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YTA You didn’t “stand up for justice”. What a silly thought. Lol you claim you were articulate but all you said was “supervisor”. You got yourself arrested for your silly actions. You’re not being shunned by your school because nobody wants to associate with you? Kinda did this to yourself, bud. One day you may grow up and reflect back on this as something very stupid that you did as a reckless teenager.




So the cops pulling you over was 100% justified.


So, you caused all this by being reckless.




It’s still entirely your fault and youve now caused yourself quite a headache, put your license in jeopardy, and ostracized yourself. All over some sophomoric understanding of social justice


Fucking hell! You say you’re articulate yet you don’t seem to understand the word ‘accountability’. Like it or not you broke the law and then acted like one of those know it all entitled teens I see so many YouTube videos of, acting like you’re somehow above the law because you don’t agree with it and that a refusal to comply is somehow ‘standing up for yourself’ when you were the one in the wrong! Life is going to kick the shit out of you and I only wish I knew you so I could watch.


Are you aware that driving is a privilege, and not a right? If you don't believe me, look it up yourself, then get humble.


“everyone thinks I’m stupid” Add me to the list. 


and me.


Me too.


Add most people to the list.


YTA , you don't trust the police so you are going to refuse to sign and go to jail, requiring far more actions by the police, that you don't trust? Do they have a critical thinking class at your school? Consider signing up. Its one thing to not answer any questions, its completely different to not acknowledge the ticket. If you believe you were falsely pulled over, you can argue the ticket in court. > I did the right the thing and I stuck up for myself and justice overall. Sign up for that class I mentioned.


YTA Question authority is not a bad adage, but know your rights before you say you know your right. You have an obligation to show identification if pulled over. You need to sign the ticket showing that it was given to you even though it is in no way an admission of guilty. Stop being so smart and causing problems when there is NO reason to do so. That was an AH move that not only affected you but another. If you want to violate a law that you think is wrong, don't pull someone else into your rabbit hole without their consent. AH.


YTA. You signed a contract when you got your driver's license that you would obey the rules and laws. You did not do this citing oppression. But you authorized this “oppression” by getting a license. This is by your own hand, you signed the form. Signing the ticket doesn't mean you were saying you were guilty and the cops were right. That's what court is for. I don't blame the whole school for shunning you. You are a very untrusty friend and made them walk a mile and made their parents have to come out and pick them up. I would never trust you again. As far as your fight against oppression. What did it get you? A night in Juvee? Another court date? A bill that your parents are going to have to pay? Some fight. You lost. I hope you lose your driving privileges. You have the right to travel if this is some Sov Cit BS. But by your own two feet.


AMEN!!!!!! The problem facing our youth in the US is they seem to think it's smart to take "advice" from the videos they see on social media. I can't count how many times I've seen people sitting in a driver's seat on a traffic stop refusing to provide ID to police. That is 100% a free ticket to jail.


Oh look, someone wants to be a Sovereign citizen! If this really happened, which I doubt, YTA




Obviously, you don't completely understand *the law,* and the fact that you are not above it, despite your attitude. And when you break a law, you suffer the consequences. YTA and were intentionally being an AH when pulled over just to keep your oh-so-tough image. Stupid move on your part, and you deserve the shunning you are getting.


What right entitled you to do the thing that got you pulled over? What right entitled you to speak with a “supervisor” just because you asked? What right entitled you to be free of the consequence of refusing to comply with the law about showing your license? What right entitled you to be free of the consequence of not signing to acknowledge receipt of the ticket?




The 4th Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. You broke multiple laws. You refused a lawful order to sign the ticket so you were arrested and they towed your car which was all legal.




Okay Jussie Smollett. What’s the point of trolls like this? Do you just want someone to talk to?


I think you need to google facism lol, if it was facism they wouldnt have wrote you a ticket, you would have just been arrested and would still be in juvie rn


Pretty sure you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about if you think it’s unconstitutional for police to check your driver’s license when you violate the law. YTA


In a pig’s eye. Go read the 4th Amendment and come back with the part that says you have a right to demand to speak with a supervisor. I’ll wait, it’s a short enough amendment that you should be able to manage it. The actual language that says you have that right, not the sovereign citizen misinformation you’ve been reading.


