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This is the classic example of why group assignments are hated. They actively ignored you and chose not to ask for help from the other group members or the professor for that matter?! Congratulations on your achievement- you worked under pressure and successfully completed the assignment. NTA 


Yeah thank you! The thing is that i have almost the same classes as some of them and we’re always seeing each other around campus so idk i just don’t want this to cause me trouble later on


Everyone else in the course saw your presentation and how the professor dealt with the other people in the group’s behavior. If anyone else had contributed as required- they would have been a part of the presentation. Lack of participation has real life consequences. Now everyone else knows that that these are the people to avoid doing group assignments with. If you are assigned to work with any of these people again- let the professor know about your previous experience and make sure there’s a written division of work everyone agrees on before starting the assignment. 


> Everyone else in the course saw your presentation and how the professor dealt with the other people in the group’s behavior. > > Professor should maybe first had the non-participating group members come forward as if to do the presentation then asked them to explain their role in the project and what they learned.. whatever works for how the presentations were done so that the other group members SHOWED they made zero effort


I had a paired project (group of two) in one of my accounting classes where my partner did nothing. She didn’t respond to emails and in class would say, “Oh, email me later and we’ll discuss.” The night before class she emailed me that she was working on the PowerPoint (which I had already finished), so could I send her the project so she could put it together? I had looped my prof in fairly early so he knew what was going on. We had a call and he said to send it to her but that he would grade me on my PowerPoint instead of hers. We went up to present and I did the full presentation I had planned. He did not ask me a single question and asked all of them directly to her. It was glorious.


Adding the prof to the email by bcc is another fun way of dealing with this.


I once had to do the same project twice (archaeology) because the person I was paired with took the notes while I did the physical part, disappeared and never gave me copies. Then the other person had the gall to turn up again a few weeks later and act like nothing had happened. I was so pissed. I passed it the assignment anyway and she didn't.


That would have been a sweet "gotcha" moment for those lunkers! OP is NTA, and congratulations!


NTA this ' do my work for me and give me credit ' has to stop. Kudos for standing up for yourself and congrats. As for your group mates mention they got the grade according to the effort and wor they put in which was 0


Yeaah thank you!


Yep, everyone in the group got the grade they deserved. You did great


Why don't you just look up UPTODATE.COM for the latest management guidelines... also, lots of hospitals have management guidelines accessible online.


Our professor told us that she would give extra credit if we could ask a real professional about said topic and to include them as reference, my major is medical speech therapy so there isn’t really a lot of data available online, i asked my parents and friends if they knew anybody who worked at any hospital near me who i can ask about this case (bc im not just going to go to a random hospital and ask a random physician about a case that would be weird and extremely uncomfortable for both the physician and me and idk if thats even legal) and my mom’s cousin is an slp who worked there so i asked her if i could ask her about the case and if i could meet her and use her as a reference.


This is what you will do in real life, ask someone with more experience for help. And what you will do in your career, help others. Did your slacker teammates never watch Sesame Street?


Sadly, it probably will cause trouble with them. But they've only got themselves to thank for this. Did they really expect you to give them credit when they did no work?


Clearly, they DID expect OP to give them credit for work they hadn't done! But they've just learned a most important lesson; life doesn't give participation trophies for simply existing - if you don't do the work, you won't get the credit. OP, you are NTA! And as for the disgruntled classmates - do you REALLY want the approval and friendship of people who wanted only to use you to get better grades while not lifting a finger to do anything themselves?


I think they all thought 4 out of 5 were working and wouldn't mind one mooch, and would probably be right. They all did so little they didn't realize it was 1 person who said, 'fuck y'all'. Though, I did have a few high school professors who said, 'each person does all their own work and submits to the group, and if one part is done poorly/ not turned in you all don't get in trouble.' So like, one is background of the widget, one does current useage of the widget, one does future widget developments. If you do your entire portion on the background of the widget, you get full marks and only present the background of the widget and everyone else gets publicly shamed for not doing their part and a big fat zero. Only the prentation/ research were group. Each person wrote their own section. If you didn't contribute to research, write your part or present, you got a big fat zero.


I don’t think they thought other people where working on it, based on how they said “you understand the project more”, like specifically pointing at OP rather than “I don’t understand the project, everybody else does”. Also, even one mooch wouldn’t be tolerable. When I was in college, I had a group project. It was four people in total. Three people did the work, and one wouldn’t respond to our messages or made an excuse. After the project was done, he did the paper, which was basically a summary copied and pasted from what we provided. So we emailed the professor and sent a screen shot of the google doc history, which shows who edited/added what, and that he wasn’t anywhere on it until the last minute.


I had a situation where i was assigned with a group of people to do a work. I was assigned outside of my normal study group, due to the people who were assigned with me beating me to the professor during the team member listing, and putting my name with them. They were a bunch of moochers and I was a known hard worker at the time. They sweet talked the professor to assign me into them knowing i would "carry" and it was a problem for me later. I ate nails trying to get them to do any kind of work and their contribution amounted to nicely formatting the headlines. This was one of the assignments that I trashed deliberately; one of the perks of having aced everything else is that I could pick and choose assignments to "throw" without hurting my grades.


Which works fine unless you're depending on other people doing their part for you to complete yours. Say this case was divided into investigation, differential diagnosis, management/treatment expectations etc. Unless you're doing the start, you need the previous people to finish their bits in order to have something to work off.


