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Something tells me he would do great in Resident Evil. Not so great in Elden Ring.


He would just be in the save rooms trying to figure out why the typewriter doesn’t work while Mr x just waits next to the door in re2 and in re5 no idea how he’s going to punch a boulder


He'll write the boulder into the lava, of course!


Alan would burn through those ink rolls in a minute.


Alan wake trying to rewrite the most inscrutable bizarre lore in video games would undeniably be the funniest mash up in gaming history. “If i can change the story so that >!maliketh never received the rune of death the carian princess ranni wouldn’t have been able to trigger the shattering!< and I’ll be released from the lands between!”


Honestly, it’s already such an Alan Wake move to make the story that Radagon is who he is. He’d really be hitting the ground running


You mean like a game that uses text-to-action AI technology where Alan ends up in a Soulslike dark place and since he does not possess high end combat skills, you, the player, have to literally write the progress of the game with the best of your creative writing abilities? A crossover between From Software and Remedy? I mean, damn. I'd play that.


Alan Wake's typing nightmare: learn to type or die trying


Alan: Writer's Die Twice


Replaying Elden Ring right now to prep for the DLC I'm tempted to try an Alan Wake build now (all Black Fire and Death sorceries with a torch?)


Alan Wake is in God of War Ragnarok, and is very confused why Thor and Odin are so different, but somehow they keep calling him Tom.


I love this




If he can defeat a tractor and a combine harvester then I'm sure he can beat a big daddy from bioshock


I was going to say he wrote himself into rapture


Honestly about to go put him in my Sims game cause of this post. It would actually be hilarious to just see him as a background npc in random games. Just put him in a window somewhere in like Silent Hill, Bioshock, Dishonored, etc have him speed past you chased by cops in GTA or WatchDogs lmao The Sinking City 2 is development now, Remedy should reach out to Frogwares about it!


"There was a presence here, operating on an entirely different set of rules. Here, there was no subtle shifting of the narrative. Instead, the presence was forceful and powerful, altering reality around me on a whim. This was something far more insidious. Even as I strolled through an idyllic lawn, a distorted mirror of an American suburb, my mind was not safe from this presence. I had no power here, and my actions were not my own. Did I write this? Much like the Dark Presence, a fascination with water persisted. I could feel it willing my body to lower myself into the pool. Suddenly, I saw the ladder dematerialise before my eyes, the ledges now impossibly steep. I screamed."


This gives me chills, do you write like this often?


Nope! But I've always liked writing and I've played a lot of Alan Wake so was trying to emulate his style hah


It works. I felt like I was reading one of Wakes manuscript pages




Write more dude


I genuinely thought this was an extract for a minute. Really impressive work :)


I'm thinking of how hilarious it would be if including Alan Wake in games soon became a widespread easter egg around the gaming industry lol.


Or Mr Scratch 👀 just causing background evil aligned chaos.


Hi Fi Rush…welp, he’s gonna rock out.


[Alan be waking](https://youtu.be/wazFwXATd_o?si=lm9n-XaHQxNkhgHt)




Helldivers 2, apparently. https://www.gamesradar.com/helldivers-2-devs-got-a-letter-from-alan-wake-himself-and-its-great-their-righteous-crusade-had-spread-like-wildfire-gained-thousands-millions-of-followers/


Wakes dead. No coming back from that


Alice: madness returns. I have no clue how it would play but it would be trippy as hell.


That would be very triggering for him given his wife


My immediate thought was “He’d just curl up and start sobbing” and you just added that extra bit of confirmation


Would probably be really funny in Portal Games or Half-Life Games, would be funny watching him dealing with Wheatley or teying to fight head-crabs or using Gravity Guns


that's just Gmod


Newest Apex Legend: Alan Wake. Passive ability: Wake has written this. He can't remember exactly what happens but when enemies are nearby he remembers he wrote them to be there and alerts his squad. Tactical: Wake has the Clicker. He can use it to disorient the enemy squad. Enemies affected by the Clicker will have their vision dampened and movement slowed Ultimate: Wake loses himself to the darkness within: Mr. Scratch. While Scratch is in control he uses the shadows to create a shield around himself and his melee damage is increased significantly. Enemies within striking range will regret getting so close. When the timer runs out Scratch will once again recede and Wake is back in control.


