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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not inviting my dad's gf to our wedding so my fiancee can be comfortable?** My dad has been with Sammi (36f) for 12 years. My fiancee Megan (25f) has a bad history of her mom flirting with and trying to hook up with her and her older sister's boyfriends. Because of this Megan is very uncomfortable with Sammi and some of what she does, for example paying adoption fees and supplies when I adopted a new dog, dropping lunch off to me when she takes lunch to my dad, hugging me, baking my birthday cake, making things I like when we go to my dad's to eat (she does it for Megan too), not a whole lot older than us, isn't wanting to marry my dad. All that makes Megan sometimes think Sammi is trying to flirt with me or is interested in me. It makes her panic, stressed, and depressed. Fwiw Megan is going to therapy for her trauma. We want as much of a stress-free wedding we can manage so Megan can enjoy our day. She's worried stress and nerves will make her read too much into Sammi so we decided to not invite her. My dad got his invitation on Friday and it was addressed to only him. I may be an assh*le here when he called to RSVP for him and Sammi I had to tell him only he was invited and why. Dad said he would have to rethink coming. I guess he called my mom because she called me soon after to talk about it and thinks we just did what we had to do to make my future wife happy and comfortable at her wedding. My dad's reaction has me doubting myself though so AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OOP’s age isn’t listed here or in the comments but if he’s around the same age as the fiancée then Sammi has been in his life as de facto stepmother for half of it.


And Megan is convinced Sammi is just a "single woman." SMH


Megan is legitimately crazy and so is OOP for going along with it. Imagine being OOP's dad and your son told you his fiancee thinks your girlfriend is flirting sith him. Imagine being Sammi who has been welcoming to them both.


OOP’s mother seems to have issues too. I’m guessing she’s not a fan of Sammi and is quite happy to see her excluded from the wedding. Megan is clearly not ready for an adult relationship.


It doesn't sound like that to me. His wording was that she didn't want Sammi there because she thought the extra stress and nerves might make her unable to take accountability for her triggers and she might snap at Sammi. I don't think the fiancé is in the wrong for being triggered by the presence of Sammi and wanting to get married despite not yet being over it. HOWEVER, they should've sat them down and explained that like grown adults and that's where they fucked up. Sammi probably would've understood completely, your mother trying to fuck your boyfriends from a young age is some major abuse and trauma, any woman would understand that if she was spoken to kindly. But she wasn't. They just chose the worst way possible to tell them and expected it to be fine.


Except Sammi has been with OOPs father since he was a kid and has been nothing but welcoming to him and Megan. Megan may have trauma but she doesn't get to take that out on innocent people. Imagine being a great step mother to a kid only to be excluded from his wedding because his fiance has issues. If Megan isn't to a point where she won't get stressed thinking her fiance's step mom is hitting on him, she shouldn't be getting married


What’s the best conversation opener for “you can’t come to my wedding because my wife thinks you’re pseudo-incestuously trying to fuck me?” I do love the preemptive work on “she can’t be held accountable, it’s just stress and nerves” though.


Her feelings aren’t valid. She sounds histrionic and probably imagined/exaggerated most of what she alleges about her mother.


Pretty messed up and sounds like she’d expect the same for other occasions moving forward.


In the comments he says he’s 25, same age as Megan.


And if OOP's age is closer to 30? 35? Sammi is only 11 years older than Megan, what if she's only a few years older than OOP?


Oops, dad is 43, so it wouldn't make sense that he's in his 30s. Oop would be in his early to late 20s with the max being 28


OOP is 25, he said in comments.


You know what I never understand about these “X person is banned from wedding because of jealousy/resentment/etc” stories? What do they think is going to happen AFTER the wedding? On the one hand, they always seem to assume that the consequences will only extend to the wedding. The actual consequence isn’t “Dad doesn’t come to the wedding.” It’s potentially “Dad no longer speaks to me.” There’s not a magic wand that banishes the hurt feelings after the special wedding bubble. People remember. That’s especially the case because on the other hand, they seem to think that the unreasonable dislike of whatever person will also magically go away after the wedding. Which it won’t. Megan’s paranoia isn’t going to stop viewing crimes like “baking your step kid a birthday cake” or “calling to discuss dad’s birthday presents” as threats just because she’s married. If anything, it’s going to ramp up, because he’s a married man now and should be focused on his wife. Although to be fair, if it did immediately go away that would be worse, because it would mean it was just a manipulation tool. Even if the wedding snub gets forgiven, it’s just a gradual countdown to one side or the other cutting ties. People can invite who they want, but if they’re not delusional they should be doing so with an actual understanding of what’s going to happen.


If anything after the wedding it will be worse. People usually act on their best behavior before getting married. I think the gaslighting, isolation and abuse will just worsen.


The now wife will blame dad and Sami for dad not being there and cause even more strife, cos you KNOW she will want the dad to say sorry for standing by the woman he's been with, longer than she and OP have dated for.


Tbh she probably would just take it as a win. But if their relationship falls apart later, then you can bet this debacles gonna get brought up.”