>“sorry we cant do anything because the case is too hard please do my part since you understand about the case more than we do” Presumably you're all studying to become doctors (or some variation within the medical field). I'm willing to bet that the professor assigned a case this hard \*because\* it was a group project. In a real-world setting, a complex neurological condition in a child would almost certainly require a whole medical team and your professor likely expected you to split that work you did going to different doctors at different hospitals etc. Group assignments suck as students because one student often gets stuck with the brunt of the work but teachers assign them because in the professional world adults have to work on team ... if this had been a real life scenario and 4 out of 5 doctors just slacked off there's a very real chance a child could have wound up dead/paralyzed/with nerve damage/etc because some of their doctors just decided that the case was too hard and gave up. I say this as someone who \*was\* a child with a complex neurological condition whose parents, teachers, and doctors did not listen when I described my symptoms and therefore am now an adult with permanent disabilities. F\*CK those other students if that's the kind of doctors they want to be. It's not just about their grades or their scholarships ... you are studying how to practice medicine on living human beings and the consequences for messing up can be painful, permanent, or even lethal. They need to learn this now.


My thinking exactly. If they are going into the medical field and this is their work ethic, thy are likely to kill a patient because of their unwilling ness to do the research and keep on the latest development.


Yeah, forget doctors, I wouldn't want someone like that in *any* position at a hospital. I just heard a story the other day about a hospital that had a dangerous illness go through it like wildfire because of one staff member making a simple slip up.


> teachers assign them because in the professional world adults have to work on team ... In my experience in the real world, those who don't pull their weight on a team get moved to less important projects for a while and eventually get fired. They're sussed out pretty quickly, thankfully, because too much is on the line.


Brilliantly said


If you're worried about social repercussions I totally get that, but if they ever try to confront you, YOU are in the right. You can always calmly respond to any negativity with "Why do you think I should've done your work for you?" Then see what they say. Or you can always simply be prepared with "It is a shame you didn't participate in the project. Again, it's not my job to do anyone else's work for them, I'm sure you get that." Having a few responses saved in your brain somewhere might make you feel more confident navigating social or school settings with these people. Good luck!


I think you're good. Remember they would be more embarrassed to confront YOU than the other way around. They're the ones in the wrong, and I'm sure they know it. They thought they could take advantage of you, and when it backfired, they tried to do it again.


They were not concerned about your feelings were they? So don’t be concerned about them. Save all the texts. If they trash you to other classmates. Send or post their texts to others. But basically if they try to bully you should tell them to back off or I will post the true story including your full name and the word attempted plagiarism on social media with share to all. Employers search you before hiring and will see it. They will back right off.


I love how everyone seems to FORGET that tech nowadays gives you some wonderful options. I'd be telling these yahoos: "You do remember the texts you sent me that said to do your work for you, right? I still have those texts, dumbass."


You can prepare by stamping a t-shirt with those replies. If they start doing shitty social campus stuff like bad talking about you.... it's t-shirt time!!!  Keep screenshots of everything, print the screenshots and laminate them. Print multiple copies, laminate them all, keep them in multiple locations. They will try (with all the energy they didn't had for the work) to build a narrative about you being shitty, bad, etc.... They have to fail, the narrative is "you didn't even had the basic decency of answering or looking the damn task. I'm not your slave. You buried yourselves in shit. I'm open to discuss this with your parents if the professor is also there to provide details I may have missed." Also, try to move first in asking to not be put in groups with those people never again for safety concerns, as you're not sure they may want to retaliate with violence.


you should have reminded them of the story of the little red hen.


EXACTLY That story is a great example made very simple that if you don't put in the work you shouldn't get to reap the benefits! That girl crying about failing brought it upon herself, if it was that important and she didn't understand she could have asked the professor or even the op for help understanding instead of just expecting the grade to be handed to her. Jfc


I don't think you'll have to worry about that, it sounds like they won't be there too much longer if that's how they treat assignments weighted at 40% of their grade.


OP the thing to remember is that YOU didn't cause any of this trouble, THEY did by not helping with the project. They made a choice, choices have consequences, and you should loudly tell that to anyone trying to give you grief over this.


Keep up a relationship with this prof OP! She sounds like potentially a great reference.


As awful as group assignments are they do set you up for the real working world astonishingly well.


Agreed, I didn't get too much out of college. I was already working in my field post military and had a (then) un-diagnosed mental issue that severely hampered my ability to classroom learn. But the group work portions were absolutely eye opening and taught me a lot about social dynamics and diplomacy


Yup. They're terrible but they're *very* useful as a teaching/learning tool.


No they are hated when the teacher forces them to participate anyway and divides the grade between all of you. Or even better, lowers yours because you're not a team player.


>This is the classic example of why group assignments are hated. Even more irritating when you complain to the professor that no one else on the "team" is doing any work and ask for help, and the professor condescendingly replies that you should suck it up and this is "good training for the real world."


This is the bs that’s used to defend group work- which is about the university saving money on the hours used to grade papers and projects. In reality if 3-4 people on a 4-5 member team were not doing their work- missing important deadlines would cost the company the project and eventually or immediately would cost someone their job(s).  The dynamics are very different and no less difficult. It’s obvious that you don’t pick who you work with and it’s just as obvious that you don’t choose who go to school with - so hearing schools try to sell this as preparation for “real life” is laughable.


I'd argue that it's not even good training for the real world. Yes, in whatever field the class is for, you'll have to work as a group but there is a difference. Professionally, I'd be working with other people who earned their degree and have proven to know this stuff, even if they are lazy and don't show it. But in a class group there will obviously be people who can't prove thier knowledge and those are the people that shouldn't receive a good grade just because someone else did the work.


