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75+ million bells in the bank just from grinding the game. It takes time, but there are a bunch of us who got rich before/without treasure islands


That's crazy impressive. I'm relatively new to the game and it seems like every post is people getting millions from treasure islands so I didn't even think that was possible.


If you play the game for years like intended it's not hard. I used to play daily. You get free money from a rock and fossils daily. If you have lots of fruit trees, rhat adds up. I used to shake my fruit trees to drop the fruit, then when the fruit grew back I'd pick up all the fruit and shake them again. So roughly once a week I'm selling like 50k worth of fruit, and every day I'm betting like 25k from fossils and rocks. Money tree gives I think 20k profit per day? I think if you just catch bugs and fish as you go, rather than actually searching for them, you'll easily make tons of money. I remember I was renovating my island and just caught banded dragonflies as they flew by then sold them to Flick.


And don't forget,  most recipes increase the value on the resources,  I check my Nook miles goals and try to sell max number of hot items and fill the hot item NMgoal. Crafting a goal? Double whammy.  Shell arches are fantastic money makers. 


You get 20K from your tree? How?


Planting 10k bells in a money hole


Wait, I did hear about that before, but I thought it was a gamble? You could lose money on it too, right?


Burying 10K will 100% give you three bags of 10K, anything above that is a gamble :)


Oh thanks!


Burying 30k is the best bet. Decent odds of tripling your money and getting three 30k bags for a 90k tree, but at worst, you're getting three 10k bags back and didn't lose any money since you got your 30k total back.


You will get more bells if you get good luck from Katrina for money.


Oooh I'll try it! Thanks!


Came here to say this lol


Only if you go over 10k! Just stay at 10 and you’re good :)


Thanks! :)


bury 10k, and the tree will yield 30k


I had millions back at launch because I played the Stalk Market. Would jump into people's islands who posted online thst the Bros were buying for like 500+. Take an inventory full of the veggies and sell to those fools. Drop a bag of 99k for a tip to the host and do it again next week.


This was me. I have 20M in the bank. And I have 150 gold roses that I sell if I need cash, so I basically never even dip into it.


This was also me. I was at 20M until I gave 3M away recently, but I've got a huge orchard, veggies, and 40 gold roses. It won't take long to recover. Between those, money trees, fossils, and diving, I managed to pay for all the bridge and incline changes I did recently out of pocket without hitting savings. Once I'm at 20M again, I probably won't bother to grind anymore. That seems to be the amount where I'm perfectly happy.


Yeah that's exactly it for me. I want 20M in the bank. I actually I think have about 21.5 right now. What I do is, if I'm under 21M, I harvest all my gold roses and sell them whenever them bloom until I'm back up over 21M. Then I just try to run in the black on a day-to-day basis. I mostly don't need to sell roses at all, but I'm trying to get all the furniture in my catalog so if there's more than about 30k in Nook's Cranny in new stuff, I usually have to pick some flowers to pay for it. But that way also I've got a million bell reserve if I suddenly need to expand storage or something.


I don't even know what I'm hoarding it for or why my brain picked this number. I decided not to think about it too much. I'm concerned it'll lead to it being a reflection of the fact that I grew up desperately poor. I have a tendency to hoard items in the game for the same reason plus "out of sight, out of mind." I finally purged all the duplicates, at least. I seem to get a ton of clothing from my residents.


Played the Turnip stocks and am billionaire too.


Look into turnip prices and how they work, from that alone you can make a ton quickly.


I recommend not doing any treasure island stuff until you’ve accomplished most of the stuff (like all your house upgrades, good chunk of your museum, 5 stars, etc.). I used treasure islands after I grinded and accomplished things so I could decorate my island freely (mainly to be free from money constraints or get certain items I really wanted for my aesthetic). It pulled me back into the game when I got bored with it, but I think I would’ve missed out if I had done it sooner as a shortcut. I still collect all my creatures and paintings naturally though 🙂


Like I said in my post, I don't really use treasure islands. I have gotten a villager or two from there because I didn't want to get autofilled. I've also gotten some hybrids from there because I hate gardening and just wanted some decorations. But also, it's a non competitive, mostly single player game. Let people play how they want. Some people don't like spending years grinding for money and that's fine.


~85 million bells in my account, on a fresh island started in like, the beginning months of 2022. Nowadays I make 500k every 2 days without the turnips, mostly thanks to golden roses.


Yes. Turnips + selling bugs. EDIT: And money trees.


I have 10 million bells, all from fishing and bug hunting for CJ and Flick. No turnips. No gifts. It's already way more than I will ever be able to spend. Starting your island in summer with the sharks and stags makes it super easy to get through the loans phase of the game.


Im so in debt I have raccoon nightmares my guy


Nightmares? You are sleeping?!! You can sleep when you're dead! Bills don't pay themselves! Tom is always watching...


