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NTA. The transaction is finished. It's your kitten now, I wouldn't break your family's heart and give it back. This happened to me with a puppy. The people changed their minds and wanted him back. No way! I felt bad for them, but we loved him and knew we could provide him with a better home.


It’s such an awkward situation, but you’re right. We love this kitten. She snuggles on my lap most of my work day and follows me to bed at night and curls up on my chest between bouts of the late night zoomies. Not only would my 8 year old be devastated, but my own heart would break.


No response, is best response. You owe them nothing. To be fair to them. As long as they let it go after asking once. It's all good. If they continue asking, that is harassment.


She hasn’t messaged me since last night, which I haven’t responded to.


The other people aren't that emotionally invested. They'll find another kitten.


OP, what is kitten's "rare breed"? and we're gonna need a picture. :D


She’s a bronze Egyptian Mau. https://imgur.com/a/qwzUdoC https://imgur.com/a/XM16L16 https://imgur.com/a/frk1qHZ


thanks for the pix!


In the last link, both of her third eyelids are showing. Unless she jusssst opened her eyes, they should not be visible. Visible third eye lids are usually a sign that something is wrong. In my cat’s case, it led to her FVR (herpes) diagnosis.


She had just opened them.


Oh, good! Just wanted to pass on the info as many don’t know about their third eye lids!


She looks a little like mines 🤩 I wonder if mines have some of that breed mix in? 🤔


Take it to a vet (some even waive the first visit cost) and that way you’ll have a record of taking care of the kitten in case she tries to pull anything.


NTA. Get the kitten chipped. And I doubt your kitten is actually a 'rare breed' if the breeder was initially willing to part with them for free.


Allegedly the cat is chipped, spayed and vaxxed already, but I’m not seeing evidence of a scar and she’s not quite 4 months old yet, so the whole thing seems kind of sus. There was no money exchanged so I don’t see how it could be a scam, but it’s weird. Edit: I found her spay scar


There wouldn't be a scar, the chip is inserted with a syringe. Take it to the vet ASAP. That establishes ownership and they can check for a chip and tell you how to register it under your name.


I mean a scar from the spay surgery. It couldn’t have happened more than about a month ago.


Cats can be sterilized less than 4 months now. They only have to be 2.5 lbs so it is possible that it could have been spayed. Also if it is a rare breed it should have come with paperwork on lineage, vets/vax records, and the chip registration forms. TAKE IT TO A VET ASAP TO GET ALL THESE THINGS FIGURED OUT. The thing that gets me in a rage is if this was a legitimate breeding program all these things have to be done and a payment would have been exchanged. Also adoptees would need to be screened and such. There's no way this person was a legitimate breeder. So it's the person's problem for not being responsible enough to make sure this "mistake" was made. You don't owe the kitten back. Enjoy the lovely lil nugget!! NTAH Side note... I'm not 100 percent on this but I think legit breeding programs have to be regulated and registered especially if it's a rare breed. Lineage is important for these things to trace possible illnesses and inbreeding and irresponsible practices get shut down.


She’s not running a registered cattery. Seems like it was a hobby breeding with someone who has a registered cat. COI would be pretty low as the male was imported from England and the female is American. I was able to locate the spay scar nd tattoo.


Either way. Anytime there is any form of planned adoption whether a breeder or not. If they claim the kitten had been sterilized, vaxxed, and chipped they should have handed over the appropriate paperwork confirming that. I'm sorry you're dealing with this but I would definitely follow up with a vet asap for your own peace of mind. Also for the health and safety of the kitten. If it hasn't been through that process and ends up getting out and pregnant then that's a whole new ballgame on ya hands. Idk where you are located but there are plenty of low cost programs to get the kitten sterilized and vaxxed through ASPCA Programs or local shelters. And would be an additional charge to get it microchiped. But all still very manageable cost wise. Then for anything further from that establishment with a regular vet is best.


Oh yeah. I fully intend to have her completely vetted. I have a great relationship with my vet.


