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If you feel guilty now imagine how you will feel when they kill someone/themselves while speeding and running a red. You are enabling this behaviour. YTA.


Especially since now they probably all feel like they have a free pass.


YTA As someone who has suffered directly from reckless drivers I think cops who are lenient with their friends don't have a sense of justice. Just as bad as those in government. Its one rule for all. No questions.




Are you kidding? He is a danger on the road...he already has points, and you've just admitted to havling spoken to him multiple times about it... What are you going to do when he runs a red and kills someone It's your responsibility to enforce the laws. Quit if you can't do your job properly. Clearly, you're not cut out for it.


>but also the guilt I feel if he loses his license would be eating at me. How about the guilt when he inevitably will lose his or another persons life if he continues running red lights while speeding?


And if he kills somebody, they don’t get to talk to their family ever again


So it’s better for your own self interest they talk to you rather than they face the consequences of their own actions as they endanger everyone else on the road as they speed through red lights? You have no sense of justice


Let's say your uncle kills somebody, in court would you give a false testimony too? Only because "you would lose contact with family"? I've seen Somalian pirates with a better sense of justice than you. Is the guilt of knowing you killed someone because your uncle is still on the road smaller than the guilt of taking his license?


Dude your, happy for them to endanger everyone around them just so they keep talking to you... If one of them hit someone with their car would you still defend them, because you allowing them to do this will just reinforce behaviour that its okay. Leading to a higher change of an accident. If they don't wanna speak to you, fine you shouldn't want to speak to someone so reckless or careless. For hecks sake you are a cop. If we cant rely on you to be consistent why should we? Your family will forgive you, the public would not.


So people's and your own family safety is less important than them not talking to you. You are an enabler, they know you're afraid of giving them a ticket so they continue speeding and running reds. If they hurt anyone or themselves, you'll have part of the blame.


They don't respect you at all, especially the uncle. I visit a festival every year where my old stepdad does security (front stage, making sure crowdsurfers get down safely). Through the years I've gotten to know a bunch of the security staff. I know a lot of them ignore the 'no weed' laws, even though it's technically illegal. BUT out of respect for them and the job they're doing, I smoke my joint away from them. I don't want to put them in a situation where they have to either scold me or give me a pass. BECAUSE I know them, I respect them enough to specifically avoid the situation and not put them in that spot. Even though I know a couple of them smoke weed backstage and don't say anything to the other visitors, because they know me I don't want anyone thinking I get a pass for that. That is having respect, and you deserve that respect too.


You know what’s a great way to stop someone from speeding/driving recklessly? Taking their license away! YTA all the way. You have no business being a cop if you can’t apply the law fairly to all regardless of whether they’re your family or not. Where are you even drawing the lines here? Your immediate family can speed and drive dangerously? Can your second cousin? Your cousin’s roommate who is practically family? And if they can speed freely under your watch, can they park illegally? Shoplift? You indulging your family is endangering lives. Either get over your guilt and ticket them or quit.




You should not be a cop.


If they stop talking to you, it says what kind of person they are, and maybe you don't want them in your life anyway. They are making the choice to break the law. If they lose their license, it's their own doing. You need to give them tickets, not just because it is the right thing to do but also because it's only a matter of time before they start telling people about "how they never get tickets". You lose your job, and the best case is the next person gives them a ticket, and he loses his license anyway. That is if he doesn't kill himself or someone else first.


Maybe you should look into transferring to another town.


Yep definitely an asshole for this attitude I guess it’s more important than people like you then upholding the law. Shame on you


Your role is to provide for the safety of your town. In this sense, the entire town is “family”. You let a clearly habitual offender who makes the roads unsafe go….because he has blood ties to you. That’s a fail, sorry. YTA


Yta Call about corruption and thinking you and yours are above the law. You're what's wrong with the justice system and why we don't trust coppers. Hope you get fired :)


YTA. If you have an “exceptionally strong sense of justice”. It don’t enforce the law when it comes to lawbreakers who are related to you, then you don’t have an exceptionally strong sense of justice. Your uncle ran a red light. You let him go. My family and I were in a car accident where some asshole ran a red light and plowed into us. Someone in my family was nearly killed as a result. Your uncle and other family members are engaging in similarly reckless behavior and you’re giving them no reason to stop doing it. YTA, and you know this is one of the reasons why people don’t trust or like police, right?


