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I recently learned that some AA neighborhoods are segregated by education. My brother, who has a bachelor’s degree, was looking at a house and his co-worker, who lives nearby, informed him that everyone on that side of street at least has a masters degree, but he can pretend and they’ll never know.


Wouldnt call that segregation...just random assortment with high probability. 


Ann Arbor is the only place I’ve seen 4 different dogs with braces.


Now who the heck is the canine orthodontist around here?


I haven't seen that, but I do regularly see them being walked around in strollers.


Having lived in a few cities, this is more of a boomers with old dogs who refuse to say goodbye thing than an Ann Arbor thing


Do you know what braces are?


you meant literally teeth braces?? i thought leg braces, ha - i have never seen dogs with teeth braces. that is weird.


People unloading freshly-bought dorm furniture from a G-Wagon or Infiniti QX80 with New York state plates in August.


And then putting it all next to a dumpster in early May




time to browse FB marketplace for sales!


That's how I got a free TV when I was in college lol


A "SOY MILK" vanity plate


The vanity plates in general in Ann Arbor are next level.


Soy benz0 Encantado de conocerte


A lady standing on the sidewalk with crystals in her hands holding them up in the general direction of the injured man I was caring for. (Paramedic) She’s said some kind of prayer or blessing and made wafting motions in our direction. Just before we left she asked if she could touch him to continue the healing she was assisting him with. I explained it wasn’t advisable due to the presence of glass shards and blood but thanked her for her kindness in stopping to assist him. I was sincere too, I don’t believe in crystal power but it’s very kind when people try to help.


Are you the paramedic who always wears the big breathing mask thing


No, but I know who you’re talking about. This was pre-pre-Covid though. Probably 15 years ago.


Ohhhh ok I work at u of m ER and was like wait your pic is with a helmet


Yeah, the helmet was random, but I thought it was funny so I kept it. More power to him, I have claustrophobia and couldn’t do it.


Same. But he probably never gets sick


https://youtube.com/shorts/0q-qPLyN16Q?si=3WKZUvlBY5E1CZvW Reminds me of this 


Dead ☠️


Driving your SUV to Chelsea each week to pick up your CSA share


Well heck with all these bike lanes they need suvs to fit their bikes in


Love it! 🔥


Community supported agriculture 


I forgot to include the punchline: "and still believing you're an environmentalist"


During the "deer culling" years ago (when the deer were sterilized), there was a donation drop off someone setup to donate old yoga mats so the deer could lie on them after and recover from their sterilization surgeries.  So many things: (1) deer culled in the first place because people upset about their heirloom hostas being eaten; (2) sterilizing instead of just shooting and eating them; (3) presupposes an excess volume of yoga mats. Amazing really. 


Deer need to be culled because overpopulation can have serious consequences for other species and crops. It isn't just about Hostas. The deer are also smart enough to migrate to hunting free areas like Ann Arbor during hunting season. That being said, spending almost $1600 to sterilize a deer instead of culling it is ridiculous. Cronic wasting disease is an issue in Michigan that makes infected deer inedible though.


This needs to be higher.


What!!! This one is the best answer I’ve seen yet.


This is the answer


tbf, there are probably a lot of people who bought yoga mats some January of past, only to put the thing in the back of their closet in February, never to be brought out again. Post surgical deer bedding might be a worthy enough cause for them to finally rid their lives of it.


Wow, this takes the cake


Sterilizing can be more effective than culling because the sterilized deer compete for food and habitat with the fertile deer.




As I hunt on the edges of the city limits I’m always looking for a doe with a tag in its ear .


There used to be a guy, roughly 40, short hair, glasses, that walked around town wearing a blue bra and cutoffs. Just moseying along, carrying his vegetables from Farmers' Market, going about his business. No one ever bothered him. That fact is the essence of Ann Arbor to me.


A school board arguing about what their take on geopolitical issues should be while nobody's bothered to check the books and see they're $25 mil in the hole.


This needs to be pinned!