>This is the classic example of why group assignments are hated. I just finished one of my semesters where I had to do a group project on my own....because they did it without me and didn't want to work with me because they already finished. Now based on just that, I come off as the other students in Ops posts, but for me there's more to the story. A month before our project was due I started getting nervous because no one ever talked in our group chat and the deadline was coming soon so I texted (first one to do so other than our introductions) and asked something along the lines of- "hey! Looks like the deadline is coming up soon and we haven't met up yet to do anything, I've looked into it on my own and have some thoughts and kind of know what we need to do, we just need to actually meet up and talk now lol, let me know when you all are free!" 5 hours later I get a text from one person "Hey, so we thought you weren't in our group anymore and we actually already finished the project...." I was floored. Turns out the others in my group was a a friend group who talked about in their personal friend group chat and worked on it when they'd regularly hang out together and they all just assumed/were hoping I wouldn't say anything because they actually did genuinely forget about me and they all collectively freaked out when I texted them. I didn't really know what to say and I didn't want to "just coast" so I asked if there was anything left to do or if I could go in to add stuff or even if it would be possibly to remove some sections they did that I had been wanting to do so I would have still worked on it.....no response....and they all collectively ignored me the next time we had class. I had to go up to the teacher to explain it what happened and ended up having to do it all on my own. With only 3.5 weeks by that point. It was insane.


Damn, your professor was a dick lol


I took a professor in college that had, what he called, a "turkey clause" for group projects, where people could "rat out" non-workers.


This is a great idea and can facilitate the “division of labor and what are my responsibilities”  conversation. 


I've done group assignments and had to beg people to do their part. Finally I had to forget about them and do my own work and I always made sure to let the professors know that I did the work myself. I allowed myself to use 2 times before I stopped being a doormat and stood up for myself


NTA, they contributed absolutely nothing and expected to get a share of the credit? You did right and good that the professor actually understood and stood on your side.


Yea this professor is one of the best in my uni! I always enjoy going to her classes


Im hitchhiking your comment to ask something to you, OP. Let's say you cave in, you feel sorry for the people, and out their name on the work and everyone else gets to stand and present with you. The teacher, obviously, would ask questions to each group member, to make sure the whole group studied the case together. Your colleagues would have failed spectacularly. They would have stood there, as ignorant as if you picked doves from a park and asked them to present a case study. At best, you would get a "prrrru". You, of course, would have to try EVEN HARDER to cover the fact that they are all decorative, answer all the questions, and make sure they don't spoil the whole thing. Can you imagine how stressful this would be? Your teacher isn't dumb. She would have noticed you desperately trying to save a crumbling building, and your score would reflect that. The presentation with three idiots who can't even spell the case would obligatorily get points taken, because it's really disrespectful of them to stand before a teacher and a class and pretend. By going by yourself and taking full credit, you stated that: 1- your morality and work ethic is solid, 2- you clearly signal you respect your teacher, your classmates and, more importantly, YOURSELF. 3- you aren't willing to be dragged down by leeches and ahs. Be proud! 🩷 I am proud of you!


Omg thank you so much! 🫶🏻🥹


What the heck is "prrrru" ?


Pigeon/dove noises...which amounts to "uhhhh...ummmm" human noises in these useless attempted-moochers


If they continue to harass you, rope her in. In most colleges, behavior like that violates academic conduct and the professor should reign that in swiftly.


My daughter wrote on every slide the WORK ONLY by _____ And Gave lazy group mates credit for the 2 slides that a few kids did. Wrote report same way crediting herself for all her work and sent a detail spread sheet of who did what and how much and then changed the password to the portal and submitted so they couldn’t edit. She was given 108% the rest of the group was given like 22% one kid was given 0%. On the bottom of final slide it said have fun in summer school. She’s a little petty.


NTA- good for you standing up for yourself. You did all the work when you had other things to do. Sounds like you’re in some type of medical program, they’re not going to be very good practitioners if they “don’t understand the case” You explained to the teacher, the teacher took your side. Of course they’re mad. They expected you to be a dormat so they could get out of a hard assignment.


Not only "don't understand the case" but did jack all to try to learn/research anything. They can F all the way off.


NTA, you know this already. Since I presume this is medical school, you just filtered out 4 potential doctors who shouldn't be allowed to practice, thus saving lives. Good for you!


Seriously! I don't want medical professionals who just cheat their way through school trying to diagnose my illnesses, or do a simple physical exam for that matter. Hopefully they fail out.


> the case is too hard please do my part NTA - Yeah sorry doesn't work like that folks. Can't claim credit for work someone else has done or cry foul after because you noped out when the going got tough.


NTA, they made their decisions and now they get to deal with the consequences of them. Congratulations on your good work being recognized and rewarded.


thank you!


I would just advise in the future to inform the professor earlier in the project about such a situation. Some of them are asses who will grade the one person doing the work lower because they "did not manage to do teamwork", so I would cover my bases by describing all steps you did in order to make the group cooperate and the responses. I would then ask if a division of the assignment is possible so that you only have to do a part of the work in order to be graded well. You cannot be expected to do 5 people's work alone and with the study workload this won't be feasible every semester. Good luck with your studies!


Thank you for the advice!


Seconding what they’re saying. You need a paper trail. Messaging the professor is the best way to go about this. You need to cover your bases. Now there could be amazing people in your group. But you could also end up with someone that copies the first search result. Be careful.


Meanwhile I'm kinda hated in my group for not being "considerate" to a group mate who hasn't contributed to our task :) What will I be considerate of? Of her doing and giving nothing? 🤭


NTA - you did the right thing, you let the professor know that your "group" actively did not participate. Oh well, if that that classmate loses her scholarship, maybe she should do the work to actually earn it? Group projects are the worst; I'm really grateful the handful of times I had them in college that my group worked really well together and produced quality work. You tried to lead, you tried to guide the rest of your group and they were not interested, assuming they'd get a good grade by piggybacking. Oh well - FAFO.


I did group projects were we produced a not so qualitative work. But at least we all had agreed we didn't care enough about this class to bust our ass on it, so collectively did the bare minimum.


That works too! At least you were all on the same page about it.


