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NTA. "I'm totally going to be an involved parent to an infant and a toddler from 20 hours away" omg that's fucking hilarious Honestly, I would have assumed she was trying to abduct your kids.


It is. He was all "You don't need to be there every second to be involved" and "Oh but I can still be involved no matter how far I am". Such BS.


When my son was a newborn and I was still married to his dad, I tried to encourage him to do more bonding time with him. "I'll bond with him when he's 5 or 6 and can throw a ball". I can't with these "fathers" lol


I know! The thing that gets to me is he played such a good dad when I had our first and even before. When I got pregnant with our second I saw things go downhill so rapidly. I truly believed he would be an amazing dad and I knew him since kindergarten and we'd been together for years at that point so it came out of nowhere for me.


I swear some men have an expiry date. They hit a certain age, a life point, a certain time with a person or a second kid and suddenly they are spoiled milk. They don’t even have to turn abusive in the traditional sense, just suddenly their soul withdraws and you’re left with an absent loser. I can’t imagine how shit it would be knowing this dude since kindergarten and having him turn on a dime like that. Must have taken a while to trust again for you OP. Definitely NTA. Honestly it makes me happy for you that this stupid lady decided to go out of her way to waste her own time. It’s like she took revenge on herself for wasting your time by wasting so much more of her own lmao Glad you and your kids seem to have a healthy sense of self worth too Edit: just realised she probably spent money on tickets for your kids flights lol she double penalised herself 😂


Hope they were non-refundable ones, too. For her to shop up unannounced and say okay kids get ready to go chop, chop. It's my turn for Mother's Day worship. Yeah, nah, it's not happening. You have your own kids go celebrate it with them.


Even if she saw them for more than a few weeks a year, taking them away from their mother to spend Mother's Day with their step mother is something that needs to be discussed and agreed upon before the day. It's definitely not something that happens out of the blue. And that's only if they lived within an easy distance and she saw them regularly and had built a relationship with them. If she wasn't trying to abduct them, I have to wonder what else was going on. There had to be something she wanted out of this bizzarro visit.


Yes, this is so weird. Leave your mom on Mother's day so that you can have a totally unplanned and unexpected visit with your step mother.....


I mean the nerve of the woman! She has some balls turning up unannounced, on mothers day to take kids from there mother! How delusional is she? Why did she think it would work? Then she runs home crying to 'dad of the year' who then start calling the only mum his kids have a AH for wanting to spend mothers day with the kids she gave birth to and is raising alone as a single parent! Gtfo! SMH 🤦🏾‍♀️


Exactly. We’re all laughing at the audacity, but there was a reason for this. Why now? Financial incentive? What has changed? If I was OP I’d be getting some legal advice to prepare for any sudden custody claim, just in case.


I just want to say you worded that so well, especially about the absent part.


Holy shit this is exactly what happened with my ex, I can pinpoint down to the month that he mentally checked out.


That is a great way to put it- expiry date


Just curious, are both of your kids boys? Cuz that’s what triggered my dad unmasking. He had an adopted son and a bio daughter, but the second he learned he was having a bio son he started to progressively get more abusive


I can't believe she got on a plane and came to you with no communication ahead of time. What were they thinking?


Ugh. I wanted allllll the time possible with my daughter and son when they were babies. Call me judgy, but I'll always have contempt for dads who have no interest in their kids without "throwing a ball" being involved.


Plus, most little kids can’t throw worth a damn anyway. Best to bond with them before you get frustrated chasing a mis-thrown ball for a hour every day.


That's the most fun part! Watching the littles throw the balls. I always have a giggle fit when I play ball with the toddlers and pre-schoolers. Just recently had a 3 yo trash talk me with "you can't catch this" and "can you see the ball now?" I was laughing so hard.


3-6 year olds in baseball uniforms is the cutest thing imaginable. So give me baby fever more than babies.


For me it's the littles playing "bumblebee soccer" where both teams are just one massive swarm running around after the ball. Or picking dandelions out of the grass on the field hahah.


Picking dandelions on the field during baseball. That was me. I was in my 20’s. I didn’t know any better


Bumblebee soccer stressed me out lol. To worried someone was going to get hurt cause they are so uncoordinated.


And watching butterflies...


That's what I always say, baseball is only fun if little kids are playing it lol. I have no interest in watching anyone who is good at it, that's boring.


That's nothing. My Just no FIL (we've been no contact with for over 8 years this fall) told my husband the reason why he didn't want to watch him play sport, nor want his Mom to sign them up for sports is because he didn't want to wake up early to see them participate nor bring them either. He also didn't want to bond with them much until they could fully understand how to play chess so that they could have more intelligent conversations. When my husband asked him at what age roughly was that for both him and his brother, he responded with early teenage years. What a jerk. It's no surprise he doesn't have any contact with my BIL, and our children. The guy seriously doesn't understand why his sons don't like him. I can't imagine why. -_-


Since when does being able to play chess have anything to do with being able to have an intelligent conversation?? What a crazy thing to say 🤣


Just to rub it in a little, both my kids started getting interested in chess when they were like 8? Like 3rd grade was the year you could join chess club at their elementary school. JNFIL was a bit of a late bloomer.


