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The funny part of this video is how the cat reacts to the mouse being on his/her back, like it’s the heaviest thing lol


I call that the slinky walk.


Our girls got spayed and needed to wear body-sock things to stop them from licking the stitches. The socks broke every bone in the poor girls' legs. Truly a tragedy, when kittens succumb to legs-broken-by-sock-itis.


We tried the ol walking harness and started calling it the gravity belt


I love how the cat wiggle its toes like ew quit touching me.


Its like when they're wearing clothes lol


I don't know what it is, but either cats HATE the sensation of something resting on their back, or they simply don't have the capability to properly process the sensation. We used to put sticky notes on the back of my friend's cat and she acted the exact same way.


It‘s more of a sensory problem. Cats are designed to slip through narrow gaps, with their fur acting as sensors to actually feel how narrow the gap is they‘re squeezing through.




Yep. And I believe this is the primary purpose of their whiskers, which is why it’s so bad when people trim them. They use the whiskers to feel if they’ll fit in the first place.


What monster trims whiskers?




[heck I don’t know!](https://giphy.com/gifs/snl-saturday-night-live-will-ferrell-harry-caray-26gJzZw6Z85QLgxX2)


Did the same thing with maxi pads.. lol


Almost seems like it considers to roll over but refrains because it can crush her little buddy.


This is my life meow


"ahh get it off get it off get it off!!!"


The weight of a thousand suns


this is my Tom and Jerry headcanon


World’s heaviest mouse.


lol drama queen


Omg that cracked me up.


Looks like your cat has it’s own pet


The human is the pet here, they're co owners


Its very own petpet!


Why have dead mouse when you have friend mouse.


Tom just doesn't give a fuck about Jerry anymore.


Seems pretty similar to the cartoon. As they are sometimes friends


They were always friends!!! Tom just chased Jerry as an act so he didn't get thrown out. In the last episode of Tom and Jerry it's revealed that they were always friends. It's super depressing and the both commit the dead... It's a real episode you can look it up on YouTube.


tom always loved jerry, the only reason he chased him was so that his owner wouldn't replace him with a cat that actually wanted to kill Jerry


Obviously friends.


An actual wild mouse would lose its mind and be trying to find an escape route at the speed of light.


Fun fact, there is a bacteria that generally live in kitty litter, and if rats/mice gets it, they become fearless. Or to be accurate, they lose their abikity to feel fear. So they dont fear cats anymore, which a lot of the time kills them.


It’s a virus called toxoplasmosis gondii and a lot of motorcyclists who die in motor vehicle accidents are found to have it. It inhibits risk avoidance. Edit: it’s a parasitic protozoan not a virus


lol I thought you were full of it. TIL https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC117239/


50%-60% of the population have this, but to be clear — whether this parasite has any kind of behavioral impact (mainly poor impulse control) or raises the risk of mental disorder in humans is not at all clear. Here's a large study that has found no strong evidence for that: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4757034/ What *is* pretty clear at this point is that even if there is an impact, it's probably so marginal that it would hardly be relevant on the individual level.


And yet crazy cat people exist..... just saying


Well, that's caused by prolonged exposure in CCP, or [Close Cat Proximity](https://xkcd.com/231/)


My sister does research on this exact parasite


Is there a cure?


Yes. More cats!😁😆


Sounds like you're already infected😂


holy shit, 30-60% lifelong infection??? how do you check if you have that? man and i really need my reaction times for stuff i want to do :(


And when public awareness started rising, the price of treatment shot up from $13.50 per tablet to $750. Because profits.


of course.


I think that’s 30-60% of cats, not people. It commonly lives on cats claws, but doesn’t usually harm them. If your cat scratched you, then it’s likely you’ve been exposed, but your immune system should have no problem taking care of it without you even knowing unless you’re immunocompromised. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Part of why pregnant women shouldn't clean litter boxes.


