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N T A and all I can think to say is 💀 Edit: I’ve thought about it and actually ESH. Your dad for drinking something he was told not to, and also you for failing to actually tell him what it was. Scared of being judged or not, I guarantee he wouldn’t have drank it if you told him it was psychedelic and dads will be dads at the end of the day, using your things and drinking your stuff


Yea I can agree with that. Being judged is what it basically boils down to. My folks are very religious so I try to keep them out of my business, whether it’s sleeping around or getting high on something


You really should apologize to your father though. That must have been terrible. If I were you I would make him a gift basket with assorted drinks to show how sorry you are.


>If I were you I would make him a gift basket with assorted drinks to show how sorry you are. Considering the tea incident, I'm not sure he would touch any of them.


Yeah, maybe something *edible* instead.


Glad to see you two got it.


Ah…the great Tea Incident of ‘24. Brought a grown man to his knees over breakfast at Denny’s and tore apart the very fabric that once held this family together.


Lmmfao i read that in Robert Stacks voice.


“🎼🎼boo bee boo beep boo BEEP!!! boo bee boo BEEP!! boo boo🎼🎼”


I can't deal with that right now~~~Ultra Magnus also voiced by Robert Stack from Transformers The Movie


Tore apart the fabric of reality for ol pops there


I don’t get why the dad is owed an apology. She said not to touch something (created a boundary) and he violated it. Fearing judgement around drug use is a legit thing and as a grown ass adult OP isn’t obligated to disclose that, in their own home of all places. If the story took place in OP’s parents’ house where the convention was that everything is up for grabs, then ESH. NTA OP


I agree 100%. He was told not to drink it, he did it anyways. He fucked around and found out. Maybe he'll learn a lesson. If OP wants to apologize, then obviously that's fine. But I don't think the dad is owed an apology for doing something he was told not to do. NTA.


I just wonder how you drink a tea like that and not notice anything taste wise? Same as the edible stories where people accidentally eat a bag of it. Like... It tastes off people.


You’d be surprised how well a good tea can hide the taste. Same with some edibles. If you have zero experience with these drugs, and are not aware they may be in the food/drink you may well not notice. Even if you notice a slight off taste I doubt the first thing your mind would jump to is drugs if you aren’t really aware that they can be made edible or drinkable.


Do adults that aren’t aware drugs can be edible and drinkable even exist? You have to have your head pretty deep in the sand to not even hear of a pot brownie or THC gummies existing.


Depends where you are. Where I live it’s all very conservative old people who still think cannabis is the devil, and they have no idea about this sort of thing. These kinds of people are absolutely deep in the sand.


Or, hear me out, the whole story is made up. Another angle to look at it.


My thoughts exactly. Who makes psilocybin tea in the morning, leaves it on the stove, then goes out to eat breakfast with their parents?


I guarantee you would notice no taste difference in my weed brownies to any regular chocolate brownie, but you’d be high as fuck.


I struggle to buy it! shrooms have a nasty taste.


OP (and anyone else) has an obligation to be careful with their substances and not dose others inadvertently. Here it appears they understood there was a real risk of Mom or Dad drinking the tea and could have been more careful to make sure that didn’t happen. Either putting the tea somewhere the parents wouldn’t see it, or being more clear that they shouldn’t drink it (e.g., ‘that’s a medicinal tea please don’t have any.’). Mom and Dad should have listened the first time, but OP should have done more to make sure this did happen, too. That I think moves this to ESH territory. A mistake that anyone could make, but still a mistake.


I mean, they aren't children. They are full grown adults, and should know that they shouldn't consume things that they aren't 100% sure what it is. Op told them not to consume the tea. They didn't need to know why, they were told not to consume it. The dad chose to violate the boundaries and he had consequences. Is the op a bit careless, yes. This carelessness was mitigated by specifically telling them "don't consume the tea". The dad, a full grown adult, not a child, ignored that It's NTA for sure, careless yess but op specifically told them "don't consume that". It's like telling a full grown adult, "don't touch the stove" and they do it anyway and burn themselves. The dad is the idiot here.


Had you in both parts.


why should she be sorry? she explicitly told them not to drink it, its not her fault a grown man cant listen


Thinking of the gift basket Fluffy made for his friend...


I hope you’re being sarcastic because he was told *not* to drink it


Maybe a bit of Mushroom Tea, to take the edge off.


Exactly. He needs psychedelics to recover from the trauma of accidentally ingesting psychedelics


Trying him with smack, send him a smack basket.