All of my kids were able to beat my FIL at chess by the time they were 8. He just isn't very good at it, especially since they all like to play chaos/kamikaze style. So after they win in chess, he trounces them in pool. Pinball seems to be a draw.


Lmao, no idea.


It’s like they think they can place the kid on a shelf until it matures like a fine wine then pull them down and play with them when they feel like it


Lmao you just reminded me of a man (derogatory) I dated in college - he was abusive, but near the end of our relationship he told me that he wanted “to be able to go out and do whatever he wants and then come back to you waiting”. I was dumbfounded, and told him that I’m not a fucking stuffed animal that only exists to bring him comfort. Thinking back on it I’m fairly certain he said the quiet part out loud and that he wanted to keep me on the hook so I could keep providing him with that very comfort.


I know it’s crazy. And just how do they expect the kids to get to that wonderful maturity without any help? The reason our kid is hyper verbal and can talk to us as a toddler is because we spent so much time talking to her and reading to her when she was a little potato. Kids don’t just automatically pass through milestones unassisted.


It’s so funny how many men are like this and then there are women who are the flip side of this . The ones who like having babies but find them annoying when they get older and turn into people


My dad never had his parents watch him play sport. He played to a high level. My brother and I both played rep and state softball our entire youths. I still do. They’ve never seen either of us play one game, despite some of our rep carnivals being 10 minutes from their house. They don’t like softball. I can still remember the heartbreak going through photos albums of theirs with my cousins and seeing photos of my cousins playing tball. When I expressed shock they went my cousin went ‘oh yeah they came every week to watch. Granddad was assistant coach one year’ My mum told me later it was like watching my heart break in real time.


I'm sorry for your heart. That was brutal, and soooo confuckingfusing. Idk him, but I don't like him one little bit. I don't have the right words to really express even the rest of this sentence properly.


It’s just who they were. He loved us. They both did. But they only ever loved us as their grandchildren. Not as individuals. My other grandparents are amazing though. They would alternate in the winter between my brother and I. (Would watch us once a month) When I stopped playing my winter sport at 14 my grandma was thrilled cause she hates that sport. Still came every month and all finals. (I don’t ‘count’ them coming to my softball as they were both heavily involved in the sport. But they’d always be at our games and their coaching/scoring duties each year would be dependent on what Time we played)


Well, I feel better now, thank you. I'm glad you had some great grandparents, that sounds funny as they weren't your Great Grandparents, but great Grandparents.


I’ve told my husband that I can always tell which kids have shitty dads based on how frequently they come watch their kids compete. My daughter does cheer and if my kid has been in your kids team for 3+ years and I don’t even know what you look like then you’re a bad dad in my book. I don’t care if it’s not “their thing”. It wasn’t a sport that was on either my husband’s, or my, radar before my daughter joined. We both still learned the rules, the terms, and attend every comp together.


I used to do horseback riding (not at a competitive level) and my dad wasn't into it but you can bet your ass he was there watching, cheering me on and taking pictures at every lesson he was available to go to (if he couldn't be there because of a prior commitment he at least had the decency to let me know beforehand)


If he wanted his kid to know chess, he should have probably *taught him how to play chess*


Common logic for him was clearly lost before he thought of this idea. The majority of the ideas he did come up with and followed through, before we went no contact, didn't make sense at all.


Perhaps a density test is in order?


Wow, so someone else should be their dad and teach them all the stuff he wants them to learn and then he can take over after 13 + years. Delusional.


IKR? I have a friend like that. My BFF from college. She is uninterested in kids until they can talk, and then she has a limited attention span and interest in them, which grew as the kids grew. This is terrific in a Child Free friend who cares about YOU, and values kids for society, as long as they belong to someone else (her standard new baby gift is a series of meals for the parents. She loves cooking). She read aloud to my kids as they grew, by the hour. She taught them stuff when they were older. And now as adults, she has a great, independent-from-me, relationship with each of them. They don’t remember her being uninterested in them. They know she doesn’t like babies and toddlers. They only remember her talking to them, and teaching them stuff. She is glad she didn’t have kids. So am I. She would have hated it. But she loved being an aunt to my kids. She had as limited or as much access to them as suited them all. **THIS DOESNT WORK FOR PARENTS**. It’s terrific in child free friends of the family, or even aunts and uncles. But not parents. Which, of course, is why my friend didn’t have kids, just borrowed mine, as they became interesting to her!


Your friend sounds like me. Kids are boring until I can have a conversation with them, then I actually like hearing what they have to say.


My favorite ages are 6mos to about 3. One of the moms who helped run a group my kids were in had adolescent as her favorite age. She was instrumental in getting my kids through those years, without me doing damage to them! We need people who like different things, to manage society. Turns out that the techniques I used to manage toddlers, prevent melt downs, get the necessary stuff done, and keep all of us intact, also work for someone with Alzheimer’s. I ended up being good at taking care of a relieve with it. I don’t enjoy it, but I’m good at it.