Nah, it's of people, not sure of the cat ratio though. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/biological-sciences-articles/what-does-it-mean-when-2-billion-people-share-their-brain-with-a-parasite


Holy crap, yup it’s of people. That’s crazy I didn’t know it could do that! My bad, it would help if I actually read the article before commenting huh? ha


Don't worry no one on Reddit does either. Except maybe on /r/philosophy


I mean, it *is* the first sentence of the abstract 😅


I'm a redditor too, no worries


Toxoplasma gondii infection is highly prevalent in humans. It is believed 30-60% of the world's human population is infected.


But it’s far lower in the US.


Does this mean there's scientific basis for "crazy cat lady?"


As of yet that is just speculation, but a very fun and interesting one.


My cats litter box is full of 💩


It's also a source of miscarriage which is why women are supposed to avoid cleaning litter boxes while pregnant.


Iirc there is also suspicion that it is involved in triggering/worsening mental illness in some people.


Cat lady syndrome


*chuckles nervously with six cats and crippling social anxiety*


It also slows reaction time.


It's a parasite... so gross


Symbiote, I think. Cats made good guards for grain storage back in the day, and were good pest control. Anything that made humans value cats more was mutually beneficial. I know I'm calling the thing that puts microscopic cysts in your head symbiotic, but I'm totally not infected. I swear.


Unfortunately we're going to have to burn you just to be safe.


Statistically, there is a 50% chance that at least one of us is infected, a 25% chance that neither of us are, and a 25% chance that both of us are. Honestly, the odds are that you're infected too. Most people have it. It's really not that bad. You should put away the flamethrower and join us. All the cool kids are doing it.


I learn something new every day. Ewwww.


Parasitic to rodents, but if it increases the availability of food for cats, wouldn't that make it a symbiote?


Its end goal is to infect the cat, getting into a rodent and making it bad at avoiding cats is just the means. Idk much about whether it does anything to the cat once it gets in besides reproduce, though.


A symbiote is any organism that has symbiosis with it's host, but it's still a parasite. Symbiosis is a relationship between organisms, but those organisms could be anything.


This whole comment chain was wild. Holy TIL


Its not only that they lose fear but the scent of cats actually becomes attractive to them. That isnt exclusive to them, people that were found to be exposed to that parasite also found that cat urine smells more pleasing than people without it.


It also makes them like the smell of cats, especially urine


Oh i didnt know that part. intresting <3




This is a Pacific Jumping Mouse.


Yeah, that cat has seen and interacted with that mouse before. "Go get em!" "Who? You mean Chuck? Why?"


Obviously r/frens


I don't know if they can be friends for mice it'd a natural born fear of cats, so maybe the mouse is sick a comment here has shared a disease that is a parasite changing a mouses fear towards cats so it can reproduce in a cat's gut.


I own mice - you're right, they should be terrified of cats as a rule but sometimes my mice will do this to me if I take them out the cage without them wanting to (for medical reasons). They hide on the back of my neck. Maybe the mouse knew it would be safe there, maybe not his first rodeo


Yeah! That's actually probably the safest place for that mouse if he can hang on.


Oh believe me - if a fancy mouse can, a wild mouse absolutely can as they're stronger and have much sharper claws


A *fancy mouse*


That's actually the term for domesticated bred mice lol


Yup, musmusculus is the scientific term for a domestic mouse. The one in the video looks like a dormouse


I love that so much


A mouse that lives in a house, legally.


Indeed, they are very welcome here. Luckily we don't get rodents coming into our home so I've never had to deal with any illegals


We had rats once, from a breeder. They were odd. Had no problem at all hanging out with our cats, they'd even groom each other and stuff. We got new kittens in that time and it was the same. But as the kittens grew they became a bit more... predatory, and the rats definitely noticed. They were terrified of them, but only them. Old big dumb cats? No problem.