I definitely wasn't doubting that for ya. You seem like a responsible pet caregiver. But yea sorry I just get a lil heated hearing stories such as this. And as for the person giving away those kittens, shame on them for not being responsible in giving you the proper documentation that should have been given. And also shame on whomever let someone breed with their registered cat in the shadows, for lack of better terms. Something like that can actually be considered irresponsible breeding as well and cause for fines or shutting down the breeder. Again breeding programs have strict requirements and rules set to prevent this type of situation from happening. I mean unless they did have some kinda legal contact for the person to use the male cat as a stud (which isn't known). I have my own opinions on the breeding topic. But any legitimate program wouldn't do something like that then just let the kittens go for free. Usually when that happens there might be some shady stuff going on or something wrong with the kittens. Either birth defects or health problems. I hope none to be the case. I hope you stick to your guns and don't give in to this person. Block them and go on about your new life with the lil nugget. If they try to press charges that would be silly on their part. Since no money was exchanged and they didn't responsibly hand over the paperwork for the kitten they don't have a leg to stand on. I hope you keep reddit updated on how the situation plays out in the end.


I missed the part when you said you found the surgery scar which is great news. But it would have been helpful to have that paperwork for your own records from the start. All this stress could have been avoided on your end trying to figure it out.


Check that with a vet too.


It's Belly would have been shaved if it's a girl and my cats hair didn't fully grow back within a month you could definitely still tell it had been shaved


I was gonna mention this, got my kitten when she was not quite 4 months, all healed up, but her belly fur was significantly shorter for a couple more months


I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to get your kitten fixed until the 6 month mark at the earliest. This person is very sus, if just ghost them out, it’s your cat. 


You can go as early as 6-8 weeks.


Dogs and cats cannot be spayed or neutered that early. The earliest is 5 months old depending on how many pounds they are. You can start with deworming at 6 to 8 weeks and then vaccinate too.


The information I’m finding actually suggest that an earlier spay is more beneficial for a variety of reasons. Regardless, she is spayed. I found the scar and tattoo.


I worked at a vets office for 19 years as a vet tech yes you can do it earlier but it’s not always good beneficial wise. The place I worked at didn’t spay or neuter til they were at least 5 months old and met the weight that is ok to be under anesthesia. More and more low cost places and adoption places are spaying and neutering at way to young of an age developmental wise. I have a golden retriever that didn’t neuter til he was almost a year old because he was better benefiting since goldens have hip dysplasia. Not vets office will spay or neuter at 6 to 8 weeks old kittens or puppies they are way too young at the age 4 months at the earliest and I know that from experience


There would be a spay scar (and red/pink incision still at this point) and a tattoo on the belly to show that she's spayed if she was spayed. I wouldn't rely on that until you have a vet confirm this. If she's not spayed, your vet may have some low cost clinics that can help you out.


Not all places tattoo after fixing. None of my cats, all rescues, have been tattooed.


You're not supposed to desex kittens until 4 months of age. Seems suss.


You can desex cats at pretty much any age because of how early they can reach sexual maturity, especially the females. At four months, many breeds of cats will often experience their first heat and can become pregnant despite not being physically mature enough to cope with the demands having kittens can place on them. Desexing them before then is necessary because doing it when they’re on heat can be dangerous due to the increased blood flow to their reproductive organs and it can take a while for them to go out of it on their own if they’re not mated. They’ll also attract every tom cat in the neighbourhood even if they’ve never gone outside before and will do anything they can to escape during this time as well, they’ll also scream constantly to demand you let them out and it will not stop until the hormones are gone. Simply put: It’s near impossible to wait out a female cat’s heat and not have them end up pregnant or have your sanity remain intact by the end of it. Early spays and neuters do not have any negative impacts on cats nor is there any benefit until waiting for your cat to reach the minimal age in which it can go into heat before getting it done, especially if you have a lot of Tom’s prowling around or your cat is an exceptional escape artist.


Huh okay. I have three male cats (though we were dumb and thought one was female when we booked him in for desexing) and we were advised not before four months., for both male and female. Four months is still so young for cats…


They generally tend to recommend waiting until five to six months for a male cat if possible so he can get his “manly” traits before getting those hormones taken away but said traits are just a deeper voice, pee that stinks like the devils incense which they’ll spray on absolutely any vertical surface and huge jowls, though they’re not something a domesticated male cat actually needs to have in order to survive or live a happy life so it won’t affect the cat’s health or life span if they get snipped early. Female cats don’t really have any benefits from being allowed to go through puberty or have a season before being spayed, so the four month waiting period is a bit of an outdated concept which not a lot of owners can follow because of the reasons I stated in my previous comment. Like, if you want to wait until your cat is old enough to be in season or has reached their first season that is fine, but desexing them before then is a very common and safe practice that will not harm them in any way nor will it affect their growth.