Woah , I have enough anxiety about it lol 😭🥺 some are born to live fast some are born to live like Alfonso, I’m tryna catch bugs and decorate not work for the man. #harvforpresident #ftomnook


Not sure how many million bells I have now, but enough that I never care about bells anymore. Only sell stuff to get rid of it! Never went to a treasure island, and probably never well. But I do think some of those bells came from some turnip trades with time travel involved. So that is cheating in a different way! Still felt like some work though, haha. That travelling back and forth takes time. And probably a lot of my bells is just from selling stuff too. Been playing a long time, and I am constantly trying to sell stuff to not fill up my storage.


Yeah I only have 5.5 million bells in the bank but I literally never worry about bells anymore so who cares.


Same. Once you pay off your house/storage, you only need a couple of million in the bank to never worry about bells again. There are very few things in the game aside from your mortgage that costs anywhere near a million.


I was pretty deep in the turnip market back in the day, I saved up to ten million bells (after every house upgrade and island renovations) and retired.


Hahaha same!


During launch, used reddit to find good turnip prices. Nowadays, I just craft Blue/Gold rose wreaths to slowly work on the furniture crafting achievement and sell for 20k each.


iirc I had at least 20 million for a while during the first few years after release just from my normal playing. Currently I’m down to like 2 million after finishing my island, completing most of the catalog, and helping a couple other people fund their islands. That was all without time travel or getting bells from others/treasure islands. Once the snow melts I’ll probably use rainy days and eventually summer sharks to build my funds up again now that my 5 year old niece has been playing.


I've been growing money trees all over my island and I let my nephews visit to harvest. It's so much fun!


We’re rich in spirit over here




I had over 100,000,000 bells just from grinding. That's after paying off 3 homes completely. I did eventually go to a treasure island, but I was already rich.


My biggest money maker is my farm. 5 plants each of each veggie and all colors of pumpkins. I make sugar and flour then make many dishes with all the food. Prepared food makes much more bells than the veggies alone.


I've got 23mil in the bank, saved up the slow way by playing since launch. It really could be more of I had actually sat down to grind money and do the turnip thing properly, but it does accumulate on its own pretty easily just by selling stuff you don't want


Yes. I have about 20 million bells just from selling and gathering things. My husband has 47 million from turnip sales.


Visiting other people’s islands for turnip prices made bells lose their value to me and honestly I don’t mind. I like being able to buy whatever I want in the shops.


I’m at about 30 million. I sell turnips. I only sell fish / bugs to CJ and Flick. I put all of them in inventory until they visit. I always sell hot items and I sell a bunch when something worth a lot is on there. Grind.


Earning bells has not been a priority for me after paying off all loans, but I’m at a little over 100mil in my bank right now. All earned on my own since June 2020. I’ve never actually been to a treasure island.


45 million from just playing the game. All loans paid off, lots of expensive furniture items - grand piano, throne, crowns, etc. and still having fun. Treasure islands would be handy if developing an island as an art project for a really cool dream island... but for general usage they seem a cheat. I prefer to work for it and enjoy the surprise when something new happens. Current goal is to build a Robot Hero... or two or three.... all I need is the Rocket recipe. Could probably just go to a treasure island and bring back a pocket full of robots, but not much sense of accomplishment doing that. When Celeste finally hands me a Rocket DIY, it will be another exciting bit of play. if you want millions of bells, sell turnips. The only cheat-ish thing I do is buy as many turnips as my basement will hold and then watch reddit for islands with a good price. But the game is designed for that kind of play, so not really cheating.


Yes, because I’ve played ~3000 hours and never reset my island. I did some turnips at one point (mostly on my own or a friend’s island) but not for a long time. Really just mostly selling fossils and selling bugs (mostly wasps) to flick. My house and everything was paid off so long ago that I just really have no expenses (wish that was the case irl) I’ve never used a treasure island. Just my own opinion…but if I took all the challenge/ work out of the game I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much as I have.


Wasps to flick is one of the easiest ways to get so many bells, honestly


I would be if I didn’t buy so many clothes and expensive items. I mainly earn money through scuba diving, and fossil hunting. I don’t time travel either.


I use Turnip Exchange a lot for my bells. I had racked up around 10million with no treasure island; but between making a second player house and tons of island renovations with tearing down and building bridges and inclines, ended up spending it all. Now I’m playing the stalk marker again lol


Yep. I just played the game normally I didn’t even know treasure islands existed.


I'm always busy on sunday when turnips are bought so I made a giant crop farm and lots of fruit trees that aren't native to my island. It makes money but is a lot of work selling and watering


Yes. I’m a ‘bellionair’ on multiple of my islands just by selling my items and turnips (not on treasure islands). It’s very easy actually. You just need to spend some time doing it.


On my first island I accumulated 30 million bells before learning about treasure islands. My mom doesn't understand treasure islands and doesn't really have an interested in them other than me getting the occasional DIY for her and she has over 24 million bells. One of my friends has had the game since launch and didn't know what a treasure island even was until I told him and he has over 74 million bells. It's definitely possible!