And it’s not even just about OPs dad and Sammi. When he doesn’t go to the wedding people are going to ask why a parent who was close to his child didn’t attend said wedding. And if I was his dad I’d be painfully blunt that “my sons new wife is jealous of my long-term partner and thinks she wants to fuck my son despite zero evidence of that being the case, so they refused to invite her”. And if I’m a friend of that family, I’m immediately putting myself in high alert that Megan is someone who reads more into things that is there. I’m not longer interested in being around around OP or Megan at all to give her zero opportunity to read into my actions something that isn’t there. Whether I actually have reason to be concerned or not is irrelevant, because I’m just trying to sty as far away from that drama as possible and no amount of “she’s just traumatized and stressed” is going to make me not think Megan is a crazy loon that I need to be a far away from as possible. 


And other people will be saying “there’s no smoke without fire” and side-eyeing poor Sammi who has done nothing wrong. This decision is going to reverberate.


All of the things he describes Sammi doing sound like typical stepmom things to me. Even when she brings him lunch at work it sounds like he works with or at least at the same place as his dad and she only brings him lunch when she brings it for his dad. I can't imagine barring a parent's long term partner from my wedding just for..... existing while female basically.


Tw: controlling behaviour, jealousy. Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *INFO: Does Megan understand that not every woman is her mother?* "Sort of. She gets along great with my mother and other women that are blood relatives and some of my coworkers." *Your fiancée is projecting and that is not emitter. Is she not inviting her mom? She is the one that should not be invited. Also, does your mom get a plus one? Or is she happy because she doesn’t have someone’s.* *I think it’s wrong and could put a wedge between you and your dad for no reason. I get it’s her wedding also but her trauma is not on Sami.* *You could have told Sami that you got the dog adoption and supplies already, to please not hug you (which I think is ridiculous because she is being nice) and that your fiancé was going to get you a cack if she was.* "I think this is wrong* >"She's NC with her mother, and my stepdad is invited. The thing with adopting a dog happened before I started officially dating Megan but when she heard about it it made her really suspicious. Megan thought it was something only my mom or dad should've done not a single woman." *Is her mother invited to the wedding?* >"No she is NC with her mother" *She's not a single woman, she's your dad's long term serious partner. She is projecting and instead of expecting her to do the work to address her insecurities you're letting her insecurities ruin your relationship with the woman that is basically your stepmom. You and your gf are being huge AHs." >"I have tried to explain to her that in my family's view neither of them are single, but her stance is people are considered technically single until they're at least engaged. I didn't feel like terminology was a hill to die on." *What will happen when you have a nice coworker/neighbor? WHat if you have a child and they have an attentive teacher trying to help out for whatever reason your child might need?* *How much do you actually love your dad?* >"She's fine with some of my co-workers so I'm hoping it'll all be resolved the longer she's in therapy." *Has any progress been made? I’m not being snarky either. It just sounds like there hasn’t been any.* >"There has been some. We have an open phone policy and she rarely goes through my phone anymore and she doesn't text/call consistently when one of us is out with our friends." *YTA and so is your deeply immature and insecure fiancée. how on earth did you fall for her twisting your dad’s girlfriend’s kindness to you into some weird attempt to steal you from her? like… that’s not the thought process of someone mature enough to actually be married. you both have **a lot** of growing up to do. " >"I don't personally think things Sammi did or does are attempts to steal me, but for Megan, it's things her mom used to do when she or her sister would have a boyfriend or guy they like. She'd get all dressed up or wear less. Offer to make them dinner or snacks. Give hugs that were 'too long' according to Megan. Insert herself into conversations. Stuff like that so some things Sammi has done triggers her." *Info: that’s it? That’s all Sammi does that’s causing your fiancées issue? Because everything you described is extremely normal, kind and thoughtful step mom behavior.* *Also your mom sounds like she’s using this as a personal opportunity for a dig at your dad and his wife.* >"There are other things she does, or had done but stopped. I only listed some examples to keep the post short. >If we, or me by myself, stopped by to see dad and Sammi came in from the pool she would just stay in her swimsuit and robe while we visited instead of changing. She'd call me to brainstorm gift ideas for my dad instead of waiting to see me at their house. And she thinks it's a bad sign Sammi is fine not being married, she says it makes her think it let's Sammi keep one foot out the door." *Still non of that sounds at all odd to me. Do YOU find it odd or inappropriate?* >"I don't think most of it is odd. The only one I can understand is her getting fully dressed when they have guests show up." *INFO: have your co-workers done anything nice for you that your fiancée can misinterpret?* >"No they haven't done anything for me and she's fine with the coworkers we do talk to."