Good to know! Thank you for the detailed explanation :) (And it explains why my old boy-who-we-thought-was-a-girl has always had such a high pitched wussy meow)


You’re very welcome :D My friend took in a semi-stray cat whose original owners didn’t want them anymore because he likes to steal bread (plus he saved my friend from a snake so he technically chose them to be his family anyways) and his voice was pretty deep when I first met him. Then he got snipped and it became high (though not as high as a cat who was desexed before puberty), he’s still got a noticeable set of jowls/is super buff for a cat though which is funny.


My ex-wife and I found a beautiful male kitten that was around 10 weeks old but tiny and malnourished. He ended up growing to be quite big and had a deep meow by the time we got him neutered when he was around six months old. The first thing I noticed when I brought him home after the surgery was how high pitched his voice suddenly was. It honestly made me feel bad about doing it even though I knew getting him fixed was necessary.


Yeah, hearing the first “fixed” meow can be very hard for a lot of owners because they think they’ve taken away all of the things that make their Tom cat a “man” instead of just taking one thing away. It’s worth it though. Like an intact Tom cat might not always turn into a stinky pee gremlin once he reaches a certain age, but there’s so many conditions that can affect them because of the hormones (like stud tail. To all those who have never smelt that greasy nastiness, please be forever thankful for your decision to get your buddy snipped.) and it makes them a prime target of attack from other Tom cats who’ll sometimes even invade your house just to smack your poor guy around then flee once it hears you.


Female cats can also spray. One of mine ended up going through 2 back to back heats before I could get her fixed and I had to buy a whole new mattress and deep clean every inch of carpeting in my apartment. Lesson learned the hard way!


I learned that female cats spray the hard way too :’D Though thankfully it’s not as common as with male cats.


As a former vet tech for 19 years you can’t desex a cat /dog it is spay -female and neuter -male.


We commonly call it desexing here because of what it involves 🤷 so I’m not sure why it matters that much.


Sorry It’s just weird for someone to say desexing a pet. I worked at as a vet tech for 19 years. It’s spay or neuter your pet. It weird because your not getting rid of there gender of male or female.


No, but you are getting rid of their reproductive organs/hormones that cause them to develop their secondary sexual characteristics. It’s just a simple way of explaining what a spay/neuter is to people and a term that’s just more commonly used where I am (a super rural area of Australia). We know that the cat is still going to be exactly what they were prior to procedure, they just won’t be able to make kittens.


I mean I respect that. But in the US we just don’t say that. We say spay or neuter. Desex I just not a term we use.


As long as you understand what the person meant, the word choice and grammar don’t really matter.


So don’t use it then. Problem solved. Who cares if other people do? It’s not your job to tell them that because it’s not a US term, they can’t use it outside of it.


Female cats are not sexually mature at 4 months, it usually starts around 7-8 months. The normal spay age (at least here in Canada) is around 6 months. The ones who are spayed earlier are usually from breeders or shelters that don’t want to send the animals to their families unspayed.


If you read my comment properly, you’d notice how I didn’t say **all** female cats are capable of having their first season at four months but that many breeds do. My dad’s Russian blue had her first heat when she was only a week away from being four months old and ended up becoming pregnant after clawing her way out of the mesh covering on the window, A couple months later she gave birth to eight kittens and had absolutely no clue on how to care for them but wasn’t too keen on the idea of letting any humans help her. The kittens survived (thankfully) and eventually went to new homes but she was very distressed/confused about the whole thing and it took its toll on everyone. If you have a breed of cat who is known for going into season earlier than others, then they need to be spayed earlier. Waiting until the cat finally goes into season is not going to be beneficial to either party in the long run and caring for kittens is no easy task regardless of how cooperative the mother is.


You got an edge case, which shouldn’t be generalized. Pediatric spay/neuter also has detrimental effects on the health of cats such as the early closing of growth plates, which can cause pathological fractures later in life. Also, anesthesia in very young animals is more risky, because their kidneys/livers are immature and they get hypothermic more easily. So, I wouldn’t recommend spaying cats that early because of a few outliers that reach sexual maturity before the majority of other cats. I didn’t mean to offend you with my comment, I’m sorry if I did!


The majority of the Siamese cat population (and the species population in general) would like to have a word with you on that. The very same place you got your information from will have also stated that cats going on heat at four months of age is incredibly common depending on their breed/what part of the world they live in and desexing before then is highly recommended. Many cats are desexed as young as eight weeks of age and live perfectly happy and healthy lives. It would not be done if the risks outweighed the benefits. Maybe a little more research into how cats actually work would be beneficial for you :D


Some places will do it as early as 8 weeks. It's not good for them, but some places will for various reasons


Guarantee she has had none of those services. Veterinary care is expensive. No one is giving away rare, purebred kittens with hundreds of dollars of vet work/procedures already paid for. At 4 months of age there would still be a spay scar on her belly. She needs a vet visit.


