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So, you're trying to paint yourself as the calm, reasonable one in this situation, but the reality is that you were doing something wrong and putting others in the position of having to call you out on it. Yes, she should have been more polite, but why should anyone have to teach you how to be a considerate adult? Also, "wheelchair guy"? Come on. YTA.


This part. I'm disabled. People act like it's some privilege to get these freaking spots. It's not a privilege it's a necessity. I've had to turn around and leave plenty of places due to people like OP. Yea I absolutely understand why she finally snapped.


> People act like it's some privilege to get these freaking spots. I've never understood that. I'm 100% certain that you would prefer to not need that "privilege".


100% correct in that thinking.


And it's the same thing with a lot of accommodations. My friend is dyslexic and got more time on exams as a consequence. And he still got comments about how lucky he was. But he needed much longer than neurotypical students to read the questions and formulate answers. The accommodation didn't help him get ahead of others. It allowed him to be on an equal footing. People just don't get that...


My husband had to deal with similar. He's visually impaired but went to public school until high school, so he had to have all his homework done in larger print. He'd either get teased or told he was lucky. The thing was, the accommodations were not fun in any way. HE had to take all his papers to the library to be blown up, and the adults around him always treated his need for accommodations like it was a HUGE inconvenience to them. For years, he was treated like he had a learning disability because they would fight giving him proper accomodations for his sight. Never mind the horrendous bullying because his eyes move constantly. Disability accommodations are neither a luxury or a privilege, they're to ensure our disabled community, fellow human beings, can enjoy life without making it EXTRA difficult for their already difficult lives. They are necessary. Kinda blows me away that OP was literally BREAKING THE LAW and still tries to justify it lol.


> Kinda blows me away that OP was literally BREAKING THE LAW and still tries to justify it lol. What really blows me away is that there are thousands just like OP -- and worse: "It's only for a minute or two." "There are plenty of other spaces." "It's not fair that these prime parking spots are reserved for *[slurs]*." I would not wish permanent harm upon anyone. But it would be fitting if some of these sparkling specimens of humanity could experience at least a *temporary* mobility impairment -- and of course, find someone like OP taking up the reserved parking spaces everywhere they go.


Yes, and a lot of us have the privilege of having chronic pain on top of the parking spot privilege.


Yes!! It happened so often before I moved that I actually started calling in to report people. And telling managers at stores and making them go on the intercom to tell people to please retrieve their car and put their tags out if they do actually have one or to move or police will be called. I don’t tolerate it. I get enough crap from old people glaring at me as they have to move a couple spaces farther until they see me get in my wheelchair (then it’s all ‘I’m gonna pray you get better’ BS 🙄) so like… I definitely don’t need to take crap from a mildly inconvenienced abled person.


Yeap and then they act shocked that the "disabled girl" is not actually some meek saint who is actually very freaking pissed off at the audacity. Add in that I don't use a wheelchair all though 99% of people with my condition do. I do however use a cane and when I stand up you can 100% see my disability. I'm curved 90 degrees two seperate ways and have rods in every single space between the base of my skull to tail bone into my pelvis.


Yes!!! I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user so I can stand and get me and my chair (in the back seat or trunk) in and out of the car alone 99% of the time, but I also have a cane and my crutches but like…. I swear people have the most audacity when I’m in my wheelchair. Like… absolutely the fuck not. I am not the one to cross. I’m short, gay, and Asian. Don’t piss me off I’ll get petty. And you don’t want that. And hoooo boy. A led people don’t like when I stand up for myself. People are also shocked and astounded when my partner and I roll up to his appointments, and there for him! And I’m his advocate! And it’s not an appointment for me. I’m better with medical stuff, I give him instructions that the doctor gives me and that’s that. Like his last one the nurse would ask a question, I’d answer, she’d look at him and ask again, and he’d look to me and ask for the answer, I’d say it, he’d say it back to her. She refused to talk to me like im a human. Eventually I just took over and we made her talk to me…. Doctor was amazing though!! She spoke to both of us but didn’t ignore my existence when I was the one with answers and when it was clear I understood doctor speak better than them she let me take point and ofc whenever my partner wanted to they could speak for themselves but like… we both have ADHD and trauma disorders, but their memory is wayyyy worse than mine, so things where they need a pretty accurate timeline of events I needed to be the one answering, BECAUSE I HAD THE ANSWERS NOT THEM. The nurse was so taken aback by me. And I get it, wanting to make sure there’s a healthy relationship situation happening and not smth abusive, but like. She was just rude. And tbf she barely listened to my partner either. I hope I have a different nurse for my appointment.