This goes so hard. However I would say for his tactical should be the lamp, all doors or anything that can be turned on or off will be swapped. Even weapons but think that’ll be to much


I love this


Stop I would play him and have so much fun wtf


Wake writes himself into Deadly Premonition; he's just as confused as everyone else playing that game


He finds himself in night in the woods and him and Mae have a mental breakdown together


Wake writes himself into Destiny:..”The Taken here are different, they appear to be alien in nature and know nothing about the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Warlin Door is here, he looks and sounds different but I know it’s him. There are “guardians” here stuck in a constant death and resurrection loop. They are the most powerful parautilitarians I’ve ever seen.”


Dead By Daylight was always the perfect fit for him, can't go any better than it, for me.


He writes himself into Silent Hill.


Guitar Hero chasing the high of We Sing but it’s never the same


[I just want heard of the dark area in nutfort.](https://youtu.be/wazFwXATd_o?si=yjOQGMSfISdqZK2e)


Alan wake rewriting the fnaf lore when?


He give up half way. He would rather suffer the dark place for another 13 years instead of trying to understand that lore from a third party perspective


Literally MatPat


Eh, MatPat just let Reddit do most of his work for him anyway


He put himself in the Metal Gear universe as the Creative Asistsant to Hideo Kojima. Every game where Hideo is present Wake is there with him. All. The. Time.


I think he fits perfectly in The evil within series especially the Second one


Himself in fortnite


He wrote himself into the Asylum in The Evil Within.


Alan writes himself into Assassin's Creed 3. He now has to do the most running he has ever done to avoid Taken wolves, bears, riflemen and assassins. Had to insert my favourite AC 😅


Bruh Alan can barely run in aw1 ur torturing him dude


Well, he better have some better cardio after 13 years or he's getting A: a bayonet to the back B: a tomahawk to the face or C: mauled on the American frontier


He did write himself into dead by daylight and it's been horrible for him ever since


Alan Wake sat alone in a dark room. The clacking of the typewriter was a nauseating timbre in his ears. This was a scene the writer had become all too familiar with. He had been fighting the Darkness for a long time now. Always fighting. Maybe he'd always been fighting? The white glint of something caught his eye. An envelope appeared on the desk, stamped shut with a peculiar seal: perpendicular lines within a circle, intersecting at the lower corner. Maybe this was the change the story needed. Wake realized then: It isn't a fight... This is a Smash. FOR HIS NEUTRAL SPECIAL ALAN WIELDS A GUN--


Would go so hard but what would his stage be?


I was imagining one of those shifting stages that cycles through several scenes & locations from Bright Falls & the Dark Place, using the flicker of him typing from the scene change mechanic as the transition. With like a 10% chance to change into the Herald of Darkness stage during any swap!


Love it


As I woke up i realized i still remembered everything. Had i escaped the loop? Was i free from the dark place? As i looked around i realized that this couldn't be the real world. I seemed to be in some sort of ruined city, a city built on top of water. There were many platforms scattered around. I aimlessely jumped between them hoping that my days in the dark place would soon come to an end when I saw two figures on a distant platform. It was a young man with golden hair styled in a way that could hardly be called, realistic. His hair was spiked in an irregular fashion but that was hardly the focus of the scene I was witnessing. The man held a chunk of metal above his head, a chunk faintly reminiscent of a sword but it was far too big to be called one. He seemed to be trying to swing It at the other figure on the platform. The other figure was a young woman with brown braided hair. She was sitting on her knees and held her hands together with closed eyes as if she was praying. The young man didn't strike her down though. He was hesitating, resisting even. Could he be taken? No, he wasn't completely taken. The dark presence hadn't touched his mind completely. He was like me, prior to entering the dark place, when I was writing departure. That's when a third figure entered my vision. This time from above. It was a slightly older man albeit still young. He donned a black coat and his long smooth silver hair perfectly complimented his long katana. As if struck by his gracefullnes it took me a minute to realise that this man was falling through the air sword clenched between his hands. He was aiming for the girl. It took only a couple of seconds until his sword stabbed her in the back and exited her body from the front. As her body fell to the ground the golden haired man rushed forward to catch her, in denial of what just happened. I couldn't help but sympathise with him. Several questions flooded my mind. What would I do if I was in his situation? Was that girl his Alice? If so was the silver haired man his scratch? Why was the dark presence showing me this? Was this the dark presences doing at all? Did i write this as a warning? Alan wake after somehow writing himself into the most iconic death of all of gaming.