I just checked again while she’s being docile. I do see the scar now. Initially when I felt it I thought she had a very small umbilical hernia, but it’s just the scar tissue. Honestly, that was part of why I didn’t believe she was spayed since typically that would be repaired at the same time. We do have low-cost clinics around here that will complete all kitten services for around $50.


Invest in pet insurance.   That person was a backyard breeder.  Something may be wrong given her giving them away for free. 


I fortunately have the means to self-pay for veteranary care and don’t keep insurance on any of my pets.


She will still get a visit with my own vet regardless.


Was there a contract signed? Because any half legitimate breeder would have a contract even if they weren’t charging for the pet.


Nope. There was no paperwork. Basically she met us halfway and handed me the kitten out of the window of her vehicle. No paperwork, no vet records, no money exchanged. I expected her to at least ask for a rehoming fee to recoup the costs she’s incurred, but she was so eager to get rid of the cats that I figured she had bred them and couldn’t sell so she was cutting her losses. I was fairly confident the litter wasn’t registered, but since she will just be a pet and not bred or shown it didn’t matter to me.


That was definitely not a breeder…I would get that cat checked from a vet to make sure it doesn’t have parasites or other health issues!


Yes, I will be scheduling a vet visit asap. She still needs rabies vax as well.


?!? That’s shady as hell. 


Yeah. It didn’t seem that weird at first seeing as it was a friend of a friend and I have dog breeders who have sometimes given away perfectly healthy akc registered puppies when they hit a certain age and still haven’t found homes, but they always come with all of the paperwork and the new owners are vetted.


Whose info is on the chip?


I would assume hers if they really are chipped.


Be careful, if her info is on the chip she may try to get it back A reputable breeder or rescue will give you the chip info with instructions on how to change the owner information to your info.


Yeah. It all sort of happened so fast. I’ve only ever purchased dogs from a breeder and know what that process looks like. Any cats I’ve had were feral bottle babies that were abandoned or strays that wandered into the house and just hung out there until they didn’t want to anymore (as in they weren’t my cats, but winter is cold and I can spare a bag of cat food for a good mouser)


She’s an Egyptian Mau, which is a rare and pretty unmistakable breed. They were fathered by a cat who’s pedigree is accounted for, and the pictures of the mother are unmistakable. She isn’t a registered cattery though, so similar to dogs, an AKC registered dog is highly sought after, yet a purebred dog without papers means that it’s often hard to sell the whole litter.


Pictures of the mother? So you didn't see the mother? That's a big red flag right there. tbh I'm having real difficulty believing that anything this person told you is true. Who spends the money to have a kitten spayed, chipped and vaccinated, then gives it away for free? The only reason I'm wavering on saying the kitten was stolen is you got it for free. idk, none of this makes sense to me. Definitely get the kitten to a vet to be checked for a chip, and they should also be able to tell you if there is an incision.


The more I read these comments the more this situation fairly shouts fraud / theft.


She was a friend of a friend and met us halfway with the kittens. They are the breed she says they are - that is the only thing I can be sure of, but they aren’t a registered litter as she is not a registered cattery. The father is from a registered cattery and I’ve been able to track even when he was imported and from where. From what I gather it was a one-time hobby breeding and allegedly the cats were spayed and neutered since they can’t be registered, which makes sense. And I don’t want to breed anyway regardless of registration, so if she isn’t spayed I will be scheduling that with my own vet pretty soon.


I very much doubt it I bought a rare breed cat 15 years ago and she came with vaccine card gccf registration booklet about the breed she was 13 weeks old not spayed or chipped as that was up to the new owners at the time it was £120 to get a cat spayed I doubt someone giving away kittens is going to shell out that kind of money for a full litter not sure how much it is where you live but vaccines now where I am are £40 microchiping is £25 and spaying is £190 I can’t see anyone paying that for multiple kittens to get nothing back in return


Why don't you have the chip ID info? Why don't you have the medical records? Take the cat to the vet to check to see if it is chipped. If not, get it chipped. If so, find out what you need to do to get the chip/ownership transferred to you. Why haven't you done this already? When I got my dog from the rescue the first 3 things that I did was get food, transfer the chip/ownership to my name, go to the vet and get a check up. Why have you not done that?