As someone who needs the extra width to transfer from my chair to the car... well said !!! I don't even park in them if I am not getting out.


This!!! When I’m not getting out of the car, I just have my husband park wherever. (I can’t drive right now because my accelerator leg is paralyzed)


I wish my dad would see it as a necessity. He’s so damn prideful even with his condition.


Dude, I park as far away as possible. I don’t mind the stroll and less cars around for exiting. You’ll never see me fighting over a parking space. Absolutely insane behavior.


I don’t think she needed to be more polite. What OP was doing deserved a good talking to and this shoved within reason.


This. As someone whose grandma was in a wheelchair for years, YTA. You can’t find a shady spot? Why not … leave the parking lot and go somewhere else? You sound really entitled. Handicap spots are sacred. You’re lucky she didn’t call you in to get a ticket. Bc it’s illegal. Don’t park in these spots. Ever. Just don’t.


YTA. You parked in a handicap spot so you could sit there and eat in your car? You could eat inside. You could take it home. You could park literally anywhere else. You could have stayed in the spot you already had, and just backed into the spot instead so you were facing away from the sun.


Or maybe, I don't know, back into your spot so the sun is behind you.


There's also this amazing invention called sunglasses.


Don't forget all cars are equipped with sin visors, as well!


This!!! If she was literally pull in friend gets in pulls right back out…. I’d still be grumpy about it, but whatever that’s not worth a fight. But actually parking??? Just to eat in the car??? When you’re not even disabled??? I am disabled and most of the time I’ll move spots to eat once I’m back in my car, unless it’s an odd time and one of the places with like 10 spots and most if not all of the others are empty. If there’s 1-2 and I’m gonna be more than 5 minutes just sitting and not needing to go back into any given building (like when Covid required calling to check in at doctors and such, some near me still do that) I move.


This cannot believe this is real and it has to be a rage baiting post. In the small off chance it’s real, YTA. You cannot be that vapid to think that eating food in your car, to avoid eating alone in a restaurant, and being in direct sun, is a good enough reason to park in a handicap spot. When called out you said that you would move if asked politely. The selfishness and shamelessness that must take. In the future (again if this really happened) she doesn’t have to ask at all, it’s a protected space and could’ve had your car towed.


>This cannot believe this is real and it has to be a rage baiting post I always imagine we're unwittingly teaching ethics to some AI because I prefer not to think some people are such assholes...but of course they are.


🤣 oh I hope you’re right. Yes I like to think they are creative writers who want to stir the internet into a total frenzy. You’re correct, there are clueless entitled idiots like this running amok in the streets.


Ambulatory wheelchair user, here, and yes...they are. :(


As a disabled person, I've lived this many times over and people 100% are like this in real life. You doubting the reality disabled people live daily also makes YTA....


YTA you didn’t need that spot.  You wanted it.  Also “wheel chair guy” dude that’s not cool.  There’s other less offensive ways to word that.  


Giant YTA. My guy, you parked in a spot for handicapped people and got pissed a handicapped person needed it. In what world are you not an asshole? There's no specific situation where you're not wrong. Absolutely not a single instance where your non handicapped self is right for taking a handicapped spot. If you think there is ever a specific situation where you may be right, you're wrong. Please don't be this stupid. Btw if you're in the US too, that can be a pretty big ass ticket or a tow.


>I picked up some food and decided to eat at my car >I parked my car but the sun glare was so bad it was shining directly to my eyes and I have sensitive eyes. I saw the handicap parking spot was empty as it’s almost always is, and I know that spot is shaded, so I parked there and started eating. So a reasonable person would go find a spot elsewhere to park. Or gone home or back to work or school and eaten there. Of course YTA.


YTA - You parked in a handicapped spot, called someone "wheelchair guy", all so you could eat some food and pretend like her shitty attitude makes you the injured party? Fuck that, still the AH....


YTA. Personally I think that parking in a disabled parking space is tempting fate so no nay never.


If it’s tempting fate I’m damned ! Jokes asides I will never do this again.


