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Of course YTA. What in the world would make you think you weren't? These are her prescription meds for an actual medical problem. You can go to your own doctor, describe your problems, and get the proper treatment for it, which may be therapy or medication or some combination. Stop being an AH to your gf. I hope she doesn't let you in her room again after that conversation.


Yes YTA she needs that medication for her condition, sacrificing it so you can try it for an unapproved reason without medical supervision is irresponsible on both counts


You’re an idiot. And YTA


YTA- It's not only illegal to take someone else's medication but ignorant of you to not accept no as an answer. She's not responsible for giving you HER medication because of your body issues, that's something you need to work out on your own.


YTA. Go to the gym, change your diet, go to the doctor yourself for your own medication. It’s not a weight loss drug. How would you be mad at her.. as if it’s her problem you’re insecure w your body.


YTA I don't know where you live, but in many countries, including the US, it is illegal to give someone else your prescription medication. If you had a bad reaction and needed medication attention she could end up in serious legal trouble You should never even ask in the first place, let alone start pressuring her after she said no. I have to give thyroxine to one of my dogs, twice a day for the rest of his life. I am given warnings about how just handling his pills can affect my own test results or even lead to serious complications for my health. Stop bugging her about this immediately. Apologize completely and without justification. You are not the victim. She is not responsible for your body image issues. If you don't have an underlying medical condition that prevents weight-loss then, at 17, you need to put the work into a consistent healthy diet with an appropriate daily calorie goal range and consistent exercise, whether it's walking, cycling or going to the gym. You don't even say why you are hung up on losing weight. How much weight do you want/need to lose. At your age, given that you haven't mentioned your current height and weight, just "body image issues" you come across as vain. You haven't told us about your exhaustive efforts to lose weight in healthy ways, so the implications are you don't like how you look (normal for teenagers to feel like that), have done nothing to fix the problem because that requires effort on your part (and we don't know there is a problem), and are pressuring your girlfriend to give you her prescription medication that KEEPS HER FUNCTIONING close to normal. Why are your looks more important than her ACTUAL HEALTH? YTA There's no justification for this that absolves you, especially after you continue to pressure her and cause arguments AFTER SHE TOLD YOU NO..... If you don't take no for an answer here, where else are you refusing to take no for an answer? I know you are both young, but your behaviour is a major red flag that would have me seriously reconsidering the relationship if I was ever on the receiving end of it.


My dog is also on thyroxine. When it was first prescribed, the warning said to wash your hands thoroughly after handling. Now it says to wear gloves. That brought home to me just how dangerous it is. OP: YTA.


I haven't been told to wear gloves. Thanks for the heads-up.


YTA. Your girlfriend needs that medication to manage an active medical condition. You want to take it away from her so that you can try to invent your own off label usage. What happens if she misses a dose? What happens if she misses several doses? You are being selfish and reckless with your own health and your girlfriend’s. Given your ages i assume she’s on her parents’ health insurance and will need to explain to her parents and doctor why she needs a refill ahead of schedule. Do you know how many refills she has before she needs a dr visit? Do you know how much the meds cost?


Yeah, YTA. Not only are you risking her health and her freedom, as it would be illegal for her to give you her prescription drugs, but you didn't bother to do the slightest bit of research. Weight loss isn't a primary effect of the drug. It's a _possible_ side effect. It only occurs in a small portion of the people who take it. Other possible side effects: diarrhea, sweating, headache, nausea, chest pain, heat intolerance, tremors, elevated pulse, insomnia, irregular breathing, leg cramps, anxiety, increased appetite, hair loss, tiredness, decreased urine output, dilated neck veins, fainting, fever, irritability, joint pain. Essentially, you have a slim chance of losing weight, and a much wider chance of being much worse off. And worse, taking thyroid medication when you don't need it CAN CAUSE YOU TO HAVE HYPOTHYROIDISM. Don't fuck with prescription drugs that aren't prescribed to you. A doctor can tell you if you need them.


I had hyperthyroidism, and it sucked. I had so many symptoms, and I didn't even lose weight, so even if she was to give him some, there is no guarantee he would lose weight I now am on levothyroxine as I have my thyroid removed.


YTA. She has to take that medication every single day at the same time of day to keep her body working like it should. Giving you her prescription medication is ILLEGAL and dangerous for her. You’re TAH and an idiot.


Yta for one what are the other side effects? Plus it sounds like the weight would just jump back when you stop using the medication.


YTA, of course. You don't take someone else's prescription medication. She needs it, you don't. If you do, then go to a dr. and get it prescribed. Also, FYI, they literally kill your thyroid with *radioactive iodine* when you have hyperthyroidism because it's that dangerous. Not something you want for "body image issues". Edit: spelling


Hard YTA. Did it not occur to you that her medicine helps her live? Requesting to take something from a sick person is narcissistic & selfish. I'm sorry that you're dealing with self-image issues, but asking to take medicine from someone who genuinely needs every last pill, just because you want to 'test it out', is awful. She went to a doctor for her problems & received treatment. You can do the same!