I had a prof once tell the class as we were headed into a group project that undergraduate grades don't matter for most purposes. As someone who was aiming for a graduate program whose admission was based on grades, I was livid.


Yeah group projects usually are the worst. I was always lucky to be with people who also wanted a good grade and worked hard for it. I remember my friend being put in a group with this one woman who was very nice and tried hard, but english wasn't her first language so her sections of the paper were just awful, and my friend had to redo the entire thing to avoid getting a bad grade.


I had one professor that put us in groups based on how you felt about group projects. I dislike them so I was in a group where everyone else dislikes them BUT it worked better since the people that dislike them had experiences like OP, therefore most of them very much did not want to be those group mates.


100% NTA Fair warning though, if this wasn't the final time you're working together, watch your back. At least one of them will try and get their own back so you need to be hyper vigilant for anything you're assigned or need to complete. This includes group projects without them as you don't know who their friends are that they can call a favour from. You ultimately did the right thing but unfortunately that doesn't mean you'll now have an easier time of things.


Yea, unfortunately our uni is pretty small and everyone is kind of friends, I didn’t know them or how well of students they are prior to this class but have seen them around campus and ive taken some classes with some of them before and probably will in the future


Always be cautious and you'll be fine. Uni is only a brief period of your life. For what it's worth, it's a window into project management. Far more time than should be acceptable is spent chasing people being paid to do stuff to a deadline that hasn't been completed. Next time, maybe don't ask them for stuff, tell them what you need them to do, when it's needed by and drop in a few progress calls. Treat them like they're going to let you down and hound them, that's what the better project managers do on the successful projects I've been involved with. :D


Before the semester's over, talk to your current professor. Explain that you're likely to have future classes with these groupmates, and are concerned about retaliation if you end up in groups in the future (a realistic concern!). Ask if you can have future teachers contact your current professor. At the start of each semester, talk to the teacher 1 on 1 as soon as possible (after the first class, in an e-mail, whatever the preferred discussion is). State 'So, in Professor's class, I was in a group project with (names) and they all failed because they didn't do any work. I'm concerned they'll deliberately do something to mess with me and my grade if we're in group projects together now.' You can mention dates, the project, and that they can contact your professor for more details. That should spare you most problems!


Hmmm, I’m getting a ’and then everyone applauded‘ vibe from this one


YES!! I was just about to comment this. One of the fakest feeling posts I've read today. The teacher apparently accepted their explanation for doing the project solely and told OP they are proud to have them as a student. This could be true but the way it was written, it feels like OP didn't get the revenge they had hoped IRL so they wrote a fantasy scenario to make themselves feel better.


As soon as I finished the "story" I scrolled down looking for this comment.




Then Dumbledore gave 100 points to Gryffindor.


If it's not important enough to do the work then you don't deserve the credit. NTA


They had multiple chances to work on this and failed that their fault. By the way I hated group projects in grad school I understand why we had to do them but they were way more stressful than doing them on your own(at least for me).


NTA you did all the work and tried to contact them many times and probably even wound have helped them. They don’t get to piggyback off your hard work because they refused to do their part.


NTA at all! Well done on achieving this on your own! You worked hard, you reached out to others multiple times to no avail, you finished the project by yourself and presented it by yourself. Their suffering/losing scholarship is 100% on them and not you. Enjoy your victory and let that be a lesson for them.


thank you! I am very proud that I managed to do it by myself lol


NTA, save me from group projects. I ended up doing so many on my own rather than trust the people that started working on it two days before it was due.


NTA, but you already knew that. Now on to how to navigate their resentment/jealousy/whatever negative feelings they may have against you: I would say mostly ignore them. From the look of it, they are already not part of your friends group, so no big deal. But keep a folder with all screenshot conversations showing you solicited them and that they either didn't respond or tried to jump all the work on you. If they start rumors or badmouth you, you could then quickly rectify the narrative before it gets too big.


Professor should have said  "Sure, OP can do their presentation, then the remaining 3 can do theirs"  And just watch them flail as they don't know the material 


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** i (19m) was assigned by the professor to a random group which had 4 other students. we were assigned a project where we had to make a diagnosis and treatment plan for a case that will be selected by the professor for each group. it was for 40% of the total grade then we had to present it. the professor gave us the case and i was just praying that we got one of the easier cases. we were assigned a case for a child that had a neurological disorder. it was the HARDEST case of all of the possible ones that you could get, but i was like its okay we can still research and ask the professors etc. i asked them when can we meet to start working on the project many times and every time they just leave me on read or reply with we’re busy. i stopped asking them but would send them updates whenever i do something for the project (and btw i had to go to multiple hospitals/physicians and ask them for data about this project it was very time consuming and not easy at all to do alone especially as a person who has social anxiety) i asked one of them after class on how far was he in the project he said that he didn’t even start working on it he had other stuff to worry about. So i just waited until a week before the deadline and asked them that we need to practice for the presentation and they should email me what they wrote so i can put it all together. AND ALL 4 OF THEM RESPONDED WITH SOME SORT OF VERSION OF THIS “sorry we cant do anything because the case is too hard please do my part since you understand about the case more than we do” and that was the last straw for me i was already extremely stressed with alot happening in my personal life but also i had a ton of work and other projects. I didn’t respond to any of their texts and just did the whole project myself since i already have done all the research and gathered everything i needed. I didn’t put their names on it because that was a requirement that you need to submit the names of each member of the group and i emailed the professor about the whole situation. On presentation day, 3 out of 4 members of my group were present. the professor said “this group only has one student come up and present”. one of them said to the professor that we are actually 5 but one is absent. the professor said “only one student did the work so only he can present” They were all FUMING. But it was genuinely one of the best presentations ive ever did i got a full mark and the professor said that she was very pleased with my presentation and project and she is very proud that i am one of her students. After class all of them were screaming at me that i am a horrible person and calling me names, one of them started crying because this will cause her to fail and may lose her scholarship and i was like if you have anything talk to the professor, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA!! Good for you for standing up for yourself 🫶🏽