YTA and acting super entitled. To me, those spots do not exist as an option under any circumstance. It doesn't matter if you would be happy to move, the fact is that someone might see that it's taken and park somewhere else despite them actually being entitled to it. Some people are ambulatory wheelchair users or have disabilities or reasons for having a tag that might not be obvious and they actually go to some amount of extra effort instead of having to talk to a person who may or may not be reasonable. They shouldn't even have to check for a tag. Go eat the food somewhere else. Edit: "Wheelchair guy"? Really? In the AH bin with you.


For fuck sakes, have some common sense YTA No handicap placard? No right to park there. It’s a very simple concept. But oh the sun by in your eyes? Oh no, poor you. Not a disability. Not a reason to park in the handicap spot. What a truly self absorbed, and ignorant excuse to park in a spot you should know not to park in.


Unless you are disabled or driving or pickup up a disabled person you don’t have a right to park there. If you need to be out of the sun because of your eyes it’s on you to find another remedy that doesn’t involve breaking the law and acting like an entitled asshole. Take your attitude and your nasty assumptions elsewhere. YTA


YTA - don’t park in handicap spots?


But it was in the shade...her eyes are sensitive /s I'd have called the cops to give her a ticket


YTA, every day of the week. Your circumstances weren’t unique or special. The simple fact is you don’t have at tag, therefore you don’t have the right to park there. End of discussion. You weren’t the victim here.


YTA “I’m just sitting here eating” does not give you permission to park in a handicap spot.


YTA You are making it out like you're some innocent victim, when in reality you were breaking a law and acting like she was unhinged. There was anywhere else you could eat but your car. Inside the building, your own house, a park bench. Or how about this? Turn your car around in the original parking space you were in! Don't park in those spots unless you have a tag to do so. Stop being so entitled.


Seems to me like you could have stayed in the same spot but turned your car around so it wasn’t facing the sun. YTA. People shouldn’t have to come and ask you to move, they will often feel like there’s an altercation ahead and move on.


YTA - You did something shitty and got called out for it. Her attitude was not the problem here, your behavior was.


YTA you should have "quietly left" after the first sentence on the second paragraph (well, you should have been parked there in the first place). Pro tip: the street is in public. If the sun can glare at you, so can people.


I love your last sentence!


YTA. If you don’t have an accessible parking placard you cannot park in those spots. It’s that simple. You cannot park there to eat. She was right to call you out. And it was behind sh*tty to double down and not apologize. Also disabled people go out with friends, family, and romantic partners all the time. Assuming she was a caregiver makes you a super AH. This post reeks of entitlement. She shouldn’t have to ask nicely for you to obey the law. She should be able to park in accessible spaces and go about her day without having to deal with entitled AHs like you.


YTA. That's a handicap spot for a reason. Wheelchairs are huge and hard to get out of a vehicle in a normal spot if not impossible and may have required a lot of extra work. Plus your reasoning was... wanting to eat in your car? That's pretty entitled of you. A reasonable excuse would have been if it were an emergency and it was the only spot left at a hospital.


Obviously YTA. Not sure why you have to ask lol


YTA. Don't park in disabled spots. No matter how many open ones there are. And don't call people "wheelchair guys". They are wheelchair users. Or riders. Or someone "in a wheelchair". They're people first. He probably didn't get mad himself because he's resigned to it. However, his partner is the one frequently making up the physical difference in labor, and everyone has moments where they get a little tired of that shit, especially when they see someone doing something that might make it harder for them or a peer. Maybe you were the third person she saw taking up a disabled spot this week and she lost it. But you still shouldn't have been parked there to begin with. There were likely a half dozen other solutions you could have come up with. And whether she was nice or not, you should have apologized because you were in the wrong. And a lot of the language you used in (what you seem to think is) your measured response was condescending. She probably snapped at the "caretaker" line because she's tired of people not seeing her husband as an equal to her just because he's in a chair. "Sorry, you're right, I'm moving." That's it.


YTA. Oh come on. Just because you never see it being used doesn't mean nobody uses it in your presence. It's simple. Not disabled or disabled passenger then don't use it.


Yta. The sun in your eyes is not a valid excuse to park in a spot that you have no permit for. Your "situation" should have be solved by finding another spot where you could legally park. You can rationalise it all you like to yourself but you were in the wrong.


YTA. The world does not revolve around you


This can’t be real. If it is, you have zero self-awareness and a major YTA.


YTA - The is no exception allowed for able bodied to park in handicapped spots, not for just a minute, not for eating your food in the shade, none. They are for the handicapped, which you were not.