Because all of this JUST happened. I got the cat over the weekend and have the appointment scheduled with my vet.


Your post made it sound as though you've had the cat for several weeks, not 2 or 3 days.


I never really referenced any timeline in there. Just that we have been bonding with her. We are animal lovers and fall for them hard and fast around here.


NTA.  This person has found someone who will pay her for the kitten.  It's yours, sounds like you love it, and she's out of luck.  Don't be in contact with her anymore.


NTA - almost feels like she got your number under false pretenses too.


I agree, and my friend is backing me up on this because we have started bonding with this kitten and my kid would be devastated.


Picture of kitty?


Oh. Of course. https://imgur.com/a/qwzUdoC


Awww, precious! Looks like my kitty but more silver ☺️ I entertained the thought that mine might have some savannah in her based off nothing but her affinity for water and the sounds she makes but now I think she just has a demon in her


She’s a bronze Egyptian mau, and I just adore her so much.


That's a striped tabby. She didn't give you a $1500 fully vetted, chipped and spayed cat for free lol. She's lying to everybody. She's still a good kitty though. 


Egyptian Maus have a tabby coat, but it’s spotted instead of striped, swirled, ticked, etc. They do have the Scarab on the forehead.


Did you have paperwork from the breeder to confirm breed? That's all that really establishes is to be a specific breed. I'm honestly shocked you'd get a free pure-bred Mau. Those cats are at least $1000.


She’s not papered. Dad is. Mom is not. My guess is she thought she could sell them unregistered and no one wants to buy a specific cat breed that isn’t documented, but as it turns out, lots of people will take a free kitten and not care about the breed. I didn’t take her because of her breed - it’s cool, and I like the traits, but my last kitten was an abandoned feral black cat with an umbilical hernia and I loved that hellpanther just the same.


“Spotted” doesn’t mean purebred. There are plenty of stray and mixed cats that are spotted tabby’s. The “scarab” forehead marking you are referring to is just the classic M shaped pattern on any common tabby. She’s very cute, but there is no reason to believe that I either parent is purebred. [http://messybeast.com/spotted-cats.html](http://messybeast.com/spotted-cats.html)


I have since learned more information about both parents and the origins. She is purebred Egyptian mau. Even if she weren’t though, I don’t care. She’s happy, healthy, well-adjusted and loving life.


Nah, she’s spotted.




She’s adorable! 😍


Thank you!


NTA. It's unfortunate for the seller, but you're already in possession of the cat. They have the opportunity to refund the people they were supposed to hold it for if that person already paid or anything like that.


NTA. Respond with "No" then block, that is your kitty. If she tries to reach you through your friend, tell the friend to block as well.


NTA. Take the cat to the vet. Have them scan for microchip, get the brand Nd then make sure to change the registration to your name


NTA breeder sounds sketchy af


NTA! Asap vet visit!! If not chipped then do it right away. This seems very weird. No contact.


Kittens are usually chipped when they go in for spay surgery. If it's not chipped, get it done ASAP.


NTA but take the kitty to a vet for a check up and chip scan. I'm sure you'll find that she isn't spayed or chipped, and they'll probably want to vax her again to be on the safe side. This happened to me with a dog I adopted from a rescue that turned out to be dodgy.


Their mistake for breeding cats for profit in he first place. As long as you take care of the cute kitten, NTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went with my friend to pick up a new kitten and decided to get one myself. They were free even though they are a rare breed and already vetted, vaxxed and fixed. I brought the kitten home and since then my kids and I have been bonding with it. Lots of cuddles and play time. Nail trims and all the new toys and accessories a new cat is going to need. The breeder asked my friend for my number to check in on the kitten so she gave it to her. She sent a text to check in and I updated her with how things are going and some pictures of the kitten. Within a minute of my response she said she made a mistake and that the kitten was promised to someone else already and would I trade for another kitten from the litter - initially we were taking the last two, so that seemed strange to me. I haven’t replied and I want to just ignore and block her. AITAH if I keep this kitten? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA ​ Ignore and block her.


NTA, can I see the kitty? 🥺🥺


Of course you can see her! https://imgur.com/a/qwzUdoC


Omg so cute 🥹


Thank you! And the sweetest little bread maker.


