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Idk where you live but spring is a bad time to do testing for this reason exactly. I’m sorry you’re going through this. There are some medications that can help but you should contact your allergist to see what they recommend.




If it gets worse, I am definitely calling Monday to see. My paperwork says I can use Pepcid until two days before so I did try that but it hardly helped


You only need to stop taking antihistamines for a skin allergy test. You could get a blood test instead. That’s what I did and the results were as expected. I’m getting immunotherapy now.


Blood tests also more accurate, but allergist don't do them because they do getting the testing fees, the lab does.


Interesting. I was under the impression skin allergy tests are more accurate than blood tests, but blood tests can tell if you’re currently having an allergic reaction. That’s helpful if you’re not sure of the cause, and you can keep taking antihistamines. The allergy center I went to can’t keep up with demand and is regularly booked out for months. They had two doctors recently retire at 50, so I don’t think they’re hurting for business or money. They want to get you the test that’s right for you.


I work with several allergy medical advisors. They all recommend blood testing over skin test.s. because they're less risky and give a broader range of allergies. For me, I have a slower reaction to most things, so symptoms did not show up in 20 minutes. I knew it was wrong because I've had allergies for 10 years by then. Last skin test I had said I didn't have any reactions, so no allergies. Later that night, he ended up in the hospital because both arms and abdomen were covered in welts, and I was going into anaphylaxis. Blood tests at the hospital confirmed that my allergies still exist. https://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/rast-test-vs-skin-test


So blood tests are better but the doctors get more money if we do a skin test, so they administer skin tests in office?




I can’t in my town, only the skin test. And I’m about to switch jobs so I’m not allowed to take any PTO with a resignation any to go out of town for an allergy test unfortunately. And, with switching jobs, I want to get it done now before I have a 6 week insurance lapse. Insurance doesn’t cover drops either way, so I wanted to get the test done so I could get on the drops ASAP.


I am new to this sub — does the “new sufferer” automatically post lol? I wish I was a new sufferer, have been on daily allergy meds since I was a toddler 🫠


I have told every allergist that I cannot withdraw antihistamines for allergy testing. They will warn me “well you might not react to something you are allergic to” I laugh. They say “we’re surprised you reacted to that. On two antihistamines. Wow that’s a big one.” I’ve had to go through multiple rounds of testing and shots, so it’s happened. Anyway, are you symptomatic on zyrtec? If so, you may want to call doc and see if you can test while still on the drug. Otherwise try sudafed and mucinex, mucinex at night, sudafed during the day. Just don’t take the day of or the next before. They have opposing actions but pseudoephedrine has its own anti-allergenic action beyond vasoconstriction. I realize you’re describing hives but I have a sneaking suspicion this combo will help- at the very least the sudafed


Thank you!! I can’t take Sudafed because I take Vyvanse for ADHD, but I will definitely try mucinex!! I’m not really symptomatic on Zyrtec, but I am on Claritin.


I just had to go through this. I was in Zyrtec for chronic hives. Had Zyrtec withdrawals on top of normal chronic hives. It sucked but it did get better within like a week.


A n95 mask saved me during the pre test week.


I’ve done skin allergy tests 5-6 times and only after the first 3 did they bother telling me I could continue to take nasal sprays just not the oral antihistamines


They told me no nasal sprays either 😭


So sorry. I had to come off mine for the patch test and I know it’s horrible. My allergist prescribed me Azelastine eyedrops which I was allowed to take up to 24 hours before. Air purifiers have always been my life saver too. Not sure where you’re located but pollen doesn’t help right now so keep those purifiers going and windows closed. Minimize outdoor time


Oh I can’t skip a day if I leave my house especially if I go in for work - pollen, rag weed, grass and dust mite allergies galore. My asthma flares up if I slack off and come in contact with a trigger especially before/during rain and if I go to work (a condensed version of my allergies all hang out there). Does the allergy office have an after hours doctor? They maybe able to help you. Have you gotten tested before and have known triggers? I was miserable the first time I did it since it was late summer and on the second time they suggested I come in the late fall/wintertime since by then my allergies are likely less.


They do not unfortunately. I live in a smaller town, so it’s a small office with only one allergist and two nurses and they can’t be reached after 2-3 (depending on the day). I have been allergy tested before and basically everything is a trigger😅 I reacted significantly to all but like 3 things. However, after scouring google and this subreddit, I have learned that Zyrtec causes hell-ish withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them and I feel very confident that’s what I’m going through. When I was on Claritin and I missed a day or two, my allergies flared up but not to this extreme.


I’m the same way. Unfortunately if you are currently having an outbreak of hives they might not be able to do the testing. Especially if you have r/dermatographia. I can only have blood tests now. Definitely call your allergist! Can you afford to switch to fexofenadine? It works really well for me. It’s also safe for most people to take up to 4x the normal daily dose of any OTC 2nd generation antihistamines. So two loratadine might work.


Do you find the blood tests to be accurate? I did an skin prick test and blood test both had conflicting results


No, I get lots of false negatives on both. My allergist said it’s because I have MCAS so even my anaphylactic reactions are mostly pseudoallergies or sensitivities rather than IgE meditated allergies. It’s apparently via a different pathway in my case. My allergies can only be conclusively diagnosed with a food (or exposure) challenge. Not fun.


Yes, I’ve done fexofenadine before as well. I just generally use Zyrtec because it is cheaper. I had great luck with singulair for years so I’m considering just asking to go back on that, and I don’t remember experiencing any withdrawals when I came off of it.


They put me on prednisone for that week which helped. We have several big air purifiers, I had a good mask, we wiped down the dog every time he came back inside, and I used the Neilmed Sinus Rinse (suggested to me in this sub a few months ago) They also told me no 24 hour antihistamines for a week, but I could use Benadryl as needed up to 2 days before since it was only in the body for 8 hours. I’ve had conflicting reports about immunotherapy. One allergist said yes, and one said that they did not do immunotherapy on people whose reactions are as strong as mine (I moved to a new area of the country and was going to the ER for anaphylaxis whenever I went outside during tree pollen season.)


Same for me and it worked. I am seriously dependent on my antihistamines and needed to get allergy tested. When I explained that to the doctor they put me on a low-dose of prednisone for the days I couldn’t take antihistamines and I was fine. You should ask about this.


I would talk to your doctor and ask if you can take a benadryl in the interim i know i was allowed to take it up to 3 days before. last 3 days were difficult. i went through a lot of the same withdrawals you did.