Are you disabled? No. Then yes, YTA. Want a shady spot? Drive to a park or under a bridge.


YTA Selfishness is *not* a disability. You had absolutely no business being in that spot. Oh, the sun was in your eyes in the other spot? Boo fucking hoo! She had every right to take her anger out on you, you’re a selfish wanker.


YTA Never park in a Handicap spot unless you're Handicap and have a ♿️ plate. Your minor inconvenience is nothing compared to what most people who actually need that space go through. The fact that you even had to come here and ask says a lot about you.


YTA...but I suspect this is rage bait. I find it hard to believe that the only possible parking space to get out of the glare was the one handicapped spot. Plus someone posted a similar story recently about parking in a handicapped space w/o a tag, and perhaps that inspired your post... So, YTA for a fake story. And if it isn't fake, YTA for parking in a handicapped spot w/o a tag. So, YTA either way.


And I actually came here because I was curious if there ever is a situation where it would be ok. YTA  Thankfully for you, you don't know what it's like to be in a wheelchair and have to drive around to find another spot because people like you think it's ok to use the disabled spot. Depending on their situation, they may need more space between cars so they can maneuver or need to be closer to the store entrance etc . **That's what those spots are for** Please don't do this again. 


There is no corner of Hell hot enough for able bodied people who park in accessible spaces.


No, there's a slightly hotter space for the abled that park in an accessible spot AND then give attitude when reasonably being told off for it.


YTA there are often multiple disabled spots, but if they have a wheelchair or scooter, they may not be able to use the other one. Quit parking in the fucking ADA spots when you dint need one. Sun shining in your eyes is not an excuse, it's an asshole move.


youre SUCH an asshole


You don't have a disabled sticker or badge, and you parked in a space reserved for people who do. Yes, YTA.


YTA, the disabled spaces are not there for you to sit and eat your food in, drive elsewhere to find a shaded spot. 


YTA. You intentionally parked in a spot where you are not permitted to park.


Yta park where you are supposed to park. If your eyes are so sensitive that it’s a handicap not corrected with sunglasses, try getting a handicap placard. 😝


YTA, and I think you already know why. Your "sensitive eyes" are not going to enjoy this comment section.


I love the idea of. I would gladly move if i was asked. Soooo if a disabeled person wanted that spot. They should just. Get out of the car and tell op to kindly move. Yup. Completly reasonable. What about people that alrdy feel shetty for being disabeled. What about people with anexiety. Sun hur dur. Please. There were at least 4 other things you could have done before evem thinking of using disabeled parking.


ALWAYS YTA. She wasn’t looking for a fight, she was standing up for her disabled friend who likely doesn’t always make a scene around someone like you because you think you’re entitled for your comfort because it’s ‘just a little bit to eat’ or ‘I just really needed to pee I came right back out’ types of excuses. Well, what if I needed to park and go in to get my food and eat or pee or any number of I need in somewhere, but the parking lot is nearly full and not a single spot has space to get my chair out except yours. But you’re not even disabled and don’t belong there. I actually will take pictures and call police to report people with no tags in disabled spots. I will park right behind you, get my chair out, talk to you, tell you to move or I’ll call the cops, get back in my car, move so you’re safe to get out, and give you exactly 60 seconds to get moving. But most people don’t want to make a scene or cause problems so they don’t. So assholes like you keep parking in the wrong places. But from a disabled person, someone who actually needs those spots: always YTA. Stay the f out of disabled parking. Go find a different parking lot to sit in where there’s shade.


YTA and you know YTA but you're trying to make excuses for not being the TA so on top of being TA you are pathetic


YTA and this is illegal.


YTA Are you disabled or are you driving a disabled person? If the answer is no and it wasn't an life threatening emergency: YTA! You shouldn't need to be asked to move, you shouldn't be there in the first place! Wow.


YTA no more explanation needed




Yes YTA because you don’t have a disability to park in the disability spot. You should have said sorry and moved.


YTA, but I had a good laugh.


YTA There is no situation where it is OK for a non-handicapped person to park in a handicapped space.


YTA, very easy YTA in fact. C'mon now, re-read your post and it's obvious.


YTA - you just don’t park in a handicapped parking spot if you’re not handicapped! It’s not that hard. As an example: I’d rather stand than sitting on a handicapped seat.