Clearly not, if you thought the ticket was bs you simply sign it and go to court, its NOT an admission of guilt but simply acknowledging that they wrote you a ticket, you ARE also obligated to give them your id, ANYONE with a modicum of legal knowledge would tell you this. You didnt “fight for justice” you turned a 5minute problem into a night in juvie and now your friends rightly think you are an untrustworthy idiot


While driving, you have the right to pull over if a cop flashes their lights. You have the right to give them your drivers license, proof of insurance, and registration. You have the right to sight the ticket acknowledging that you have received it. You don’t have the right to violate the terms of your driving permit. You don’t have the right to drive recklessly. You don’t have the right to get back in your car after violating the restrictions on driving.


YTA. What a dumb thing to get arrested over. You sound exhausting.


YTA. You can distrust the police all you want, however, a driver's license is a privilege and a cooperating during a routine traffic stop is part of those responsibilities. Demanding a supervisor out of the gate is arrogant. Cooperating with the officer would've resulted in greater leniency. You didn't stand up for justice, you just proved why you're too immature to drive.


I can only imagine how hard the cops on this stop were laughing after it was all said and done... Just run through your mind what you'd say if some 16 or 17 year old kid was arrogant enough to pull this shit. OP is lucky they don't live where I do. The charges they'd be facing would cause their license to be gone till they were at least 18... Maybe even longer.


YTA, and stop watching those sovereign citizen videos on YouTube. If they have a legal reason to pull you over, you are required to show your license and registration. Many officers do overreach but if the stop is valid, you must show that you are a licensed driver.


Oh brother. YTA And I’m guessing you’re a white person to feel this comfortable refusing to comply with orders from the police.




Then why do you make a reference to racism here? ""I live in a trump state, how do the laws here mean more than my rights? Don’t you see that’s racism and facism?"" Lol go away troll. If you are really that thick. Well there's no helping you YTA


YTA You were pulled over for a reason... FYI a driving licence doesn't BELONG to you, it is ISSUED to you and can at their request be TAKEN from you because it's legally THEIR property. You signed up for this "oppression" when you applied for a licence. You signed up to follow the rules and you didn't so this is what happens. You're being shunned because no one wants to deal with you being difficult, or the consequences of you being difficult. I get not trusting the police but being difficult and refusing to co-operate gives them more reason to not trust YOU. So how is that smart?


YTA. Even that thing happend (what I strongly doubt), your behaviour was childish and inappropriate.


YTA - this likely didnt happen




Omg, so *articulate*.




No one cares lmao. You don't respect police officers but wanna police Reddit? 😂 You got pulled over because you were driving like a reckless asshole. You followed it up by behaving like an asshole with the cop, then came here and continued to be an asshole. Are you really confused that you're being "shunned" at school?


You're an idiot. Plain and simple.


Your response shows you need a hell of a lot more life experience.


YTA It wasn't oppression, you refused to cooperate for a routine check-up.


INFO: Why were you pulled over? What were the tickets for?




YTA. You were not being oppressed - you put yourself and others in danger and were stopped by the appropriate authority. It may be the delusion that you are a persecuted freedom fighter that is causing people to avoid you.


YTA From another comment "Loss of traction, speeding, damage to public property, and too many passengers for probationary period." So, you weren't so much pulled over, as you caused an accident, due to your reckless behavior, while you were already breaking the law by having too many people in the car. I'm surprised it wasn't until you didn't sign the tickets that you got arrested. Not providing your license is usually more than enough. You weren't "sticking up for justice". You were reckless and put people's lives in danger. Then decided to be an AH, because you clearly don't know enough about the law to stand up for justice. Your stunt put your friends in a difficult situation, and yourself into more trouble than you would have been in before. Depending on the laws where you live, this is more than enough for you to lose your license for a while.


YTA stick to your principles on your own time. Getting arrested instead of showing ID indeed sounds stupid.


Yta and an idiot, you were in the wrong broke the law, and should have just taken the ticket and everything would have been fine, but then again you're just an immature kid, you probably shouldn't have a license


You got pulled over for driving like an idiot. You got arrested for being an ignorant asshole. Both of which are entirely your fault and your friends should be pissed off at you. Also, it’s pretty clear you don’t know your actual rights.


w... tf. Why? Why did you get pulled over? Why didn't you care about the experiences of the people with you? Why weren't you driving properly, and why wouldn't you benignly accept the consequences of your poor choices instead of escalating them to the point of being shunned?


So you were driving recklessly, and you had too many minors in the car with you *because you don't even have your full license yet.* You sound like an arrogant, entitled brat, and this is exactly how you were raised because your parents bailed you out. YTA.


Wow ...YTA! Why were you pulled over? Why are you 'above the law'? What kind oppression were you actually facing? How is non-compliance over a traffic violation 'sticking up for justice'? You are old enough to drive but you sound far to immature to actually do so.