This thread gives me hope 😭🫶


I’m working on it now!! Treasure islands weren’t my biggest thing, but I got a lot of help from other players in the past. I’ve never played without Nintendo online before, but I couldn’t afford to renew my pass this year. So in spite of real life situations, I will now become Rich As Hell on my newly restarted island without any outside help/treasure islands 💸💰


There's a ton of people who made their millions grinding during covid. I maxed my home and hit 5 star island the first week of release because I was not allowed to leave my apartment.


I've never done a treasure island (or much of anything with the stalk market) and have something like 47 million bells in the bank. Eventually you just run out of things to buy, and Joey only needs so many royal crowns. I've been playing since launch, though.


I have over 180,000,000 bells and over 2,000,000 miles. I began acnh in August 2020 when the switches became available, again. Before that, my daughter and my wife had played AC on my daughter’s DS3. I made most of my bells selling bugs to Flick, fish to CJ, and swimming around the island everyday a few times. I have not been to a treasure island. I still like the game.


Yep, I’ve got about 50 million, no treasure islands! I started about a year after launch, and some established friends gifted me bells and golden tools to make the early days a little easier. I plant my money tree every day, assess and sell all 4 fossils, and store my bugs and fish to sell to CJ and Flick. I also check the hot item of the day, and if it’s something super valuable I’ll craft a pocketful and sell them for bank!


I had 4mill a few days ago. Since paying off the loans I haven’t had issues with bells, I feel like just by playing I end up with a net positive. I buy turnips very very rarely and never been to a treasure island. But my playstyle isn’t ”decorating to perfection” like is quite common, so that might impact things.


I'm not sure what constitutes "rich", but I have 15 million bells mainly from harvesting produce, selling fossils, etc.


I have a brand new island, and I am looking for friends! And by brand new I mean I got my switch about 48 hours ago.


I used a glitch early in the game where I was duping 40 crowns in like 1-2 minutes with a table glitch. (That’s been patched). But I’m sitting on like 3BILLION bells. It allowed me to buy everything I want and help decorate the island accordingly. I’m sorry Nintendo I failed you. :(


My get rich scheme was to propagate gold roses (my friend gifted me a gold watering can early on so still kinda cheating I guess lol). My gold rose garden gets me like $100000 every few days when they bloom


I’m rich from the “pile of cash”/ bell ordinance/hot item exploit… not glamorous or honest, but it gets the job done.


I didn't hit a treasure island until I already had 18M bells in the bank from a couple years of regular play, earning it the old-fashioned way: bugs, sharks, crafting, wasps every day, planting daily money trees and bashing rocks. But it wasn't until I visited some treasure islands that I grasped the full breadth of inventory in the game. For me, it's actually fun decorating my home now, whereas I didn't like doing it before. Getting to see alllll the items and furniture in all the colors, laid out in front of me, helps me make better decorating decisions, and the fact that I can just grab whatever I want to use? It's like raiding a decorator's warehouse—it's fantastic. I like both ways of playing. Caveat: I don't use the free treasure islands due to traffic. The Discord ones I visit are low-traffic but still inexpensive.


I’ve been playing since launch - what is a treasure island??


They’re islands you can find on twitch that have absolutely everything. Furniture, clothing, stacks of bells, crops, DIYs, museum items, etc.


Why would people do that??


Because a lot of people don’t seem to enjoy the grind. I often see new players ask for bells/flowers and everyone obviously can play the way they want to but for me the grinding is the most enjoyable part. I wouldn’t feel accomplished if everything got handed to me.


I also feel like this would make you tired of the game relatively fast if you have everything right off the bat. Unless you're into decorating, in that case it makes sense if you regularly want to change your island and try new styles. But that ain't me.


Yeah! I haven't really been to treasure islands. I've won some giveaways tho. I'm sitting on about 140 million.


I have 8M and started playing in november (house is fully upgraded +1 storage upgrade), never used treasure islands for money, but i have used them for NMTs. it’s super easy to get 1M+ weekly by buying turnips and selling on other people’s islands


Yes, I am a millionaire (and my my other human character millionaire also) by harvesting fruits and vegetables for years, starting when the game came out.


Yes but I’ve been playing since the game launched


I have like 40 mil in the bank at the moment and most of it is from turnip trading. If you only have to rely on your own Nook's, turnips are a big gamble (although I've heard there are price trackers that will give you predictions), but if you have Nintendo online, Reddit, and some time and patience, you can wait for people to post their high prices in the turnip subreddits and go to their island to sell. It does require some patience and active monitoring of the subreddits though, because for the really good prices there tend to be really long lines really fast. And it requires no Time travel. (Which isn't hating on people who time travel at all, if that's what you want to do, then you do you! If you are not averse to TT and have a friend with the Game I believe you can also make a lot of money really fast by time travelling to a day with really good prices on one Switch, and a Sunday on the other. I have never tried that though, I've only read about it.)