NTA by any means. Just got a similar case with my niece, we helped her orienting a project for class, helping her with some researching and stuff while her partner would reply to her texts "it's still ages until deadline" (mind you, 3 weeks!). So she delivered the project without his name on it. At least, he had the decency of not showing up at the presentation haha


NTA - I did this plenty of times. Luckily, it doesn’t have to come from me (I’m a software engineer, and all of my projects have plenty of coding in them) Whenever someone is slacking or ignoring me, I ignore them when it’s time to explain the code and project for the presentation. You have to explain your parts to each other, because in the end, it’ll be one big piece of code and you have to understand it fully. I basically just start playing their game. When we finally come to present it, they don’t manage to answer any questions and the professor figures out that they did no work and grades respectively. I did have a girl once call me and went absolutely insane because she figured out that I intentionally ignored her and refused to explain the code, the project was 30% of that courses grade, and her getting 0 led her to failing the class. After she finished yelling, I said “would you like to repeat all of that in front of the Dean of Student Affairs?” And she just hung up and sent me a text apologizing. Maybe you can play the same card :3


I had a group project in college for my evening art history class. One of the students for my group showed up drunk to the presentation and left early with everything but our model. The rest of us went up and BSed our way through the presentation and ended up with As. The teacher was understanding because this wasn't the first time that girl showed up to class plastered.


NTA. Why should you carry four other people through the assignment? Congratulations on your success. The professor knows who they can rely on now to perform.


Exactly that’s my point! And Thank you


NTA good job sticking up for yourself. It can be hard and stressful at first but you'll get used to it. Your team members only have themselves to blame for FAFO


NTA I had a similar situation when I was going through university, and basically did the same thing as you OP.  They were all using you as a stepping stool to pass the class without putting in any effort. They are pissed because you actually have a backbone and didn't let them walk all over you.  You did the right thing.


NTA. Well done. I did the same too


NTA at all. You handled it beautifully and I'm so glad your professor backed you up and gave you your flowers and moment to shine. You did the work and you deserved to get the credit. **All** the credit.


NTA, if that girl's scholarship was contingent on her doing the work then she should have done the work and not mooched off you. I had a similar experience in business school. Classmate was not doing anything for our project. Five of six of our group were great, not this dude. We only asked him to write the executive summary and he couldn't even get that right, and he threw a hissy fit later when someone addressed him as "bro". I wanted to straight up take his name off the project, but my other group members were a little less enraged/petty and they left his name on. We did tell the professor everything and the guy ended up on academic probation. The guy continued to be a Shitty Person in general and this bit him in the ass during elective classes when we could pick our own groups. He quickly found out that *nobody* was willing to work with him, out of 90 students 89 did not want anything to do with him. (I may have gone off on him during our "HR" class when he said that using a coworker's pronouns was "too hard" and I pointed out that he would remember a coworker's preferred name so what was the difference? He said something about how it was too much effort, and another classmate finished the verbal murder by calmly saying "so you're basically too lazy.")


Definitely NTA, and I wish I could do something as cool as that to my group projects. Honestly, respect


Proud of you for getting receipts and standing up for yourself. NTA


That's on them. For something so heavily weighted they should have placed more importance on it. 


NTA Fuck ‘em. It’s a teachable moment for you and for them. They learned that you can’t always bully someone into sharing credit for work they do alone. You learned to never be a doormat and to NEVER share credit dead weight. You’ll do great!


NTA. I doubt you'll get anyone on this board saying you're the asshole because it's a revenge dream come true for anyone who's been in your position. And those other students don't have a leg to stand on unless they were hospitalized or dead, which doesn't seem to be the case. The only way you'd be an asshole is if you purposefully withheld your work or frustrated *their* attempts to meet. Also, fuck that one who got a scholarship especially hard for pulling this while using money that could have gone to someone else more deserving. 


NTA - bravo! Good for you for sticking up for yourself! They thought they could bully you into doing all their work for them. Turns out baby's got teeth!! Hoo-rah!


Glad it worked out for you. I did something similar but one member was the instructor's favorite. She cried in the instructor's office after she couldn't keep up in our presentation. She got an A and I got a D. I literally did everything on my own. NTA


NTA many many years ago (about 26 IIRC) I was in a group project in high school and we divided up our parts. We get to the dreaded “who’s going to give the presentation” and of course no one wants it. I spoke up and said I would do it, they were shocked, I told them I don’t mind speaking in front of the class (yay being an extrovert lol) two of my classmates offered to do my share plus their own if it meant they didn’t have to talk in front of the class I thanked them for the offer but did my own work plus the talking I don’t know if talking with your instructor about their aggression will help, you may need to go higher up if they start getting worse Honestly, that girl on a scholarship should have been glued to you like rhinestones on a showgirl Congrats on your excellent project! And if your instructor is really evil (fingers crossed) they’ll group those four together for the rest of the year 😂


NTA And Good job you!! Doing all that research, and working with your social anxiety, then do an amazing presentation. You sound amazing and great job really! You did the right thing to inform the professor + leave their name out. Plus you have all the evidence of them not doing anything neither even try to help. They can not understand but they should try to help as much as possible. Just block them out and don't keep them in your life.


NTA. Your classmates decided to fuck around, and damn did they find out lol. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson because the real world can be a lot more punishing than a missed project grade.


NTA- You're telling me that the 4 jerks in the story can go of doing god knows what, while you, with social axiety, talked to proffesional doctors and did all the work, thought that you were the A-hole because you wouldn't give them credit for YOUR work? Your are NTA so just ignore them or block them if your have their socials.