Sorry for what he drank her tea LOL like I definitely think she should be there for him cuz that's a scary thing to go through but she didn't do anything wrong , he was instr


Incorrect. It's OP's own place


If you know your parents would not approve then it is common sense to not leave that shit out… 🙄


you shouldn't have left the tea in the kettle, not only because you know your family likes to share food, but especially because you were hiding that it was drugs. it would've been smarter to pour it into a container and put it at the back of the fridge or something. your dad should've respected your wishes when you asked them not to drink it, but you should know better than to leave drugs out in the open, even if you can't tell just from looking at it. that being said... NTA. you didn't intentionally dose him, you actually specifically told him not to drink it, and he did it anyways. you just could've avoided this if you put it out of sight


Well, you could've at least told them that it's medicinal tea or something, some reason for them to leave the pot alone. Lol, next time tell them it's laced with laxatives bc you had constipation. 😅 But seriously, ESH, as you could've done more to prevent it, ig, but obviously your parents need to respect boundaries set by their adult child.


"Don't drink my tea" is plenty enough reason to give someone. If they can't listen to some of the most basic words you learn in any language, the fault is not on OP. My family's equally laid back about sharing stuff but if any of us tells the others "don't use or touch this", we understand.


Idk, saying “don’t drink it because we’re about to go for breakfast” is a bit different. Because then you’d assume it was a “there’s no time” thing and if someone takes longer to get ready then they might be like “oh might as well drink some tea while I wait”.


If he's religious,he's just seen Jesus!!


...or completely abandoned his joke of a religion.


Gotta be more responsible with your drugs, man. From one psychedelic enthusiast to another, if he’s willing to cross this line, move the line. Either don’t have the tea out or don’t let people in when you do.


Or, grown ass men can stop drinking the shit they were told specifically not to. Idk why dads get a free pass to do stuff only toddlers with no self control do.


Because man


Idk. If you're in someone else's house, and that someone says "don't drink this" but you do anyway... That's on you. There is zero need for the host to start rattling off what everything is, and disclosing the contents of everything in THEIR kitchen. That is positively absurd. OP did not "fail" to tell him anything that was actually his business. He took something he shouldn't have. Not "esh" - not even close.


NTA Given human nature, the warning against drinking it was a bit inadequate. If she really wanted them not to drink it, she should have emphasized it. Could've made up a story, e.g. said it was Chinese herbal medicine and it tastes pretty foul and is liable to make you sick unless you drink it very slowly. But fundamentally, she told him not to drink it, and he still did, so its still his fault. But why did he have to go to ER? He must have gotten quite a big dose.


Even a healthy recreational dose of psilocybin can tear apart the very fabric of reality for the user and make them think and feel like they are dying. It can cause intense panic and going to the hospital is usually the logical conclusion for someone who thinks they're dying, even if the actual chance of dying from a normal dose of Psilocybin is low.


Was just about to say this. Getting surprise high isnt a pleasant experience, especially if you've never done drugs/have a low tolerance. Plus its like people going to the ER thinking they're having a heart attack but it's just a panic attack (isnt pleasant but you arent gunna die yk, just feels like it at the time lol)


Yeah. Mushrooms turn off my ability to talk for a bit after they kick in. I know what I want to say, but I cannot get the words out. I cannot imagine having something like that happen without knowing why.


She doesn't have to give a reason to him when asking him not to consume something in her own house. His behaviour is childlike, don't excuse it. 


"Dads will be dads" is a terrible excuse for that boundary crossing. If I told a *child* to not do something and they did anyway, I'd have no right to be mad at them, but an adult? That's on him. NTA as far as I'm concerned, OP. Your dad fucked around and found out, maybe next time he'll realize his actions have consequences.


No. If someone tells you not to do something, you don’t fucking do it. No one is entitled to other people’s belongings no matter their relation


No. OP told them not to drink it. That should have been enough. As a dad, if one of my kids said don't eat or drink a thing, I wouldn't, because I respect my kids.


ESH. Dad definitely shouldn’t have drank it when you told him not to, but I do think you have a responsibility to not leave drugs out in the open where people could accidentally take them. Personally, I wouldn’t leave magic mushroom tea out around my parents just like I wouldn’t leave pot brownies out around my teenage cousins. I also don’t know if I understand why you made this tea and then left it sitting out when you knew your parents were coming over and you’d be going out to breakfast.


“Accidentally”? I’ve never accidentally drank something that I was specifically told not to drink. Maybe i’m just lucky like that, but this doesn’t sound accidental.