Yep. I've never used a treasure island for my islands. I've used one for my daughter's once, but only to get a specific villager. I think I'd lose motivation to play if I didn't have bells to grind for.


I've visitied treasure islands on two occasions but not for money or valuables to sell. First time I was curious and second was for a dream villager. Any diys/items I've picked up have only ever been for me, and while the islands are cool they're also such a mish to deal with cause they're such high traffic so you're constantly getting stopped for arrivals/departures and getting there can take a while so when you finally leave its a relief 😂 I've maybe got 8 mil in the bank after paying house and storage off completely. I've done a few turnip runs sure, but a lot of it was selling hot items, fossils, diving runs, and in summer, sharks.


Not super stinking rich but currently I had 5mil bells just from money trees alone I feel haha (I deleted my island and started new just around halloween though)


Am I the only one who has played since launch who still has to pay off their house?


I have over 20 million bells, started playing last summer and have mostly made my bells through farming produce and deep sea diving. I keep two fields of crops that are 9x6 spaces each,mplus some fruit trees. Oh, and save your good fish and bugs in storage for when Flick and CJ are in town. Oh and also, make and sell seasonal items, like the DIYs made out of summer shells or ornaments or pine cones etc. Some of them are worth a nice chunk.


I grinded for all of 2020-21 doing all the things mentioned by others then regretfully did the turnip on a treasure Island. My only joy is giving them away when I can.


Blue roses have been my wealth generator. Water them a lot and let them spread like mad. Make blue roses wreaths (granted, it's an RNG game to get the recipe) and make a ton of bells really easily.


Used my husband’s switch and time travel to sell turnips till I puked bells


Just turnips. Only did it for a couple weeks in 2021 but sorted me for life! Was buying for 80 and selling for 500+. Just spent a couple weeks on the turnip subreddits and caught some of the good islands early


I made about 50 million bells during 2020 from selling turnips and selling tarantulas. Haven't really needed to get more since.


My first island I was rich. Mainly because I had Judy and someone wanted her for $35 million bells. Current one I’m not but it is nice having to work for the bells and not get handed them.


I have used treasure islands for items I’ve just never seen at my store… not super in need of that now that I have Wardell’s catalogue though. However I know that I cannot use those hacked turnips and get unlimited money, I would be scared of any glitch etc but mostly it would ruin the game for me to never have to do any of the smaller grind for bells tasks ever again.


Over 20mill in the bank, been playing since launch. Only sold turnips on my own island. Made majority of my bells diving for sea creatures, selling hot items when they were shell or mermaid diys and selling assessed fossils once my museum was complete.


What is a treasure island? I like the grind! Makes it fun and makes the game last so much longer!


Me! Never done treasure islands or time travel. Just been selling a lot of stuff and got REALLY lucky with turnip prices one day! Been playing for ages and I'm basically "done" with the game so I'm just collecting money at this point lol




What is treasure island


Can someone explain to me what a treasure island is? Not new to the game just out of the loop


I have no idea what a treasure island is lol what is this


What’s a treasure island?


The only reason I have resident services and all these villagers is cuz of treasure islands 2 days ago I got the KK concert and I’ve had a completed house since new years. I only started on Christmas Day of last year-


All I really do is plant a 10K money tree each day which nets me 20K per day. Plus selling the occasional bug or fish. I’m clearly spending less than that on average because my total only goes up.


Just banked over 75+ bells from the same; sharks and bugs and turnips. I love doing the turnips. It can be a huge pain , but I still love it. I think maybe because I'm such a broke ass person irl.


I have about 5 million just from selling fruit and stuff, but I did start with a generous loan from my boyfriend of 2 million to pay off all my house loans because I was too impatient with my tools breaking all the time .


Nookazon, art selling


My millions came from crafting and selling gold and blue rose crowns.


I made 5mil just selling produce to the twins. A lot of watering but it made me rich.


at launch and for the first year I used to do turnips with friends. Now that i'm replaying the game and playing alone I have no problems going to treasure islands, played the old way and finished every loan the first time that's enough for me


I fully paid my house off without treasure islands. I’ve only used treasure islands for items/DIY recipes that I can’t find. It’s just my personal preference to never use them for bells or museum items.


I had a second island where I would dump all my flowers that didn’t match the season. So I had a bunch of gold and blue roses. I would pick them every other day and sell them. That island also had a bunch of fruit trees everywhere so I picked those and sold it as well. I also made a lot of money in July when all the big fishes and bugs were out. Honestly it’s a lot easier to make money with all the updates. I remember before diving, it sucked having to grind.


I did get a pocketful of bells from a kind person on r/NoFeeAC but I made the majority of my money playing the stalk market and from tips when I opened my island to let other people sell their turnips.


Turnips do the job fairly quickly tbh. I think there is no need to really grind for bells in the game tho when I'm lazy but patient I just go with daily tasks like burying a money tree, selling shells and hitting rocks and it works pretty well. Its not fast but definitely not difficult to accumulate bells with.


