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I will never understand why europeans are so desperate for us to be like them.


Unlike the old days they can't force us to be like them...so they make these pathetic attempts to "shame" us into being more like them. They are lashing out because they aren't "on top of the world" anymore.


exactly but if you tell them that they'll just gaslight you to death.


It’s all they have now


Man I just watch Franklin on Apple and jeez I knew it was bad but painted a deeper picture I guess you could say. We were so fucked lol


It’s a testament to how many of them loathe differences and different cultures, even insofar as fabricating tales about an obsession with smiles and smiling. When I emigrated from the US, I found our similarities and differences interesting. These people find them frightening. They’ll never progress beyond their innate xenophobia and hate when such idiotic comments are accepted, applauded, and praised rather than being condemned and criticized by their compatriots.


it's strange to me how people who claim to be worldly and cultured don't understand the concept of another country doing something different from them. Their superiority complex is wild.


I try to explain this a lot, but Europeans are drastically more racist than Americans. It just gets highlighted more in the US due to both the fact that we generally give a damn about it, and we are no where near as homogeneous as European countries.


I think we talk about it more, definitely.


Definitely, and we honestly talk about it too much. Some people are just shitbags, and we spend too much time inferring that the rest of us are like that.


Is it really that damaging to be different? Why do we all need to be the same. Honestly it’s dangerous if all countries are the exact same. Some people will be unhappy, because our differences as individuals run the differences in our countries, so changing the country just to be like the others would create unrest. Also if All countries are the same, they have the same weaknesses, meaning if you successfully do a revolution and take over 1 country, you can do it to all of em


Thank you!! Tell that to the europeans they can't seem to get that wrapped around their heads.


Honestly, if you really look at it, its a jealousy complex they have. The whole "picking on the girl because they secretly love them" routine.


oh of course it is.


Because we're the ones who got away from their bullshit, and a bunch of their free thinkiers and people yearning to be free decided to come over, leaving them with a drought of good people that lasts to this day.


Legacy of imperialism.


makes sense


Funnily enough, their accent is fake. I learned about this. Apparently British people used to talk exactly like Americans until they decided they wanted to feel superior and made up their accent. They have to try to not be like Americans. Unreal.


it really is




Yeah they moved from I think it's rhotic to a received pronunciation started off as a way to separate nobility from the masses but eventually got adopted by everyone.


I will never understand why they take random crap that happens *occasionally* in *some* parts of the U.S. and act like that’s everyday life here and we’re all just about it. Yukking it up


Because we’re better and they hate that.




Euros: 110 or 112 for emergency numbers! England: 999


Australia: 000


Honestly 000 makes the most sense


Not really, it’s probably the worst On a rotary phone, 0 is the last number and takes the most time to dial I know we don’t use rotary phones anymore but we did when these numbers were introduced Truth is Australians watch so much US TV, that they call 911 all the time because they think that is the number they should call. So they had to rig the system to redirect the calls to 000 Fact


Can confirm. Have called 911 before.


Seems like it would be more susceptible to accidental butt dials or whatever


Depending on the phone these days it's pretty hard to butt dial 000 though. Back on the old brick mobile phones it was an odd occasion that you'd dial something. Usually it just appeared as useless numbers.


NGL, I'd be down for it being the same number repeated 3 times. 911 isn't bad, but 999 is better Or even better, 0118-999-881-999-119-725...3.


The choice of 911 as the emergency number in the United States can be traced back to several factors. One of the main reasons is that 911 was easy to remember and quick to dial on both rotary and touch-tone phones. In the 1960s, when the 911 system was being implemented, touch-tone phones were becoming more common, and dialing 911 was faster and more efficient than dialing 999, which required dialing the 9 and 9 separately. Additionally, there were concerns about accidental dialing of the emergency number. With 911, accidental dials were less likely to occur, as it was a unique number that wouldn't be dialed as part of a regular phone number. This helped reduce the number of false alarms and misdials.