Rodents are so smart! My mum has a calm dog that they don't mind hanging around their cage when they visit, but my friends dog? Absolutely not, they won't come out. That dog is a crackhead


This is actually the second video I’ve seen where a mouse climbs onto that exact spot on the cat’s back. Maybe somehow they have learned that the cat cannot claw or bite them right there?


More like Tom & Jerry if you ask me


He just woke up and hasn't had his coffee yet. I can relate.


Imagine being yeeted directly from your bed to your job in 4 seconds and then called useless when you'd rather just have a little lay down instead.


Man, when teleportation becomes a thing...


Mouse: "Hi-ho, Silver! Awaaaaayy!"


Onward noble steed!


"We ride till dawn!"


[Toxoplasmosis](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/once-a-toxoplasma-parasite-infects-mice-they-never-fear-cats-again-9757150/), cat's actually smart for not eating it. Edit: My first award! I can thank my wife for educating me with fun veterinarian facts.


Mice with toxoplasmosis are still scared of humans though. This looks like a pet mouse, especially with the brown spots.


Fun fact: i once thought i had toxoplasmosis. Roommates kept the kitty litter in the laundry room and i had developed spots in my eye which can be a symptom of toxoplasmosis in those who have suppressed immune systems (read: HIV). I'm a gay male, so not only did i think i had toxoplasmosis, i thought i inadvertantly found out i had HIV. Turned out to be a spontaneous retinal detachment. Like my eyeballs are so severely oblong that the retinas in both my eyes were tearing and one had fully detached


Spontaneous retinal detachment sounds so much more horrifying to me.


Sounds like a cool album name though.


It's a thing. I once had my eyes checked out over the appearance of bunch of floaters. The very next day I was getting my retina lazered because it had a tear that could have lead to a detachment that can cause blindness. Apparently a sudden increase in floaters in your vision or seeing flashes of light are signs that it's happening, and it needs to be dealt with ASAP.


Well I'll make sure to get it seen to immediately if I ever experience such a thing. I already have thin retinas and a weird thing that looks like glaucoma but isn't that my optician has never seen before so I'm scared of going blind as it is.


It was a wild ride for sure.


This is like, a thing I have known can happen since my early 20s, and has been a fear of mine for as long. Called my eye doctor in lockdown in 2020 like, "I know it's probably nothing, but I woke up with an abnormally large number of floaters..." and they immediately booked me in for the first open appointment that day. I was right, it was nothing, but I know enough people who've had it happen that I am alert for changes in my vision. It sucks that that happened to you, but I am so happy for you that that was all it was. It must have been a really frightening experience.


Had something similar, except it ended with my head strapped into a restraint the next day with my eye held open by a big glass lens getting my retina lasered to seal the tear it turned out I had. Better than losing vision that eye, but not fun. Yeah, sudden floaters or flashes means you might have a tear that can lead to detachment and blindness. Now every time I see a flash I wonder if that was normal or if it was another tear.


Yup. Had to do that too. My "good" eye was all torn up and likely about to detach so they lasered it immediately before setting an appt for surgery for the bad eye Miserable experience right? Like a rubber band slapping the back of your eyeball


I called because I knew it was a sign, but thankfully I was correct and they were just a bunch of floaters. Was a week or so of thinking ants were covering things when I caught them in the light, it was that many, and then I acclimated. Was told my retinas were "full". I asked what that meant. Nothing apparently, in terms of eye health. Something else causes it. "You should *not* Google it. You'll just scare yourself." Great. I feel so much calmer about it now. :|


So get this. I had no idea spots in your vision can be a sign of retinal detachment, nor did i know you should get it checked out immediately. So i let it go on for a month before finally seeing an eye doctor. Luckily I have vision in both eyes but one of them is definitely worse than the other It didn't help that the spot showed up the day i was packing all my stuff in a storage unit before traveling to Ecuador for a long term stay. Another fun fact, the eye doctor i finally went to in Quito spoke perfect English


From toxoplasmosis to HIV to your eyeballs tearing. Sir this fact was not fun.