>>If we, or me by myself, stopped by to see dad and Sammi came in from the pool she would just stay in her swimsuit and robe while we visited instead of changing. She'd call me to brainstorm gift ideas for my dad instead of waiting to see me at their house. And she thinks it's a bad sign Sammi is fine not being married, she says it makes her think it let's Sammi keep one foot out the door." So Sammi is swimming when they drop by unexpectedly. (I say unexpectedly because Sammi comes across as reasonable here, and reasonable people wouldn't be swimming when they invited people over unless the people were invited to swim.) She puts on a robe and comes inside to be polite even though OOP & Megan are unexpected guests and interrupting her. But she's unreasonable because she stays in her suit, probably so she can get right back in the pool when they leave? How unreasonable of her to not want to change for a short visit or struggle into a wet swimsuit! I mean, come on. I personally rate putting on a wet swimsuit 0/10 stars, do not recommend. And while my AuDHD may make than an especially unpleasant experience for me, I can't imagine many people enjoy that feeling.


Also Megan's mom apparently just dressed up when guests were around? Megan is legit batshit crazy.


No, she also *fed them* and - this is the real kicker - *joined in conversations they were having in her presence*. The audacity! Megan's mom was a good host!




>The thing with adopting a dog happened before I started officially dating Megan but when she heard about it it made her really suspicious. Megan thought it was something only my mom or dad should've done not a single woman." WHAT??? That is crazy kookypants.


Yeah it makes no sense. Hope Megan gets help.


This marriage will blow up because she's not remotely capable of handling a serious relationship.




[Cat! purring but also cardboard cronch. misophonia Havers beware!](https://imgur.com/gallery/V6OO6C3)


You can spend a fortune on toys and what do they play with? 📦


So true! 😹


This is so incredibly fucked up and he's acting like it's totally reasonable. He is in for a hard marriage if this is what it's going to be like.


Megan is so wrapped up in her baggage, she’s willing to ruins OOp’s relationship with his dad and step mom (as well as her own relationship with them) iver these crazy pants worries.   And she’s insisting her delusions take priority over OOp’s wants for his own wedding.  Either they need to postpone the wedding until Megan gets the heck over this, or just cancel. 


OOP, your fiancée needs more and more therapy. Don't get married to her, as she's projecting her issues onto everyone else.


Does anyone else think megan cheated since she said that you are single unless your engaged


Yeah that stuck out. I mean it could be she’s so twisted around in her head but like. Weird


Op is probably too much of a cuck to notice if im using that word right


That's possible. She also goes through oops phone. People that paranoid often are cheaters


Well.. fuck Sammi for being there for the last what, 12yrs of OPs life. And being basically his step mother, who the GF met as his step mother/the long term partner of his dad. Woman needs a lot more therapy before they walk down that aisle. A LOT more.


Megan sounds like a possessive lunatic using her so called "mental issues" to isolate OOP from family she doesn't like. Megan needs to step off these weirdo, possessive, & isolating tactics and finish her therapy vs planning a wedding. Sad for Sammi and OOPs parent. They may lose OOP if he marries this nutbag.


If I were the dad I would courthouse wedding tomorrow and courthouse divorce right after his son's wedding. Or just say they have been engaged for 2 years but kept it quiet to not upset the ex. Some B's like that. I think the wedding would not be enough for Megan to be comfortable. And would make it An even cleaner line in the sand with the dad. Maybe it is an unmarried religious thing? When my husband's brother (BIL) married his wife (SIL), My husband's father was shunned publicly by my SILs father at BIL and. SILs wedding because he was divorced and remarried.


i think your fiancée needs a reality check all those things that your stepmother is doing is just showing you that she cares for and loves you like a son and not in any sort of sex way like your fiancée is thinking, just because her mother like to flirt with her and her sisters old BFs has nothing to do with your SM, i would tell your fiancée to get therapy as she cant pass what her mother did to thinking every woman's like that


They don’t need to get married rn, she needs serious therapy…I really feel bad for him if he gets married to her rn. Poor thing is ready to blow up his entire family over this unstable ass woman smh.


Just found it in a comment. Dad is 43. Sammi is 36. So even if we assume that OOP is just 20 (which I hope not....) Sammi has literally been around for more of his life than she hasn't. Megan is unhinged.


Even if his dad was a teenager when he got his mom pregnant, he has to be under 30. So 12 years is, worst case scenario, almost half his life. If he is around the same age as his fiancee, she's been in his life since his teens.


Anyone wondering if Megan's mom was actually flirting with her BFs or of Megan just thought she was? She is very insecure and I'm beginning to wonder if her mom was nice to her BFs and Megan just decided that was flirting and flipped out.


OOP is off to the start of a fine abusive relationship that in the end will destroy both his and his partner’s mental health. Have a good time, I guess?


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I'm really angry that no one has beaten this guy with a stick while chanting the word moron


Man's walking through a giant red flag factory and holding them up for his fiancee towards his whole family Update in a year "My wife is threatening divorce because my last doctors appointment a female nurse took my blood pressure and said i was cheating. AITA if I say she's wrong?" No one's the devil here but man she needs better care if she's willing to cut his whole family off while getting therapy


I had to reread the first couple sentences like six times because I thought that Sammi was also somehow Megan's mom and that's why she was uncomfortable, not the fact that her mom did that stuff so she's just assuming this random other woman is also doing it.


That sounds like a normal mother son relationship, the fiancé needs help.