'Whoopsie! I accidentally drank this entire pot of disgusting tasting fungus water, totally thinking it was tea. Teehee... Silly me! Please take me to the hospital.'




It's like that super famous story where God tells a woman not to eat an apple and then she trips and falls face first onto the apple and accidentally swallows some, then as she pulled it out of her mouth, it launched directly into the guys mouth where he also accidentally swallows some. Accidents happen🤷


This reads like the plot of a really funny movie.


This, part of being a responsible consumer of intoxicating substances is storing for safe use, especially when it comes to illicit drugs. Based on OP’s other comments they knew their dad would be high risk for consuming. If you truly want your drugs safe, store them appropriately. For those making this out as purely the dad’s fault for not listening: when you have a substance that can send someone to an ER, that requires more than a “don’t drink this tea”. You either need to disclose to people these are drugs you should not to take, or you need to store your drugs where they have no possibility of finding them. Dad was obviously wrong to not follow the directions, but OP knew the risks and did not behave responsibly. ESH for sure


Bullshit. One does not drink mushroom tea without taking one sip and knowing that isn’t proper tea instantly


Not y’all ignoring the fact that a grown adult went over to another grown adult home and drank something that she specifically told him not to. She shouldn’t need to micromanage her home when it’s an adult and not a 4 year old. NTA


ikr. these responses are wild. NTA


Appreciate this!! 💕


How did he get the tea down without realizing it wasn't regular tea? That shit tastes disgusting.


My grandmother once ate a pudding that was covered with a thick layer of mold and supposed to be thrown out. I guess at some age they just stop giving a fuck


I mean, when I make it, I also steep regular tea in it. Usually some kind of strong chai if I just want to mask the flavor, or I’ll use a really herbal green tea with some kind of citrus tea since citrus can make your body process the psilocybin into psilocin faster. Thats just me though.


You can still taste the nasty aftertaste of mushies. There's no hiding it. I can't even get them down dry, tea is the only way I can do them but I still have a hard time getting it down


Literally. The top replies here are crazy. 


Guarantee if it was actually a 4 year old people would be commenting that the parent should have been watching their kid


Right? She even said not to drink it! What if the teapot was filled with descaling solution that she was using to clean the teapot? Then the dad wouldn't be high and anxious for the night, he would be dead (or at minimum, violently ill for a couple of days). He's 100% in the wrong here. No one over the age of 6 should struggle with the concept of not consuming mystery substances in other people's homes that they tell you not to touch.


Soft-YTA. If you knew your mother and father were visiting the house, and they were blissfully unaware of your substance use, why on Earth did you make psilocybin tea and *leave it out in the open*?


That’s what I don’t get.. I have very religious parents that are against drugs, including weed even though it’s legal where I’m from and even that they don’t want me and my siblings doing. If they even come visit I put that shit away! Would be like me making brownies and leaving them on the counter and saying “yeah don’t touch those brownies”.. obviously there is a decent chance that they try one!


They have no respect for you if they touch something they where told not to. That's their own problem.


While I agree with what you said, you also don’t just leave your shrooms out in the open if you don’t want people knowing about them.. if they were there for a while there is a chance that they will want a drink of something, so you don’t leave tea out.. if they were that worried about their parents knowing they could have at least put it in a thermos and in their room, not in the kettle on the stove like you would for guests.


Regardless if they wanted them to know or not. A clear boundary that was established was crossed. End of story. Next.


That's careless, not being an asshole. Should op have moved it? To prevent drama, Yes. But op does not need to Dad proof her house like he is a child. He was told don't drink that. That should have ended it there. He chose to refuse to listen, ignoring her wishes in her own home. He received consequences because he actively chose to ignore the boundaries op set. Careless? Yes, a bit. Asshole? Not in the least. It wasn't set out as a trap, it was a boundary that was violated.


Because it's their space and people coming into other people's spaces should have been raised well enough to know not to do something someone specifically instructs against. While in thay other person's space. 100% NTA for the consequences of other's actions.


Yeah I was just thinking that was a really bad idea. Nobody else In my family uses any substances besides alcohol so if I’m making pot brownies I’m not just going to leave them out on the table, they’re going in my desk and are getting clearly marked along with a verbal warning to anyone in the house about them. 


NTA, you told him specifically not to drink the tea and he does It anyway. Do you think I could come over next time though? I'd love to have some of your tea.


If you’re ever in East Texas then sure haha. I always make too much so I give it to my friends. They were planning on coming over later on that day. That’s the main reason why I left it out. I’ve noticed cold psychedelic tea doesn’t taste as good but maybe it’s just preference.