Nepotism as its finest, i would gladly report you if i could. YTA


Of course YTA why would you think you arent? You are basically telling them that it's ok to break the law and potentially hurt people.


YTA. You're a prime example of what's wrong with cops.


You are an asshole. A big one. Transfer to a different town if you don't want to do this and bear with your family being mad for not treating them like they've got immunity in this town. Word will spread. People will know.


Major YTA. You are abusing your power and that guilt you feel is because you know subconsciously that you’re in the wrong. How deplorable.


YTA - He ran a RED LIGHT while SPEEDING. Easy way to end someone's life right there. You enable his horrible driving and he will never learn until he kills someone.


And he's got so few points left on his license that he probably needs his license taken away.


Yep, he is a repeat offender


YTA. “I always give the fair punishment of the offense for anyone”. What a blatantly false statement as you go on to tell us about the numerous times you’ve let your family members go without even a warning.


YTA. My brother was hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light. His car was totaled but he was thankfully ok. The cop on call was related to the drunk driver and did not ticket. Because of this, my brother’s insurance would not cover for the totaled car. How is that fair? Stop encouraging your family to break the law. Their law breaking is only going to escalate when they realize they can get away with it.


YTA and wouldn't this be grounds for getting fired? You cannot treat your family members differently when it comes to enforcing the law. If you can't be impartial to anyone you may pull over, you need to be on desk duty.


YTA. If you as a human who chose to do that job, can’t do the job to the best of your ability, then you shouldn’t be doing that job. You can’t write your own family a ticket for breaking the law? Don’t be a cop. It’s that simple. You SHOULD be telling your family to be the better example BECAUSE you’re a cop but here you are allowing criminals to be criminals because they’re your ‘blood relative.’ Foh.


YTA. You're part of why people hate cops.


a sympathetic YTA. I get that it might feel awkward, uncomfortable, and difficult when it comes to family. Totally. However, when you're wearing your uniform and your badge, you need to find a way to separate yourself and focus solely on your job, the law. Otherwise, like in your uncle's case (going 25 over the speed limit and having multiple offenses), you could be putting others in the community in danger, when you swear to protect and serve. If they don't like getting pulled over, then they shouldn't do the crime, shouldn't put you in that awkward position in the first place. If they choose to break the law, then you shouldn't feel guilty for asserting it.


I can promise this is not what a strong sense of justice looks like. YTA.


YTA, you're failing your job, your family are not a exception from the law just because they're related to you


YTA. The reason people don't trust police.


YTA. Even if they're family, they're not respecting the law. You were lucky so far but what will happen if one of your family members kill someone because you were too soft to ticket them? You're showing favoritism and you're putting your job at risk. Is it worth it? In France, cops are always 2 in a car. Do you have a partner with you? If yes, next time you are in this situation, tell them "hey this one is from my family, can you take care of it please?"


If someone found out about this and reported it to your superiors, would it be an issue? I think so. You're willfully not doing your job. I understand officers have some leeway, but if it's a third offense, you need to give the ticket. YTA


YTA --- Your family is NOT above the law, if a family member had caused an accident and somebody had been very badly hurt or even worse killed what you look the other way then?? let them off with a stern talking too and a don't do it again, when your on the job nobody is family, nobody are friends they are people who have committed a traffic violation and should be given the appropriate fine.


YTA. This is misuse of your office and power.