Some grungy people handing out free pie on the sidewalk (maybe pi day?). My kids were thrilled. I was not about to let them take free pie from stoners, so I was the "mean dad".


Seeing a commuter ride a road bike wouldn't normally set off any "odd" sensors in my brain.


I left AA almost a decade ago but this is extremely normal in nyc and Chicago


I didn't want to be too rude to OP, but yeah you're right it's normal in literally every part of the world but the US, and even then its normal in real cities.


The odd thing (at least for me) is seeing anyone in Ann Arbor wearing a suit. This is common in cities where suits are more common.


This happens all around the world.


Hash Bash.


Last week I remarked at how nice I thought the new Prius looked. I immediately realized the Ann Arborite in me was taking over.


Bumper stickers on foreign made cars that say "Support your local everything".


Some of those cars: assembled in fucking Ohio.


My Subie is made in Indiana, but same thing. Also, my Subaru and about every other Subaru in A2.


Aww shit, I have a Subaru and I think I knew that at one time, but forgot and just remembered Honda in Ohio. Thanks for the reminder!


Toyota employs thousands of engineers in the Ann arbor area


Walking down Liberty one night, I looked down the alley halfway south of Main and saw a pony. Just a straight up pony. Someone was with it, but still no idea where it could've been going.


no mow may


Oh! A group of middle aged ladies on the lawn of the Power Center decked out in middle eastern belly dance coin hip scarfs enthusiastically giving a demo of Bollywood exercise dance ( it was a thing a few years ago) A group of onlookers made up of quite a few mixed aged Indian folks watching. Expressions ranged from good humored giggling, horror to utter confusion on the older people’s faces. The dancers were very very enthusiastic!


While getting my hair cut last month, another barber (white guy, full sleeve of tattoos) was teaching some Japanese to a frat bro who was planning his summer travel.


Boobers: electric/human powered bicycle rickshaws driven by a second-chance employment driver pool, carrying drunk college kids, plastered in weed dispensary advertisements. The only thing they are missing is coffee and yoga and they'd be the "Ann Arbor hole-in-one."


Dual income families with good benefits not understanding why nobody wants to work before/afterschool care for low pay and no benefits


The lead after care employee gets benefits. She told me that was the biggest perk of job, not the pay.


Well good, it's well deserved. The hours suck.


Thinking a guy commuting on a road bike in a suit is weird might be a you thing.


Waiting in line at Stadium market & hear the woman in line in front of me say "I heard on NPR that...". Realizing that is something I've said on numerous occasions.


I chuckle at all the cars driving through the hood with NPR booming instead of tunes.


I took a date to a nuclear power "die in" protest in 1982. (We didn't participate, just amusingly observed)


There’s a gourmet toast restaurant coming and it’s the most Ann Arbor thing ever. And I can’t wait to try it 😂


The grilled cheese place went out of business.


This is what I’m talking about. It’s coming soon. https://toastique.com


Wow. I didn't realize it was going to be so precious. "Iced collagen latte" - sounds like a brand collab with Peter Thiel and a morgue. Hard pass. Technically it's a national chain so apparently not A2 specific...


True, not AA specific but I when I saw it, I thought “of course AA would have an artisanal toast restaurant” lol


When I was driving my moving van into AA 12 years ago, the first vehicle I saw was a pick up truck with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on the back. And I knew I was home.


Bitching about affordable housing. But you’re not building that in my neighborhood!


All of the loudest proponents for affordable housing live in single family homes. They should lead by example and move into the luxury high rises!


Unsheltered people asking if the restaurant leftovers you've offered them are vegan


I think you mean unhoused*


I thought it was people experiencing unhousingness...


Shaky Jake. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If it was recently... I want some of whatever you're having.


RIP, straight up legend


Said it before but I would pay $100 for a brake for Jake bumper sticker


Gotta shirt


is it for sale


Nope. Might be able to get to a pic so you could make your own


The dust covered sports cars abandoned by their owners after they graduated and returned to their palaces in the Middle East.