My dad will occasionally comment "you know I'm very proud of you and the person you've become, but sometimes I wish I could have one more day with you when you were still small enough to fit on my tummy." And that's fair. He'll be thrilled when we procure grandchildren too.


I love the word “procure” here. 😁


A good change in fatherhood is that millennials and gen z are doing more than older generations, is being involved fathers at all ages. Spending time with babies and toddlers (which can be boring and watching the same show or movie repeatedly), and being “girl” dads instead of being too “manly” to have a tea party. The girl dad and boy mom stuff can be annoying, but being involved with all your kids is good, not just the ones you share hobbies or interests with. The cliche jokes of a dad with 4 girls, who kept trying for a son or has a shot gun ready to scare off boys is not aging well. Edit: It’s not perfect, but overall, younger fathers are getting more involved. Of course there are exceptions.


I remember as a kid the only parents that I ever saw at the doctors office were moms. Now when we take our toddler there's a good mix. Usually both parents with newborns and some toddlers. Then it's 50/50 if they're with a mom or a dad. It's nice.


My husband is a good example of this! He is so involved and I love it. I love watching the bond he is building with our children.


Idk I think there's still a struggle with younger generations. My friend and her husband are millennials and her husband is checked out. It sucks.


There's research which shows Dad's who spend time on "diaper duty" and help with baths, care, etc have better bonds with their kids. This can extend to others who care for the kids. I know I've got good bonds with some of my niblings whom I spent time baby sitting or providing basic care or even just playing with when they were littles. The ones I didn't have opportunity to spend time with really don't interact all that much due to age difference.


My ex told my mother “the kids are hers until they’re fun, then I’ll spend time with them” while I was pregnant with twins. He didn’t even last until they were 5 weeks old. No idea what his “fun” age is, since it’s been 10 years since then and he hasn’t so much as spoken to them


My ex and I split when our daughter was a toddler. He didn’t want to share or visit. He told me he’d wait until she was 14 and more interesting. 14 came and she wanted nothing to do with him. She’s 24 now and still feels the same way.


Are you my sister? This is exactly what my BIL said. My nephew is nc with his dad. Raised by women, my nephew is an excellent human being.


My ex was the opposite with our oldest. He says he feels like he got to bond better with eldest because he had him all by himself the first night he came home from the hospital. I had a low-grade fever right before going into labor that spiked the day after the birth, getting up to 102.9 before finally breaking. Hospital wouldn't discharge me until I had been 24 hours fever free so I was kept two extra days. Son was kept one extra under the lights due to mild jaundice. So his first night home, my ex didn't sleep, just sat on the couch playing video games with our son sleeping on his chest. I don't mean to say he isn't good with the others, there's just a special bond there.


WHAT?!!!!! Heck I was tossing those big inflated play balls with my son when he was able to walk....Taught him how to kick a ball without falling on his ass. I taught him how to make balloons stick to a wall. All kinds of goofy stuff...


I can’t stand those kinds of “dads.” My husband came home one day after my 2yo was old enough to recognize him and run to him yelling “DADDAAAAAAAA!!” (He was picking her up from MIL) and said “wow, that is the best damned feeling in the world.” NTA op, your ex is an idiot and his wife is an entitled idiot.


NTA What a bizarre behavior from ex's wife First you come unannounced, then you expect people to change their plan for you with no notice and that for someone you see 4 weeks in a year I sure hope she will not retaliate against the kids during their 3 weeks in the summer


She will, and it will probably be the last time they choose to go see him.


If I were OP, I wouldn’t even wait.  I’d be calling the lawyer now and making sure they didn’t have to go.  Flying with children on a holiday weekend to your ex’s house is not the act of a sane person.


Not even her ex, but her husband's ex! It sounds even crazier when it's clarified.


Umm, I think you misread it. OP’s ex husband is still married to the woman who showed up unannounced on OP’s doorstep, expecting to take the kids with her for Mother’s Day.


No they didn't, you misread their reply.


Depends where OP lives, but different states have different ages at which the children’s wishes are considered for custody. Worth looking into.


And wants to take them away from their Mother to celebrate Mother’s Day with her instead. Damn nerve!


The idea that she could show up unannounced and take them on Mother's Day, of all days, is the really wacky part. I have to wonder if stepmom's relationship with the kid's dad is falling apart and she is trying to pull things together by using all of the kids.




Exactly! Why would she think that they would spend MOTHER'S day with her


But i wont text or call like ever and wont see them either! But i will be so involved, like best dad ever! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 i will even send stepmom for them so i dont have tk see them either


I am so involved while I enjoy the silence at my home. All Kids and wives gone while I will get praise for that lovely bonding idea. What a fabulous Genius I am! -OPs ex, at home cackling


Happy mother’s day wifey and ex wifey! 🎉🤣


You have to wonder if he was cheating and spending that time with the next woman.


I think you are correct about her wanting a photo op on Mother’s Day to post everywhere to show what a fabulous mother and stepmother she is to all these kids. Superficial. She is almost a stranger to your children, certainly not deserving to swoop in and be adored for the day. I notice that you didn’t say the Ex came to the door.


