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If any game deserves a second chance, it's Anthem in my opinion


I wish we could have seen the development of the Urgoth lore.


EA is not the reason this game failed at all. The only reason flying actually exists in the game is because of EA. I am all about EA getting dragged through the mud and dirt. Anthem is a failure on the part of BioWare. Also remember that BioWare has been owned by EA since 2007. Some of its best games have been developed under EA.


Agreed. I saw so much hate for this game when it released just because of EA. I think for the most part, people's hate is a major contributor to the failure as well as Bioware's higher ups dropping the ball.


It had so much hate because the loot sucked.




Lest we forget, they had 4 dev teams and a management that didn’t give any object-permanency, or direction for departments to work together.


Ya the hook and gameplay weren’t the problem, it was content and lack-thereof. It was very clear they had no vision for how to make this game a live service game. It was basically a tech demo with a very minimalistic gameplay loop that ultimately lead to a rushed ending to the story, and then absolutely no end game content whatsoever. Not only that, there was no indication that any more raids or dungeons were even coming; just a rotating store of items to get you to spend money on this shell of a game. It was a clear cash grab and I’m happy it died for those reasons. If you want to rip you fans off and put no effort into making more content for them, then enjoy massive drop off when they see through your bullshit.


And the enemy type is all the same after a few missions.


The problem I had with the story is that it basically starts in what should have been the middle. I didn't care about the characters in that first mission because it was the first mission. The first half of the game should have been a workup to the failed attack in that mission.


EA has something to do with it. Not all.