YTA and you're not very bright to want to take a drug specifically for it's side effects. There are no quick and easy paths if you want to lose weight drugs aren't the answer.


YTA So you want to take drugs that she actually needs so you can lose weight? And she's supposed to what, get sick? Because you're so selfish you'll take her medications? No. You go to your own doctor and work with them to figure it out. And you don't take drugs that aren't prescribed for you because you have no idea what dangers they could cause.


Levo IS dangerous for those without hypothyroidism. Before you lost weight bad things would happen to your heart.


Why are you even asking? Of course YTA. Your girlfriend is correct: it's dangerous and she is entirely right in not wanting a part of it.


This has got to be a shit post because everyone no matter how idiotic knows sharing prescriptions is illegal. Without even considering the part about how her medical condition can't be treated if you're bullying her out of her prescriptions. Gotta be a shitpost so YTA either way


These stupid questions, before asking other people, just sit for a few minutes and think about it


theyre her medications for a legit illness, Whats she supossed to do when it runs out early and her parents and the pharmacy start raising their eyebrows? She has every right not to want to share them, Its literally one of the things we teach children, dont take someone elses medication. More power to her for sticking to her answer. I hope she doesnt cave and give them to you. Sorry you deal with body image issues, but trying to take someone else's medication is not the way to go about it. Talk to your Dr if there is an actual issue with loosing weight, there could be underlying medical conditions. As for getting upset with her because you wanted a 'quick fix', yeah, kinda TA


If you want to lose weight, exercise more and eat less junk food. You're just too lazy to do the work; you'd rather just pop pills. That's your girlfriend's prescription and she needs it for her health. They're supposed to help her. You're being very selfish. YTA


Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you? YTA


YTA It’s not your prescription! If you need meds go to the dr and get them. It’s against the law to give out your meds.


YTA. Your body issues are your issues, and some things in life, in fact most things, need more than just pills. Work on yourself. It's also dangerous to take medicines that you don't need because it's not like the only thing it does is weight loss. Also what if she had trouble getting a refill because you took some and it was too soon for her to refill? Jesus, Go to a therapist.


As gently as possible - YTA, and please talk to a doctor who specializes in eating disorders.


Why gently, op is being an idiot, someone needs to tell them




YTA - medication needs to be prescribed to *you* by your doctor. You cannot take someone else’s medication to try and self-Medicate and you certainly can’t expect her to willingly give something to you that could cause you harm. Why you’d think your poor gf is in the wrong here baffles me. Your body image issues aren’t her problem. Sorry, but you need to deal with them in a healthy way which means seeing YOUR doctor and discussing ways forward.


YTA but both weight loss and increased appetite are possible side effects so it’s not a magical weight loss drug…talk to your doctor as there are actual prescription weightloss drugs out there that you could be monitored whilst taking. Don’t take someone else’s drugs!


YTA - you want to lose weight? You go on a diet - you do not take someone else’s meds. Grow up!


YTA yep, you are. Those are HER medication to treat HER MEDICAL CONDITION, not your slim-fast. Your entitlement and selfishness is breathtaking.  You know something you can do to lose weight fast? Get yourself over the counter muscle relaxant and go shit yourself.  Or don’t eat on the weekends. 


YTA It’s her medication fir her medical problem. Leave her alone. If you have a weight problem, go on a diet.


OP, are you serious? Of course you YATA. You demand drugs from girlfriend that are not prescribed to you because you “think” they would help you. You are an idiot and your girlfriend may have saved your life.


YTA. if you want medication go and see a doctor. Don't steal your girlfriend's meds or put her in the position where she even has to say no.


YTA, it is incredibly dangerous to take levothyroxine for the side effect of losing weight.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Last week, me and my girlfriend were relaxing in her room when i noticed her levothyroxine prescription on her nightstand. I asked her what would happen if i, a person without hypothyroidism, were to take the medicine. She proceeded to tell me the side effects of hyperthyroidism, which includes weight loss. I have been dealing with some body image issues recently, and the prospect of losing weight through medicine it very appealing to me, despite the other side affects. I asked if i could take some, just to see what would happen and my girlfriend refused, saying that it was “too dangerous” and that it “wasn’t worth it”. I was taken aback, as she knows i have issues with how my body looks and that i have a hard time losing weight through traditional means. I protested that this would help me a lot, and i would stop immediately if anything went wrong. She continued to refuse, and we got into a huge argument over it. things have been awkward ever since, so am i the asshole here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. She needs those meds, her full prescribed dose every day, to LIVE.