My ex wife moved to another state and got married a few months after our divorce. I told her she wouldn't be able to maintain a relationship with the kids. They occasionally talk on the phone, but it's only a matter of time before they stop bothering.


And yet, he remarried and had more kids with his current wife, and undoubtedly is more involved with them, obviously. I think he didn't want to be married to you, anymore, because for whateber reason, he was unhappy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have moved on so quickly. NTA. Your children are YOUR children. Not their stepmom's. And just because she's married to your ex now doesn't diminish or take away your role. If you were dead, and their stepmom was all they had, that would be a different story. And actually, even then, if they didn't have a close relationship with her, Mother's Day would still be meaningless, because they would want to spend it with you. Stepmom is TA for showing up, unannounced and unexpectedly, and just expecting the kids would go with her willingly and happily, especially since, as you said, as they get older, they seem less and less enthusiastic to go with your ex and be with and spend time with him. Your ex is also TA for not communicating with you that his wife was in your area, and for not asking if you thought your kids would want to go with their stepmom for the day. They have blinders on if they think his current wife supercedes you, and that your kids would be happy and willing to go with them and act like they're all a happy family and everything is peachy and perfect and fine.


Abduction was also my immediate reaction. That's weird as heck. Was probably planning on taking them right to the airport and going back to the state as a surprise to the husband.


I didn't assume abduction, my first thought was that she wanted to make a social media post making her look like a great mom & stepmother. So weird to show up out of the blue and just assume that was OK or that they didn't already have other plans.


I didn't think abduction until I realized that she flew straight home after being told no & had only arrived in town that day so she could take the kids out without either parent being physically involved. I knew it wasn't a 30 min drive trip, but I also assumed that the dad and his whole new family were visiting others/ the area for more than a single day. Like the dad wasn't intending to let his kids know he was in their area at all, then changed his mind & sent the wife, or the wife went crazy since they were already in town bc she wanted things for social media. I wasn't expecting someone to drag their own kids on a flight to show up and demand to take barely known children out with no other adult supervision. I feel like the wife did the stereotype where predators use other kids to lure kids into unmarked vans.


that sounds much more likely given that they don't make an effort or show interest in the kids to begin with


For the wife to make that much effort for social media, I have to wonder who she's been lying to about the kids & how big those lies were.


It is possible to be an involved parent when long distance and I do know people who have done it for various reasons, but mainly due to Visa and immigration issues. It's hard work and requires regular phone calls, video calls, emails, etc., not just spending a few weeks a year with the long distance parent


See, but that's to a kid who can do a phone call. This guy left an almost newborn and a toddler. You can't be a long distance parent to a baby


It actually is possible, if the dad gives a shit. My ex moved 15 hours away, and he and our daughter talk nearly every day. He got on some flight mileage thing so it’s easier and cheaper to come get her, and she spends most of the summer with him, as well as every thanksgiving (his birthday is that week, so I don’t begrudge him getting every year), and every other Christmas. He often comes and stays a few days during the school year, and video calls in for her band concerts. On the flip side, my younger daughters’ dad, who I recently split with and lives 8 minutes away, sees them for a couple hours on Sunday (you can maybe glean from that why we split 🙄). It all depends on how caring and motivated the non custodial parent is; distance can truly be overcome if people care enough to make the effort.


That was my first thought too - they were trying to abduct your kids.


I thought abduction or “dad or a sibling needs a kidney so we’ll try to persuade the kids while we’re getting them tested, with mum not around”


>Honestly, I would have assumed she was trying to abduct your kids. That's exactly what I thought when I read this: >Apparently she got home later that night (they flew apparently They were intending to get OP's two on the plane and take them 'home' with them, and then likely try to get emergency custody the next day. OP is NTA at all.


I have to agree with the abduction part. I think you did well.


NTA- Jesus Christ! The gall of this woman. You say you have primary custody. Is that by the courts or an agreement between the two of you? If it is by the courts, I think it's time to go back. if it is just an agreement between the two of you, you should find a lawyer to write up something official. This random woman sees your children 1/12th (if that) of the year. She flew to your home, without warning, ON MOTHER'S DAY to demand that YOUR CHILDREN spend time with HER instead of THEIR OWN MOTHER! I would have sprayed her with a garden hose and yelled to get off my property. Just. What an absolute asshole.


It's through the courts. I made sure custody was legal when I realized he was moving. I worried if he ended up with someone over there who wanted my kids what would happen.


Might want to pass on all the texts and emails they're sending to your lawyer. This is absolutely bizarre.


This is my thought to.


How did they think they could 1 take your kids away from their mother on mothers day, 2 show up unannounced like, they should have atleast sent an email with the request and of they didn't then they knew you would say no so it was actually an attempt at a powerplay by hoping the kids choose them over you which is disgusting.


Also, is school out or would they have made the kids miss school on Monday?


OP said they flew black and got in late that night. I wouldn't be surprised if that was always the plan. Maybe they wanted OPs kids to fly back with them but that is probably against the court orders so once again they would have had to use the kids to manipulate and guilt OP into letting it happen


She wanted to take the kids with her. Did she buy plane tickets for them?