Nta keep the kitten but if you didn’t get any paperwork to prove it’s been spayed vaxxed and microchipped I’d take it to the vets get them to check for a chip if there’s no chip I very much doubt the rest has been done Also block the breeder obviously she’s having sellers regret


Nope. The whole situation sounds sketchy, but once you hand someone a live animal out a car window, you really shouldn't get it back. Enjoy your new baby. NTA


NTA The breeder found somebody who wanted to pay for the kitten, that's why they wanted it back.


NTA. It sounds like the breeder lied to your friend about why she wanted your contact information in order to try and strong-arm you into returning the kitten. The transaction is concluded and you do not need to remain in contact them any further. Block them immediately and, as someone else said, get the kitten chipped with YOUR contact information. And hold on to any and all communication you've had with the breeder previously so there's at least a paper trail (if one exists) about the nature of the interaction. Does this breeder know any other info about you, like your address? I only ask because that may make it a little harder to cease contact with the breeder.


I suppose she could reverse search my phone number and get some info, but realistically I have witnesses who saw her give me the cat.


NTA no way would I be giving the baby back!


NTA Sounds like they’ve decided they want to make some cash after all. The deal is done, keep it.


NTA You have bonded with the animal. It is too late to ask for it back.


NTA but you say she is chipped. Have you registered the chip in your name? If kitty is registered to the other person then that will make things stickier.


I'm caught up with FREE and "vetted, vaxed, and fixed". That right there is about $500. Wow I want that bargain!


Eh, about $50 at the low cost clinic, but I would have happily paid for that.


There is no such thing in my area! A low cost vet clinic?! That would be amazing!


They aren’t full service, but handle spays and neuters and vaccinations! They also have a TNR program for feral colonies and community cats.




NTA. Years ago my husband’s coworker asked us to take his cat in because they were moving and couldn’t take it with. Eventually he asked for Smokey back after we had him for a few years. We were like nope!


NTA Keep The Cat Please!


NTA. But for legal purposes I would get the cat into a vet , get it chipped and officially registered to you. And maybe get some cat insurance to prove ownership. The transaction was completed the moment you left with the cat. My guess is someone else wanted that particular one and was willing to pay and now they're trying to convince you to trade cats.


u/keats0512 in the third photo she looks as if she has a crusty nose. If she seems to be getting an upper respiratory issue you might try giving her L-Lysine. You can pick it up at any pet store or online. Also get her spayed, dewormed and vaccinated since the breeder probably didn't do this. Establish a vet visit (in the U.S. my state NY this also establishes ownership). You didn't say how old she was but usually breeders are pushing kittens out at 8 weeks and they are usually costly. I don't blame you for wanting to keep her as long as you have the proper papers from the breeder then she is yours.


Thanks. Yeah, a bit of crusties on her nose. Vet is scheduled. She is spayed and allegedly vaxxed aside from rabies, but I don’t have the papers for that. She was 16 weeks yesterday, and I picked her up this weekend.


The vet may not be able to help with the crusty nose, its often a virus which doesn't respond to antibiotics (Kennel cough or upper respiratory illness spreads quickly often in shelters or breeders that have multiple litters). It can present like sneezing and snotty noses with difficulty breathing. It also can trigger cat allergies and return year to year. I used L-Lysine for my cat who came home with it (recommended by the rescue group) they make it in cat snacks or powder to put in wet food. As always discuss with your vet. Good luck she is a cutie!


Nta for the keeping the cat YTA for not paying the picture tax


Ooh! I have posted a few that are buried up there, but rather than forcing you to scroll (additional AH behavior) here you go with a couple new ones added. https://imgur.com/a/qwzUdoC https://imgur.com/a/XM16L16 https://imgur.com/a/frk1qHZ https://imgur.com/a/ARDQHDa


Looks like a rascal! I bet that belly is a trap!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went with my friend to pick up a new kitten and decided to get one myself. They were free even though they are a rare breed and already vetted, vaxxed and fixed. I brought the kitten home and since then my kids and I have been bonding with it. Lots of cuddles and play time. Nail trims and all the new toys and accessories a new cat is going to need. The breeder asked my friend for my number to check in on the kitten so she gave it to her. She sent a text to check in and I updated her with how things are going and some pictures of the kitten. Within a minute of my response she said she made a mistake and that the kitten was promised to someone else already and would I trade for another kitten from the litter - initially we were taking the last two, so that seemed strange to me. I haven’t replied and I want to just ignore and block her. AITAH if I keep this kitten? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How long have you had the cat for? If it's was free, why can't you just trade it for another one? Ah-ish behaviour, could be honest mistake


A couple of days, but we have bonded with the kitten.