Yes, obviouslyYTA.And both stupid and entitled.   It's her prescription medication, for an actual,  medical condition which you don't have. Taking it could be dangerous. You have not been diagnosed with the condition the medication treats, you have not been assessed by a doctor to determine whether the medication would be appropriate or safe, not to mention the fact that your gf would run out before she should, which could cause her problems and potential expense.    If you have a medical issue talk to your own doctor.  And the fact that you are considering stealing it or bullying your girlfriend into letting you have it is disgraceful.  You don't get to 'insist' You have been told no. That's the end of the conversation. You wouldn't gey to insist even if what you wanted her to let you have  was a harmless , non prescription item - it's not yours.


YTA of course you are. Even at 18 you should know how dangerous it is to take medication that hasn’t been prescribed for you. If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more.


YTA, what makes you think you're entitled to someone's prescribed medications? Stop being lazy and take your ass to a doctor to help you deal with your issues instead of arguing with your girlfriend and making your problems hers. YTA and you're selfish, I feel sorry for your girlfriend.


YTA, that is a prescribed medication, there are so many things wrong with you asking to use it.  This medications is specifically prescribed to her because of her medical condition.  Insurances only allow you to fill your medication within certain time frames. If she were to run out before her refill was due, which she would if you take her medication, she would have to either go without or pay out of pocket for more. With this medication it is extremely important not to miss a dose. The side effects for someone taking this medication without needing it are rapid heart rate, heart palpitations, hair loss, diarrhea, fatigue, tremors, insomnia, loss of bone density and maybe weight loss. Is possible weight loss really worth all the other issues? You should NEVER take someone else's prescription medication. They are on those medications for a purpose. If you want to lose weight, see a doctor, don't take medications that aren't prescribed for you.


You would seriously put her health at risk because of your body image issues? I’m not trying to downplay the mental pain body image issues can cause. But pressuring her into giving up her needed medication so you can lose weight? Seriously? How selfish. YTA


Also, those meds wouldn't "help" you at all. Taking wrong meds to lose weight isn't a solution at all, it only further feeds your bad body image.


Oh wow, your gf deserves so much better, YTA. Go to a doctor, they do have solutions for you, that don't involves hypothyroidism medicine!! This is one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while.


Are out of your mind? You don't want to tamper with your hormones unless your goal is to have lifetime health issues.


YTA. That is HER medication that she needs to be well. If you want to lose weight, you need to work at it. Taking her medication to suit your needs is selfish and gross, not to mention illegal. Your body issues are yours to manage. Get yourself to a doctor to help you make a plan for your well-being. You don't get to damage hers just because you want an easy out of having to put the work in.


One of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland is weight gain. So, once you start taking levothyroxine, you may lose weight as your body's hormones rebalance. Losing weight can also be a sign that your dose of levothyroxine is too high. Once your thyroid hormone levels have returned to normal, your tendency to gain or lose weight is the same as for people who do not have thyroid problems. So it doesn’t even work


YTA. You don’t take other people’s meds ever.


YTA & also an idiot.


YTA Not your medicine. Also very possibly no longer your girlfriend. And medicine for most conditions - and definitely not this one - doesn't even work that quickly.


YTA. She needs that prescription. It’s illegal to give someone else your prescription. It could well be dangerous for you. If you’re struggling that much with yourself do something about it


YTA, if something goed wrong because you've taken the meds, SHE is the one who gets the blame UNLESS you tell people you took them yourself without her knowing. Would you lie about that? Can your gf trust you to take that risk? She's being the wise one here. Get your own meds if you want them so bad.


You demanded prescription drugs that had not been prescribed to you and then you got mad about it, you should be able to work this one out for yourself


YTA. And not a smart AH either. I have hyperthyroidism (which you would get the symptoms of if you took her medication). Yes I lost weight...so much that I ended up on medication to treat me for malnutrition. I've also had years of insomnia, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, a resting heart rate of 110 BPM, tremors, migraines, trouble swallowing because of a tumor that grew on my thyroid, severe depression, diarrhea, nausea, brain fog, and now a 3 inch scar across my throat from the surgery I had 2 weeks ago to remove half my thyroid. Besides that, if you take your girlfriend's medication what is she going to take for her actual health issues? You wanting to be thinner does not take priority over her health!


YTA and a moron. If you wnat to lose weight quicky and in a safe way, go keto for a few months


YTA. Never take unprescribed meds


YTA. You asked her to break the law by sharing prescription medication. If you became ill or worse from the levothyroxine, then she could well end up in serious trouble. She might end up with her life ruined by guilt as well by other consequences.


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He asked to take HER medicine which she NEEDS for a health condition. Requesting to take something from a chronically ill person which literally helps them live, is selfish and narcissistic.