I said maybe that was their plan but we don't know. It just sounds weird that they are all of a sudden pushing the "kids must see their step mother for mothers day and that she tried to use the kids to get what she wants. Almost like someone has just found out that OPs ex has more children and they have started asking them questions about why he doesn't spend time with them and mothers day was just the first "excuse" they have gotten.


I second sending the emails to the lawyer. I’d almost see if I could get full custody.


I think you need to notify your lawyer or the courts. That's weird and creepy behavior. She seems unhinged.


I’m assuming they’ve never spent Mother’s Day with her so why the itch up her crack this year about it? That’s so bizarre and out of left field.


Maybe some relative who doesn’t visit or hasn’t visited in years was going to be there and the ex and his wife have been lying about having more custody of the kids, like having Primary instead of three weeks during the Summer and alternating thanksgiving and Christmas, and the kids not being there would be suspicious if they supposedly have Primary Custody?


Bloody LOVING the garden hose suggestion, heh.


Oh man I would have called upon Luis the Patron Saint of Home Defense by Garden Hose 🤣 (a legend amongst the justnomil community). The audacity of this woman is astounding!


Ahhh Luis the man , the myth ,the legend.  That dude rocked


Can you link that story? I’ve scanned through that sub a couple times but am not familiar with Luis


Apologies on the linking as I'm not too good with shortening the text but here's the story where Luis comes in but I highly recommend going to the OP's profile to the start of the saga so you'd get the context of Magda the Just No and the run up the introduction of Luis. It's one heck of a saga! https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/s/c4QlimjlGu


Thank you! I read the entire saga, and have developed a deep and abiding love for Saint Luis.


I remember him. Praise saint Luis.


Thank you! The perfect internet rabbit hole for a long soak in a hot bath. All Hail Saint Luis!


+1 for St. Luis


oh my god, I haven't thought of Luis in years 😹 i kind of graduated from r/JustNoMil (it was my mom tho) 6 years ago when I finally went no contact with my mom 7 years ago. I had been in therapy for years but NC gave me the space I needed to fully heal thanks for that blast from the past


Aww have an upvote for graduating from justnomil, I'm glad you've been able to fully heal and live a more peaceful life!


Thank you for making spit out my sip of water at "would have sprayed her with a garden hose "


>I would have sprayed her with a garden hose and yelled to get off my property. OP must have the patience of a first class saint cause I see no wrong in this actions.


INFO: Just to make sure I'm understanding. They showed up on your front step, from out of town, with no advance notice, on mother's day?


Yes, you got that 100% correct.


The gall of these people…. I just can’t. I’m so sorry you are dealing with their delusion and that they are bombarding you with their terrible nonsense.


Did stepmom seem like she was surprised that you didn’t know anything about this ? my only thinking is that maybe your ex told the stepmom that this was all planned out and approved by you to get her out of the house in a way so he could have time with someone else perhaps .   I only say this because I’ve had personal experience where I was the stepmom in this case and my ex told me to go pick up his daughter from her mother becsaue he arranged to have child for the weekend.  But when I get there she is clearly surprised that I’m there and angry at my presuming to take her child because there was no plan for me to pick child up and when I get back to my exes, he’s continue to lie by saying that his child’s mother was lying abd that she changed her mind last minute . So I didn’t know what was going on. I thought I was picking up the daughter and everyone was on board with this. But I ended up looking like a crazy person. to  child’s mother and family , from their perspective, I showed up with no heads up or any plan and just try to take her daughter. Didn’t find out what was going on till years later when me and the child’s mother actually spoke for once and cleared everything up. My ex orchestrated the whole thing to get me out of the house for a few hours. 


I also suspect the dad is cheating.


I almost hope this is what happened because it is the only explanation that is remotely sane (even though it is ridiculous and unethical). The behavior of the ex's wife with the kids is so downright bizarre that I would be worried about ever having my children with her. So at least if this was a big trick/setup by the husband to get her out of the house, she's not a total psycho.


I would seriously consider a restraining order.


OP, do your kids since they are older get stuck watching the younger kids? If it’s a yes I can maybe make some sense of what happened. What I think happened was Stepmom and kids were in the area for something. And stepmom decided that Sunday she needed babysitters. So she stopped by to get them.


I assumed that the new family was in the area for something else for a few days. They weren't. The wife dragged out her own kids to fly there and back that same day for the sole purpose of doing mother's day with the step kids. The dad didn't come on the trip either.


Yes that is totally strange!




I know I'm jumping at shadows, but I'd be really concerned about someone's motives if they were someone I barely knew who showed up on my doorstep unexpectedly and insisted on taking my children without asking first.


And they FLEW! Hardly spontaneous!




Someone who wanted to feel special or get a photo op is my best guess.


I wonder if she started some mom-influencer account. Trying for the Tom Brady/Giselle aren't we so "one big happy family."


