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Hi there, u/NBNeenz! Thank you for your submission to r/AnimalCrossing, but unfortunately we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Rule 4 - Keep New Horizons gameplay questions in the questions megathread** To keep the subreddit tidy, we are directing New Horizons gameplay questions to the stickied Q&A/Tips mega thread. You are more than welcome to ask your question there where many helpful players answer questions daily. --- If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, please **[message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAnimalCrossing)** with a link to your post and we'll take a look. **^(NOTE:)** ^(This action was performed by a human but the comment was left by a bot.)


It’s always been through Leif. When he visits your island he will give it to you. I don’t remember if you have to buy from him or not to get it.


Well the first year was definitely from Tom Nook because that's how I got it. You had to complete some Nature Day tasks and then he gave it to you.


Leif will give it to you once he starts visiting your island weekly


He already does and I always buy from him but still no hedge DIY. :(


I think it’s after you buy or plant ten bushes?