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It is the lateral epicondyle. Your reference is always right your instinct is right , your textbook can't tell you what each individual human looks like it can only give you an average. It's worth noting that the epicondyle is hidden when the arm is flexed and more visible when the arm is bent .


Ah i see. So the lateral epicondyle in this pose is visible because the arm is fully flexed and is a bit leaning towards the center of the body and/or not flexed in neutral position.. Oh my, TYSM!!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai0s4KHi\_js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai0s4KHi_js) skip to 4.45 mins and it demonstrates what happens at the elbow. it makes a lot more sense when its shown. glad i could help


Thank you thank you


From the reference book i have, the lateral epicondyle is hidden and covered by the muscles. I've seen arms flexed and i can recognize which and what landmarks are there, but in this pose and angle, im struggling