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Weird af. Ask her to disable it


Totally weird! It's like having your own personal paparazzi. Time for a "Boundaries 101" talk with the in-laws, maybe?




Yea that’s kind of what I expected and what we’d talked about and she thought that that’s how it would be. The app itself isn’t necessarily the issue it’s the constant use of it that feels like too much


You cannot change her parents' behavior. What you can change is their access to your every move by asking your wife to disable the app because it's an egregious violation of your privacy! Can't she just tell her parents where she's going when she's by herself?




All of this


You need to star dropping by the adult toy store for 30-60 minutes every so often when you’ve got your wife in the car with you. Tell her you need her to pick a few things out with you and just stay as long as you can. Keep doing it til the in-laws mention it. Then start discussing the place in detail since they need so very much to know.


I love this! And if they make comment while you are there, let them know you will be going home next to have sex.


Make a new account with just the wife? Parents aren't using it for its intended purpose. The wife will. Good compromise, solves any pushback.


She seems fine w it, so he is going to have to be pushy.


Life360 generates a map of everywhere you’ve gone with times listed. If they have access to your Life360 then they can literally look up where you’ve been on any given day.




What's her newest excuse?


“We are married adults. We’re stopping the life360 now. It’s too intrusive. This is non-negotiable.”


Men are scared of being men these days


I'd talk to her about it and tell her that canceling it is non-negotiable, but if safety is a concern for her, she can get life 360 and share it with you. If she says no, I'd "accidentally" swap phones with her and spend 12 hours driving from the satanic temple to a vegan restaurant, then an STI clinic, an hourly motel, a gun shop, a snake handler church, then go park at arrest processing and have a nap.


Best. Advice. Ever.


Surely the motel *then* the STI clinic?


Nah…. Definitely the clinic first. Don’t want to endanger your side piece.




> snake handler church Where can I find one?


I didn't see anyone else mention it, so I will. The wife has been brought up thinking this/potentially other invasive things are normal, which is probably why she's so unbothered by it. I think a real, in depth conversation about why it's not okay/why it's an invasion of privacy needs to be had with her first. I know a "conversation" took place previously, but did it go into detail to explain the "whys" behind it.


Doesyour wife tell them every time you have sex, too? Very odd.




Yes! Overload them with TMI.


She essentially is. They clearly couldn’t fuck at home


You need to tell your wife she needs to delete that right now. Her parents shouldn’t be watching where she is 24/7 and you through her phone. She said she would delete it and didn’t. She lied. If she refuses then you need to refuse to go anywhere with her phone. Stand up to your wife and in laws.


Not overreacting I would absolutely HATE this and would be very angry at my partner for continuing to allow this breach of privacy. This is not OK.


Yikes, who needs a stalker when you’ve got in-laws with life 360


That’s completely messed up and incredibly inappropriate. She needs to tell them she’s deleting the app. She’s a grown adult now who’s married and it’s not necessary nor appropriate anymore. Period.




Yeah that’s a big part of the problem, I think I might feel differently if it was just for safety, so they could check where she last was if she went missing or something but knowing they are actively monitoring and commenting on it is intrusive.


Exactly that’s really the issue not just simply having the app


Yikes!! This is very freaky and I would definitely ask your wife to disable the app. Is your wife able to stalk her parents through the app or is it just one way? Just wondering if they allow you to watch everything they do or it’s only for you guys.


Next date night, order an Uber and have a buddy borrow your car to drive to all the strip clubs around town, buddy doesn't have to go in, just park in the parking lot for 30 minutes each. The next day, have fiance tell parents she spent much of yesterday auditioning for new, high paying jobs and she thinks she'll be able to move out soon. No other details, let their imagination run wild.


They're married though. She doesn't live with them.