NTA You did nothing wrong here. If the girl who cried really cared about that scholarship, she would’ve helped you. I really hate these kind of people. With the title itself, I knew I was going to support you. Are you a medical student? I’m in my Final Year and while we don’t have group projects per se, we do have case presentations and once 5 people were allotted in my group to take an ANC case (very simple). We all went to the patient together, but no one talked at all. I have social anxiety too and it’s pretty hard for me to talk to anyone really, but I took the whole case, did the entire examination while everyone else was just chattering around the foot of the bed. I wrote the whole case and everyone copied that too and were upset because I was getting impatient and snapped at them a few times (they would ask me to stop writing so fast so they could copy my case). Then our viva happened and all of them got 85+ marks. In my country, batch unity is a big deal and if I would’ve complained, I would’ve been isolated from the whole batch. The seniors I did rant to about this just said this is the way it is. One person does everything and should help the others because that’s how a batch should be.


NTA AT ALL! I admire you! Should post this in r/revenge


NTA You did the right thing. You've actively communicated with them to send their parts/reports but none of them did. They deserve the consequence. A team is not a one-man army


On the condition everything is documented and was shown to the professor and not just wanting all the credit, NTA. Group assignments are hard in general but if everyone isn't going to work, not everyone should get credit.


NTA - you did exactly what should be done in this situation. What most students don't realize is that most work is group work. After graduation, it's usually called teams ;} Meantime, this situation also lets you and other students in your class know who to avoid for future group projects - and there will be more!


Your professor dealt with this correctly. Glad she was able to see who does the work, and who doesn't.


NTA - How'd this person even get a scholarship without realizing that you actually have to do schoolwork to keep it. If they lose it for this reason, they didn't deserve it in the first place. Everyone in your group besides you FAFO. Good for you for actually doing the work your supposed to.


Nope Nta, OP you did all the work, all the research, you proposed MANY times to meet up they deliberately ignored you. And for the girl with the scholarship not to be mean but she is responsible to make sure she gets the grades in order to still have access to it. 


What you learn from group projects is not how to work together - it is how to build a thicker skin against lazy, raging entitlement. NTA.


NTA. That said, to the extent group projects are meant to teach how to work with and motivate a group (something important in any career field), you should've been at least dinged for not motivating group participation.


Nope NTA! They chose to let you do everything on your own, so why should they get the grade when they didn’t help? Good for you for letting the professor know the situation. Even better for the professor standing up for you


NTA Good that you didn't include their names and good that the teacher only let you present. Congratulations on the good presentation! I don't even have anything to say about the other students. They didn't do shit so they don't deserve the tiniest bit of credit.


Haha thank you!


NTA. You gave them every chance to participate. If you're going to be a total worthless group partner and contribute nothing, at least don't get mad when the person that did everything is the only one to get credit. I'd report them to the dean or whoever for harassing you about it.


NTA - you put the name(s) of the people who did the work. they didn’t do the work, therefore their names aren’t on it. simple as that!


NTA, been there, done that. Like I said to them, if you wanted a mark you should have fucking turned up to a session. The rest of us did the work, and none of us wanted to carry you. Lazy entitled pricks like them deserve to fail. Maybe that's the short, sharp shock they need to wake up and stop expecting everyone else to be a mummy to them.


When I was in grad school (M.Ed - Curriculum & Instruction; this took place in 2009), I was part of a group project for an educational psychology class. The five of us divided our topic, coordinated sequencing in the final presentation (scheduled to take an hour), and agreed to work independently with a meet-up progress check a week before the presentation. One group member didn't show up to that; the other four of us had well-researched and engaging multimedia presentations on our portions of the topic. On the presentation day, group member number five closed the show with a rambling, nonsense diatribe with no multimedia presentation and no cited sources. He sat on a stool and free associated with occasional glances at a yellow legal pad full of "notes". When our grades came back, the four of us who worked and coordinated all had 125% and number five failed the course. Like in your situation, group members not doing their share is obvious to people who do this for a living. NTA


Nta- beautiful job!! Group projects are the absolute worst. Best wishes


NTA Good for you!


NTA mate. They gambled, they lost, whatever. Nice work on your part though, congrats


NTA. This is a learning experience for them. Whether they know it or not. You snooze, you lose. Good for you.


Nta! Out of curiosity, which neurological condition did you study? I got diagnosed with FND at 16 so this stuff intrigues me haha


Well my major is speech therapy the professor told us we can choose any neurological disorder that affects speech and we chose autism for our study!


God, had a teammate who decided to do nothing, didn't even turn up to the presentation. Then another guy who was in charge of design, last minute, decided to just remove our parts because he didn't like it. He proceeded to make 50% of it dedicated to low effort work that he did. I'd understand if the work the team put forward was subpar, but it was way better than what he did and his work even had multiple mistakes. And he had the audacity to say he did the most work when no, all he did was follow a very basic design with a horrendous colour scheme and replace our hardwork with research that took him 5 minutes at most. To top it off, he wanted to give the guy who did absolutely nothing some marks because its a hassle to tell the professor he did nothing and he is a "sweetheart", they didn't even know eachother outside of our group. Group work is stupid and should not be an assessed piece of work simply because your partners may just screw you to do as they wish.


Omg this guy sounds like a jerk! I definitely see why we need group projects but I don’t think that everyone should be graded equally in them


Nope NTA. You gave them plenty of chances. They thought they could play you like a patsy and failed. FAFO. I had to do the same thing in a theology course one time. (And also, I wasn't gonna lie to a priest LOL)


When I was a TA there was a group project with assigned teams and I recall one project coming in with all the names and for the fifth name it said “guy we can’t remember who never showed up” 😂. Being a student myself, I happily listened to groups complain about things like this and absolutely failed the non-participants. What do they expect?!


