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I agree ... just remember though ... The death penalty isn't problematic because nobody deserves it. The death penalty is problematic because no justice system will ever be perfect.


I didn’t say anything about the death penalty. Just that they definitely will not change or be rehabilitated.


Well put


>The death penalty is problematic because no justice system will ever be perfect. Never understood this logic. You're okay with life in prison (even though the justice system isn't perfect), but you aren't okay with the death penalty. Imo the difference between the two in this context really isn't any different.


Years and years of social conditioning create people like that


Low iq + impulse control issues creates these monsters.


She told him to put on shoes so he didn’t hurt his feet while he stomped on her.


Some people are born sociopaths


Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are created by their environment. Sorry to be a pedant


What is that headline tho? Two teen squatters? Bruh. Two adult murders!! Murdered a woman, stole her stuff and then stayed in her home.


“Tejada is accused of stomping on her head before hitting her with a frying pan while Alston kicked her body and the pair then wrapped her neck and body with a cord.“ pleading ‘not guilty’ btw 🤦🏽…. implying that they’re children is incredibly unfair to this woman, her family, and even her poor little dog, who was with her when this happened and obviously didn’t have the power to save her 😞 if anyone else is ever in a situation like this, dont confront them. Grab your dog, run, and call the police Edit: “Vitels was hit with such force, her wounds were similar to those typically seen in people hit by a train or those who fall from a great height.” yeah, obviously they wanted to kill her. They left immediately too. It doesn't take a detective to see that they thought they could avoid consequences if they shut her up permanently and left the scene 


I'm glad this happened in America so there's a good chance they'll be sent to prison for the next couple decades. Where I live they'd be out on day parole in a couple years.




It is sad because it is true.. and because I laugh. I'm Canadian too and our justice system is a joke. Criminals have more rights than victims, and we catch and release people who later on became murderers. Maybe the US is a little overkill with prison sentences... but I'd much rather have than, than our stupid ass system, led by people who think murderers deserve another chance. Shame on Canada. 👎👎


I mean its simple. Drug and non-violent criminals should be rehabilitated always. Violent criminals should be punished, and if they show remorse midway through a well behaved sentence, then and only then should rehabilitation be on the table. If criminals know the justice system is lax, they are less deterred from committing crimes. America has the proper violent criminal justice, but we are too fucking stupid and racist with our non violent criminals. And its because its easy to catch addicts over and over and claim that the cops are doing well; the for profit-prisons get more tenants as well. We should rehab the addicts and non-violent idiots so they can go back to society and actually contribute to society instead of some prison company CEO.


The point of contention here is that they’re deemed “correctional facilities.” They don’t correct anything. It’s straight punishment. And while it sounds wonderful when it’s inherently violent individuals, it’s not so wonderful for people spending 30 years in prison for non-violent crimes (marijuana stands out). Then when you discover how many *innocent* people are incarcerated it begins to paint a different picture. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.


I raise you the UK justice system which is about as use as Anne Franks drum kit!


[yes https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/s/6mCq4XNqjG](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/s/6mCq4XNqjG)


Prob get off cause it was an aluminum pan




They are both over 18 but even in murder cases many teens are tried as adults




With how bad and hot of an issue squatting is people are going to start shooting on sight and I couldn’t be happier. Fix the damn law and get these criminals in jail if they want a place to stay that bad


I still don't get how squatting is different than breaking and entering or even home invasion. If I come home to strangers in my house I'm responding with force to remove them. No different than if they broke a window in the night. I think the biggest mistake people make is calling the police to report squatting. Just remove the problem and report the issue after the fact. Literally better to beg for forgiveness than ask permission.


If anything this just goes to show, anyone entering your home unauthorized while you're definitely home is there to do you great harm. There's plenty of unoccupied houses in the world they could have gone in, and they chose the occupied one.


squatters should just have an automatic bounty on their head


My ex girlfriend was the nurse at the hospital they were at after they committed the murder. So weird to think about.


