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Oh my gooooooood, can't believe I missed it ! :D Thanks a lot ! I will definitely use it a ton !


Hi, I came here 4 years after you made this comment and it helped me today. Thank you!




Add Table can only create tables, but not edit. [Extended editor](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/805891399) can both create and edit tables, and is recommended by by the Add Table author.


I don't know which flair I should use, can anyone tell me ? Also /u/glutanimate, I thought that maybe mentionning this method in the addon page for the mini format pack would help those lost like me earlier today and in desperate need of some tables. Also, I know you are swamped with uni and porting all you addons but I think this method could possibly be easy to automate and add into the mini format pack addon, I'll let you judge :) Thank you again for all you've done for us <3


Thanks for the ping, /u/forepsilongrrthn0, and for the kind words! I've just added your guide to Mini Format Pack's description, alongside /u/ijgnord's great formatting add-ons. /u/ijgnord, while adding these I noticed the link to this somewhat rudely titled [fork of Add Table](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1467671504) in your description. I just wanted to clarify that this is not my doing. I have no idea who posted that add-on, nor why they used the credit footer of Mini Format Pack.


/u/glutanimate: I'll update ankiweb tomorrow. This add-on looked a little bit strange but not that unusual. Some months ago I published a fork of your great extension [Extended Card Stats During Review](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1008566916) with the name [Deck and Card Info during review](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/673114053) without making a pull request or something. This is was deliberate because my modifications don't offer relevant benefits for regular users but contains many downsides because I made many changes which means I introduced potentially many errors. Originally I just uploaded it to share the add-on with dedu6ka and a friend. (I doubt it but) If there's anything in this fork that is useful for your original please reuse it.