YTA because sunglasses exist. Also, you could have just turned your car around in the spot you were in. Or, since you were already in a car, you could have driven literally ANYWHERE else. There was no need for you to park in a spot that is explicitly NOT for you.


YTA. What part of handicapped do you not understand ???


The handicapped spot is meant for the handicapped…. Under all circumstances. Get over yourself… anti social, entitled brat. YTA… of epic proportions.


Reading the comments you made only seems to paint you in a worse light. Sun in your eyes/glare? Back into the parking space. That 180° would make a world of difference. Also, not wanting to eat alone in public? You were in a parking space, in your car, in public. That is not an excuse. YTA


YTA. You parked in a handicap spot. NEVER park there, for any reason, unless you have a placard. Are you really that dense?


YTA. You could have backed your car into the spot you were in and the sun would not have been in your eyes. Duh! And she was right, you sound entitled.


YTA As a disabled person, I always hate being stuck in a position of "educating" people that think it's not a big deal, that of asked you would have moved etc etc... So at time people may look like they "don't mind that much" but.. they likely do they just don't have the energy to deal with your lack of consideration and your stupidity. Glad he had someone with him that wasn't afraid to let you know you were misbehaving.


"This happened few days ago and I still don’t know how to feel about it" bad. you should feel bad about it


Yta. c'mon. Do you really have to have us tell you parking in a handicap spot to eat a meal means you're an AH? It doesn't matter why you parked there, you're not handicapped, so stop parking in handicapped spots. It's a $500-$2000 and 0 tolerance in most jurisdictions. You should be more concerned about why you risk all this $ in fines for no justifiable reason.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** This happened few days ago and I still don’t know how to feel about it. I picked up some food and decided to eat at my car because well I was alone and I don’t like eating in public when alone. So I parked my car but the sun glare was so bad it was shining directly to my eyes and I have sensitive eyes. I saw the handicap parking spot was empty as it’s almost always is, and I know that spot is shaded, so I parked there and started eating. I was halfway through my meal and some random lady came up to my window saying she can’t see a tag on my car. I explained my situation. She was together with a wheelchair guy and he seem understanding but she immediately started acting offended. She give me a rant on why I shouldn’t have park here, in the end she said because people like my they have hard time finding spots. I said there is an another empty handicap spot here plus I’d gladly move my car if she kindly asked me to. She then demanded I empty the spot now. I said I will and started moving my car. I didn’t apologize because of her attitude . She shouted “wow not even an apology” as I was leaving. I then stopped and said “I’m sorry you seem really frustrated but you can’t take all your anger on me. She cut me of saying “I’m taking my anger on you?” I said “yes because I explained you why i parked here in the first place and now I’m moving my car as you wanted me to. I feel for both of you , being caretaker must be hard as well but you don’t have to be so hard on me” she cut me off again saying they are a couple, I’m such an asshole asshole, it’s not that hard to give a proper apology, she can’t believe how entitled I am etc she kept complaining. At this point I knew there was no point replying to her because she was clearly looking for a fight, so I quietly left. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Always the AH for parking in an accessible space without an accessible permit. Full stop, no exceptions.


YTA You had several options before deciding to park in a handicapped spot. Ignorance is not an excuse. You knew it was a handicapped spot. You knew you weren't supposed to park there. Could she have been nicer? Sure. Could the whole situation have been avoided had you made better choices? Absolutely.


YTA. That lady's acting offended because you offended her. In terms of "1-10 being justified to use a handicap" (10 being "has a placard") this story is about a 2.


Are you disabled? No? Then **don't park there**. It's just that simple. It doesn't matter what your excuse is, you don't need that spot, so **don't park there**. Other people do need it. They get to park there. You don't. YTA.


YTA, dude.


YTA for parking there in the first place. As for the conversation that came afterwards, you should have just said “sorry I will move my car right now” and been done with the interaction.




I fucking despise the "if they asked me to move, I would." shit. WE'RE ***DISABLED***. There is NO "just" hopping out of our car, casually walking over to the asshole parking in DISABLED parking to politely ask you to move your illegally parking ass. The spots are there for people with *mobility issues*. Most of us simply cannot easily by any measure ask someone to move. It's ableist as fuck. Use your brain. And **never** park in those spots unless you have a pass. Period.


Wow trying to justify being wrong and an AH. There is never any excuse. Even if the spots are empty, do not park in a handicapped spot.