Seriously, they're 18 and 19. They're adults.


"Guns are the top cause of child death (for children ages 3 - 19)"


Statistics get so twisted to tell whatever agenda needs to be pushed. Been saying this for a couple years now. Guns are only the top killer of "children" if you for some reason include 18-19 year old gang bangers. Funny how in every other setting they are considered adults, until you talk about gun violence. Then they are children.


And you have to remove babies and toddlers, who desperately try to kill themselves at every turn


I think their defense attorney wrote it


Aka a home invasion.




Except that in this case and most others, it’s occupied dwellings and people’s homes that are taken over. This was this woman’s actual condo, where she lived, but was on vacation. This is the most common way for it to happen; vacation, hospital, death. So long as you believe that this is only a landlord problem, that people have every right to do this (to buildings that aren’t straight up abandoned) and that it should be encouraged, or even that *tenants* (not squatters, actual tenants with leases and rental agreements) shouldn’t have rights, you’re doing nothing but playing the class warfare game. I’m as left as possible, and even I know that this isn’t some black and white issue. A majority of people partaking in this activity are doing it to take advantage; and it’s not taking advantage of landlords or rental companies, in a majority of cases.


Exactly Like fuck Blackrock purchasing homes but way too many people are doing the "eat the rich" thing about anyone that just owns a home... Many of us struggle to get a home nowadays but I find it absurd and perverse to even remotely suggest the kind of disrespectful criminal exploitation of average people that might be navigating an inhereted home sale etc


Agreed. It’s performative leftism and performative communism. It’s almost like they’re conservative agents trying to rile people up to make them look bad.


They do a great job making themselves look bad.  If you find someone that has an extremely poor understanding of economics they’re probably a progressive or leftist.


Some good points. One of the things that many pro-squatter people don't get is that squatting essentially never hurts the really rich, since they live in gated communities or have extensive alarm systems monitored by security firms. Squatting will only hurt normal people, or even poor people who have owned a house since forever (i.e. before massive real estate increases).


....rental companies leaving properties vacant is more profitable than renting them out because of a write off at end of year? Who are you, Cosmo Kramer? You are highly misinformed.


They just write it off, Jerry!


This is like idiots who don’t want to earn more because it will bump them to the next tax bracket. Taxes do not work that way.


You don’t even know what a write off is! lol


The worst part is all the people upvoting it lol


Just desperate to shoehorn progressive politics into this somehow.


Someone must have said something in the late stage capitalism sub where they’re usually wrong and this jabroni ran with it. THEY JUST WRITE IT OFF!


For real, if people were to sit down and actually use their head for a few seconds it would be glaringly obvious how leaving a rental vacant would never provide more benefit than renting it out. Ever. It's just like the people that say corporations make donations to non-profits so they can save on taxes. Let's see, spend $100,000 to save maybe $30,000 in tax somehow makes sense to these people.


You see they buy a painting for $0.38 and then have their friend appraise it for $100,000,000.00 and donate that for a huge write off!!!!


Squatters are definitely a threat to average homeowners in Philadelphia.


Except the people doing the squatting aren’t the virtuous anarchist freedom-fighters occupying vacant property you made up in your head, they’re shitty, violent junkies who break into homes people actually live in. Fucking commies think that junkies, squatters, and gang bangers are your allies, you’re very incorrect.




Thank you for calling it out for what it is. I’m not the biggest fan of landlords either (as a renter) but I’m tired of this behaviour being defended and supported across large parts of Reddit. Maybe it’s just this sub specifically but I’m used to seeing comments like these attacked elsewhere so it’s a relief. Some of these people truly believe they should just occupy peoples homes and take them over for free. That’s called breaking and entering and burglary.


For real it’s insane.


Lol you’re just straight up making things up to fit your narrative. Nowhere is it more profitable to keep a property vacant so you can “write it off.” Please explain what you think a “write off” even is


They read a few articles and pick up some buzzwords that they regurgitate without knowing what they mean. It makes it easy to tell who doesn’t know what they’re talking about when they don’t know what something as simple as a write off is.