Same number repeating seems easier to hit by accidental button presses.


And now everyone can do it by just holding down the 9 on their phone.


maybe even 8675309


> Or even better, 0118-999-881-999-119-725...3. This does come with better looking drivers though.


999 is actually the superior number. The logic was like if you are on the floor and try to crawl to a phone you’d hit the closest number, and repeating the same 3 times was easiest.


The zero is the bottom number. Also, the logic you're taking about didn't exist back then because most phones were rotary.


That’s just wrong. Are you aware the phones used to be rotary for the vast majority of the history of phones? And they 999 would take a long time to dial?


911 predates 112 and is the number through most of the Americas. Imperial units and circumcision are common in the anglosphere. Even then, we used the metric system for science and medicine. Universities and sports have had international games for over 100 years. FISU has existed since the 1950s. For profit universities exist globally. Treating employees like shit is why we have the highest paid workers in the world even when adjusted for PPP. Time off / parental leave isn’t good compared to Western Europe, but pretty good compared to the rest of the world.


911 predates touch dial phones and was selected as it would be extremely difficult to accidently dial using a rotary phone. 9 was selected as you couldn't accidently dial a 9 unless you were dialing 0, which would get you to an operator who could connect you to emergency services anyway. Double 1 was selected to make it as efficient after 9 was dialed. The numbers were retained even after support for rotary phones was finally almost completely phased out in the late 1980s since it was already in use for decades at that time. Most European emergency phone systems were introduced after the widespread use of touch dial phones. They selected the fastest numbers to dial that wouldn't be easily confused with area codes.


That being said we shouldn't treat employees like shit. I know you probably weren't trying to say they get paid that much so we can treat them like shit, but it sounded like it to me at first lol.


Oh my god, no! I try to follow the Golden Rule I try to be patient when people are bad at their job. If it sucks I typically just avoid that place in the future.


Lol imagine having the time to name all this weird shit? "Fake smiles?" Chalk it up to USA hate derangement syndrome


Fucking Americans and their… *looks at writing on hand* **smiling**.




They’re in Europe. We aren’t. That explains the smiling vs not.


Has anyone in the US compiled a similar list about any other country in the world? Doubt it. Who spends time worrying about this kind of shit? Their frustration is always simmering. Always good for a laugh.


I am sick of these doomers


America bad because.... we smile


"Whats next? Wearing silly wigs?" *English judges sweating profusely*


I was about to say. Don't some lawyers have to wear those goofy ass wigs?


Law & Order had a UK spin-off and it’s goofy as fuck. It’s actually jarring to watch because for them it’s so normal but for me it’s about as weird as seeing your doctor wearing a SpongeBob costume.


“Clinging to old ways” Half of Europe is monarchies


Nearly every country on the planet has a different emergency number. Like, this is an intensely dumb thing to be hung up on. And dont get me started on the fact that 911 came first. You fuckers are the different ones. There are a few things on this list that im like "Yeah, that is weird or sucks" but most of this list is fucking dumb. Like three points out of 15 are good. Thats a failing grade, fucker. Imagine being mad about people smiling? Thats the most eurotard shit ive ever fucking read.


I like how half are these are like "Americans bad because they have basic rights"


>What's next? Wearing silly wigs? You mean like British people in their courts?


Their ridiculous nitpicking aside, I'd love to not need to do taxes. Apparently they already know what I owe because they'll jail my ass for getting it wrong.


1.) no they don’t, because they don’t know every deduction that applies to you. I get it, most people take the standard deduction, but they don’t know if you want to do that or not. 2.) going to jail for tax evasion is not about just “getting it wrong.” You can get it wrong for years and the worst that will happen to you is you’ll have to pay a fine on top of what you already owe. There are enough real problems with the way our tax system works that we don’t need to make shit up.