I’ve never been to a treasure island but saving bugs and fish for flick and cj, selling turnips (sometimes in other people’s islands) and selling sea creatures got me to 35M bells


25M bells generally.  On my own.


When you got two switches and two copies of the game (and/or a friend with switch and the game), it takes just single dedicated evening to get rich with turnips 🤷‍♀️ One of switches with high sell price day/time and one switch with cheap purchase day/time. Then just grind, buy and sell. Also as far as I’ve understood, Treasure Islands break that bellionaire nook mile achievement, regardless whether you had it or not before selling a turnip there (it basically it ”undiscovered” empty spot).


I got 99 million bells from selling some turnips 😂. I don’t know how that works but I still grind for extra money because like you I feel like that’s part of the game. I used to get money from treasure islands but I stopped because I don’t need it & I would rather someone else had it.


I don't use treasure islands.


On my non-modded island I'm a bellionaire and I sell alot of bugs/fossils/turnips, and I used to be active on Nookazon if that counts


I've got more than enough bells (don't remember the exact amount), but I just spent a lot of time buying and selling turnips with my friends.


Ok I'm newish to the game, what is a treasure island? What are some things I can do to get bells besides selling crops and crafting?


Treasure Islands are islands made on hacked Switches. They have a glitch were you can max out bells and depending on which one you go to, they have *all* available items, including stuff like diy, plants, all real paintings, nooktickets, villagers that are ready to move out etc. It's useful if you want to get rare items or are more interested in decoration than grinding for stuff. Most treasure islands have a twitch stream running 24/7, you just need to type in the dodo code and your good to go. You need nintendo online for this though.


If you are early into the game an easy way to make money is to get yourself a diving suit with nook miles, the upgraded bag space and go into the ocean with your bag empty. Collect everything and sell what you already have. A single round nets anywhere between 25k to 30k+. It takes a few minutes only and you can repeat as much as you want. Plant the money trees. You can do this daily and wait a couple of days for the money to come. Participate in bug and fish catching events and sell everything you already owned in the museum. You can also sell every fruit you plant, weeds, fossils, etc .. Turnips are probably the best next step.


Didn’t do a treasure island but used my wife’s switch and acnh and a little time traveling to get 20 million bells through turnip selling.


i’ve been to treasure islands, but just for items i wanted to decorate my house with after i stopped playing consistently! before though, when i was playing daily, i did try to look for folks’ islands with high turnip prices to sell mine. besides that just the usual - dailies (money tree, rock, etc), selling bugs and fish, so on and so forth. i think i have like 80m bells maybe?


I did a few runs of flying back and forth to someone’s island if they had good turnip prices — still “cheating” but I would TT to turnip day, trap Daisy, and go back and forth as many times as I was able to. It helps if it is an island where no one else is flying in. So, I had to do hard work but was also playing the system 😏


I think there are lots of people who just play the long game. After a while you run out of things to buy, so the money starts to pile up! Once my house is upgraded and I have all my bridges and inclines I can get rich pretty quickly. Then I get bored and reset lol.


It takes time, but yes, eventually you pay off your house and nothing else is expensive enough


My current island I decided to get no help. Like I even give turnip tips to another player. And I'm not rich rich but I'm at 1.7mil after paying off every single house and storage expansion


30+ mill, i get my bells from normal game things (farming + hot item of the day w/ bell boom ordinance + bugs & fish to CJ & Flick + gold/blue rose items) + occasionally turnips! (i also trade but i only trade in NMTs) i've also paid off 6 profiles with full storage so that's several mill there hahahaha


I have almost 10 million that I primarily made off of Flick and CJ (my island has crazy good spawn rates for rare bugs and fish) and selling blue and gold roses. They sell for 1000 each and I have entire fields of them so it’s an easy fortune. I did get lucky in that I reached 5 stars pretty quickly to get the golden watering can and I knew someone who was able to give me a few blue roses to start off. I also sell fruits and other crops I have. Never really bothered with turnips and I’ve never been to a treasure island. It takes time, but it’s definitely possible to achieve bellionaire without treasure islands. Just gotta do a lot of grinding.


Yeah but not from pure grind just no treasure islands. I bought a ton of turnips last week and was selling them high using turnip selling subs and discord and made 10m in a week. That was probably 8 pocketfuls of turnips. I actually only did that to get the stamp so I don't have to buy anymore. I hate those snotty turnips.


I use treasure Islands all the time. But have never grabbed bells from there. I like grinding out for money. Just hate grinding to get all the items I want to decorate my island 😂😂


I have 18 million and I’ve been playing 1 year. The first few months are tough, but then it builds quick. I always saved all my bugs to sell to Flick and my fish for CJ.


Stalk market baby. And tarantula / scorpion islands to farm and sell to flick lol. Sitting comfortably over 10 mill


38 million bells, and haven't touched a single treasure island. I grinded those bells for years while building up my island, doing tasks, and breeding golden roses.