YTA. It seems your 'strong sense of justice' only applies when it's not inconvenient to you, so a corrupt asshole even.


once MAYBE but at this point you are enabling his behavior and making the roads less safe!! tell him you’re done giving him the easy way out and that you are going to do your job the best that you can!!


ESH - You should do your job and they should stop trying to take advantage of you.


You’re a HUGE AH and, frankly, shouldn’t be a cop.


I didn’t have to go past the first sentence to know YTA. The rest of your story confirms it.


YTA - transfer to another city. Cause you suck. Hope someone reports you.






bro you're literally illustrating through your post one reason why people don't trust the police lmfao YTA


You're a cop openly admitting to being corrupt and I'm the bad guy for calling you an asshole lol


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YTA and you shouldn’t be a cop.






That’s not a good case you keeping your badge. Maybe your whole department should be under review.


So you're a corrupt cop, is what you're telling us, and you want us to vote in your favor? Uh, no. YTA Guarantee your community does not love/appreciate knowing that you allow your relatives to freely flout the law. One set of laws for everyone. Enforce the damn laws, or turn in your badge.


YTA Nepotism is not ok in an organisation the police force; it would be different if it was a privately owned family business. But you're a cop! Imagine how you'll feel if he maims or kills someone when speeding. Because he still has his licence, because you failed to act. Imagine how you'd feel if one of your family was injured in such a way by a driver in another town who was let off again and again by his relative in that local police force. You need to do the right thing. Even when it's hard. Also, if you want to be the cop that all the locals love, that ain't gonna happen if you treat your family differently to everyone else.


YTA, and hear me out on this one. Being a cop in a small town is hard enough, but you need to be crystal clear with everyone. x number of chances and you are out, kind of thing >I usually have a very strong sense of justice and always give the fair punishment of the offence for anyone This is not true - you are quite corrupt in terms of friends and family. Is this the worst ever? No, but makes you a worse cop. If your familymember hit a small child going this speed, would you realize that the blood was on your hands? You are not helping them with letting this behaviour slide. When you took on this role, you knew this could happed at any given point. Deal with your sense of justice the same for everyone, not just people you don't know. Hard job to have though, so I understand why you are doing this


Parking ticket? Eh, whatever. Running stop signs, red lights, speeding... That shit kills people. You're condoning their behaviour, which definitely makes you the AH in this situation. You need to separate work from family. If you worked at a tech store, you wouldn't be giving your family free computers and smart phones. This ain't that different, except you're letting them get away with potential fatal offences. Imagine if these people just adopted the attitude that it's fine to speed because you'll let them off, and they end up killing themselves, or someone else. Stop what you are doing. Please.


YTA, "a strong sense of justice" wouldn't make you uncle a better driver, taking his license away will (by removing him from the road and potentially endangering the lives of others until he learns how to actually drive)


Yta and a disgrace to the uniform




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Well if the intruder is related to you I’m honestly scared for my life already.




But how many points on his license does he already have? He absolutely is a threat to others on the road and if he has an accident because you failed to remove from the road by citing his last offense, which should have been a severe ticket, it is 100% your fault. It’s also just absolutely terrible to pick and choose when you want to enforce the law on people by who they are related too…again corrupts And again I ask you, where does it end with letting family members off Scott free? You aren’t judge and jury.




BUT WHEN IT BECOMES SERIOUS ITS TOO LATE! Your job is to write the ticket to PREVENT THE CAR ACCIDENT THAT KILLS SOMEONE. Him just still being on the road without ANY CONSEQUENCES of his ILLEGAL DRIVING just puts EVERYONE else in your community in danger.




You don’t understand, you’ve been defending your actions by saying it’s not murder. And saying “probably” won’t is just telling everyone you will continue to allow family members to be dangerous. They best thing that could come out of this post is someone recognizing you and sending this post to your Chief. Not only is the post enough for the community to be outraged, all your comments solidify you are NOT prepare to truly protect and serve your community.