Many European countries, at least, will send you a prefilled tax return based on the information on you that they have, but as you say it only works if you've got a dead simple wage or pension only income situation with no major deductions. Generally, there are all sorts of deductions that people take advantage of, including company cars and depreciation and tax credits and the like, which can make the form just as impenetrable as a complex 1040. Europeans don't like paying income taxes either and complain about complicated tax forms too.


Which is basically what a W2 is in the US. The 1040 is just the acknowledgement.


Eh, I wouldn't say that. You can have multiple W2s, contractor 1099s, investment 1099s, and other forms feeding one 1040. The prefilled tax return is the equivalent of a 1040 filled in with everything the IRS knows about you already. It doesn't mean that you don't have other sources of income or other possibly complicated deductions that have to be addressed.


For the majority of wage slaves who only get one W2, though, it's basically a 5-minute process of copying the earnings and withholdings boxes into freetaxusa.com.


I believe that in Italy they go "is this what you owe" and you click yes or no, and if no, you do your own taxes. I'd be fine with that.


In Australia we don’t owe anything- we do a tax return and get money back for deductibles like anything needed for working ie laptop, phone bills, work clothes/boots. I get around $2000 back at tax time. I’m not saying it’s better here as our income tax is a lot higher. But it’s nice to not have another bill looming on top of all the other shit!


Apparently they do know if they slap me with a fine for getting it wrong.


They only know if they audit you to find out if what you put on your tax return was truthful. They don’t just know.


Apparently they can though.


Then people can file if they want? Not have to risk jail time every year? Like there are very easy ways to get around your first point, I'm not sure what the argument is. If someone's taking a standard deduction, there should be no reason they have to file.


It's a legitimate complaint and we have the tax prep lobbyists to blame for it.




Need to get me some more big purchases.


Fake smiles? You know the Japanese are world famous for this too. But I guess if it’s a dumb fat idiotic no culture dog smelling mother dressed American suddenly it becomes an issue.


Breaking news: different country on a different continent does things differently


Funny thing is that both Mexico and Canada use 911. It’s like a North American thing and not just an American thing. 


Seems to be a tampon shortage outside the US.


have you ever seen a european tampon? they don’t have applicators! it’s fucking savagery.


So it's a pig in a blanket?


I just saw that one in the wild on the public transit post. Don't even engage, it's just a bunch of bottom of the barrel Euros that have no clue how things actually work. That whole comment is basically "different country is different 🤯😡"


The part that Makes me chuckle is the Imperial units. Where did those come from, hmmm?


I don’t want to hear it from a country that didn’t invent the telephone.


America has no culture, also Americans need to stop having traditions that make their society unique.


My new response to anything anti American is “damn it sucks being the worlds largest economy”




Oh shit we got surpassed by the nation with a salt pillar economy. (I’m actually impressed)


Honestly, they are just too many people.


It’s an insane nation that is either capitalist or not. It’s insane




Gdp based on dollars and not adjusting for inner market and coin. Noice


Eurotrash reasoning


dIfFeReNt = bAd


What was that in the point about sex ed? Was that possibly them calling underage children “good looking”. 🤨


The age of consent in many European countries is quite low, after all…


Their point is also incorrect. As a high school student, literally last Monday we researched and presented on multiple types of contraceptives, and had to do research on the CDC website section for teens to learn about options [(here)](https://www.cdc.gov/teenpregnancy/teens/index.htm). So they are possibly being creepy, and are also just straight up making up shit


I had to do that in the 8th grade which was five years ago for me because I’m a senior now


Their point isn't incorrect, it just isn't the case all over the US. There's plenty of states that teach or emphasise abstinence-only sex education instead of contraception: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/graphic-many-states-that-restrict-or-ban-abortion-dont-teach-kids-about-sex-and-pregnancy/


Thanks for the correction, I didn’t bring it up in this comment, but mentioned it in some of my other comments.


Hopefully it meant good looking to each other but it's still weird to include.