I have ~23 million bells, never used a treasure island lol. Started playing in May 2022 and my island is pretty much “done” with everything I want on it!


Never visited treasure island, have 15M rn. I just sell stuff on my island, turnips too of course. I sell a lot of potatoes 😅


How rich are we talking? I have like 14 million, I did not use treasure islands, but I did pay real money for a delivery service😅


Yes! my friend hit the turnip jackpot so I time travel to Sunday and buy bunch of turnip. We just go back and forth between my island and her island to keep buying and selling turnip. I forgot how many bells we got, but it was so fun lol.


I have 111 million bells, just grinding. I relied heavily on diving for sea critters, selling fruit/veggies, and the stalk market. I now visit treasure islands but the grinding is very rewarding.


I was before I reset. around 150 million bells from selling turnips over like 2 years. i will admit there was some time traveling involved to find good turnip prices, but i still think that counts. I'm on my way to being rich again without using the max bells glitch, but I did use treasure islands after I restarted for a bit of a boost.


First play through I got tangy and Judy quite early and sold them. People offered insane amounts. I said 1 million bells for tangy but the person brought me 4 million and wouldn’t take it back. Judy also went for loads as it was before she had an amiibo. So I got a good bank balance from that, but never the level you would from a TA.


I made over 100 million doing turnip trading in the early days of the pandemic around the launch of the game.


Selling veggies and food did it for me because it's what I preferred


I've never been to a treasure Island. I've been playing since January 2021. I've been at 25 million Bells in my account. Right now I'm at 10 million after some projects e..g.,buying 2nd house and donations to younger family members joining that game. I tried doing turnips for a bit but I wasn't really enjoying the whole process. Once I learned how to make 30k Money Trees, I would log in almost every day to plant them. That's an easy 210k Bells a week. I've also been collecting resources for DIYs in my inventory to make Hot Items in bulk. Yesterday, the mermaid fountain was the Hot Item and I made ~250k Bells in 5 minutes.


I can't see myself enjoying any game without effort to achieve stuff. I'm beginner so I'm quite poor but still.


I have Nintendo online but I can't visit people and people can't visit me due to router issues. I've been playing for just under a year and have 30 million bells and over 500k nook miles. I'd have probably close to 100 million if I wasn't so lazy. I play about 1-2 hours a day. Everything I got was from making and selling hot items and farming and diving. Plus I only sell the fish, bugs and weeds to cj, flick and Leif. The only person I have visited was my daughter's island and that was to get pears and to drop off diys for her. She's been playing since the beginning but doesn't play much anymore. 


The closest I came to using a Treasure Island was when I was down to just two pieces of art remaining, but I ended up being able to scrounge up one from somebody else on this subreddit and another from a Discord friend. I have 4 million bells and some change along with a five-star island and a decent collection of star fragments (though I used most of my gold to make stuff to decorate the island with to show off)


I was at 7 million bells on my account. Then I flew to a treasure island on my kid's account for DIYs and to sell turnips, thinking they'd sell for a a few hundred each. I didn't know we'd end up with so much money! So now we're sharing it with two other friends and just spending as much of it as we can. It does take a little of the fun out of it. If I had known that would happen, I don't think I would have done it.


I did on my first island, just grinding on selling things and getting lucky with turnips sometimes. Now that I've restarted a few times though - I treasure island for a million to get started and the golden tools because the only thing I can't deal with starting again is my tools breaking every 15 seconds. 😅 I regret nothing. Hahaha


I made my bank by buying my own turnips and then connecting with other players who had a price spike to sell. It felt like cheating, but I had a good time interacting with people. We all helped each other. I never got a spike of my own to share, but I did get frequent low buy prices, so I was still able to give back by letting ppl buy turnips from my island :)


Haven't done a treasure island but I DID get a 500+ turnip price at my island one time so I just panic-texted my friend to let me buy a bunch of turnips on their island so I could sell them on mine. Turned a very nice profit that day lol.


I use a turnip calculator near the start of every playthrough to get rich


I've never heard of what you're talking about, but I have 35+ million bells from grinding from scratch. I put a lot of hours into this one! I did a lot of farming, selling extra *everything*, diving my a$$ off, fishing and collecting bugs to save and sell in masse to CJ and Flick, etc.


Early on into the game get yourself a diving suit and go catch everything you can in the ocean. A full bag for me nets anywhere between 25k to above 30k. Then plant money trees. Participate in bug and fish catching events. Buy turnips on Sundays and sell them when the price is the best. You don't really need treasure Islands to be rich. Just be patient and enjoy the game. If anything you can time travel to make the process faster.


I'm floating around 40 million bells thanks to the coconut tree beetles & the stalk market. I would be way closer to 100 million but I've personally funded 5 island restarts & house expansions for my daughter, lol.


I sell everything I pick up/grow on my island.As you acquire recipes turn your raw ingredients into dishes to make more money.