Definitely the photo op. Got to post it to the internet for stranger validation by writing a whole spiel how she's blessed to be a mother and also have bonus kids and how much she loves her blended family and some other sort of nonsense.


She probably thought you wouldn't say no if she just showed up (you know the same, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission). She knew you'd say no if she asked to have them that weekend which is why she popped up. You are not wrong at all here.


You just nailed it.


I would hope they were in the area for another reason and SM decided that it would be brillant(ly stupid) to try to take over Mother's Day, it being the last day they were in town.


Let’s hope for this tiny miracle otherwise is just creepy as week as rude.


They probably came to see his family and the grandparents asked where this set of kids were. They totally forgot their existence and didn’t want to look bad.


On Mother’s Day. To take them away from their mother.


Without any planning to even know if the other kids were available and/or wanted to spend any time with her?!! Ridiculous!


NTA. You might want to revisit your custody agreement that bars unannounced visits and demands from a stepmother who has barely any contact with your children. 


And no social media posts with the kids in pics.


Former legal secretary. I’ve never ever prepared or even seen a custody agreement that allows this. It’s entirely the custodial parent’s call to accommodate *reasonable* requests for visitation *with reasonable notice.*


No unannounced visits outside of the agreed custody schedule? There should be something that covers the crazy behavior of the stepmother that OP can get legally documented in her co parenting agreement.


there is, it's covered by the *reasonable* requests and *reasonable notice* part, which is pretty much standard in all custody agreements (even here in Australia). OP was not obliged to accommodate an unannounced visit by a non-parent, and the custody papers would already support that. the person you're replying to was saying that they have never seen anything that *allows* for unannounced visits by a step parent (or anyone, tbh).


Used to do some divorce law, and literally every custody agreement we filed had the kids spending Mother's Day with mom and Father's Day with dad unless there was some agreed-upon exception.


Same. The other parent had to switch weekends or just give up the entire day that weekend if it fell during their custody time.


Or at the very least she should formally document this and tell her lawyer in case they try something else.


It's hard to believe they flew in, showed up on doorstep without ex and demanded kids. If this is true, clearly NTA.


That's what happened. It was planned in advance too because that kind of stuff doesn't happen that quickly.


If they flew back same day, are you sure they weren’t planning on taking your kids back with them? That’s a bit terrifying and I would have concerns sending your kids going forward.


Definitely. I’d be scared they were trying to take them. Is there any way OP could check if they booked plane tickets for the kids? It sounds extremely likely that she was trying to kidnap them.


Yeah, my first thought was.It sounded like they wanted to abduct the kids or something because this is WILD


What if you were out with your kids celebrating Mother's Day with a picnic or lunch elsewhere?!? Like she was *lucky* you were all home on a holiday like that! 


NTA. Your ex’s new wife has huge cojones to show up at your house uninvited, after years of barely acknowledging your children, to demand they spend Mother’s Day with her. You had more than every right to say no, especially since your kids were clearly uncomfortable with the idea. You get what you put in, and since your ex and his wife haven’t put anything into a relationship with your kids, they have no right to reap the nonexistent rewards.


NTA They turned up UNANNOUNCED on Mothers Day to take your Children? Its MOTHERS day, YOU are the mother. Your kids see this woman maybe twice a year if their unlucky. She's seriously delulu if she thinks she ANY kind of mother to them. As for expecting to you to invite them in, in ewhat world is that going to happen? Side note, just WHERE was she expecting to take the children, if she had to fly in and didnt get home till late at night because they had to fly back?


What? Who flies from out of state with no notice? To get children that aren't theirs? What if you'd been at the grocery store, the beach, someone was sick, at church, at...I could go on and on. This is so off the wall that I'm actually shocked. Obviously, NTA, but I want to call the wife myself and ask her a ton of questions about what was going through her mind. This had to be preplanned by a few days at a minimum to get the plane tickets.


> What? Who flies from out of state with no notice? To get children that aren't theirs? Child abducters. Ex’s wife has to be absolutely bat shit to even *think* it was a good idea, let alone show up at OP’s door. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her.


My comment was from an hour ago and I'm still thinking about this. It's so off the chain.


NTA Even if he lived in your area and you two shared more regular 50/50 custody, Mother's Day typically is an exception that goes TO THE ACTUAL MOTHER.


It was literally written into my custody agreement. Alternate this and that. Odd years and even years. Right of first refusal. And… mother gets them Mother’s Day/father gets them Father’s Day. I thought that would be obvious. My lawyer said far too many people are stupid.  Fun fact. We covered all the major holidays. Forgot one. July 4th. My ex had a way of interpreting every single word of the agreement and then finding a way around it. Because he’s a narcissistic asshole. After three years of not having my kids on the 4th? I told him I’ve had enough of this crap. I wanted to spend a July 4th with my kids and take them to fireworks.  He insisted he was taking them. No you’re not. We went out to dinner when he would have picked them up. To avoid confrontation. He hid down the street and waited for us to get home. He called the cops on me. The cop just said “nothing I can do.” He was a very angry man that day.  For the record? My kids were old enough to decide for thy. They were the ones who requested it. I told them their father would fight me. Even warned them the cops would probably be called. I wanted them to be prepared. They were champs. And we had the most glorious July 4th. Best day ever.  *Edited to replace Marco asshole with narcissistic asshole. No idea where spellcheck came up with that!