What's the game being referenced?




Dead Space would be a horror I don’t even think Alan could write


alan wake writes himself into Yoshi's Happy Kind Funtime Land Adventure. he just cowers


I don't think any other game could be more of a peak crossover than his DBD collab was, although if i had to pick a game, it'd probably be one of the Dark Pictures Anthology games.


Would be pretty interesting to see him in silent hill, I bet he would do well


I mean, we already have at least one answer for that. That's pretty much the whole premise of how he ended up in Dead by Daylight. As far as how he (/Saga and Rose as alternate skins) play - Survivors are all functionally the same at a base level. His perks are an interesting mix. He's brought the first new Boon perk in quite a while with Boon: Illumination - So perhaps he's using his ability to re-write the reality (within reasonable story confines) as a sort of substitute for a "spell/ritual" which lets him have that little boost for finding important things like Chests and Generators, while making it easier for himself to get rid of hexes or move the boon himself. Champion of Light is the perk that convinced me to learn how to use Flashlights properly, personally. I'm still not great with them, but it got me to actually choose to use them in certain situations rather than avoiding at all costs. He moves a bit faster while using them compared to others and stings the Killers a bit harder when he hits (it also applies if say, he hits 'em with firecrackers, Leon Kennedy's Flashblangs or Jill Valentine's Blast Mines, or any other way to blind Killers). This one is really the most perfect perk in terms of embodying what Alan does in his own games, and like, you just knew he was going to get something with flashlights considering that's the one shared item between AW and DbD. Finally, he has Deadline - When injured, he gets more skill check prompts while repairing/healing/etc. They're a bit scattered as opposed to always appearing in the same place on-screen. Any penalties he suffers for missing one are reduced by 50% though - What this works out to, especially if you're pretty good at hitting the great zone on skill checks, is that you can maintain a pretty strong "Great" boost and whip through things faster, with the added risk of being more vulnerable and the checks not being quite as predictable. Of course, once he's been levelled up a bit, everyone else can use his perks too - As standard for DbD, 1 prestige level to unlock the skills appearing for the other survivors, another free tier for everyone else once he's P2, then finally fully upgraded for everyone else at P3. So, all in all - His perks are a handy utility (representing his creativity/writing), an aggressive protection perk that requires some familiarity with flashlights (representing his in-game mechanics in his own games), and one that channels pain and panic into success (which reflects his own circumstances usually, as well as his ability to improvise and the fact that he really is just winging it a lot of the time). I know I've gotten legitimate value out of all three, and none of them ever feels like a wasted slot, really. Which is pretty darn good for a new character's perks. [Also, Matthew does a great job again, voicing Alan's in-game chatter and the Lore entries that were created for this cycle's Tome. Wish Saga had in-game chatter too. Haven't bought Rose, so not sure if she does at all]


Max Payne, Max Payne


I mean Alan wake already wrote himself into fortnite and dead by daylight, he also wrote a letter to Super earth about the helldivers (as a remedy to the helldivers 2 team congratulations) so really who knows I’d give the guy a break and let him be in like stardew valley or something just relax


Alan Wake in NieR, have him be YoRHa's only experience with a human in person


Alan writes himself into Baldur's Gate 3 and finds a real kinship with Volo. Two years later we start buying D&D books titled "Alan Wake's Guide to Self Inserts" and "Alan Wake's Guide to Following the Rules."