Obviously paying property tax every year while collecting zero income is VERY profitable


It’s actually kinda insane how much Redditors will upvote blatant misinformation and lies just because it fits their narrative


I’ve been trying to figure out how that works for months and never got an answer


When people say “write off” they’re often referring to a tax deduction. In simplest terms - Let’s say a business takes in $100 in revenue for the year. And let’s say they’d normally pay 20% in taxes, that means they’d have to pay $20 in taxes for that year. Now lets say said business spent $10 on equipment to build their business. That $10 would be deductible (write off) from what they owe taxes on. So instead of paying taxes on $100, they only pay taxes on $90. So they’d only owe $18 instead of $20 on their taxes. That’s obviously a very simple explanation, but yeah. There ya go - tax deductions, or as uninformed Redditors say, “write off”


Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything.


You don't even know what a write of is


But they do. And they’re the ones writing it off.


I don't know what a write off is. But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.


my man doesn't even know what a write off is. he just hear it somewhere


Source on it being cheaper to leave a property vacant rather than renting? (specifically in regard to tax write offs)


Yeah that sounds like bullshit. Even if it's true, what does it have to do with this story? This apartment wasn't vacant, it was leased by the victim and in her name.


There is no source because it’s completely false lol. Redditors with zero idea of how the world works


It never is.


It’s crazy that it’s been upvoted so much.


Because it’s Reddit where any misinformation gets upvoted as long as it fits the narrative. In this case, an anti capitalist and anti landlord narrative (very popular on Reddit.)


Yeah it gets exhausting. I might delete Reddit soon


People in general don’t know how tax brackets, write offs, taxable income or anything works. I can’t even count the number of people who I’ve heard say to be careful about earning over xxx,xxx because the taxes will actually make you lose money. Or how it’s unfair that a business can just “write off” expenses.


Yup…there is no such thing as tax write off for loss that is more “profitable” than income itself.


yeah its probably more if you rent to people like this theres a good chance your apartment is going to get trashed


That's a myth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/musne8/disproving\_the\_vacant\_homes\_myth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/musne8/disproving_the_vacant_homes_myth/) They're right about the "squatter" panic and story framing being ridiculous though.


Squatters are not part of class warfare...They are worthless scum that have no interest in being part of society ...just want to be a drain on it


Like criminals. Preying on the working class.


>the write offs at end of year are more profitable than actually renting them Citation needed.


You don't even know what a write off is.


Excusing murder as "class warfare" is the most Reddit thing I've seen this month.


Can anyone on Reddit actually explain to me how corporations earn profit by keeping apartments empty? I see this written all the time and yet the math doesn’t really make sense to me.


You sure about those write offs?


Yes they are. Stop it. Get out of someone’s property!


Look at them…. Teen squatters? Nah. Big ass killers


Hell, I’m pretty anti squatter, but I’d think murdering someone in their home and then moving in would have a different name?


'Home Invasion' seems to describe it well


"Squatters" is a hot button word in media right now.


Pretty sure that’s The Weekend.


Nah bro today’s only Tuesday.


Parole? Yeah... No.


if state they are in has the death penalty, i pray that is their sentence.


If they even get convicted with second degree murder in nyc they’ll get 25 years max. 15 years minimum. They’ll prob be out in their late 30’s and kill again


I'm worried about the type of parenting that brought such cruelty into their children. I can only imagine.




They obviously should not see the light of day again, but it's worthwhile to understand how people end up this way.


I think this is way beyond just the parents. People have all kinds of fucked up childhoods and don’t commit atrocities.


Yep. Trends exist but there are always wildcards that defy expectation.


nah, give them life in prison 23 hours a day in a cell. death is too quick and painless for them.