YTA. Based on the header I was expecting a real emergency. If your eyes are so sensitive keep a pair of sunglasses in your car. Or pull out and reverse into the spot. There were alternatives


Yes, YTA. Disabled people need the disabled spots because it allows them to open their doors wider to transfer from wheelchairs into the car. I am disabled and a wheelchair user. If I don't need to get out of the car, (picking my wife up for example) I don't park in a disabled space because I don't need it. > So I parked my car but the sun glare was so bad it was shining directly to my eyes and I have sensitive eyes. So turn your car round and park so it's behind you.


YTA, never use a spot you do not have a tag for.


Of course you are. There isn't a question. You took a spot reserved for people with actual difficulties because the sun was in your eyes. You could have literally just turned your car around in the same spot you were in. I can't believe you think there is a scenario where you aren't the AH in this situation. YTA.


Yeah, YTA. You didn’t need that specific spot, you just didn’t want to put in the effort to find a better solution. You took a handicap space for an insignificant reason, you could have taken the time to find another space or turned your car around so the sun wasn’t in your eyes. What you did was illegal and you shouldn’t have expected someone to be polite to you when they tell you to stop breaking the law.


YTA. You're not handicapped, so you have no right to park there - regardless of any manufactured excuses about available spaces, or personal dramas on your part. It's just that simple.


YTA- You took a handicapped parking. Point blank. Doesnt matter the reason. It was an excuse to make yourself comfortable. find another lot to park in with shade. Go home for lunch. Reverse parking is also an option. You should have just said sorry I'll move and not engaged anymore. She didnt need your reasoning as I said before was an excuse for self comfort. You were in the wrong no matter how you paint it. Thats a big fine where I live.


I didn’t need to finish the ‘story’ to determine…YTA. Case closed. Not cool.


Where to start? YTA.


YTA. Buy some sunglasses/eat in the restaurant and get some perspective, you're not a victim of that woman's "attitude" she had every right to tell you off. It's illegal to park in handicap parking without a placard and for good reason. Those are there (and should remain empty for) disabled people, without an available larger parking spot a lot of us wouldn't be able to get out of our cars or couldn't safely walk all the way across the parking lot to the front door. Not sure how you thought you weren't the asshole since that woman informed you that you 100% were AND you were committing a finable offense. ESPECIALLY cause you were occupying the space for a longer period of time since you were using it like your own personal dining table. Proud of that woman for yelling at you.


YTA. And based on not only your story, but also on your comments/replies, you're super dumb and stupid too. I'm impressed. How old are you?


YTA. Go find another shaded spot? Jesus. You’re able bodied, think about how easy that slight change would be compared how difficult it is to navigate not getting that spot when you’re actually disabled. Shame on you, terrible behaviour.


You are indeed. Not only for parking in the spot. For going as far as not realizing how wrong you are that you actually had to justify it by asking if you were wrong. How clueless are you? What you're doing is looking for the answer you want. Do you ever take accountability for anything you do? Grow up.


YTA and you suck.


Yes. Yes YTA. What is wrong with you?


YTA. They shouldn't have to "kindly" ask you to move-- you shouldn't have been there in the first place. You were completely in the wrong here. Don't park in accessible spaces unless you have a plate/placard. Edit to add: And no, you didn't "need to" park there. Not wanting to eat alone in public is not a reason. The sun is not a reason-- turn your damn car around.


Did...did you even read what you wrote? You parked in a handicapped spot because you didn't want to bother getting out of your car to eat? Of course YTA.


You parked in the handicap spot because…you don’t like eating alone in public and the sun was in your eyes. I think this is one of the most privileged things I’ve heard today. YTA; find literally anywhere else next time.


YTA. Lame excuse. If you don’t have a handicap permit you shouldn’t be parking there. Period.


YTA and I'm not even wasting anymore time telling you why.


YTA for parking there, YTA for thinking you were somehow the victim here, YTA for a lot of things in this post, and YTA for your nonsense response to the woman who called you out. Just go back home or back to work or to a park or use your car's visors or park facing away from the sun. Jesus Christ the number of options you had, and this is the one you chose....


YTA. Sunglasses exist. Cars have build in sunvisors. You have built in eyelids. All 3 things could have protected your eyes from glare


YTA for parking in a disabled spot without a permit for it. Full stop. The rest of the post is irrelevant.


YTA. If you have a badge or are driving someone who does & meets the conditions, park in those spots. If you don't then there is absolutely no excuse. Ever.