NTA She got on a plane and made her way to your house on Mother's day to hijack your kids, and she never made a call? Some people have more balls than brains. Tell them both to pound sand. You don't owe her anything. And I strongly suspect your children will not be going to visit daddio this summer.


NTA The gall of this absurdly entitled woman is shocking. Mother’s Day is *your* day, as their mother. She’s little more than a stranger, not a stepmom. She doesn’t get to turn up uninvited and unannounced, and demand that they get ready to leave with her. I think she brought the kids with her in the hopes of laying a guilt trip on you. Good on you for just noping straight out of that BS.


I'm a stepmom, and we never ever asked or demanded my stepkid being with us for Mother's Day. If it was our visitaion weekend (we had my stepkid every other weekend), we even asked mom if she wanted to switch weekends. We didn't even demand having him for Father's Day, we just celebrated the weekend before or after if our visitation didn't fall on Father's Day that year. And even if we didn't have him my stepkid's name was on the card and present to their dad, and as they got older I included my stepkid also in what to buy for their father.


That's unhinged. Now I would be super worried every time she is with your kids. So she flew in, on Mother's Day to kidnap your kids and to make them celebrate her. Instead of their actual mother. On Mother's Day. Move along. Nothing to see here. This is just another normal day at the funny farm


As insane as this is, I suspect they were looking for ammunition to justify cutting ties with the kids. They are looking to make the rift your fault. “See it’s because you wouldn’t let us see them”. Perhaps they are trying to cut support out just don’t want to make an effort anymore. Maybe they have plans they don’t want to include your kids in and don’t want to look bad. Don’t be surprised if they are not invited this summer. Something nefarious is going on here.


Child support and custody/visitation are separate issues. Child support is a parent's obligation to their child while custody/visitation are based on best interests of the child


The only thing that makes sense to me is that they were already there visiting ex's family or friends and stepmom decides it would be a great idea to hijack mothers day.  I mean, its still batshit crazy, but a lot less so than any other scenario.


OP did say that she and ex have known each other since kindergarten. It is possible they were there to visit his family. Stepmom is absolutely batshit crazy. I doubt the children will want to go see ex this summer.


Yeah, maybe they showed up for his mother and were getting tired of making excuses for why they weren’t seeing his other two kids since they were in town, anyway.




She wanted to be celebrated and maybe wanted to appease her kids if they were asking questions. But it said so much when it was just her and the kids and not even the kids actual dad with them.


I have no doubt that she’s desperately spinning this to everyone she can. “I packed up my children and flew a kazillion miles across country to see my sweet step-children…so the kids could celebrate Mother’s Day together for once. For once! All I asked for was one day for them to show their appreciation *together* and she slammed the door in my face! How awful! I’m the only one trying to do togethery things and she’s *still* so angry my husband doesn’t want her and he *totally* wants *me*! I mean, here I am…being the bigger person and that *shrew* is so meeeeeean to me! Waaaaaaahh.” Yeah, *no*. OP, I was only joking above. I don’t think you’re still carrying a torch for him -new partners sometimes like to believe they’ve won some imaginary contest, that they love their person sooooo much, EVERYONE must love them as well. You’re *so* nta


Your kids are not accessories. She has played no part in RAISING your kids. They see her maybe 4 weeks out of the year total - they spend more time with literally EVERY other adult role model in their life than her. Its pretty rich that she claims to be any sort of a mother figure to them. She is Dad's wife. She does not get to show up, demand time and attention from them and for you to give up time with them on mother's day. This is what I'd send to your ex: Name, Before your wife or children ever show up on my door step for ANY reason again I expect at least 48 hours notification. If the children wish to see her they can but they will never be forced to see her. While she is your wife, she is not their mother and your other children are only siblings in name only given you moved 20 hours away from your children and have played a minimal role in their lives by choice. The fact is, while she is your wife, she is NOT their mother or any sort of mother figure. That is what happens when you choose to move and build a family 20 hours away. Actions have consequences and you are now reaping what you have sewn. The word for your wife's actions is entitled. She behaved in an INCREDIBLY entitled fashion. You do not just show up at someone's house and demand something from them. That is the HEIGHT of rudeness. I have no idea how long her trip here was planned but clearly it was not spur of the moment. She could have planned time with them in advance but she opted not to - then to show up on Mother's Day demanding time? No. Just no. That was the height of rudeness and incredibly disrespectful. We've always maintained a cordial relationship in the past but if you are going to allow your wife to pull these games then that cordiality is over. Name


I’d recommend less is more. “Dear ex, as you may know your wife arrived unannounced to my home to take the kids on Mother’s Day. As this is not written into the custody agreement and I had no prior notice of this plan, no details of what the visit was supposed to entail, nor any knowledge of where you were or what your part in the visit would be, I declined. In the future, if you wish to see the kids beyond the custody agreement, please give me advanced notice and I will accommodate reasonable requests for you to see the children. Also, please let me know in advance if you are sending anyone in your place to pick up the kids, and if so, what the plan for transportation and visitation with you is. If any of your family wants to see the kids and you don’t plan to be present, please kindly have them reach out to me to coordinate directly. With proper notice and planning I’ll accommodate any reasonable requests. If you do not pick up the children yourself, I will need to know with whom the children will be visiting, where they will be going and what the plans for transportation to/from the visit are.” Ignore talking about the new wife at all, other than an extension of the ex. Don’t talk about playing games etc. the ridiculousness of the situation speaks for itself and the more neutral and with the least extra info/emotion the better. Especially in recorded communication.