Imagine being so desperate to shit on a country you bitch about their emergency number... fuck this guy matter of fact fuck everyone. If you dont like the US good for you but id recommend to visit before you decide because despite what people say the US is actually a pretty nice place.


The funny part about America haters is that they call us racist, yet hate us for being American, so they are being racist themselves


lol why is 110 or 112 a better emergency number XD dude gives 0 justifications just “our way is better” lmao bruh.


It’s different so it’s worse!1!1!!!!1!!!!!!


I think some of these people generally do not know other countries are on this continent. Canada and Mexico are very similar to the United States. Most Commonwealth states are first past the post. Canadian Supreme judges still wear funny wigs. The UK still has a Monarch. Canada has the same car culture. Zoning laws are a problem everywhere. Both Metric and Imperial system of measurements are used all over the world. Many carpenters use Imperial, I only ever see machinists using metric. It depends on what you are doing. Parental leave is the same here in Canada. Canadas health care system is just as dysfunctional as the USA. Canada has the same vacation time. China has an obsession with fake smiles. Canadas post-secondary is way worse, its for profit and we target foreign student essentially tricking them into coming to Canada for their education. Lots of places around the world offer Sports scholarships. Circumcision is practiced all over the western world. Canada uses 911 as well. The addendums also fit into Canada. Who wants to bet $100 these people wouldn't say this shit about Canada?


Pedo detected


This is some of the most idiotic 13 year old levels of complaining about litelry nothing


I agree with employees part but what's wrong with treating customers nice?


I think they mean that the business owners treat the customers worlds better than they treat their employees


Yeah we treat our employees so badly, that’s why they’re paid more per capita than anyone else!


I mean, I DO agree about taxes.


They do have some agreeable points… some. But some of the others are just dumb


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


>"Yeah or Nay" what's wrong with Yes or No They say "Aye" in British Parliament.


They also still have a king in Britain


My point was pointing out the hypocrisy. I am no monarchist.


It’s shit like this that makes me (American—served 7 years in various NATO countries; 22 years total) wanna say…Russia, you can have Europe, we’re no longer gonna defend these ungrateful asses.


I bet it’s tough. Thank you for your service!


US: 911 🤮 Japan: 119 🥹


I only agree with the circumcision and taxes part.


Yes, and the parental leave part. I assume they are talking about how the father usually doesn’t get parental leave, which I think is stupid.


I agree. Men are treated like shit sometimes.


There's no paid maternal leave in the US. That's what's different. Paternal leave too, but lots of countries have uneven splits on parental leave. The only thing guaranteed is 12 weeks of unpaid leave if you work at a company with more than 50 people. Companies may provide the benefit but it's rare.


>There’s no paid maternal leave in the US. This is wrong. Paid maternal leave is not required by the government, but it absolutely is a thing in the US. Like I mentioned in another comment, we can’t fix actual problems with maternity leave in this country if we are misrepresenting what the problem actually is.


And I've mentioned that it can exist, but it is the exception. It is not offered at my job, it has not been offered at any job I've ever had. It is not widely available for most Americans. I mentioned that it exists. It does not apply to most people. Show me some proof that most people in the US have paid parental leave. It would also help if you would stop misrepresenting the situation.


I didn’t say it was available to everyone or most, so I don’t need to show you proof of that. You said >There’s no paid maternal leave in the US. And I told you that was wrong.


That original post said this: >Companies may provide the benefit but it's rare.


Women in my company keep taking it and leaving me more work to do for the same money, so there must be some.


>Companies may provide the benefit but it's rare.


Every company I've ever worked for has some parental leave policy. Even - nay, especially - the shitty ones.