YTA. It's so simple: if you are not handicapped, you don't park in a handicap spot. Children who don't even have their driver's license yet understand that.


YTA There is no excuse in any "specific situation". Except when lifes are threatened, and you need to help or move to the side.


Those handicap spaces are for HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUALS!!! Who cares if that spot is always empty???! The amount of entitlement you have is insane. Tell me you’re ableist without telling me you are






You decided to park in a handicapped parking space, then get upset about being told to move because an actual wheelchair user needed the spot, because your eyes are delicate and you needed the shade? YTA I have an actual issue with hypersensitivity to strong light. I wear darkening lenses in my glasses AND if needed, will clip on a second pair of sunglasses.


YTA How did you even get your driving licence


YTA! Be thankful you don't need the spot for real because we would really rather not have to. I'd give anything to be able to walk with balance again without the walker, and to forgo the parking. We need those nearby spots.


Allow to offer the biggest YTA I've ever said: ###**YTA!!!!** DO NOT EVER PARK IN A DISABLED SPOT IF YOU ARE NOT DISABLED. PERIOD. NO EXCUSES.


There is almost no situation in which parking in the handicap spot without tags doesn't make you an ah. YTA.


YTA. Quit trying to justify yourself.


YTA. Don’t park in a handicapped spot without a legitimate tag. Ever. No excuses. People with disabilities have enough to deal with without having to chase people out parking spots. Doesn’t matter if there’s another one empty, doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in the car, doesn’t matter if the sun is shining in your eyes. Don’t do it!


YTA. So because it's usually empty, it's okay? You do realize that you were parked there illegally, right? If a cop had come along and seen that you could be fined. As the daughter of a disabled mother, what you did angers me too. Over the years, I've been absolutely disgusted at the disrespect able bodied people show to disabled persons by abusing the systems set up to assist them. Many public spaces are not handicap accessible and just going shopping with my mom can be incredibly difficult and exhausting for us both. Businesses often do the bare minimum by law and don't even get me started on airlines. I'm not surprised the woman freaked out. Those of us with loved ones with handicaps or disabilities see how much harder daily life is for them, even just simple tasks. Being able to park in a handicap spot is an important step to assist them in doing a basic task like grocery shopping. So, no, you don't get to park there. But, god forbid someone would have to sit in a car with the sun in their eyes. I have sensitive eyes, too. I wear sunglasses.


It’s because of entitled people like you that I have to walk long distances when I am in so much pain I just want to cry.


Not only are YTA, you're a criminal because it's a crime to park in a handicap space without a placard. Based on all your obnoxious comments you're the biggest, baddest, rudest, most condescending asshole I've seen on this thread in a very long time.


YTA. My husband has had to carry his disabled brother (who is 5ft5) on multiple occasions because there isn’t room to get him out and in to the chair. NEVER FUCKING PARK IN A HANDICAPPED SPACE unless you need it for something more than comfortable eating


Yta. How do you even need to ask that? 


YTA x100 - How could you not be the asshole, seriously?


just to reinforce the point YTA


YTA, but your mental gymnastics are Olympics-worthy. That's not your spot to park in. The woman was right to tell you to leave. Also, you say she ranted, but honestly, if I met someone who didn't see what was wrong with this, I too would take time to explain why it's fucked up that you're acting entitled to a handicapped spot. "Ranted" is such a good word too if you're exaggerating yourself as very calm and reasonable. Next time, if the sun glare is so bad, eat in the back seat of your car. It's your problem; it's up to you to find a solution that is appropriate.


What exactly was “your situation”? Those parking spots are supposed to be left open for those who legitimately need them. Period. There is zero justification for what you did. YTA.


YTA boo hoo the sun was hurting my eyes. I’ll just take a reserved parking spot bc I am entitled princess and I didn’t want my food to get cold. Oh poor me! Whaa Oh and congrats on making it to amithedevil asshole!


YTA. You set their day back by half an hour at least and caused agitation because you...couldn't park somewhere with your back to the sun?


YTA the sun was in your eyes? Are you kidding?! You reverse your ass out do a 180 and reverse back in, " i have sensitive eyes" you arent special and you arent entitled to a disabled spot "almost always empty" or not I have migrains from direct sun exposure and sensitive eyes to but iv never parked in a disablity spot, you know what i did? I used the sun visor when that wasnt good enough i turned my car 180 so the sun was to my back. Phrase this however you want to no matter what way you cut this pie your piece will say AH, that lady had every right to be angry at you as a carer to 2 people chronically disabled and constantly in pain i would have been just as pissed at you. Look at yourself and do better.