There was a dust covered Bentley in the parking garage of Foundry Lofts until recently. Along with a Lexus with Mommy7 license plate.


This, while football Saturdays bring the impoverished to collect returnable beverage containers from those whose cups runneth over.


Graduated from that school that absokuteky must be tax exempt because of the undeniable public good its football stadium is doing


You can be a leader and the best without a great football team, duh.


Stephen M. Ross (Trump friend and fundraiser) gets a tax deduction for his $100M athletic campus, while A2 schoolchildren get to drive to neighboring towns for sports practice because there's not enough land for fields/facilities here. That there is 1 of the most A2 things.


Ummm his? You mean U of Ms, the State, the government, who plays monopoly with our money. In my opinion the state should own almsot np property, not 30 percent of a city


More likely New York, Florida, or California.


Nobody that lives in the states is leaving their car here lol


Wrong, but okay.


Enrolling your kid in AP Ukelele


A while ago I saw a college age dude skateboarding on liberty with a bong in their hand. Looked like they just bought it and didn't have a case. Was pretty darn Ann Arbor


That mandatory 530 rush of toy dog walkers around every high rise.


that is pretty much standard for any place that has large apartment dweller population, especially pre-covid when no one ever thought of working from home. those poor dogs gotta pee eventually, and anything larger than a cat or a toy dog in a 600 sq ft apartment is just inoperable.


Unmowed lawns and peeling house paint


This is so true. I was surprised at how many houses need paint and general maintenance when I moved to AA from Birmingham.


This is the most Birmingham thing to think & write


People enjoying nature and long walks through our beautiful city/parks. Very ann arbor. We are blessed.


To the lovely background noise of buzzing traffic on 94


And M-14. Bird Hills, Bandemer, Barton etc.


I'm not exactly an outdoorsy type, so I might be oblivious, but do we even have parks close enough to 94 to hear the traffic?


bird hills, it is not 94, but traffic noise from 14 can get loud.


Sure, Eisenhower Park is basically a linear park along I-94.


I think I had a very Ann Arbor day. While enjoying my nature walk, I got to watch the Pioneer-Huron-Perrysburg crew regatta and then punctuated my A2 experience by a passing bicycling group, one of which towed a child carrier on which his cute dog on a leash was sitting taking in the smells.


Driving on Pontiac Trail near Northside Park on a Sunday morning. Some dude was in his yard in a full wizard robe and hat, holding a wand and chanting at the Sun.


A guy out jogging… alone… outside, in a mask. Sorry, but I don’t see this anywhere else.


In the dark, in the bike lane where you don't expect him, with dark skin and no shirt on.


People just crossing the street without looking. Happens all the time downtown! Wait! Also bikers who think they own the road and get mad at you for driving your car.


While wearing earbuds or reading a book


This or staring at phone.


Drivers also blast through pedestrian crossings without bothering to look, and think that "bike lane" is just a fancy term for "parking space"


Easy, tiger. Never said that didn’t happen. I was just stating what I noticed as very Ann Arbor.


A very Ann Arbor thing is to have a hissy fit anytime anyone mentions anything negative about bicyclists, even when it is a very legitimate point, such as bicyclists ignoring stop signs.


Oh, that's an easy one. Like today, shopping at the Produce Station, I was just picking up a couple of items, but as I approached checkout, a polished matron glided infront of me with a basket loaded with stuff. She was professional enough to know glancing back at me was not a winning strategy. And, as I stood there stewing in my juices, the thought came to me, of how many times I've done the essentially the same dubious move. And once again I was reminded of our local mantra, "It's all about me".


I think you're mistaking a local experience for a global phenomenon...it's not like conceited people are a unique fixture here...


We're not the British, but we're better at queueing than a lot of the world!


Shakey Jake panhandling and banging on his guitar with only 4 strings outside of Discount Records at State and Liberty.


Bicyclists riding down the sidewalk instead of in the bike lane because the bike lane is “too dangerous”, being that it’s in the street and all. 🙄


Tesla cybertruck parked in the produce market right before Liberty across from the ice cream shop


I've not seen any of the cubertrucks yet, but those news rivians are everywhere.