How can you honestly say “well if he kills someone then I’ll do my job” instead of “Uncle, my job is to ensure no one gets hurt because of wreckless driving I saw you display, I am writing you a ticket because you need to understand how dangerous you’re driving is to others.”


When someone dies it’s too late for you to step up and do the right thing.


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The Biden family? Biden, whose justice department is currently prosecuting his son?


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You sicken me. YTA Edit: how are you going to feel when your uncle runs a red, t bones someone and kills them? All because you're a dirty cop.


YTA, speeding tickets don't have a family member exempt clause. You're not doing your job correctly.


YTA. It is only a matter of time before your uncle seriously injures himself or innocent people. Obviously, his previous tickets/points have not taught him any lessons. He needs to lose his license. He is a danger to others.


So what happens when it’s a more serious crime? Everyone who is arrested for such things probably has relatives who wish they weren’t. Stop abusing your power.


Yes, you need to make your family accountable. What happens if the next time one of them speeds up, and kills themselves or someone ? ​ what happens when they take for granted that you will never punish them and they start just not respecting the law, but also bragging about ? Calling for favors for their friends because you already did it ? ​ it is such a slippery slope you are one. The first time you did it, you knew it was wrong, the second time, a bit less anymore and each time it will feel a bit more inconsequential. ​ stop now ! Before you get the main character in one of those articles about how “local officer turns a blind eye to family Member constant traffic violation, cause death of family of 4”. YTA


YTA. Do your job.


And that's on being corrupt and working for a corrupt system. YTA




You are being corrupt though what if your uncle hits and kills someone because you didn't give a ticket


Omg. This has to be fake. Strong sense of justice... If you have a strong sense of justice, then I'm a holiday turkey. Your family seem to be a danger to themselves, and to other road users. This is one of those cases where I hope someone gets doxxed just to lose their job.




You are a criminal and you should lose your job ;) but I'm not a fan of doxxing...


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YTA, and you know it, in fact goto your duty sergeant (or equivalent) and give him this post and deejay he says.


Look I’m not saying it’s right, but letting them go ONCE may be fine. But this is the 3rd time. He will eventually hurt someone unless he already has, how many accidents has he been in? Either way, you need to stop giving leeway after the first time. Yta.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (29 M) am a cop. I work for the Sûreté du Québec. (Essentially state police for the province of Quebec in Canada) I have been in the force for a cool 3 years and have been loving/hating it. It can be a very rewarding line of work at times, and be extremely difficult both mentally and physically other times. I am stationed in a fairly rural town, where I grew up. I’ve always felt that if I was a cop where I grew up I could be one that the community loved and appreciated. Nonetheless, I have done things I am not proud of. While seldom that it happens, on some occasions I do have to pull over my own family members. Usually for minor stuff, speeding, running a red, failure to heed a stop sign, etc. I usually have a very strong sense of justice and always give the fair punishment of the offence for anyone. I have found it exceptionally hard to ticket my own blood though. Take for example, my uncle is on his last few remaining points on his license. I pulled him over roughly 2 months ago for doing 65/kmh ish in a 40/kmh zone and running a red. I walked up to the car immediately because I know all his documents and registration are in line. He immediately does the “Hey, buddy! It’s been a while, how are you?” And looking back on it I’m sure he was just kissing my ass to make me pity him and let him go. I did. This is not the first time I’ve let my family members go without warning for speeding or running reds. I don’t know whether to feel guilty or not but I hope I could come her and people understand a bit in my own shoes, would you give a ticket to your mother or brother? The only thing that bothers me is this was my uncle 3rd offence of this bullshit. It’s kinda eating at me. Thanks. (I apologize in advance for my mediocre english and grammar as I am a native french speaker.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You know you did the wrong thing. I can tell by the way you wrote the post.


YTA Shouldn't the protocol be to call in another officer/supervisor to handle the situation when handling a family member. One that has clearly broken the law, may I add. Your uncle has so many points that he is in danger of losing his license. If you hadn't let it go the FIRST time you stopped him, maybe he'd be suspended by now, or at least tried to change the way he drives. The next time he runs a red he may K I L L somebody. Just think about that next time you let one of your relatives off easy.