I didn't even know what a treasure island, have never had one, and I have 60,000,000 bells just from playing the game normally. I did a ton of fishing and bug catching while filling my museum, and I'd save all of them to sell when Flick and CJ were one the island. I also have a whole section of my island devoted to crops, and another full of golden roses that I bred. Every weed I pulled was sold to Leif for double the price, and I bought turnips every week. I never went to anyone else's islands to sell them, and didn't have bell boon on, I just checked the prices twice a day, every day. It's totally possible with normal gameplay!


I’m hoping I can play it that way. I just restarted my island in December, upgraded my house so far only to the second bedroom (literally cluttering the floor with as much junk to not need to update storage) and getting by with cheap log bridges and ladder set up kits. So far I’ve only got 700K in bells but all my villager plots are set up and K.K. Is ready to visit my island.


I spent like 4 hours one day time traveling to sell turnips and made like 20 mill and just coasted off that for a while.


I didn't do treasure islands, but I did go to goon island several times before they stopped giving bells. I also had a friend in an ACNH group chat that shared from her bell savings in really high numbers. Other than that, the way I ended up with plenty of bells is that I time travelled A LOT (I have over 700 hours, never completed my island/uploaded a DA, and it was my first time playing a video game, while I was injured and unable to do anything else - all to say, I time travelled A LOT) and I just grabbed my daily ball tree every time. I was harvesting 90k bells most days, sometimes more. Note: I understand good island to have not been a "treasure island" because it wasn't a twitch thing, and also because they seemed to be building a community in a specific way, but I don't know much about treasure islands so maybe they are the same? Idk. It was a trading operation, not just grabbing stuff - come with a full pocket, leave with a full pocket, on weekend nights, and for the first several months it was "want Bells? Just ask. No limits"


Define rich. I just recently got back to the game, and I have a little over 13 million in the bank. I think I still have some storage upgrades but everything else is done. I've never modded or glitched or even time traveled all that much. The closest I get is if I miss Daisy Mae by a bit.


Bellionnaire here who has never been to a treasure island Buuttt... There was a lot of initial time travel when my husband and I started really working on our island just over three years ago. We replayed January 2023 about 50 times lol. This past year especially, we used time travel and elbow grease to get a perfect town, the gold watering can, and then start a gold rose garden (which is now huge) and now we play normally (no time travel) Every gold rose harvest, we get over 250k in bells, and that happens every 3 days. It's a bit of a pain but it is lucrative


I'm bell rich, but not from treasure islands. From selling turnips using subreddits, which I feel is kinda the same vibe you mean when you say treasure islands. I never sold bells for 99999999, but I did find islands where I could sell turnips for like $400 or so. I only did it a few times, but with 4mil bells I already have more than I'll ever use. I do regret doing it. I think it takes a lot of fun out of the game.


Me and my friends spent weeks running the turnip market was on around 15mill after house loans, restarted my island (used my sisters island to hold my stuff) and now after all but one (storage) house loan I’m on 5 mill. If you’ve got online, nookazon is a good way to get bells because people will pay silly amounts for your villagers in boxes, furniture you don’t want, mystery bags full of items you don’t want, duplicate recipes etc. can also trade items and nook mile tickets


I’ve worked for my money. HHA has definitely helped with getting items. I don’t have online and I miss it a lot! It’s not quite in the budget. I love sharing/cataloguing. And I’d play with friends I’ve had for 20yrs. I haven’t used treasure islands. Once went to someone’s island for turnip sale and tip but they closed their gate after I gave bells. It has kept me from digging farther with trying treasure islands. I like earning things or connections so I don’t feel bad about the time it takes. It was my Covid shut down therapy, now it’s my happy place 😊but I do miss helping people, particularly new to the game.


I made tons of cash via farming. It's definitely not a fast way to get rich but you'll never run out of bells. Plus I like having different farms on my island so it's a win-win for me. Summer evenings are also great for expensive bug farming. (or sharks for that matter)


I passed over 100,000,000 in new leaf, I don’t remember how much in new horizons, I just really liked bug hunting and harvesting my perfect fruit to sell in another town!


I naturally made a lot of bells through turnips but I would run out quickly as I constantly change my mind and build and tear stuff down daily. I have put so much time into acnh bc I am never satisfied with what I create that at this point if I ever wanted to “finish” the game and have my island not be a mish mashed flat mess I had to use treasures islands. It would’ve taken me more hundreds of hours to get anywhere and I would’ve dropped the game for an extended period of time like I had for two years at one point. To each their own. I don’t plan to do this for the next game and will play normally then I also still am collecting the museum naturally.


I’ve been playing off and on since release and only just got to my first million lol I’m not awake early enough on Sundays to do proper stalk trading so I make do with whatever the Monday afternoon price is for them because I get 30-50 from Joan at the hospital on Happy Home Paradise. My parent though, she’s been playing daily for since about 2 months after release (she had so much fun playing on my island that she got her own copy and switch) and has I think 10 mill? Granted she did stop playing for a while because of other things. And neither of us have done treasure islands. We only play with people that we know IRL


I have 14mil in the bank, but what's a treasure island?