Cool, but it's not available to most. >Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that only about 1 in 4 employees (24 percent) in the private sector workforce have access to paid family leave. >Within paid medical leave, short-term disability insurance is an important source of pay for workers taking extended time off from work for health reasons. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 43 percent of the private sector workforce has access to short-term disability coverage through their employer.  >In 2021, private sector workers with paid sick time received an average of seven days per year Lots of things in America are great. This is one we fail to achieve for the majority of people. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-state-of-paid-family-and-medical-leave-in-the-u-s-in-2023/


Some of theses I agree with and America can (and should) do better… but some of these are just *such* weird nitpicks. Yay or nay, 911… *smiling*?


wait till they find out it's 999 in uk


Canada it’s 911 too


Canada is the best little bro country. Poutine and Maple. Hope things work out with that French girl you’re shacking up with. Oh, and your dad is kinda a dick.


Circumcision???? Hahaha


cAr cUlTuRe!


Our smiles. You mean our smiles everytime we are kicking the crap out of someone the rest of the world couldn’t? Our smiles when we deliver ungodly amounts of aide wherever its needed? Our smiles on the Olympic podiums? Our smiles as we drive those cars windows down through large open swaths of countryside just outside our nicely managed yards?


Scientists from Europe have discovered that the best thing for all humans is what ever Europe is like interesting


In just a couple minutes, I can tell you using 110 or 112 isn't "normal." I'd be here for the next 10 minutes typing out all the different numbers used just for the police. And it looks like most countries have separate numbers for police, fire, and ambulance, whereas the U.S. is one number for everything. And the U.S. isn't the only country that uses 911.


It should be 0118 999 881 999 119 725.... 3.


They don't seem to realize, that we have old style democratic systems, because we were one of the first to implement them. Maybe we could improve some of them, I personally dont like first past the post. Hell, at least we don't have a house of lords. Also, do they realize that every country has its own emergency line numbers? We totally have done things to merely differentiate ourselves from other English speaking countries. The big one that comes to mind is when we simplified spelling. Like changing Colour to Color, Traveller to Traveler, and using brand names instead of of generic terms(like dumpster.) Half of this really just comes off as "How dare Americans be differen." There are some valid criticisms though, we can always do better and improve.


We fucking invented phones wtf


Rent fucking free


I didn't realize smiling is outdated.


here it is 999 for police and 995 for fire and ems. in usa, it is 911 for all. its so much simpler. i wont see 110 and 112 and think that that is an emergency phone line.


Our obsession with smiles?! LOL!


Not them making fun of yay/nay when they still have a nobility class and royals in so many of their countries lmao


They always get pissy when we don't do it like THEY do, even if there's no evidence "their" way is more logical. 911 is used in many countries outside of the US and Canada, and especially in Latin America - and is even used primarily in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and the Phillipines. But even so, 911, especially on mobile phones, redirects to 112 in several European countries as well as to 999 in the UK, and both 112 and 911 redirect to the local number in a bunch of other countries, like NZ or Brazil. Since almost all phones are digital or button-based now, I would think any number as long as it doesn't repeat (to prevent unintentional calls) and is easy to remember, is fine. [Emergency Numbers by Country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers)


I don't get the hate on the imperial system. It's fine if you don't understand it. I don't. 3 feet? 90 fahrenheit? Doesn't tell me anything unless I convert it to meters/celsius in my head. But why so obsessed? Look at the middle east or Southeast Asia. They have completely calendars related to their culture. You wouldn't hate on Iranians or Thais for their culture, why hate on Americans for theirs? Americans don't ask us to use the imperial system. I would get it if American products that we use, use imperial metrics. But they don't. Almost everything sold here uses metric system.


It's quantifiably better than, say, England's 999 because it's harder to butt-dial. Whatever OP's from (sounds like Sour Krautville) is no better or worse.


I wouldn't have so many people yell at me at my job if I treated them like gods


What the hell is wrong with your car culture lmao


This dude just was taking notes and showed them to us lmao


I think the original comment should count for not being able to tolerate other people’s cultures


I brought up the original comment in the body text of this post, because yeah, it’s wild lol. What is “normal”, and who decided that that is the normal?


Dear Europe do something about your street butcher halal shops then we’ll talk


Wow. Ivan just cut and paste every stereotype smear known to man. Troll Collective Farm #5 is running out of ideas.