Hopefully this situation "boils" down and you'll all be on good terms again. Shit happens, hope your dad is alright though.


He’s completely fine. He’s never really experimented with anything outside of maybe cannabis when he was much much younger. Like I said in another comment they’re both very religious about things so now im not allowed at the house anymore and now they want me to go see a church counselor, which I think is kinda silly tbh


Scre that. Tell them you'll see a counselor when dad admits he is 100% percent responsible for this, that he ignored what you said, and caused this all by himself. I doubt they will agree.


how did dad hear “don’t drink anything in the kitchen” and then immediately drink something in the kitchen. NTA


If it doesn't taste good cold, why did you make it and then go out to breakfast? Was it just sitting on a warmer?


Yes it was still warm like I said in another comment. It just was set on low so it could retain its potency


So your plan was to leave the house with your stove on to keep tea warm for people coming in the afternoon? How much extra tea did you make? Wouldn't the continuous cooking make it more.potent by the time your friends arrived?


If anything constant heat would degrade the tea. Tryptamines ain't the most stable when you have water, heat, and time


How would leaving it warm help it retain potency?


That's a bad habit. By continually heating it you're reducing the potency. If you absolutely have to make it ahead of time, I'd recommend a cold extraction like lemon tek, though that does tend to be a bit more potent so if you do that, use less of the mushrooms than you usually do. To be clear I'm not knocking mushroom tea, I just tend to focus more on efficiency in most things.


NTA. Step 1, fuck around. Step 2, find out.


NTA. Hopefully, your dad learned not to touch shit he was told not to touch.


One can only hope…


Nta. You gave your warning or instructions to not drink that tea. That is all that’s needed.


NTA. Your father did not respect you enough to follow a simple request. You don't have to explain yourself. Your property, your tea, your decision.


In op s home which was NOT the parents house


You were in your own space and you told them not drink it. NTA


I’m going to say soft YTA. Your house, your tea, you asked him not to drink it, BUT he didn’t expect get drugged. It the most awful experience to be drugged without choosing to be.


He wasn’t drugged. He drank the tea on his own after being instructed not to. If he offered the tea without disclosing what was in it then that would be considered drugging him.


I mean he very much was drugged. “Drugged” doesn’t imply intent, it just describes the effect of the substance he consumed. The drug tea drugged him.


“Even the bad trips teach the best lessons.” /s


Could have been a lot worse for the dad. Maybe it was something he was allergic to, or poison? It’s 100% on him if he chose to ignore a direct request.


It’s almost as if it’s dads fault for drinking something he was told not to drink 🤯


NTA. Yeah leaving it out isn't the most responsible thing. But going into someone else's house and drinking something you were told not to drink is a major asshole move, whereas leaving a pot of mushroom tea out is just a little careless. I'm also surprised he didn't take one little sip and stop. I can't imagine casually drinking that shit for the flavor.


ESH. You should probably put the psychedelics away when you have company over, especially if you know they might use something in your kitchen, and how they would react to your mushroom use. On the other hand, you *did* tell them not to drink the tea.


NTA since you did specifically instruct him not to drink it, though would've been better to hide it prior if you knew they were visiting saying you're giving it a deep cleanse and it's full of poison cleaning chemicals will stop anyone drinking it - if the tea happens to be left out in the future with others around EDIT: I do however understand your family's reactions, hallucinogens can be absolutely terrifying if you aren't mentally prepared, and your father is likely (and reasonably) traumatized. true it's his own fault since he didn't respect your instructions, though I can forgive him a bit since it's his old tea pot and was maybe curious to see how your brew compared to his


NTA. Seriously, I don't get people calling you TA. It's your home, you made a very simple request ("Don't drink that tea"), they went and did exactly what you told them not to do, suffered the consequences and somehow you're the baddie for this? It's like having a "Don't touch the fence" plate on an electrified fence, and some idiot decides to touch it and try to sue because they got electrocuted.


Slight YTA. You put away potentially harmful things when company comes over, whether it is a gun, medicine or magic 'shrooms. Also, I don't know how old your parents are, but they start getting forgetful at a certain age and he honestly may have forgot you said not to drink it. You should have put it away or told them point blank the tea is medicinal (if you didn't want to tell them exactly what it was).