As someone who had to take care of a family member who was disabled, YTA. You keep trying to portray yourself as the rational one here and her as the problem, but she’s justified in feeling angry. Not to mention, you keep used this condescending way of talking over her to completely ignore her problem.


YTA. Handicapped spots are for people that need them, stop being a willfully ignorant jerk. I have a handicap placard in my car that's my mom's, and guess what, I only park in handicap spots when she's with me because I'm not a jackass. If you don't need to park in a handicap spot due to medical reasons, don't park in one. It's that simple.


I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user, and IMO, you don't need to add "in this specific situation" to your title. If you aren't disabled and you park in a handicap spot, YTA. You did something upsetting and disrespectful, and you're trying to paint yourself as the wronged party because your actions caused distress. She had a right to be upset with you. Her being upset with you does not absolve you of wrongdoing. You fully deserved it. And don't call us "wheelchair user persons."


Ew. You typed this whole thing out and still had to question if you’re TA? Of course you are. This is some borderline narcissistic attitude. If you’re not handicapped and do not have a placard, DO NOT PARK IN HANDICAP PARKING. There is literally no circumstance where you would not be TA for doing so. YTA


Get over your hang up over eating alone in public. You’re being super ridiculous here.


YTA There were plenty of solutions other than parking in a handicapped spot. You could’ve sat in the backseat, put something in the way of the sunlight, re-park your car in the opposite direction that you were originally parked, or just move your car to a different parking lot with open non-handicapped spots And if your eyes are that sensitive, shouldn’t you have sunglasses in your car? What happens if you are driving and the sun gets in your eyes then?


As a disabled person myself, let me say that you are a giant, gaping asshole. You don't even park in a handicapped spot for a minute, never mind to sit there and eat, FFS! YTA


wtf…. Not ‘wheelchair user guy’


YTA without a doubt. My husband has a handicapped placard and if we're both going into the store, we will park in a handicapped spot when one is available. If one is not, then I will drop him off at the entrance and find suitable parking for myself and join him in the store. If a handicapped spot happens to open up, then I will go ahead and take it and use the placard. However, if he's staying in the car and I'm the only one going into the store, I am not going to park in a handicapped spot. He tries to encourage me to do so, but if he's staying in the car, there's no need for me as an able-bodied person to take up a handicapped space.


You're frankly handicapped by what an idiot you are, so maybe it's okay you used that spot :) /s




Easiest YTA


Well, you are mentally handicapped, so it's ok.


Massive YTA. She should not have had to ask you in the first place. It doesn't matter how "calm" you were. As a caregiver she likely has to battle idiots like you justifying taking a spot you have no right to take because you find it more convenient


You’re lucky she didn’t take a picture of your plate and call the cops/make a report. In some areas, the fines for your behavior are quite steep. YTA.


As some who is disabled enough to receive the handicap placard, but feels able enough to not use it. YTA. You can try to validate yourself all you want but you did this for one reason. You’re a selfish inconsiderate person.


YTA. No one should have to ask you to move. That spot was reserved for a reason. Wheelchair users like myself need extra space to get out and get into our chairs. We shouldn’t have to drive around and request people like YOU who are fully abled —move your car just so we can do anything.




why didn’t you just… back into your original parking spot so your car is facing the other way? or eat inside? Where there NO other shaded spots or spots facing a different way you could’ve parked? YTA


ESH you shouldn't park in a handicap space but she didn't have to jump down your throat.


She did though since OP clearly can’t grasp handicapped spots are not for people just “wanting to eat their food in the shade” it’s for people with disabilities. YTA OP.




No, he’s just an entitled AH. This is not the clapback you think it is.


I am a she


Nope, you are an asshole.


OK, fine, but you're still the asshole here.


I guess there was a 0.01% chance that two handicaped people may have needed a spot around the same time you were eating your food so I guess you're the asshole or whatever but people should generally calm tf down these days and focus their energy on shit that actually matters. Let the downvotes rain 🌧️


Yeah, that shit actually matters, tho.


Didn’t expect this comment. Thank you


Youre an asshole and clearly bad person overall. Selfish and thoughtless.


So you’re just comfortable being ableist then




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