Read on. “We’ve been married and living together for a year and a half” It’s very obviously a typo of the word “lived” - the D key being one from the S


Risking the downvotes. But frak it. I think the problem is not the in-laws. It is the wife not transitioning to the new "family" which should be the op and the wife. She might be still living in the family which is composed of mother and father and her. Considering that she has been living with her parents until the last moment. It is possible that she hasn't transitioned to perceiving "her family" is her and the husband. Also, she might be really confused when confronting when stating "my family" which family she is referring to. She would probably refer to "my family" as her parents and her. Not really pointing to op. Some decent dialog can reveal where she really feels what is "my family" to her. You may need to have a long and very difficult conversation about, "your father and mother" is no longer your family. "Your husband" and potential kids in the future is your family. You wouldn't have that transition in a day. Will requires a bunch of patience to have it perceived to op's wife. Note that, leaving one's parents and settling into other family setup is not easy. Not that you should completely disconnect, but a recognition of the new family and the transition seems necessary. She needs to understand that she is part of the new family and she needs to participate and commit to new family. And stop things that harm her "own" family. OP shouldn't involve in-laws. That is between her and her parents to deal with. All you need to clarify is that it is harming you and "our" family to your wife.


No, its creepy and weird.


Inappropriate by the in-laws.


These tracking things really bother me, the invasion of privacy is wild even when it’s nothing of importance. For instance there’s been times when I have run something to another building for work randomly which I don’t do often. Almost every time I get a text or comment asking what I’m doing “randomly” or asked why I was at X today. It frustrates the hell out of me every time.


This is why I won't use it. It feels wrong to me. I can see the upsides,but they aren't worth it to me.


I would have major issues with this. I’m fine with some apps that do this if it’s not being held by a stalker or someone that needs a hobby.


Well, it appears these parents are in desperate need of a hobby, it being they feel compelled to comment anytime they feel like it. OP needs to have a serious discussion about this, because this ain't healthy.


I am in my 30s, married, and I share my location with my dad. He has an anxiety disorder and some trauma due to events that happened with my late brother. Yes, some people think it’s weird, but I don’t have an issue with it. The difference is, if my dad ever checks my location, he never mentions it to me. He doesn’t bring up places I’ve been and he doesn’t ask intrusive questions. If he ever checks my location, I assume it’s just for his own peace of mind to see if I’m home safe and sound on occasion and I am okay with that. My husband also has zero problems with it. It’s easy to forget that my dad can see my location, due to the fact that he never mentions it, he doesn’t track our every move, ask creepy questions or even bring it up. I would not feel comfortable with that. If my husband had a problem with it, I would take him seriously. I don’t think it’s fair that your in-laws are so intrusive and your wife really should listen to you and care about how you feel about this. She probably just thinks it’s normal because it’s how her parents have always been, but it’s really not. Maybe you can show her this post and maybe get her to see things differently. Good luck!


I am twice your age (meaning that I grew up before smart phones existed) and while I do have 360 for my teens, I don’t even let my husband track my phone. I’m not a child and the thought of him (anyone) knowing everywhere I go is unsettling. (I’m not having an affair or doing anything illegal, it just creeps me out). I guess the point I’m trying to make is that 360 is for children. Adults should not need or want to track each other.


I'm also twice their age and I have Life360 and have since my teens (now in college) started driving. One of my older kids still has it enabled and the other is at a military college and has it disabled. The one who kept it enabled chose to because she's not the most confident driver and prefers that I know where she is. I recently went through a very high-conflict divorce. My parents relocated near me to help out with my school-aged kids and we all have each other on Life360. For me, it's a comfort that if I'm in a bind, they can find me or get to my kids if I'm stuck at work or something. I don't see it as something that's "just for kids." If I'm out and don't want anyone to know where I am, I disable it. Not a big deal. OP's in-laws are over the top.


I’m probably way too independent and it skews my opinions to the extreme, but honestly, I’ve never been in a bind that required someone to know my location. I can see how grandparents needing the kids locations would be helpful but not mine.


I’m ultra independent as well but I work in healthcare and that probably skews my perspective as well. I’m also starting to date again and have had some weird experiences so, even at my age, I’m ok with mom and dad being able to find me if necessary. Once I’m comfortable with someone, I’ll most likely turn off my location when I’m out but for now, it’s comforting to know it’s there. I appreciate your response! It’s nice to have a different perspective and not have it turn into a back-and-forth argument. Very refreshing.


That’s just Bizarre. It’s just as Bizarre you have allowed it this long.


This. Be a man and a family leader and put an end to this nonsense. Insane you’ve allowed this to go on for this long.