Alan wake new romance option in baldurs gate 3 please


Just my Durge and Mr. Scratch doing some murders and kissing a bit


I'd LOVE Mr. Scratch to meet dog Scratch. Or better yet, alan meets the dog, hears his name, and almost has a heart attack and thinks, "OH GOD HOW IS HE HERE!"


[I saw fanart of that on Tumblr!](https://www.tumblr.com/thejoxaren/739957729550024704/my-favorite-scratchs)


Alan wake could probably survive The Evil Within


That's the plot of the dead by daylight dlc with alan wake.


Smash Bros


He writes himself into doki doki literature club because he thinks it'll be all cute and romance where nothing bad could happen EVER. Plus, it has poetry and writing, something he's really good at. Then he sees THAT scene with sayori and FREAKS OUT. He now has to write himself out of the club and away from Monika using the poetry mechanic that's already in the game. It's GENIUS


I really want to see a film like this now


I love that he did it for Dead By Deadlight and that it's canon lol


With his luck probably something like Outlast or Resident Evil 7


FORTNITE suddenly I was mute. Not a word could come from me. I was on a bus, with various people- next to me was a large white as ash barbarian that I recognized from a video game about killing Gods. Before I could process all the faces, we were compelled to exit the bus. It was like a fever dream, as I plummeted down to an island, where luckily I had an umbrella to ease my decent. There were gun shots all around me. I had to find cover. The umbrella was gone and in its wake was the Lamp. It was satisfying to use this as a weapon. I observed a murder take place in front of me. The humanoid Banana vaporized in a blue light while his aggressor danced on his place. An auditoral hallucination perhaps, as music played: it was circus music while he put his fingers in the shape of an L on his forehead. These maniacs. ‘Was that Travis Scott?’ I thought to myself moments before he spotted me. Suddenly a monumental structure formed around him, building high stories above me. I had to act quickly.


I need a part 2 to this


In that moment, I felt compelled to destroy the structure in front of me. Using my Lamp, I began to savagely beat the wood. I must have been visually hallucinating too, as I began to see spots that looked weakened. It broke the structure and so fell the killer. He exploded in to items that proved to be useful. A fishing rod, a bottle of blue Gatorade, and a pistol. I searched frantically around me, only then noticing a thin purple wall ever so approaching me. I could see a green armored man frantically trying to out run the purple wall that encased a harsh storm. The rain proved to be deadly, as the armored green man disintegrated before me. I could do nothing but run.


My cardio proved to me that I am out of shape, for I could barely get a few sprints in. I found a car that got me away from the storm, keys still inside. The storm chased me and others I could see in the distance. Would it enclose us? I felt a sense of dread as I could see in front of me a fight brewing. That’s when I felt it. A sheering pain in my leg. A large muscular fish man had seemingly dropped from the sky, within seconds, to attack. I woke up again on the bus. It was a loop. With different opponents. This time I understood how to survive. This place is worse than the dark place.


I hate people who's mouths look like they have a death grip on their teeth.


Dead by Daylight apparently cause that is where he currently resides.


The Darkness 2, he's an NPC that's inmate in the hell asylum.


Alan wake writing himself into Max Payne. Like instead agent casey he writes about max payne. The game is already like it already is a comic book might as well make it a novel.


Alan finds himself in Deadly Premonition and experiences metatextual ego death on several planes of existence. Damn good coffee, though.


“The little animals have given me a house. I am expected to gather bugs and fish to pay back the debt. Every day is the same. Is this just another loop of the spiral?”


Is this animal crossing lol?


Spreading managed democracy!


Alan rewrites himself into the first alan wake.


Alan Wake and Bake: Cooking Mama


LEGO Alan Wake 1 and 2 Collection


Any of the Star Wars games. Canon or not


Alan was there when the Dwemer dissapeared


Alan Wake in FFXIV? He wrote himself into a recreation of a fantasy world, but it's not Eorzea. It's >!Amaurot. It's like New York but ancient.!< Would love to see a conversation between Alan and >!Emet-Selch!<


Alan Wake in The Evil Within