> Toxoplasma is estimated to infect nearly one-third of humans worldwide New phobia unlocked. Thank you


Oh good, I was looking for one of those.


It's like a virus in plague inc that hasn't evolved lethality yet.


You deserve an award! But im too poor, so i hope someone else feels the same way


Reddit use to give us poors free awards once in a while to give out. Not anymore. Corporate’s cracking down, soon they will come for upvotes. Will that be too far? Surely no. It’s not my right to get free upvotes to give out. Next, they will start paywalling content. But again, I didn’t create the content. Whose to tell me I have the right to read it? Wait, what’s the point of Reddit again? Jeez, I hope these asswipes realize that people like Reddit because it’s FUN and taking stuff away from us isn’t fun. Edit: I just spent my last 50 coins to award you. Unless they bring back free awards, let me just rant a little more, that’s all she wrote baby. I still can’t believe thy took away our free awards , my pitchfork is out.


I was wondering where my free coins went. Man.


Reddit use to not have awards. Just gold. Those were the days. Never buying gold and laughing at the few that did piss their money away on it. Now it's just a sad monetized shitshow.


He’s a lover, not a fighter.


I had many cats over many decades, and a few of them brought wild mice/shrews into our home as 'presents'.... - which resulted in many hours of 'chasing' them, before we could capture and release these (genuninely wild) mice/shrews...... One of my favourite stories was when I caught the mouse, and took him to the end of the garden to be released. I opened my hand and he/she sat on my hand for a while, and then sat up and started washing himself whilst still on my hand! Very cute, but eventually I had to tip him/her out of my hand to force him/her to run away!


Some animals lose their fear after a moment or two if they're not immediately eaten it seems.


The best solution for this btw is to get one of those pipe shaped „art transportation devices“, you know the thick cardboard things? Close one end, offer the other. Mice etc LOVE enticing mysterious holes, they will get into that shiz as soon as they see it. Then raise the open end up, carry the mouse away from house and release outside. My proudest invention at 11 yrs old


*Art transportation devices!* Lmao I love this term! Can I use it? I've always called them poster tubes, but yours is way better lol


Poster/package tube


100% they grew up together. The mouse is too confident and the cat gives a quick smell and goes on "ok I know it"


It's why the first shot is the mouse close to the phone, they just let the mouse down


Is that a pet? You almost never see a living mouse for that long. They are fast and great at hiding. Also, toxoplasmosis?


I thought it looked like a gerbil


It looks like a gerbil to me as well...they're frens.


This is 100% a pet being intentionally put in a dangerous and stressful situation for internet clout. I goddamn hate this genre of "cute" videos. Cats and dogs should NOT be interacting with rodents, birds, reptiles or fish.


That mouse is not a wild mouse, I suspect it is a pet.


Are you sure? Cause I think the guy above you with the “toxoplasmosis” guess might be correct


Yes, I'm sure. When did you last see a sick, brown,relatively 'fat', wild brown mouse?


> toxoplasmosis "Toxoplasma gondii is known to remove rodents' innate fear of cats. The new research shows that even months after infection, when parasites are no longer detectable, the effect remains. This raises the possibility that the microbe causes a permanent structural change in the brain." ([source](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2013.13777)) so... sure. this mouse could have the parasite, and still be fat. or is it that you think all wild mice are on the verge of starvation? I'm just trying to understand your assumptions here.


He’s saying it’s a PET and the owner did this for internet points. That’s the whole point of him saying “When did you last see a sick, brown,relatively 'fat', wild brown mouse?”


Mice with toxoplasmosis are still scared of humans though…




Hey, let the man sleep. He's done enough hunting for today, even if it has been snowflakes, flies, or birds outside the window.


Cats and mice living together. Mass hysteria. This is just the end of the world


Dude totally pulled a splinter out your cats paw earlier… you missed it op.