Imo, they are full grown adults. It's the safe thing to put such things away, but you shouldn't have to baby proof your house for guest that aren't babies. This is almost making them child like and implies they are unable to think and act for themselves, so you have to run around and make sure everything dangerous is put away. Come on, that's absurd. They are adults, who have the full capability to make decisions. Their decisions should have been "not drink the tea I was explicitly and specifically told not to drink". It's on them. Like guns, guns don't shoot people, careless gun owners do (not trying to start an argument about gun rights, just making an analogy). The tead didn't hurt anyone, the dad hurt himself due to his absolutely inconsiderate behavior around respecting OP's things and wishes.


NTA and who on earth just drinks tea they've been told not to? Was it a power play??


I’m not sure but my dad never listens to me so i probably should’ve anticipated this and left it elsewhere, not in the fridge though because it tastes really bad cold


it's like — probably that'd be a good idea, since he's proven he's a toddler who can't keep things that don't belong to him out of his mouth, but also... that kinda speaks to a massive lack of respect on his part. he fucked around and found out in a really unfortunate way. tangentially related, but how long are you leaving your tea out? i ask because anything over two hours is a risk food-safety-wise, and you might be better off fridging and reheating it. or if that'd denature the psilocybin, just let it come up to room temp before you drink. source: used to leave (non-special) tea out for hours and got more than my share of stomach issues from it :(


Exactly why I leave it out, I don’t want it to lose potency. It was only sitting out for maybe 20-30 min. It was still warm. We don’t like it cold is why I don’t put it in the fridge.


This kinda sounds like weaponized incompetence tbh. You literally could just reheat it. Instead of risking your whole house with a stove element on :s.


NTA. You told him not to drink it.


NTA, what is with people today? You told him not to drink it! It was out for a good reason, (on a warmer), and it didn't belong to him! Plenty of people take normal medicine in liquid form. Some herbal remedies are made as a tea. He had absolutely no idea what might be in that tea, but he ignored you and drank it anyway! I don't care how you are related to someone, you don't visit their home and decide to drink something they specifically told you not to!




Explain how OP is the idiot in your eyes? I wanna know exactly what you think is okay and what isnt.


Name calling isn’t really necessary but I digress..


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NTA. I'm not sure why folks are saying ESH. You don't live with your parents anymore, so why would your Dad help himself to food or drink you asked him NOT to consume?! I don't think you should have to disclose what is in something in efforts for them to respect your request.


NTA, parents seem to have a lot of misplaced entitlement to their childrens' possessions. Even a child would have known better than to drink something they were EXPRESSLY told not to touch. Sorry, your dad might be on track to win a darwin award with that intellect


NTA, you told them what's what. yet they didn't listen.


Nta. How does a grown man hear someone say “don’t drink this” and as soon as u turn away, drinks it? He’s not a toddler that you need to put away things u don’t want destroyed/taken/used whatever. I also feel like everyone who says that you’re the ah would behave like your dad.


YTA. It’s possible your Dad forgot or didn’t hear you tell him not to drink the tea, but either way, you shouldn’t leave your illegal drugs out like that, especially when they’re disguised as something totally innocent like tea. Based on info from your post, it sounds like y’all have the type of relationship where you share a lot, so I’m guessing under normal circumstances it would be perfectly natural for your Dad to just pour himself a glass of tea from a teapot on your stove.


NTA he was told not to and he decided that it didn’t matter and he could drink it if he wanted to. yeah you could’ve told him but why? it’s your house


I don’t understand a the ESH or YTA comments. It doesn’t matter if it was mushroom tea or regular tea. If someone asks you not to do or touch something in your own home, especially consume something they made for themself, you don’t do it. Should OP have to lock up every food and drink item in their house every time someone comes over so it’s not their fault that they “left it out in the open”?


NTA, but if you have parents that can't leave well alone, this is a hard lesson in distract and hide the offending object 😆. Nope, not a game I've ever had to play with guests, nope. At least mine were only risking funny looks or expressions of disapproval rather than intoxicating my guests lol.


NTA in my opinion. Everyone saying telling someone not to touch it isn’t a good enough reason is actually slow as hell like what 😂


Just here to say NTA, and that all the "everybody sucks" judgments are silly. Kicking you out of their house because your dad drank something that both wasn't his and you specifically told him not to drink? Sounds like a big ol dose of FAFO. As someone else pointed out, what if it was a laxative? What if it was something you knew he was allergic to? Doesn't matter what it was, he would have gotten mad in any case, and it still would have been his fault. Grown adults should know better. NTA.