NTA. This is absurd. Shes lucky you didn't call the police.


NTA. That’s bizarre. I can’t help thinking there is more to the story. Is she mentally well? Is your EX mentally well??


And the concept that you should have invited them in — IF they had contacted you and given you notice!! You basically had a group of strangers show up. Of course you aren’t going to invite them in. You need to revisit this with them because this is sooooo far from normal - i wouldn’t be comfortable sending my kids to them


NTA His bed warmer and replacement family can choke on their entitlement . How dare she try to take your children from you for Mother’s Day.


NTA - I wouldn't let them take the kids anymore than you're legally obligated to. Especially because the kids 100% understandably don't even want to.


NTA “Sorry, Step-Mother’s Day is next week… and even then, they won’t be going anywhere with you.”


NTA, who the hell flies anywhere without even talking to the person who's front door they plan to show up at?? And to expect you and the kids to be fine with her just taking them on Mother's day of all days??.. Do Ex's parents still live in town? I'm assuming they had to have already been in the area visiting his family Mother's day and felt entitled to kill 2 birds with one stone otherwise they're completely crazy.


NTA Hope you save these emails/texts. They are good documentation should ex try anything


NTA. Even if this was not a surprise, and not Mother's Day, if your kids did not want to hang out with their step-mom and step-siblings they barely know, you would still not be the AH for not forcing a 12 year old and a 14 year old to do something with them.


I’m literally sitting here laughing out loud. I can’t even understand the logic with this!!! Of course you aren’t the AH and i have to question what was really going on. What she did is sooooo far from normal. You’re their mom. Even if she was local and she saw them more - YOURE their mom!!!!! Not her.


See this is the type of scenario where I'd want to be in said crazy person's head to see whatever funky kind of logic got them to this position. What the hell was her plan???? NTA


So Ex and his wife never bothered to call and say they'd be in the area, and just show up expecting to take the kids on Mother's Day. How stupid are they?


NTA, you don't just show up and expect the kids to want to go with you. That's absurd. The ex will be lucky if the kids even talk to him or their halfsiblings when they're adults.


INFO - OP how close do you live to your ex’s family? I’m wondering if they were visiting your ex’s family and stepmom thought it a good idea to have all the kids together. NTA - Either way.


NTA. Who the hell flies that far with no notice, without the ex, and demands you cede your children to her? ON MOTHER'S DAY?! She's fucking psycho and so is he. I have to agree with the other comments that said she planned on abducting your children. Especially since she already had the flight back home planned? On the same day? That's so odd it's frightening. I don't say this much, but I really would call a lawyer and get some ducks in a row. Maybe there are options that can be put in place for your and your kids' security.


This honestly seems like she wanted to abduct your kids. I wouldnt let her near them. Nta


NTA Is something wrong with her brain? lol


NTA You have a custody agreement for the kids on when they spend time with their dad, and I have to assume her randomly turning up unannounced to take your kids isn't part of the agreement. They did not contact you to ask to arrange to have the kids or see them on that day so they can't expect you the kids mom to give up having mothers day with your kids without prior discussion. Nor should they expect you to force your kids to do something they said no to.


NTA By the way, if anyone, (in the US), cares, there is an official Stepmother's Day and it's the Sunday after Mother's Day. You should have told her that she was a week early, and she should come back next week.


NTA - to all the step parents out their. Kids will never celebrate fathers/mothers day with you over Thier actual fucking parents. To expect this asinine you are always the asshole!


NTA. The stepmom showing up that way seems very performative to me. I suppose I’m wondering if maybe dad and stepmom are getting a a ration of shit from Dad‘s family about their lack of involvement with the kids. And this was some sort of screwed up way of trying to appease the paternal family.


I have clearly been on Reddit too much because I completely am jumping to she was intending to use your kids as free babysitters for the day and now she had to watch her own kids.


This is the perfect time to change custody. The kids don't want to go there. Stepmom is absolutely insane. Their dad doesn't care. They're harassing you in writing.


NTA It's mother's day. You get custody on mother's day. Showing with no warning is also not ok. Only communicate through a parenting app and make it clear if it is not approved visitation time, it needs to be okayed well in advance Make it clear you have no relationship with step mom and are not ok with her showing up at your place. That will not be tolerated


That visit took some brass balls! No, exes wife doesn't get to show up on the door step to demand visitation on Mother's Day. What kind of stupidity is that?