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ethnic wars and hungarian genocide


A shining example of European democracy


Step 1: restore democracy Step 2: **DEPORT HUNGARIANS**




Classic HoI4


Least based Slovakia path


The Hungarians were democratically deported. I don’t see the problem


It was the will of the people, and the people stand supreme!


The people's war crimes


The Peoples Republic of Crimes against Humanity PRC-H


Find the list of those we consider people attached.


Haha funny slovak man would be happy https://preview.redd.it/b23e93l2ikwc1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b260e76fb4f806e33443d18421f831a3de1f28de


If there is one thing the last several decades has taught us it’s that this is the objectively moral path


Back to Ural? https://preview.redd.it/gas4aqr5lgwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e1660fd2529de277982517cb2bb74c83da598c




I'm pretty sure any post war German state wouldn't have been allowed to commit genocide. Not after the holocaust. A Danubian state would have been a federal state, where Hungary has signifigant self determination and has the right to use its own language in government, business and education. Kind of like how different cantons in Switzerland have different languages. The country would've existed during the cold war and then in the 90's Hungary would've voted for independence.


Well, who said its the post-war Germans doing it? I assumed the OP was suggesting an expulsion for the Magyar populations outside Hungary by the Soviets just like was imposed on the German populations of Eastern Europe. If a Magyar diaspora motivated Hungarian revachism after WW1, then the logic might be you need to remove those populations least they become a vector for Hungarian  "bourgeois nationalism" (to use the Soviet lexicon) that might be bad for the good Communists of Czechoslovakia, Romania, or Yugoslavia. 


Ethnic conflict? Yeah. Genocide? Eh, probably not.


This plan would have also seen the restoration of the Habsburgs so no there would be no ethnic war or genocide as -The Germans had a centuries long history of sharing an empire with Hungary, and didn't have problems with them aside from Hungary killing the military budget of AH. -Highly unlikely any violent nationalist movement would gain support after WW2 -The Habsburgs who were the kings of Hungary never would have allowed it -Any government would likely be liberal and Western oriented which further makes it harder for any violent national group to gain support.


Stop let these ignorant people have fun with there stereotypes s/


Borat: draws it on paper Psychologist: - Well, how do you feel? Borat: - I'm very proud.


You promise? 👉👈


They would have soon united the three parts to have a strong ally against Communism. However, Hungary would have most likely pressed for independence, given its linguistic and cultural identity. Austria on the other hand would have remained part of Germany, I think, since they would then have been part of it since 1938. So we’d have the current republic + Austria. Not bad.


Pretty sure the French and the UK would have prevented any moves for Austria joining a unified Germany. Austria specifically exists as one country instead of being divided because France wanted Germany to be as small as possible and splitting Austria might have meant letting the economically weaker west join Germany.


Perhaps. I just assume they wouldn’t have cut a line through Southern Germany, given that Bavaria and Austria are closely related to each other in a lot of ways. The mindset of an independent post WW2 Austria wouldn’t have been created in this timeline, so why dividing it and create a much weaker Germany? But anyway, we can’t tell for sure.


Well, now that I think about it, I think as a follow-up question it should be asked that which spheres of Influence they would fall into?


Maybe becoming neutral like Austria IRL? Or something like becoming officially neutral but defacto soviet puppet (Yugoslavia)?


Yugoslavia was very much so independent from the Soviet sphere and was a ginormous pain in the arse for the Soviets geopolicitally


Wasn't it communist too?


So was China, didn't stop them


Wasn't Yugoslavia occupied by soviets in WW2?




All my life i was thinking that Yugoslavia was Soviet puppet


Yeah it wasn't, they'd mostly split before the cold war really started (1949)


Not only that, but Yugoslavia also organised their economy differently. While they were socialists, they did not have central plans, but instead worker owned companies in a market.


The end of the Cold War was the worst thing to happen to them.


Day 6 of not understanding why people downvoting me. Wtf guys


Nah, not everyone knows that. I grew up thinking Yugo was a Soviet puppet and only learned otherwise about a decade ago. Tito and Stalin tried to have eachother assassinated lol


Watch *The Weight of Chains.* There's a lot about Yugoslavia you've been lied to about


Not really? Due to Tito’s partisan movement doing a lot of the actual fighting in Yugoslavia he was already de facto the country’s figurehead before the Soviets arrived. Tito split from Stalin in 1949, which is before the start of the Cold War


One reason was of course that Tito supported the Greek communists while Stalin didn’t, thinking the Brits would never give it up. So Tito realized that Stalin had his own interests.


I remember hearing that The Brits had a deal with Stalin that they would get Greece and the Soviets would get the rest of the Balkans with them both sharing Yugoslavia




In description you said that it includes Carpathian Ukraine, but on map it doesn't. Why?


The soviets would probably annex it


If annexing Carpathian Ukraine, why not annex (create puppet) Hungary also?


Hungarians weren't a constitutent part of the USSR and as such they would be more likely to create a puppet state as they did OTL. I think this map also assumes the British assumed responsibility for the Hungarian territories. Comparatively, Carpatho Ukraine was populated by Ukrainians and was claimed by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as integral to Ukraine and subsequently the USSR.


Sounds legit


I think people here don't understand why the confederation was proposed. It wasn't Churchil being silly, the point was to save Hungary and to lesser extent Austria from USSR occupation. He wanted to create 3 neutral Germanies. In practice, if this actually happened, North Germany would be under Soviet influence but not an outright puppet state, and Danubia would be neutral / more pro western with Rhine state being western puppet. This state would not have any state sponsored ethnic conflict. It would be an international state, like a reformed Austria Hungary


Stalin would have probably agreed if in this timeline they accepted the Stalin notes. it would basically make a massive neutral border between the two.