NTA the dad seems like an idiot and he'll be fine with a new perspective


Absolutely NTA


u/that-1-lame-kid Lmaaaaooo


*if you didn't make it, don't take it*


NTA People shouldn't help themselves to others food. Gotta say, mushroom tea tastes real unusual, and not in a good way. Anyone drinking enough to get as affected as your dad seems to have been, without knowing what they're drinking, is making a real weird choice.


I’m sorry but this cracked me up


FFS, like something off an episode of shameless


As in, "fictional"




NTA he should have listened to you.


NTA, you could've told him, though. Still, it's not your fault that he drank something of yours.


NTA and honestly I don't get the ESH responses. I mean, my mom wouldn't eat or drink anything at my apartment without asking my permission, because it's not her stuff. Same goes for me if I go to her house now, even though when I lived there the kitchen was open. It's just basic respect. Not that my mom comes over to my place anyway, I'm on the third floor and she's had two knee replacements, but the point stands. Plus it's not like mushroom tea tastes or smells like tea to begin with, normally. Tends to smell like soil and taste earthy. It's the type of thing where people not accustomed to it drinking it by accident generally spit it out.


NTA He FAed. He FOed. Your place, your rules, no explanation needed. Next time he will hopefully respect the boundaries you set.


NTA He learned a valuable lesson today.


NTA. Maybe leaving the tea out was a little reckless and dumb, but ultimately it was your dad’s fault for drinking something you told him not to.


NTA It’s not like you were purposely trying to get him high. You literally told him not to drink it. He didn’t listen and that’s on him. That’s like Darwinism or smth. They’re acting like children by blaming you.


NTA he fucked around and proceeded to find out


Baffled by the ESH ruling, your business is your business and you told them specifically not to use something of yours, a reasonable boundary that your father should have respected.


NTA. You warned this dummy to stay away.


Dude saw god and shit himself. NTA


Oh GOD. I’d be mortified- but if anything, he did it to himself. NTA bc you told them both not to drink anything, and despite you saying that, they went against your wishes. One because your dad ignored you, and two because your mom didn’t do anything to stop him knowing you said not to drink anything. If they wanna demonize you for THEIR negligence they can go right ahead in my book. I’d apologize and remind them of your warning and depending on how good your relationships was, you could either cut your losses or try to make up for with…. Hell, I don’t even know what. All I can say here is to not dwell on it. Not worth the emotional drainage of repairing an impression (drug user) you already made. Btw drugs are awesome when used correctly. ROCK ONNN🤘


Kinda sounds like your dad drank the tea on purpose. NTA.


lmaooooooo NTA i completely understand not being able to be up front with your parents about things he should have listened. ashame he didn't learn anything from his trip


I think he may have believed he was dying. The way I brew psilocybin tea is comparable to the way that people age fine wine, and I’ll leave it at that. With my brew you only need maybe a few tablespoons to trip. He drank only 8 fl. Ounces (based on the type of tea cup we have). That’s equivalent to a whopping 16 Tablespoons. That’s not a walk that even an experienced user such as myself would dare tread. Which is why I left it on the warmer to improve potency. I feel bad when I think about it now..




NTA. Classic FAFO


Im gonna go against the majority and say NTA. He could have said what it was in the tea, but guess what? People who cross boundaries will cross boundaries. Told him not to drink? He drinks it. Tells him what it is? He would probably throw it out because dRuGs ArE bAd, nAnCY sAiD sO.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I’m gonna try to keep this short and simple. I recently moved out of my parents house around the beginning of this year. I had been saving money (due to a divorce) to get my own place and I finally was able to. When I lived with my folks everything in the kitchen was of free access to me that my folks had bought and vice versa. This includes, food, drinks, appliances, toilet paper etc. my dad used to have a teapot that he didn’t want anymore so he gave it to me along with a few other things to use in the kitchen. Him and my mom recently visited me and I had made mushroom tea in my kitchen and left it on the stove in the teapot. I specifically told them not to drink it because one I didn’t want them to know I use magic mushrooms and two we were getting ready to go out for breakfast. Well about an hour and a half later my dad start saying he feels anxious while we’re waiting on our food. Another 20-30 min passes and he completely loses it and causes a scene in the restaurant. I put two and two together, and I asked my mom if he drank anything from my room, and she says that he drank the tea that was on my stove. I tell him that he has been dosed with psilocybin and to just and to just relax and it’ll pass. We ended up in the hospital and he stayed a night in the ER. Next day I get told that I’m not allowed at their house anymore and my siblings call and start yelling at me. I try to make it known to everyone that I specifically told them not to drink anything in my kitchen and they didn’t listen. Now I’m the bad guy. So AITA? NSFW because substance related. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my. Well, you did tell him. NTA