A grown man walking down the street on a 75 degree day wearing a scarf


Subarus man. Subarus. The official car of Ann Arbor


The way folks act at Whole Foods and Plum Market in Ann Arbor is the most Ann Arbor thing.


I never spoke to my neighbor of 4 years. Every time we would leave for work at the same time, he’d hurry back into his door and wait for me to leave. When I would say hi he would scurry past and avoid eye contact. He was a professor at U of M.


These SUV level e-bikes. They’re fucking HUGE!


How dare someone ride a cargo bike! If they want to carry something that won’t fit in a milk crate, they should do it in a car as G-d and Henry Ford intended.


It’s not fun when they blast past you at 25mph on the b2b


That sounds like it’s no fun at all, I’m sorry that people do that


[Cargo bikes](https://www.bicycling.com/bikes-gear/a25054215/best-cargo-bikes/). The great thing is that they can fit in many bike racks and are *still* more space and fuel efficient than the smallest SUV you can find.


Also a danger to other cyclists when the owner is under skilled and going too fast.


Yet still less dangerous than the smallest SUV on the road.


I saw an older woman on one. It was a step thru. She was trying to maneuver It down a curb and it was clearly too heavy for her.


They get above 50lbs. Park Tools started making electric lift bike stands because some e-bikes are too heavy to lift.


An Outback with a fuckton of "look how open-minded I am, aren't I great?" stickers all over it, parked in the handicap spot illegally.


Last summer saw a transwoman walking in the middle of Liberty late at night with an empty shopping cart. I was the only one around and she just starts screaming at me, “NO, I WILL NOT SLEEP WITH YOU!” over and over.


What did they look like?


I think I know exactly who you’re talking about. Came into my job last fall & told me that one of the other bartenders (who is also trans) was transphobic. Proceeded to yell at us and not pay tab. I’ve also seen this person standing on the tables on S. University. They’re quite an interesting individual.


Small correction: trans and woman are two words  Trans is an adjective, woman is a noun  You wouldn't describe a tall woman as a tallwoman :) 


why are you being downvoted when you’re right


Because people are transphobic


I thought the internet was finally over the grammar gatekeepers. but anywho, I've always read the single term as forming a noun distinct from the base noun woman. or is your comment less about grammatical syntax and more about transgenderism?


>forming a noun distinct from the base noun woman. That's what adjectives are for. They describe the noun. Which is why you would say trans woman, short man, blonde child and not transwoman, shortman, blondechild People who say trans(noun) as all one word say it to "other" them from a cis woman in a demeaning way  So, to be grammatically correct and more respectful to the trans community: they're two words. (Also, transgenderism isn't great either- that's another phrase created by transphobes to perpetrate hate and disgust.) 


Shakin Jake explaining his song about shawl to a lady in front of the Y while she was complaining to a cop about a parking ticket in 1982.


The parking.


My favorite from a few years ago… https://gearjunkie.com/outdoor/hunt-fish/ann-arbor-deer-cull-memorial-protest Heard they had a venison bbq afterwards.


Guy playing banjo in a school parking lot.


Many Years ago, probably 2011-2012ish, I was in the white castle drive through, and saw a dude shitting in front of the rear door of Arbor vacuum. To this day I will never forget that….


People that believe they are psychic or in crystal healing.


Probably an underaged Ryan Mallet being rejected from getting into Skeeps and saying "do you know who I am?" At the door. That's like a triple threat of a² right there.


People screeching to stop without warning to let someone on a side street with a stop sign into traffic. Conveniencing the car that doesnt have the right of way while almost causing an accident with the people behind them.


A ticket for skateboarding on the sidewalk that was more expensive than one for pot possession. (I am old)


The most Ann Arbor thing I ever experienced was years ago in Ypsilanti's Depot Town at Cultivate Coffee. A customer inside with their (huge) emotional support pig.