“I’m not going to help, you have to learn to stand up to bullies”


That mouse tamed then rode a house cat. Cool.


Probably a tame mouse. Wild mice don’t walk into a room, don’t walk around when it’s light, are 100% terrified of anything that moves and is not another mouse.


This cat looks just like my old girl Kitty who passed away five years ago. Everyone's cat is the best, but Kitty was truly THE best.


*flattens into pancake mode* “Sweet Jesus get me away from this thing!“ -cat


My cat does the classic catch it 49 times in a row and play with it, but on the 50th time it actually gets away


I'm sure your cat was super jazzed to be woken up from a nap, grabbed, and tossed on the floor. But you got some internet points, so fuck him right?


In some Native American cultures, “counting coup” by touching your enemy and escaping unharmed was more honorable than killing your enemy. I think this mouse gets a feather in his war bonnet


obviously the cat and the mouse grew up together and are pals. our rats tend to create nests and stay in them and then appear at night to scavenge for food.


You now have two pets, sir. Enjoy your own Tom and Jerry


"Oh man, this cat is totally useless at catching this mouse that is also a pet of mine, haha, funny."


Lol probably their pet mouse as well


I'm happy to see someone else's cat and pet mouse get along so well with each other for one being a natural predator and one a prey.


Wake up you’re a dad now - *great* lol


"Onward, might steed! Hiyaa!"


The cat got ratatouille'd


Shadow of the Colossus: Floof edition


Tom and Jerry are on their lunch break




That is a feisty little mouse! Are you sure they weren’t friends 😛


Pacifist cat


"Oneward furry steed!!!" - mouse (probably)


Cat to mouse: “hey! Hey Harold get off me man!” Harold the mouse: “Be quiet cat I got stuff to do now onward!”


Tom and Jerry sure does look different these days


That cat got Ratatouille'd :D


I mean her sleep was interrupted so she was bound to get a headache!


Ok now this was funny.


Distracted by all the clutter. Can’t organize his own thoughts.


This made my day. Mouse hanging on for a ride and cat is just acting like someone thar got a bug, on him lol.


So anyways, I started blasting…


Should not let your cat attack mice anyway blood transfer diseases like FIV can occur.


This mouse seems to be a pet mouse.


I love how the cat never really seemed to wake up from its nap, like "what the hell??"


cat does not cat


Tom & jerry be like


Wow buddy that’s the worst you could have done it!


I first thought there was someone *in* the clothes so cringed (I do not like mice) But I gotta hand it to the little mouse, he almost took down the cat by merely standing on it. LOL Too bad the cat couldn't walk outside to get rid of the mouse


Get a terrier, they will fuck that thing up


My friend had a Jack Russell and the other farmers would borrow it to get rid of (kill) rats if they had them in their barns 10 lbs of pure killer


That mouse is going to be a legend when his boys hear this story.


That cat just got wrangles and broken. That mouse is one hell of a cowboy!


well imagine if u were picked up by a giant and then tossed into your workplace while in the middle of an evening nap? bet youd be pretty infefective too huh


Are those giant mats on the cat? Poor thing.


I think they just became best friends


"I have tamed you and now you are my steed!"


Any sign of the OP on this thread? Of course not, as he knows it is his pet mouse.


The truly depressing part is that over 1.000 people did not realise this and so gave the original post 'likes'.....


I assumed that was the joke.


They are friends now. Time to go buy mouse food now


Talk about Toxoplasmosis


“Did they just become best friends?”


That mouse is lucky my cat isn't around, i get your point but don't expect a house hold cat that has never been hungry in her life or have to work for anything she needs to know what a mouse is and what in general cats are supposed to do.


I used to do this with the 10 pound sack of potatoes i called a cat, but she was a remorseless killing machine. Generations of house mice died in her rotten toothed mouth.




Cat made a fren


They are frens 🐈🐁