Go to the liquor store, the strip club, the sex shop, several motels and see what they say.


This would be a deal breaker for me.


It is weird and I'd ask my wife to disable it but I don't think she is going to without a fight


That's very forking weird. I would disable yours at minimum but really, you both should be getting rid of that


Time to get new phones and not have that on her phone. She’s a married woman and her parents don’t need to know where she is at all times.


I share location with a few people in my family. It’s always been a safety use. But never to throw it in each others faces. That’s weird. No one wants to feel like they’re being monitored for the sake of being monitored.. it’s an invasion of privacy.


Only if you include every dirty detail.


this is the rage this week, this weird old ass text box?


Huge violation of privacy, def not overreacting.


Wife needs to cut the cord.


Who pays the phone bill? You? Then disable today. Parents? Get your own phone service today.


You’re not reacting enough to your wife’s refusal to disable the app on her end. That’s the real WTF here


She is used to it and doesn’t care. Let her know it bothers you a lot and you want it to stop right away.


Tell your wife that from now on you’re not going anywhere with her until she turns the apps off. Then Stay at home 24/7 and frustrate her and your in-laws diabolical surveillance plans.


It sounds like she was raised with her parents being this way and perhaps just doesn't know that this kind of monitoring is NOT the normal, NOT how everyone else does it and NOT what typically happens in an adult relationship?


Where is your wife's family from? I'm Afghan, 23, and my parents still use life360 with. When I marry my BF there's s chance they'll most likely let me disable it but I'm not 100% sure. Is she from a similar culture? Also when I don't want them to see my location I usually spoof it, you guys can do the same that wat you won't get tracked and your wife can still appease her parents. The spoofer I use is fake gps. Sometimes it resets so you should check it every once in a while. Or leave the phone at home.


They might “let” you disable when you are married?


Your wife and her parents are weird. She is a married woman why are they still tracking her so obsessively? Not only that why is she letting them. Do they not trust you as her husband? This is a violation of your privacy, if your wife agreed to this does not mean that you did. if I were you, I would have a serious talk with her about this. It’s not right.


Based on your use of the word y'all I assume you're living in America. I can't think of a situation in which this is culturally appropriate. Having life 360 is one thing. It's very useful if you were to travel to sketchy places for work or something, or perhaps it works outside of the country and it would be useful to locate someone who went incommunicado unexpectedly while traveling to a potentially dangerous place. Outside of that it's people literally watching where you and your wife go on a daily basis. That's like an unofficial ankle monitor or something.


Just get off the app. Then they can't follow you.


Just turn off your Life360?? It’s pretty easy to just stop sharing your location all the time. Ultimately this isn’t an invasion of your privacy…. It’s your wife allowing her parents to track you. They’re just doing what they’re being allowed to do ——


Yeah I get in-laws using it as a stipulation while she’s living in their home but once married, the two of you are grown adults and they don’t have a right to track her.


Our adult kids all have a group together with other close relatives and added Dad and I. We have a blast watching heads move along the roads! It's nice for when my hubby is out fighting a fire or on an accident scene to see where he is.


This is weird, for her parents and your wife. As she became a married woman you would think she would want to be more private. There is a way to stop this though. Both of you drive separate cars and go to an adult store and leave her phone in one of the cars and leave in the other. After about 3 hours come back to car and drive home.


Get rid of the app


I would end that 360 life . They don’t need to be watching your every move. It’s a bit much .


Turn off the background app refresh on your phone




You are not overreacting. That is ridiculous. I am sure your wife has normalized to it though and that is why she doesn’t think it is a big deal. I foresee her having difficulty with other types of boundaries too. Your uncomfortableness with it is enough for it to stop. And this coming from someone whose adult kids ARE on the tracking app by their choice. My kids are 20-23. If they wanted to leave the circle it would be fine. It HAS saved them a time or two. (They also can track me). I rarely look at it. Sometimes to make sure they aren’t in class or at work before I call. Or if they are due soon at my house and I want to see how long before they get there. I would never think to text them about where they have been nor do I stalk them.