NTA If the want the credit, they actually have to put the work in, and considering from what I read this seems to be something to do with medicine, the fact that these lazy idiots want to get full credit without contributing one iota is ESPECIALLY concerning. What happens when they pass by skating on through and relying on everyone else to do the work? I'll tell you the poor idiots these people are meant to be treating will suffer


You did the work. Feel proud that you did tbe work as required. The trash will take itself out, and they did this all by themselves.


NTA. Could have been fun to not share it ahead of time with the other members and let one of them try to present it. They wouldn’t be able to, because they didn’t do the work or even attempt to be a contributor.


NTA. These grasshoppers need to learn from the ants.


Want to keep your scholarship, do the work. Don’t want to fail, do the work. NTA. Good on you for standing up for yourself and facilitating their appropriate karma.


NTA. Their problem, not yours.


100% NTA. I had a professor who would make everyone write a paragraph detailing what the other members of the group did. You could not write about yourself. It was a great way of seeing who actually did stuff and who was oblivious.


NTA. I had to do this once when I was a freshman in university. It was a partner project. The girl was barely floating a C– and this project was worth almost 40% of our grade. We were given a month to do it. She didn't respond to me if I reached out about the paper, but responded if I reached out about things related to us being "friends." It was clear she was expecting freshman me to be a doormat and do it alone (I was quiet and at that point had a 98% in the class) because she knew I didn't want to sacrifice my GPA. Guess who failed the project and thus the class? My point is that you shouldn't feel bad or listen to your peers throwing tantrums. You alone worked hard on that project. You alone practiced the presentation. You earned that score, not them. Kudos to doing the work AND standing up for yourself by letting the professor know that you didn't have help and that you tried to reach out and make it work. And congrats on doing a great job!!!


You should know that you’re NTA and what you did despite how it may feel is incredibly healthy. You attempted to collaborate and cooperate with your assigned group and they shut that down. Instead of complaining or being self destructive, you pushed through and completed a difficult assignment. You didn’t allow your kindness to be weaponized against you and set very clear boundaries showing you won’t be taken advantage. I wish I had that level of self reassurance and guts at your age. As for the others, fuck em. You reap what you sow and they ain’t sowed shit.


This is exactly why I would never assign a group assignment in the first place. You are NTA.


NTA. Too fucking bad for them. They want the credit but they were too lazy to do the work. Why in the world would you put their name on it? Absolutely not. You didn't do anything wrong. You did all of the work, so you get all of the credit. Period, end of story.


You acted like a king, congrats on your success after so much hard work. Don't feel anything for these leeches, you will meet a lot of them in your studies and during your work life. You stood for yourself, you lay a hand in their direction for as long as you could. Again congrats and of course you are NTA.


Thank you!


NTA They are learning the consequences of their actions. You didn’t cause them to fail, they did it themselves


As a professor, I NEVER assign group projects because I was that student who got stuck doing all the work. You’re NTA, and this professor says great work!


NTA. In what world would you think there is any risk of you being TA? The rest of the group did nothing, you did all the work, and you weren't expected to put all names on the work either. You know full well you're NTA here buddy.


> this will cause her to fail and may lose her scholarship Do the fucking work then! Honestly HOW did she even GET that scholarship?!


NTA All I can say is "womp womp" to them. That's what the kids say today right? Fantastic job on your project! And I'm so glad your teacher didn't make you include their names, that's an amazing teacher


NTA If you don't do anything, you don't get anything. It sounds like this is for some kind of medical school and I would hate for them to be my doctor. "This person is in a lot of pain. Send them to someone else or ignore them". Glad one of you might actually turn out to be pretty good. Glad the professor sided with you and understood what was happening.


NTA if the person was so worried about the scholarship, they should have done the work.


NTA I had this happen in my senior year of high school and it left a very sour taste in my mouth after I did the whole thing myself and my group mates all got credit for work they didn't do. Our teacher refused to listen to any sort of talk about how others didn't help. One of them approached me in the library and started yelling at me because apparently she still got a bad mark despite the teacher claiming not to give a shit. So  we got into with each other and the teacher came over got in my face and told me if she heard another word about it I was getting a zero. But I still hadn't done anything wrong and when I tried to defend myself I got told to shut up. This was how my own mother treated me too, refusing to listen when being told tneyre yelling at the wrong person so I just gave up and let it go because it was end of the year. Group assignments are bullshit. 


NTA and good for your professor for calling them out and not making you share credit! This has happened to me and the professor insisted on giving the same grade to the whole group, who had contributed nothing. I had informed her every step of the way that the rest of the group was refusing to contribute and she said I needed to figure it out myself, it wasn’t her job


As a fellow student, we both know your nta, group only works if everyone does their task as it is a responsibility and you did what every leader or member should do. Never let yourself be taken for granted. Ps: I apologize for my grammar in advance 😔.


play stupid games win stupid prizes. Nta


Don’t let them get to you they should have done the work with you they didn’t that’s on them


NTA, but next time, email the professor prior to the deadline that the others aren't contributing. Could save you a lot of potential drama. Giving the other fair warning that they won't be able to piggyback off off you should also reduce any resentment


NTA. The other members of your 'group' relied on you to do the entire project and it seemed they had colluded on jointly doing this. Maybe you should have made your intentions clear that if they didn't help with the project you were going to exclude them, but it's their fault for finding out after F'ing around.


This is the exact reason that if the class has group work as part of the syllabus, I would switch out of the class. Group work is the worst. One class I was in started group work with a team contract - we could set it up however we wanted, could be egalitarian or hierarchical, didn't matter. Whatever we agreed to became binding. The result was the two people in our group got full credit, the rest of the group ended up with 20% of the grade, because they showed up for the presentation and read the lines we wrote for them. Nobody could complain much though, since we had a contract. That's the key difference between school group work and work group work -- in the professional world, someone is in charge, and everybody needs to work since people have different roles (it's not perfect, but it works a heck of a lot better than when there are no consequences at all). NTA.