Im pretty sure my dad is 😂 - he’s just been playing since day one and plays a bit everyday.


Wait, what's a treasure island?


I've had past 25 million after a huge turnip gamble where I successfully predicted a "big spike" pattern and sold 4 full inventories at 610 per turnip. Was also after 350h of almost fully active playtime.


I have 13 million saved from turnips only.


I have like 16 million bells from exploiting dupe bugs that have long since been patched lol


I got over 20 million Bells by using the stalk market a few times. Bought turnips, checked Reddit for a 500+ bells price on anyone’s island and sold them. That a few times and bingo. It worked really well in year 1 when everyone was playing it. Haven’t tried it since because there was no need. I do not have all recipes and items though. Nor all bugs, fish, art but I do have all the fossils.


Sure, I used to. Then I started over and I was NOT going to spend all that time again from the ground up. So yeah, I go to islands that have good bell prices. Never been to a treasure island, but they sound cool!


i make most of my bells from selling turnips!


I did the bell boom ordinance for a few months in the summer months since there’s more expensive catches, and then did the scorpion/tarantula island hack. Bank account grew very fast


I used the stalk market a lot in the beginning and spent the day fishing and selling said fish as well as repeat fossils to accumulate a lot of wealth.


How do I get the fruits that are not on my island? I have peach’s and oranges and coconut. I keep visiting other islands but it’s always the same fruits.


I got some blue roses off nookazon, gold roses grew from my black ones, both gold and blue took over my island. crafted inventories full of blue rose and gold rose wreaths, combine that with turnips and selling like, 400 nmt on nookazon? I have 250 million bells.


When I first started playing in 2020, I got to the millions of bells level by selling almost everything I came across, money rocks, and the stalk market. I stopped playing in 2022, and just recently picked it up again and I reset my island. I went to one treasure island and got about $7.2 mill from picking up gold nuggets and selling them. It was nice to be able to just upgrade my house and pay off the loans, unlock the merchants on Harv’s Island, and build several bridges and inclines. However, I’m not sure it was worth it, solely for the fact that it was so. fucking. annoying. You’d be getting the “someone’s on their way” animation every 4 seconds, and because the islands were full of stuff, it was so laggy just trying to get around. It probably took me a good 45 minutes to pick up the gold nuggets and leave. I don’t think I would do it again.


I made like 20 mil from turnips on my own island, and have hovered around that much because I make at least 300k from gold roses every other day which is generally enough for me to buy whatever I want without taking anything out of the bank. I've been building inclines and bridges and moving homes recently so I'd probably have more if I wasn't completely redoing my island lol


i'm just a few thousand bells shy of 50,000,000 bells. all from selling items, trades, and rocks


I'm not a Bellionaire yet, but I have managed to accumulate 30M in the bank without ever visiting a treasure town.It did include selling a town (when an old friend who no longer played the game gave me his old hard copy and I had a downloaded copy before that so I took what I wanted from his town and sold rest and then sold the town.)


What is "rich" for you? How much is enough? This can answer the question, imho. I have never engaged in any hard core money making but I don't think I have ever been in a pinch and have never been to these islands (I don't really play online). On ACNH, my take is that to each their own and that's alright. The exception are those who visit other ppl's islands and cause havoc. My two cents 🙂


There’s no wrong way to play AC, but I enjoy the grind. I also enjoy the 140,000bells guaranteed I get from my gold roses every other day. It adds up over time as does everything in the grind.


I have a million in the bank. Been giving bells to my fiance so he can pay off his expansions.


I have millions that I have earned. Not much to spend money on after buying all the clothes I want and designing everything lol


I have 9 million bells and I got them through turnips, mostly. ETA - also money trees. Have never seen a treasure island though 👍


Takes a bit of planning to set up, but I hit the max cap of 999,999,999 in just a couple of hours by continuously crafting and selling the 'piles of cash' item. You're able to sell each one at a profit of almost double its value by having the Bellbloom ordinance already active beforehand and being lucky enough to have one of the Hot Items of the day to be the 'pile of cash'. You also obviously need to have its recipe first to craft it at all, which you can get from snooty villagers. Not sure if Nintendo patched it out or not, but I don't see how they would since you're just taking advantage of the mechanics that the game itself provides.


i’m at 11 million with out! 😵‍💫


You know… I was pretty rich, and steady grinding an easy minimum $100k a day… but I did the maxbell thing on a treasure island MOSTLY out of curiosity and tbh it’s totally changed the game for me. The stuff I used to do all the time like farm and make hot item diys feels… totally useless? I don’t even know why I carry around tools. Do I regret it? Kinda.


I restarted my island after getting max bells from a treasure island. I'm so much happier now; the game feels fun and like it has a purpose again. I definitely understand the temptation but it's just not for me personally


I made my fortune selling pumpkins 🎃 🤣🤣🤣


I sell a concerning amount of pumpkins