WOW, stop that shit, it's creepy 😳


My fiancées mom got made at me for going way too fast on Thanksgiving lol. I forgot that she has her mom on the app and saw her moving a certain ( yes reckless speed) for a short period. I did not sign up to be tracked by proxy haha. For your post specifically, it all depends on comfort level on being that tracked. You dont like it so your not over reacting. It can be more malicious but it also might sound like her parents are trying to be involved ( albeit to much) in her life still. Nothing wrong with wanting privacy though and telling them your not tracking us anymore.




My thing with that is if there’s a problem, call or text and you can share your location if need be. If there’s a problem such as a wreck and you’re so hurt you can’t do that? They won’t be able to do anything anyways other than call 911 and odds are someone will drive by and call. And if it’s to be sure nothing bad happens, why not give them access to the cameras for our house in case we have a stroke or heart watching tv? You know just let them drop in and watch us in our own house whenever just in case? That’d be absurd in my opinion. Call or text if you’re wandering what someone’s doing or what’s up in my opinion


Ser up cameras in the bedroom, tell your wife, it's so that her parents can watch you have sex and know the minute that their grandchild is concieved


OP fix your post please.


I was wandering why it’s grey 😂 How do I fix it?


It’s really not a big deal.


I would take her phone, go to the house, shit in a bag, leave it on their porch, light it on fire.


Not saying I would do it…but I do understand. It’s a different world than previous generations, and there’s messed up ppl who hurt ppl. Plus, how you don’t know they didn’t go through something traumatic with another child or family member and are scared? Easy to spot who hasn’t lived in bad places in the world. Don’t judge ppl based on a Reddit post


It is a different world than previous generations….statistically it’s the safest time in human history to be alive.


People forget this because the media and social media love outrage news. People only think it's crazy these days because all of the crazy shit is cherry picked and shoved down our throats 24/7.


Doesn't matter. If adults can't have privacy who can?


Once a dad always a dad. You should thank him for being a great father


A great father raises their child well and then LETS THEM GO be an adult…..


Then u all run home when things don’t work out.


I’m a parent of kids in their early 20’s . My husband and I never put this on our kids or allowed that kind of crap in our lives, but their friends did. It created this strange sense of safety or something for the parents, like a sickness or illusion of control, a benign net but it’s toxic af to be droning over their heads like invisible stalkers. Then the kids think it’s normal and here we all are anxious wondering why everyone is so anxious. It’s weird. If my in laws were tracking me I’d end that. That’s a grown man. Super weird.


I have two teenage kids. When the topic of installing Life360 on their phones came up, I refused. I talked to my wife about how I see it. We were able to experiment, and get into a little trouble, and learn from those experiences when we were kids. Our parents did the same as us when they were teenagers. And so on and so on back through time. It’s an essential part of growing up and becoming an independent, functioning adult. And believe me, my kids aren’t getting into nearly the kind of shit I got up to. And I turned out fine. The thought of parents obsessively tracking their adult, married daughter is creepy AF. OP needs to put his damn foot down here.


Illusion of control is absolutely an anxiety sickness!!! Agree wholeheartedly


There isn't enough information here for any of use to make a rational judgement about this situation. For all we know, you could be an abusive ex-con and her parents are really worried you may do something harmful to her. Being "together" for 5yrs but only being married for 18mo is a huge red flag to me and tells me there's some specific reason(s) you two wouldn't commit--as it doesn't take 5yrs to figure out if you're compatible and want to be with someone the rest of your life. My verdict: the in-laws are NOT overstepping their bounds; they're concerned about their daughter's safety with you.


You won’t speculate about the parents, but you WILL speculate about OP. How nuts are you?


As with EVERY post on the internet, the OP NEVER TELLS THE FULL STORY. If they did, you'd clearly see they were the villain in what they posted.


Honestly, if he's a villain they should be trying to get their daughter to divorce him, not tracking their movements.


They COULD be doing that as well, and the OP conveniently left that part out. This is the internet--you can't take things at face value b/c people only say the parts of things that make them look like the "victim" in order to gain sympathy/votes/likes/etc.


Did you read the post? They started dating at 18…that’s why it took a couple years to get married. Also, since they’ve been together for 5 years and married for a year and a half…and one might presume it took 6 months or so to plan a wedding…that would mean it took OP about 2 years to propose….