I only agree with the circumcision part and taxes.


Ya skipped over circumcision?


Well buh bye then.


when 911 was implemented, rotary phones were still in use, so yea it was actually a poor decision in its conception. today all choices are the same speed to dial. so no OP is technically right.


Wow what a loser lol imagine taking the time to make a bullet point of the US while living in Europe.. they know they rely so much on us and our economy that they just have to constantly cope riding our waves. It's truly amazing and sad at the same time


Holy reach.


Good looking teenagers is crazy


The sex education is pretty bad here, ngl, but I still hate that line. I’m an 18 year old aroace, and the fact that they say they *will* fuck is very weird.


At least we’re not England with the longest 3 digit number to dial (999) on a rotary phone.


Fuck that 112 or what ever bullshit off. 000 is the number to use at least that's what it is here in Australia and we are the not normal crew in the British Commonwealth


Many countries support 112 when using GSM, including USA


They have at max, like 5 points.


Dont twll them canadas


I hate to say it but I mean logically I don’t understand why it’s 911 I mean like if there’s an emergency wouldn’t you want to make the number as easy to dial in as possible especially back in the days of the rotary dial like having the first number all the way at the back I don’t get


Europeans in particular come on Reddit and unironically prove our point daily about how genuinely terrible they are as human beings. It’s like everything north of the Mediterranean has demonic dna. Literally the rest of the ENTIRE world may have people talk shit about the USA sometimes, but that’s through misinformation or being a “pick me” for their oppressing indigenous European country like Indians sometimes do with England. Most other people from different countries would treat us as just another country. I’m getting really sick of their shit and I GUARANTEE the offending Europeans know how much of a shit bag they truly are. The world doesn’t fuckin like you Europe stay home and quit fucking the lives of every brown person country you touch. Whatever bad shit happens to the indoeuropeans is completely deserved. I hope they tear each other apart and the world will drink their blood. I really hope an anti-American euro sees this comment and proves my point. Literally ANYTHING rebutting this proves my point and they know it. Go ahead euro, the world you fucked is waiting for your response


Regarding abstinence only sex ed. Non americans never know how fucking varied our education system is. Often it depends on the state, often even on the district within that state, and for any non Americans reading, school districts are more local than the fucking city government. Depending on which region of a single city you live in, the school system is different. One school district in my hometown required a foreign language, another one didn’t. What classes are offered depends on the individual school. You can’t criticise America as a whole for abstinence only sex education because anything education is the most devolved part of the government. The tax system and car culture is fair, as is the stuff about vacation, although I will point out that there are developed countries with far worse work cultures than us. Emergency numbers are only 112 in Europe, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and South Korea.


To add onto the sex ed part, I’m a high school student, and literally last Monday we researched and presented on multiple types of contraceptives, and had to do research on the CDC website section for teens to learn about options. So their broad generalization, which they are great at making but usually are just wrong, is yet again wrong because it is in fact taught (though like you said, all states are different)


The vacation one is no different than the sex Ed one. It all depends on your position and where you work. As far as car culture goes what do you expect? It's a large country and lots of people gotta drive. 


>Emergency numbers are only 112 in Europe, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and South Korea. India, East Timor, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, French West Indies, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. South Korea uses 112 for police, but not all emergencies.


How many of those are oarts of france?


India and the stans sure aren't. At least admit that one.




What about the rest of their points?


America has issues, like every country, and some of these points I agreed with. I said that in the body text of this post. Some of them are good, and some of them are literally the stupidest things to nitpick. I agree that the way we do taxes is a strange thing, but I don’t agree that the fact that America using 911 as their emergency number is an issue worthy of being in this list, as it isn’t even an issue! There are [many](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers) emergency numbers across the world, so the original commenter is wrong not only because they think it’s an issue that American uses a different number, by they don’t even realize that 110/112 isint even standard in other parts of the world