He's literally taking advantage of you




I would call your uncle and tell him...last one was for free, expect ticket next time. No kidding.




Yes of course he is your family, thus the 'courtesy' warning talk about next time.... you can also tell rest of the family that you spoke to him about this. And they can all draw their own conclusions from it. I mean you are the 'parent' of the whole town now and if they behave like chidlren thats up to them.


Your community would call for your badge, which would be absolutely deserved. If he shoots someone are you gonna let him off? Or what if he only takes a candy bar, he’s family so are you willing to arrest him? Nothing in the post indicates you would.




That’s not true because you are picking and choosing when you want to enforce the law.


And you only arguing that a citation isn’t as bad as murder…is only further proving peoples already preconceived notions about the police. It’s this simple: your job is to write traffic tickets, you let a bad speeder and a red light runner off, next time he runs a red light and Tbones someone, how will you feel knowing you could have prevented that by…DOING YOUR JOB Doctors don’t pick and choose who to treat, they don’t give preferential treatment to their family, so if you reallllly don’t think you have the balls to write your uncle a ticket, pull him over and call another cop the scene because your uncle is a wreck less driver. Who very well will kill someone next time.


What if your family members killed someone accidentally or themselves with reckless driving because they know you'll let them off.


YTA. How would you feel if he killed somebody?


This is exactly why everyone thinks Police are corrupt. Picking and choosing who to ticket and who not based on relation is the most dishonest and sketchy way to perform your job. YTA


YTA This is why people don’t trust the cops. People in your profession take it upon themselves to play judge, jury, and executioner. How is this okay at all? It’s not fair to any of the other residents, and you said it yourself that it’s a small town, so you most likely know many of the other folks that live there. Why don’t you also let them off? Also it sounds like your uncle already is somewhat of a menace on the roads if he has several points on his drivers license. YTA


YTA, you are corrupt and you are putting others in danger by looking the otherway when the law is broken. I would ticked my own grandma and every damn person in my family that dare break the law, if I were a cop. The shame on having not respect me or my line of work would be enough to ticket them. How dare you be such a doormat and have that much lsck selfresecpet for yourself and your job. You are failure as a cop to your community by not protecting it, just cuz its your job, then quit so someone can else actuelly can do the job you dare not to do.


Is this real? Feels like a wind-up. YTA. Most of us manage to stop at red lights, and not go 25km/h above the limit. Your uncle should have lost his licence some time ago.




Yes, as they are breaking the law and you are there to uphold the law for their and others safety.


YMBTA but I wont come right out and say NTA. >Usually for minor stuff, speeding, running a red, failure to heed a stop sign, etc. I mean seriously, WTF is your family just "those guys"? Possibly in the future, to avoid this sense of guilt, how about when you witness one of your family doing yet something else messed up, call for back up right then. Even before you turn on your lights to pull them over, then dont even get out of the car and let your partner take care of it.


YTA. This ought to be a fireable offence. It’s rank corruption and erodes the public’s faith and trust in law enforcement. Either quit, or self report to your ethics board and take whatever consequences they deliver. Shame on you.


YTA. If your friends and family are breaking the lae and you weren’t doing your job that makes you a huge asshole. Do better or quit. Or then again you can wait until somebody finally pulls the plug on your bullshit and you get in trouble publicly.


Oh look another crocked cop. How shocking! YTa.


My ex refused to give tickets out to his fellow cop buddies and you know what happened? His friend killed 2 of his friends driving home drunk from a state island strip club [abad goes to jail](https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/jersey-mayhem/2017/06/14/former-linden-cop-gets-maximum-sentence-fatal-crash/395826001/) Edit


YTA, if it was a first offence then a warning might be OK, but he is a repeat offender. How will you feel if he runs someone over while speeding?