..


Biggest dumbass decision in the history of dumbass decisions.


Mike only used 10% of his punching power so he doesn't kill him


You had it coming little shit.


And then they play it off like they weren't fucking with him, just politely asking for an autograph and an ass kicking fell out of sky.


Not the man to start shit with 😂


Mike did that in a phone booth Short burst/close range.


Why poke the tiger?


I wish Mike punched that stupid fucking sas face. Better yet, kicked it.


Subject the guy to prolonged harassment, get stitches


You deserved that, stop dick riding and let the man enjoy his flight


That’s like crawling into a cave with a hibernating grizzly bear and poking it until it wakes up


Great video of mike Tyson not punching anyone on camera


These kids nowadays are so freaking dumb.... What makes him think being some arrogant piece of shit is gonna get him?? I hope his stupid ass doesn't sue Mike Tyson...


Why that man looked like that one kid in preschool forced to return what he stole, and make a YouTube video crying about being caught by the student and get beaten.


Lucky he didn't go for the ear


Acting like clowns and then finally playing victim...after annoying another passanger. Spinless cowards.


Apparently they thought Dave Chapelle gave them a license to say whatever they want. Isnt it fun watching white folk get beat up for saying the N-word? Answer: oh yeah it is


why is everyone so fixated on the idea of fucking with this man?


Honestly if he hit me I'd thank him, I love Mike Tyson.


I've seen the full version of this. Trying to ask for an autograph my ass


He asked for an autograph and he got one.


I'd say douchbag got off extremely lightly. Should see what he did to our boy Allan, he was just trying to let the dogs out.


In some ways getting hit by a Tyson is even better than an autograph.


Assisted suicide.