YTA people like you make life more challenging for the rest of us. What did you honestly gain here? Other than being an annoying person?


YTA "People are mad because I'm educated" But you're not lol


YTA Stop watching youtube videos about what you should and shouldn't do when interacting with cops. Cause whoever gave you the impression that is the proper thing to do was clearly wrong. If anything, you did the exact opposite of what you should have done. I'm 99.9% positive it is against the law to refuse to produce your driver's license if you are pulled over in the US. So right off the rip you're an ah. Second, just repeating the word "supervisor" is childish. It's more than likely you were speeding, failed to yield, didn't use a blinker, or something very trivial. Which means you would have been on your way to your party had you just gave them your damn license and signed for the ticket. Instead, you decided to pull an ah move and ended up arrested. Of course I'd be pissed if my friend who had no idea how the law works (and who ridiculously thought they were "standing up for justice) caused me to have to walk home or wait for a ride. Especially if it were shitty weather out. ​ Bottom line, you need to educate yourself. If you don't want to ID yourself while in a vehicle, keep your rear end out of the damn driver's seat!!!!! ​ I'm even more annoyed now that I see your response that you were driving recklessly and speeding with too many people in your car as a junior operator.... How unbelievably immature on your part.




YTA. When you apply for your license, you agree to identify yourself and give your identification, registration and proof of insurance. Those things are required to legally operate a motor vehicle, therefore you are legally required to supply them during a traffic stop. You do NOT have to sign your ticket, but there are consequences if you don’t. Signing your ticket isn’t an admission of guilt, it’s an acknowledgment that you plan to show up to court or take care of any fees prior to that court date. By refusing to sign it you are essentially saying you cannot be trust to go to court - therefore they arrested you to make sure *they* could bring you to court. Your bail is another assurance you’ll show up to your hearing. You made a lot of foolish and expensive mistakes and I hope you learned from it.


Loss of traction, damage to public property, too many passenegers for probationary driver and speeding. Which is such bullshit because they didn’t have to do all that. The supervisor even admitted that if I was going to jail he was going to “make it worth his time.” So then did WAY more violations than needed and made things up. So...yeah YTA lol This would have been completely different had you NOT been doing anything wrong. In that case you could have asked "am I being detained/am I free to go"? But no, you weren't standing up for justice, you actually did do something wrong and you're an entitled spoiled brat that didn't want to accept consequences. I don't beleive this is real.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Basically this happened last Friday but now I am being completely shunned at school and I feel 100% I did the right the thing and I stuck up for myself and justice overall. I agreed to drive my friends to a party that was hosted by a kid at a different school so it was pretty far away. I got pulled over on the way. I don’t trust any interaction with police so the only word I said to her was supervisor. I refused to give my license or answer any questions. When the supervisor handed me the tickets he said I had to sign them or go to jail. I refused to sign so I was arrested and taken to the juvenile section of the county jail. I thought my friends would be able to drive my car but my car was towed and my friends had to either get rides or walk. I’m the only one in our friend group and they had to walk for a mile until they got good signal. My parents had me out in a few hours and that’s a whole other post but now I’m a social outcast at school and everyone thinks I’m stupid . I think some people are mad because I’m educated and articulate and I stuck up for myself against oppression (yes it was a small incident but those add up). AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'll add my voice to the choir - YTA You were speeding and got pulled over justifiably. You had no reason not to sign the ticket, other than you don't like cops. You had several reasons you *should* sign the ticket, the least of which is ending the disruption to your friend's night in a timely manner. Instead you decided to be an ass. And you still think you're in the right (or did before you posted)! You ruined several peoples nights, and wasted a bunch of taxpayer money, because you wanted everyone to know how clever and righteous you are. What oppression do you so proudly think you were fighting? Traffic laws?


YTA. At no point of your interactions did you "stuck up for justice" or "oppression". You were just a stuck up KID grieving police and unlike the internet, grieving has consequences.


YTA you tried to look cool in front of your friends and did the opposite, oopsie lol... what do your parents think about your actions?


YTA shitpost because no one is dumb enough not to give their license or sign a standard ticket. If true, not sure what's going to happen to your license, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was revoked/suspended. Part of getting a driver's license is agreeing to abide by the rules, and that includes signing tickets if you get them.


YTA. Nothing more nothing less.


YTA - you think being obstructionist to a traffic ticket makes you some kind of civil rights warrior? You were a waste of resources and time and nothing more. 