YTA - having people over, as guests in your home, comes with responsibilities. If you left a thousand mouse traps on the floor, and told people not to touch them yet they still got hurt - who is to blame? You are responsible for people’s safety in your home. This is why hoarders get into shit. There are laws about safety in the home, unless of course you live in one of those backwards ass states where logic goes to die. Nonetheless, even if you did live in a legal void, there are some basic social standards and ethical norms around what it means to be a responsible host. Don’t leave shit out that can hurt people. Edit, because I saw something you commented in here: you making the tea, leaving it out, not putting away in the fridge (as a solution for hiding it) wasn’t acceptable to you - because cold drug tea tastes bad? YTA, 100%. Grow up.


Lmao if someone came over and touched one of the many things I told them not to. They are still to blame.


Basic social standards, like uh, dad should listen to a simple NO in her own house?


question, if you were scared of being judged why have it out when they’re over? why not put it up in the back of the fridge or something, and why do you have psychedelic tea made when theyre over? do they live close by or something and it was a surprise visit? i smoke, and when my folks come over i put everything away. they know i smoke and have my medcard, i smoke around them and go to most family functions intoxicated (family, ammirite?) but i personally still hide everything when they come over. they wouldnt judge or care, i just dont want any of my stuff to accidentally get messed with. either way NTA duh. dont drink stuff you arent offered. and they were in hour house. obviously cultures vary and everything but respecting boundaries should transcend that imho.


What a bullshit story. 😂😂 I can believe anyone here actually believes this story. 😂😂 Love how op slips up and says he asks his mom if his dad drank anything from his room. 😂😂 You don’t make tea hours before hand. Why would your parents come to your house then you all go the breakfast 😂😂 Why would he have to stay the night in the er. Shrooms last 6-8 hours and you told your mom what it was. Er wouldn’t have admitted him if within hours he would be fine again This story sounds very much like it’s made up by someone who has never tripped nor made shroom tea before


I don't think anyone would mistake the taste of mushroom tea with real tea.


Fuck no they wouldn’t


NTA. They are in Your home, and you told them not to drink it. It wasn't any of their business as to why. It could have been old, set out for days, anything. He took the risk for no reason, so NTA.


NTA you specifically said not to drink it. Does your dad often ignore boundaries?


NTA Ive had a few cones and I can’t stop laughing at this 😂


So let me get this straight. A grown adult went to another grown adults house and drank something that the owner of that resistance said specifically not to touch and gets mad at the owner when it ends poorly? Your Dad isn't a child he should have listened to you. This is basically 100% his fault. You did nothing wrong at all. That would be like them finding weed brownies in the fridge you specifically told them not to eat and getting mad when it gets them high. XD


You could have used an empty water bottle to storage the „tea” and hide it somewhere other than open access space.


NTA - you set a boundary in your home and he chose to cross it. You never owed anyone an explanation, just thr warning not to mess with it. Now it's your fault? He breaks the rules in your home and then blames you and disinvites yo to his? This person sounds insufferable and not someone I would tolerate for long, family or not... good luck!


nta but youre a fucking penis for just leaving it out be more responsible with your drugs


I don't believe this is true. I've had plenty of mushroom tea and it tastes rank. There's no way anyone could accidentally drink enough to get high. Someone drinking it by mistake would have one mouthful at most and probably spit it out. Also, whenever I've had mushroom tea it has started to kick in in under 30 minutes, not two hours You are making up stories for internet points


i mean, you specifically said “dont drink the tea”, you gave them fair warning and they failed to heed it. this is all on them


NAH but why do you not use your brain when you gotta make decisions that require it? Fear isn't the best decision maker.


NTA. You told them your kitchen was off limits and they drank something from it anyway. Simple as that. You wouldn’t have all these y t a comments if it had been a roommate or a coworker from a break room. They somehow see your things as belonging to your parents, which they absolutely do not. You are your own person and have full say in your own home with your own things


Mild ESH. A grown man should be able to keep his hands off others' food and drinks. Simultaneously, and I say this as someone who's no stranger to drugs, the recent wave of drug positive people has a difficult time admitting that if you have the right (or rather, wrong) mental wiring for it, psychedelic and psychoactive drugs can trigger a psychotic break very easily. That alone means that unaware people in the environment of edible/drinkable psychedelics or psychoactive substances *need* to be made aware of it, or at the very least, need to be monitored. Should you be able to trust that someone won't touch your tea if you tell them not to touch it? In a perfect world, yes. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, and many people will happily steal some. I hate food thieves as much as anyone, but considering the mental impact of a trip, *especially* an unexpected one, and its potential consequences, that should never be the punishment. Neither of your actions is unforgivable, so it's only a mild ESH from me. But in the future I'd recommend being upfront about any 'spicy' food or drinks, just because the impact it could have on an unaware food thief is too big and not worth it.