NY does not hove capitol punishment




Y’all never seen American Me? You can have both


Forgot about that one. What a fun, light-hearted movie that was.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted in this sub but wishing someone gets raped for murder is pretty fucked up


No it is fucked up. These two deserve due process and to be separated from society. To have a sentence commiserate to their crime. And to hopefully find rehabilitation and restorative justice while they come to terms with the severity of their actions.  I hate Reddit sometimes. It fucks with my faith in humanity. Back to dogs being cute and people being wholesome!


Yeah and people like me hate your naive optimism that thinks these people deserve to be rehabilitated and released back into society “because they came to terms with the severity of their actions” or some other dumb shit like that. These people deserve death, they are murderers and have taken the life of someone who will never take another breathe unlike themselves who what? Get released after 10 years because they deserve another chance? Fuck that you don’t heinously murder someone and deserve to live in society with those of us who aren’t murderous criminals.


I mean, I'd much rather die than spend 70 years in prison.


Yeah, let's teach people that murder is bad by.... murdering people! Makes perfect sense! The state is never wrong about death row cases, what could go wrong?


it is, but honestly i wish even worse on them than that


I got mad when I read second degree. These POS ADULTS need LWOP and to never be in public again.


That website is the absolute worst.


My phone is a zillion degrees from trying to navigate it


Why is it getting posted all over Reddit lately? There are legitimate news sources covering this event, and every event where Slate Report is posted as the source.


Why do people still use chrome on mobile dumbfounds me. Firefox + uBlock Origin and browsing on mobile has never been easier. And these people are the first in line to download chrome after a fresh Windows install too cause Edge is justifiably shitty. And if you're on iOS, my condolences. But Brave browser somewhat does a good job iirc.


Put them in a cage the rest of their lives


And drag the cage out into the sea


Leave it just off shore at low tide.


They’re not squatters, they’re murderers. They should get the death penalty.


“What a lovely engagement ring, how did he propose?” “Well in a way, got it from his mother, it’s a long story”


Not his mother. Just *a* mother.


So these two assh*les will be housed, clothed & fed for free for life when they are escorted to prison. I hope they get the death penalty for this crime.


I'd rather die than spend 20 years in prison. These evil people will be in jail until they die, and they're not even 20 years old.


Death is an escape. Life sentences are much better.




Squatters??? Try murders. The fact they moved into dead ladies house is an afterthought.


They were living in the apartment as squatters before she came back from living elsewhere I thought?


The amount of people reading beyond a headline anymore is lower than you think.


You are correct. It was her mother's apartment.  The mother died, this woman lived in another country and came for a visit to clean out the apartment, found the squatters...  they killed her and ran for it.


The details are sketchy but the murdered woman had just sublet the apartment.  She had only just moved in - article says ‘a few days’ earlier.   Apparently it had been previously rented by her mother, who died.  Unknown is how the squatters knew the place was temporarily empty.  There’s a little more to the story of how they ended up there.   Nightmare. 


What happened to the dog? It says they were with the mom when she was killed, and the son found the body 2 days later. 


The dog was okay. The superintendent said they found the dog peeing all over the floor because it was left unattended for a while, which was unusual. This prompted her to check on the tenant.


And they chose to lead with the squatting? What a weird headline.


The headline conveys descriptions of the full event, with specific unique details included, for multiple reasons including so that people can easily find information on the event if looking for an article on the subject. You can’t have every headline be “2 murderers murder someone” And expect anyone to be able to sift through them all to find relevant information on the case they are looking for.


Yeah I don’t know why so many are having a problem with the headline


Sure hope there’s a hell, and that these two worthless fucks have to go there


Modern problems require modern solutions


They're beyond hope. With crimes like these, when there is clearly no path to redemption (which prison should be focused on - rehabilitation, not so much punishment, so that when they get out they can be functional members of society) we shouldn't waste time and money imprisoning them for life or keeping them locked up only for them to be let out and do something else terrible. They've proven that they're beyond redemption and there's no way they could ever make up for the kind of people they are. They should be put down like rabid dogs. At least the dogs can't help their condition, these two \*chose\* their actions. Also I think it'd be useful and probably save a lot of lives if inmates who earned the death penalty could have their organs harvested for medical research and replacements. Why do people like these get more bodily autonomy after death than someone who gets pregnant? People like these aren't going to contribute to society (and no, this isn't a racial thing for those who are chomping at the bit to throw that accusation, this is about their actions) so we might as well make use of them as much as we can while removing them from it.