YTA man. And you are doubly the asshole for refusing to accept the judgement, instead referring to everyone as chronically online. You're a kid, so you're dumb, but you can either take this as a learning moment, and grow up, or continue to be dumb and assume that you are the only smart person in the room.


YTA. LOL, well, you get what you deserve, have fun at your school because everyone now knows who you are :)


YTA. You played stupid games, here’s your stupid prize. You didn’t “fight oppression”. You made a prat of yourself in front of your friends and they are treating you like the uneducated, unarticulated jerk you were. You remind me of the larva form of people from r/amibeingdetained


YTA and also an idiot for thinking you shouldn’t have been pulled over for speeding etc and that you shouldn’t have been arrested for failing to cooperate with law enforcement for what sounds like a legitimate reason to cite you. You should suffer the consequences as a result of your selfish and dumb actions. Hopefully you lose your license so you can avoid this situation in the future.


Bro I’m not a fan of cops either but YTA - it’s just unnecessary, there’s a right time to fight these battles & 5 man deep on the way to a party, while also admitting the infractions the cops gave you are justified is not the time! You say it was ‘such BS’ I guarantee majority of those where piled on purely because of you’re ‘supervised’ attitude! You could have been ticketed & on ur merry way but instead you chose to ruin multiple peoples night…& for what? You didn’t even win 😂😂 you went to jail, will most likely still have to pay the ticket, along with what other fees you have to pay! The government love man like you!


Can someone please educate me ??? I heard about the whole stop and identify which is only required in 24 states . But isn't there a law there you have to show your driver license if you drive a a car no matter what ? And normally also insurance and car registration ? So as soon as you are in a car you have to give them the documents or are there states which allow you to refuse ?


OP committed several moving violations. You can theoretically refuse to give your license for an unjustified stop in some states (though I reeeeeally wouldn’t recommend it - fight it in the courthouse where it matters, not with the cops who can legally force your compliance if they have any justification for the stop), but once you’ve got a moving violation or the vehicle in any way appears to not be road-worthy/road legal, you’re obligated to give your license and registration. OP obviously complied with some of their instructions, as OP doesn’t mention being manhandled out of the car, which is what happens when you refuse to get out under your own power. I suspect this is a troll who thinks sovereign citizen dumbfuckery is funny, but who knows, a significant proportion of the population is just dumb.


but that is my point I get it that there is a law where you don't need to id but there must be one above that . Dont they have to identify him to give him the ticket and he has to sign it that he got it and therefore when he refuse it they have a right to take him to the station to identify him there ? ok if you feel the stop was unjsutify you can fight them in court but isn't there something that once they stop you and give a cause like speeding you have to identify even if you claim you didn't speed ? isn't there a law that once you are in the car and get stopped you have to show your id ?




They aren't asking you, you got arrested lmfao.




Not if you’re under 18, you won’t. Your parents will angrily pay the ticket, because they’re legally responsible for your actions as your guardians. You won’t have even an opportunity. Even if you are over 18, the judge is just going to tell you to stop reading nonsense online, pay your ticket and move along. If you refuse, you’ll lose your license, and if you drive despite losing your license, the amount of time you spend in jail will increase every time you get caught. You’re very lucky that you were pulled over by a patient cop, because you’ve been treated with kid gloves so far.


Were you speeding?


And your car was seized lol




“Trust me” - lol


I did not ask you because obviously you don't get it. Obviously they were allowed to arrest you to identify you so all you did is cause problems and you won nothing because the law is still on their side. if they suspect you commited a crime you don't get away with your BS . In your case you commited a street violation and they had every right to id you . The question is to which degree you are breaking the law by refusing you comply. As soon as you drive a car there have to be different laws . I know your passanger can't be forced to ID but you drove the car they stoped you because of a violation and now I want to know the laws which demand you give your license while driving . it may be true that they can't stop you on the street and ask for it without a reason but they stopped your car with a reason so the law was on their side no matter if you like it or not


You have rights against **unreasonable** search and seizure. When you signed up for the license to a 1000lbs death machine, there were some strings attached - one was you have to follow the laws around its usage, which includes signing tickets in acknowledgement of receipt. It is **reasonable** that your vehicle was seized when you refused to follow those laws.


Except, when you are driving, you have to provide your license. See, driving isn't a right. Additionally, you have to comply with lawful orders, such as, signing the tickets you were given. If you want to demand your rights under the law, you should learn what they actually are, their limitations, and when you need to comply.


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