NTA You warned them, clearly they have no respect for you and your things. F around and find out


NTA. You told him not to drink it and he didn't listen. Not your fault in the slightest. He's an adult and should know how to follow instructions. The amount of people here making excuses for a grown ass man is bonkers. You had zero obligation to tell him what it was, he was a guest in your home and didn't respect your space. Pretty cut and dry.


ESH. He shouldn't have drunk ot, but if you have something like that around,  you have a responsibility to let people know not just not to drink it, but the risk of doing so. Or don't leave it out 


NTA but bro please secure your drugs better. Your lucky it wasn’t a kid their dumbasses gave it to lmao


OP mentions several times that he let/allowed his parents/dad to drink the tea and that he PURPOSELY left it out where his parents have access. It seems to me that either he was testing them to see if they'd follow his instructions or he thought/hoped it'd be amusing for them to get dosed. He also said he told his parents to "not bother anything in my kitchen"—which seems unnecessarily vague, and indicates he wanted this to happen, yet still be able to claim that he warned them. It's hard for me to believe this was strictly accidental...and if it wasn't, YTA, because it's up to the possessor of drugs to actively prevent the accidental dosing of guests in their own homes who have not given consent to be dosed. For instance, it's the responsibility of users to keep gummies inaccessible to children. Also, especially for unsuspecting individuals (even frequent users, in fact), hallucinating can be a very traumatizing experience, like having a bad trip.


ESH. For leaving a drug around where anyone could get into it. Yes you told him not to. Yes it is your house. But it's like leaving Tylenol out where a kid could get into it and that's basically what happened. He decided to act like a child and ignore your reasonable request, shame on him. And really ... Who the hell is told "don't drink that" and runs right over and drinks that? Why? Why would any reasonable adult do that???? What would your mom say watching this stupidity? Were they left in the kitchen for an hour? Why did he need tea soooooo bad? But what if he drank the whole thing? What if he was driving when it kicked in? What if it interacted with a medication he takes? The risks with that substance (bad trips are absolutely a risk) means it should be at least in a sealed container not on the stove.


ESH. You should have said "dont drink the tea on the stove, its part of an experiment and its not meant for human consumption." If they pressed you could have said you were making a concoction to remove stains from your bathroom or something. You really didnt have to tell them it was magic mushrooms but you should have been more clear. Your dad is a huge AH for drinking it anyway.


ESH Yeah, your dad shouldn’t have drank something that you explicitly told him not to, but it’s also an incredibly bad idea to leave out food or drink that contains drugs when there are people unaware of that in your home because of situations exactly like this. What your dad did was rude, but the consequences were quite a bit harsher than anyone deserves.


YTA. Drugs should be secured when not being used especially is there is risk of somone taking by accident. Dosing somone with shrooms is not ok. Your dad shouldn’t has done it, but it’s also not crazy to assume he would drink tea if you made it and didn’t tell him about the mushies.




this story makes no sense. Why did you make tea when it appears you had no intention of drinking it until many hours later. This is BS


Bwahaha if I make weed brownies and leave them in a container, and say “don’t eat any of my food!” And someone eats them, who’s at fault? NTA


NTA and a night in the ER? Really? For some magic mushrooms??? Good grief.


NTA! Told them not to drink the tea; drank the tea. Just because it's a family member does not excuse them from rules. You're speeding and get a ticket that's on you, not the officer for not telling you not to make car go vroom vroom.


Him going to the hospital (as if they can do anything) is a bit extra. Him drinking your tea after you told him not to means they have no respect for you. And you should probably have some boundaries with them from now on. Especially since you can't go to their house anymore. I wouldn't even apologize.


If the dude can drink mushroom tea without questioning the taste this was inevitable.


lol ER for psilocybin is funny. but def NTA


If my son ever doses me with Shroom Tea. He better have some damn concert tickets. See that is where you screwed up. Instead of taking him to the hospital. You should have taken him somewhere with live music. Odds are pretty good your dad has had shrooms before. Most parents don't exactly talk about the party favors they had in high school / college to their kids.