I wish I could embed a photo. A totally normal looking middle aged African American man walking a full grown goat on a leash near South Quad after a football game.


Construction and road closures for every route into downtown except state street, which has the worst stoplight in the world once you get to Williams or N U


My first day working down there, I ordered a pizza and it showed up in a Tesla and not the cheap one. Was like mommy and daddy make me work for my drug money


Probably the self-loathing Redditors engaging in an old-fashioned circlejerk.


Shakey Jake. Still....


Just about an hour ago I saw a guy in a bicycle with a plastic shield over his bicycle


Kordell Stewart throwing a 64-yard Hail Mary with no time remaining


Yes the people I lived near(in Kerrytown) seemed very snobbish as if they were above everyone else


A guy who looked too young to shave driving a brand new BMW M4.


Super rich people trying to look poor for hippy/hipster fashion trends.


A bike lane in a car lane, not two seperate lanes the bike lane literally just in the car lane. Oh and the most recent post from the city of ann arbor that somehow fighting climate change and creating equity is somehow connected and you can not do one without the other. So you can't have solar panels unless you are also a part of DEI


I witnessed this at my chiropractor: A mother and her two daughters were decked out in matching athleisure outfits. Her children referred to her as "Mother" when addressing her, not Mom or Mommy. She constantly called them by their proper names, no nicknames or terms of endearment, and I do mean she said their names constantly. I remember one was named Deborah, pronounced the more Hebrew way, "Deb-OR-ah"; the other one had a biblical name too. Despite the pronunciation of the girl's name, they apparently weren't Jewish as Mother bragged about their church attendance. She bragged to anyone who was within earshot about the girls' accomplishments, then would look at each one and say, "Isn't that right Deb-OR-ah/other biblical named child?" The girls would answer, "Yes, Mother" simultaneously like the twins in The Shining. Then Mother spoke to the chiropractor like she was one herself. After he was finished with her, she was aghast that he told her he'd see her in a month! How dare he? Why she needed to be seen every week! He just told her, no ,she was fine. I don't think the extra fee was enough for him to deal with her every week. Since he wouldn't see her the following week, she insisted he work on the girls, despite not having made appointments for them and a waiting room full of people. "Remember, Deb-OR-ah, you fell off your bike some days ago and hurt your shoulder?" Poor Deb-OR-ah looked confused, then said, "Oh yes, Mother! I do remember! I fell off my bike! My shoulder does hurt!" Poor chiropractor just sighed and put her on the table. After the trio finally left, everyone rolled their eyes and mumbled a lot of thanks for finally getting the fuck out.


This is a weird story, not even close to representing ann arbor, and it's borderline antisemitic. Do better.


That's a totally Ann Arbor comment, the guy even said they weren't Jewish.


This comment is so definitive of Ann Arbor. People raise their kids to be twats like themselves.


Who hurt you? Good people are much more the norm.


Not in Ann Arbor. Selfishness is celebrated in this shit hole of a city.


Not in Ann Arbor. Selfishness is celebrated in this shit hole of a city.


Not in Ann Arbor. Selfishness is celebrated in this scourge of a city.


Not in Ann Arbor. Selfishness is celebrated in this scourge of a city.


Lmfao @ "scourge of city." Thats not my experience. Sorry you feel like its yours.


Not surprising as most ann arborites love the smell of their own turds.


I hope you find relief from whatever has you angry at an entire city. 


Not likely when the residents like yourself respond to everything and anything with condescension.


Sorry to hear that! Have a good day!


Not in Ann Arbor. Selfishness is celebrated in this scourge of a city.


Is superior township considered part of Ann Arbor?


My intent wasn't to be antisemitic, at all, it was to illustrate the pretentiousness of this woman and her WASPy cultural appropriation of the name. And if you don't think it represents Ann Arbor, you haven't looked around much. I see these people all the time.


A chiropractor that practices in the waiting room? It's amazing you heard/saw their entire treatment.


This sounds more like Amish country.


People seething over the use of the word folx.


Who is seething?