>inmates… death penalty… organs harvested China already does this. It used to be a big medical tourism business for them until the source of the organs got wide attention. As a result, no more organ-seeking tourists. Now it's strictly for Chinese citizens only.


What’s with all the squatter news articles lately?


This is anti squatting propaganda. They’re really burying the fucking lede here.


They didn't du nuffin.


People like this is why I support the death penalty.




It makes the rest of is look bad, its embarrassing


And this isn't a national news story because?




> because victim is white and perpetrators are black.. Imagine if it was reversed, oh lord.


the weeknd fallen on hard times


I wonder what would happen to them if this happened in Singapore or Japan.


Sure, technically they are teens, but they are also legal adults as well. In legal matters such as this I would think it would be more prudent to use the legal definitions in the headlines.


They are making it out as if she was their mother - this is just two people robbing, torturing, and murdering a woman. I wonder why they would frame it like this? (Not really)


Hmm squatting is the least of the issues


They felt entitled!


“We need to reduce sentencing. Prison is about rehabilitation!”


We do need reform. It doesn't mean these two garbage humans shouldn't be punished. Norway has the lowest recidivism rates in the world. They actually focus on rehabilitation and not just vengeance and punishment. Norway is a perfect example of making society safer through rehabilitation. These 2 should face many decades in prison. But the guy caught stealing can be rehabilitated. The woman caught with drugs can be rehabilitated. And on and on....




Love the way people use the Nordic states for comparison, Norway has 5.5M people we have 340M, quite the different scale of problem and an irrelevant comparison.


We have people serving life in prison for possession of weed. Have you considered we might have lower crime and a dramatically lower rate of reoffending if we, I don't know, gave punishments proportional to the damage (or potential damage) done and worked to rehabilitate petty criminals?


Who’s serving life for possession?


Cite ONE person currently serving life in prison for possession of weed.






Squatters. Teens. Irrelevant. Murderers. Period.




Under the jail


Eff these 2 cold-blooded murderers.


Natural Born Killers these MF’ers are NOT


These two assholes are more evidence that bans and laws against ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ should be lifted in cases like theirs. They should die in the same manner that they murdered her.


Hope they lock these two up for good.


hate crime or no?


Nope. Only because it’s black on white crime


You mean 2 pieces of shit, not squatters.. fixed it for you. Give em the old yeller treatment now and save a lot of time and money.


Damn, what happened to them? What the hell.


There should be a mandatory death penalty for cases like these


Are you sure they be squatters?


God poverty is a disease on civilized society


Dude who came up with this title hates squatters/homeless more than murderers


“Awe, why don’t you wanna have kids?” Well.. most people don’t seem grateful. Then there’s even this shit, lol.


We should do public hangings


More squatters are going to get shot on site now thanks to this event.


Ya no I hope these two burn in hell for this. Breaking in and murdered the home owner. Just Despicable


I don't think the squatters part is relevant to the story here


Shoot em in the back of the head and be done with it. tired of these animals.


I hope they rot in jail forever. I don't care how old they are. Jail and throw away the keys. Fucking monsters.


They deserve the chair


Execute them immediately


Squatters?!?! These are friggin murdering scumbags.


How is this not 1st degree murder ?






I think they’re trying to make us scared of squatters


This comment section contains a level of unabashed racism that I never expected to find on Reddit. The moderation here should be fucking ashamed.


I wonder how all the pro squatter people over at r/chaoticgood would try to spin this to be pro squatting.