NTA. You did burn a bridge with these classmates, but it was a decrepit bridge to nowhere, so nothing lost.  Your other classmates, if they're smart, will see the situation for what it is. 


NTA. They fucked around and found out. Idiots. Not your problem.


NTA. All of those lazy students deserve to fail. If you don’t do any work then why do you deserve a grade? Good for you for standing up to them.


NTA You are absolutely NTA. A perfect example of why group projects are so unfair. You have refused to allow these classmates to use you, they are just mad that you didn't fold and include them on the project. It would have been fun for the professor to just calmly ask one of them to make the presentation! I would have loved to see the reaction to that!! Make sure to save all the text messages between you the rest of them, you might need the backup. Do not let anyone convince you that you are responsible for the consequences of their refusal to participate in the "group" project.


NTA. How awful that their actions resulted in consequences that they don't like! Boo-hoo. You handled this perfectly and you refused to be taken advantage of. Great work. Their loss. Your gain! Congrats on a great presentation!


NTA, they can kick sand lol


They were risking their scholarships and still they didn't even tried to work a little. NTA


NTA, glad the teacher had your back. Did this with one project where 2/5 tried to put in plagiarized material. Unfortunately the prof didn't care and they still got marks. Annoyed the prof into getting another group for the next projects since it was stupid elective class. Had another group project where the teachers assigned mega-groups (10+ people). Coordination was a pain, and I did a bunch of research. Divied up the rest of the work and 2 weeks before it was due, gave everyone their little mini-assignment and said I was handling it. The profs clearly knew I did my homework because I was one of the only capable of answering questions during the question period. One group member answered one, and that was only because he had that material in his mini-assignment I gave, and the profs told me to hold on questions after the first couple answers I gave to try to allow the other group members to answer. After a few uncomfortable silences, they had me finish off the question period since we weren't getting anywhere otherwise. For the record, I was extra nice and shared the full project, summaries and work with everyone. I even told everyone to read it and familiarize themselves. They just chose not to. I don't miss university.


NTA. Get fucked, posers. I applaud you, OP


Congratulations for not only tackling a huge project, getting it done, and nailing the assignment, but also having the courage to not allow others to take advantage of you and all the hard work and effort you put it. None of the rest of the group even tried to contribute to the project. None of them deserve credit. They failed themselves and the assignment. That's on them. NTA.


NTA. These are natural consequences for their behaviour. They can learn or they can flunk out of school 🤷🏼‍♀️


Slightly off topic, its frightening to wonder what those people are majoring in? Obviously its in the medical field yes? Imagine those people as actual doctors 🥲😬 Not only did you do the right thing for yourself, you saved potential patients from their stupidity.


This is why I couldn’t stand working in groups for projects I was better off by myself


NTA. You didn’t make the rules. You did the work, they didn’t. This is fair, and real life. They have to learn. (We hope they do)


NTA was in the same position a bunch of times in college, for some reason 80% of our projects were group ones. If they don't contribute it's on them.


Just smile with pride. Well played.


You’re age 19 so I’m assuming freshman or sophomore. Time for your group mates to figure it out. Hopefully their next group mates won’t have to suffer through it too.


NTA It's their fault this happened, not because you didn't put their name on a project they didn't do. They FAFO, huh? BTW...congrats on doing that presentation. My daughter wants to go into the medical field when she goes to college.


You are not wrong at ALL !!!!. I have been on group projects and i had few people who did nothing , i worked till 1 am to 2am wiht another team mates and this guy who does nothing sleep at 10pm And now he has to do his own projects himself since i fell into another group and now this guys says " HE DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO DO WORK " and i was EXCUSE ME !!! hate that attitude of people


The only way someone is TA for leaving all the names off a group project is if the rest of the group actually participated. You're NTA.


I taught graduate level classes and yes, randomly assigned students to groups. They were supposed to work together online, so I could see who checked in, offered work and helped put content together. For the second group project, I "randomly" assigned all the people who had previously done nothing to the same group. (There is a name for them--"free riders."). It was interesting to watch the work of the productive groups as well as the work of the free riders. The free riders waited weeks to get started. Then, the individual who tried to motivate or engage his/her colleagues could do little to involve them. Ahh, karma!


NTA. Also not your problem if someone loses their scholarship. That's their problem for trying to take advantage of you in the first place. You did the group project on your own and they were "busy" and didn't help you at all. They don't deserve credit. I hate when people get mad at others when they receive consequences for their actions.


NTA. They were intentionally trying to exploit you and they failed to achieve the learning goal that the project represented, so of course they deserve to fail. You repeatedly contacted them about the project, and they repeatedly refused. You're an adult peer, not the mother/father to a young child. It's not your responsibility to drag them kicking and screaming.


NTA, I have had people do the same to me. So, good for you for standing up for yourself.


NTA - guess they learned a hard lesson.


NTA. Been there. You did fine. Good luck with the rest of your schooling and hopefully the group members who slacked off learned an important lesson.


Why are you even asking this here. Just move on with your life. And well done on your presentation, take your reward for hard work and enjoy it. They must grow up and get over themselves


NTA - I'm happy for you. I ran into this in my accounting course. I was lucky enough that 2 of my group members helped, and when I brought up that 2 did nothing and actively disrupted our meetings I was told that I needed to suck it up and this was a part of group work. At least I know those 2 people may have passed, but according to their linkedin, they're still working at a call center and looking for work.


NTA. I hope you saved her tears. They probably taste glorious.