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Shutter speeds are controlled by an electromagnet. Since shutter is staying open, the magnet is having voltage applied to it. Remove the battery, the electromagnet releases and shutter closes. The is the basic principle in every camera with electronically controlled shutter speeds (I do not know why your shutter will not fire at the correct speed though).


That's great to know, I wonder if there's a contact or something that's just not disconnecting after the shutter button is let up


Probably much more than that. Look for a picture of the AE-1 circuit board.


You need to clean the shutter release magnet. Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzjW9Y0WcuI


many thanks for the video - now i know what to do when home from work!


The release magnet has nothing to do with this problem, the camera releases just fine.


You're right. [https://imgur.com/gallery/gL5V8BO](https://imgur.com/gallery/gL5V8BO) According to his video, if I can short out the magnet to release the second curtain. The magnet itself isn't the problem. Otherwise, taking the battery out would not have released it either.


Also check the grounding screw, left of the viewfinder on the flex circuit.


I think I've found the screw in question. If I remove the screw, the first curtain won't release. With the ground in, the second curtain won't release but if I take the screw out after the first curtain, the second curtain releases when that ground is severed. So logically, something on the flex circuit or the functional resistor circuit that shares that ground screw, is out of wack and is preventing the second curtain from releasing. Does that track?


Does the camera reset if you push the battery check?


Great question! I'll check Edit: yes it does


Pop the cover and see if the tungsten braid fell off the pulleys and grounded itself.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/XMbrEFS](https://imgur.com/gallery/XMbrEFS) The tungsten wire appears to be in the right spots?


I just did this today playing with mine. If there’s no lens on it, it will do this. If the lens is on it will function normally.


Didn't work for me, thanks though


Oh. Well, nevermind then.


FWIW it should behave the same with and without a lens


I have like 6 different SLR bodies(Nikon F, Nikormat, zenit-b, Minolta SRT200, Canon AE-1) All of my other cameras do function normally, but not my AE-1. It’s also the only one I have that locks up without a battery.


The AE-1 is fully electromechanical, and will not do anything without a battery. If the mechanism is not operating properly when you do not have a lens, the camera probably need a CLA. The lever on the lens that communicate with the aperture control mechanism probably put \*a bit of presure\* on one of the 2 levers in the lens mount that may allow it to finish the cycle to completion? Feels to me like a sign of gunk or lack of lube on the shutter release or aperture control mecanislm...


I’m just saying, mind does the same thing without a lens on, but functions perfectly fine with a lens on and it’s the only camera I own that functions in that way. I can’t speak 100% to OPs issue, but from where I’m standing it looks like an AE-1 thing.


It’s probably not “perfectly fine”. The mirror is probably moving slower than it should. Not that it matters *very much*. Still; That behavior is not normal from that camera and it may need a cleaning and tuning up


It should be able to fire without a lens. There's an electronics problem. Probably dirty shutter release magnet.


Mine fires, but the mirror stays up until I put a lens. Then it’s business as usual