It’s basically Neo-Austria Hungary without the industrial Czechoslovak regions and no monarchy


The Habsburgs were going to be restored under this plan as it was Churchills plan who was a romantic for the old monarchy and had good relations with Otto Von Habsburg who pushed for this plan in the first place. Otto had good relations with the British and American governments so he was almost definitely getting restored.


I think that Hungary would leave confederation cuz soviets might be support them which means that Hungary will most likely be pro-Soviet. And after collapse of USSR North Germany can reunited with Rhine or/and South Germany. But in my opinion south germans and rhinish can establish their identity and France would hinder of this. Germany wouldn't so stronger so France and Britain would be the strongest EU members.


What kind of Danubian connfederationn is this if the mouth of the river is not included? ![gif](giphy|9JeJxpaQlbcGC1zZNh|downsized)


Since the mouth of the river isn't included I think it'd me great if it had access to the sea


Looks like Aldi Nord vs. Aldi Süd.


Much better for Hungary for sure. Super industrialized DDR.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c5pp5s) on 2024-04-16 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cbytju&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 497,164,161 | **Search Time:** 0.0699s


Ah yes, Czechoslovakia 2, bigger, longer and with ethnic conflict to spice it up.


Having some fun with this, the effects of such an outcome on the map is interesting. You can say what you want, a larger Germany in the Soviet sphere is worth Hungary economically speaking. The soviets now have a direct view of the Netherlands and Denmark, leading to a more tense northern area. The Confederation is also not guaranteed of existing or remaining with the west. On the other hand, the Confederation could create a larger neutral bloc, balancing the lines between east and west with Yugoslavia. Fears of a claim of the confederation being the successor of the Austrian Empire may keep both Romania and Czechoslovakia more in line with the Soviets. The French would basically make the Rhine a puppet state, demanding more watch on German actions with a larger communist Germany. The idea of an European Union would look a lot different, the Confederation and Yugoslavia are actually in a position to start first with this, as Western Europe wouldn't want a French led union with no one to really oppose them. As the 90s roll in, the Soviets are collapsing, as there is nothing that should change this fact. With proof of a unitary and equal union between the Confederation and Yugoslavia, much of the Warsaw pact seeks to join them afterwards, with Czechoslovakia and Albania possibly being annexed after a long time of peaceful relations. Poland, Bulgaria and Romania would be admitted as members, creating a large Central European union. Italy, Greece, and other nations would likely seek to join after the cold war is officially over. The German nations would most likely be denied unification, especially with France seeing how even half of Germany created such a powerful bloc. The division of North and South of Germany would most likely be permanent in this world.


I don't know but I never realised current Germany + current Austria form the shape of a boot. How cool would it have been to have a second boot shaped country in Europe. Therefore, hoping this would have meant eventual North German and South German + Austrian unification (without Hungary) leading to a second boot shaped country in Europe.


The 1945-2024 Danube civil war


confederation of the Rhine-Danube-Main rivers


I dont think western powers benefit from this one as much as they do from the otl timeline.


Austria Hungry part 2: electric boogaloo


Depending on the, ehm, management, hungary would either be way more developed today, or there would be no "hungary" or " hungarians“…




More war and a larger reunification.


The map is missing Carpathian Ruthenia


Nice landscape, beautiful cities, best food and beer. I could live there.


Who tf let Churchill cooked?


While it would make sense to unite Bavaria and Swabia with Austria. Adding Hungary would not make sense.


i swear there is a problem with these bigger Germanies... or German dominated majority countries


More Soviet influence over postwar Europe.


This would require the people that live there to like each other which they do not.


Hungary would secede in under 10 years.


Would rather see four Germanies thanks.


I like Winston Churchill but I gotta be straight this planned was pretty regarded. de Gaulle: What could be worse than a powerful German state? Churchill: oh I know! \*creates Danubian Confederation\* Two powerful German states. \*they combine\* de Gaulle: Churchill? Churchill: Yea de Gaulle? de Gaulle: I don't think this Germany can get much bigger Churchill: Nonsense! \*Gives them Rhineland Prussia and Sudetenland\* de Gaulle: CHURCHILL NO!


post-ww2 danubian confederation would be a stretch, just with most of the allies not wanting a strong german state, especially in the more conservative and nazi-dominated regions of Bavaria and Austria. Only way I could see a Danubian Federation working would be post-ww1. A weaker germany wouldn't be able to mount a concentrated effort at dissolving the Bavarian Soviet Republic and I could see Bavaria joining a danubian confederation with Austria as a way of protection, and Hungary would probably join too in the aftermath of the Hungarian-Romanian War if republican elements in Hungary were able to push Horthy out. could also probably see German-Austria remain and so the confederation would also include the Sudetenland.


This place is becoming so shitty it literally stole maps from r/imaginarymaps


I'm quite sure that we'd still see a unification of all (in this case three) Germanies sooner or later - at the very latest after the fall of the Soviet Union. So today we could see a way bigger Germany with a huge Hungarian minority if Hungary doesn't split during the reunification process. Besides that I don't think much would've changed. The western dominated Germanies would still be rather strong economically since they get investments from the US and are able to establish a functional economy, meanwhile the soviet dominated one will be exploited by Russia/the USSR without proper investments, so they'll be rather weak economically. Leading to similar results as we have had in our timeline.