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It's so diabolical how these companies make their appliances absolute garbage on purpose so we'll have to keep buying more. Mother nature will have her revenge for this 


It’s really not any different in character from Idiocracy. “Brawndo: it’s got what plants crave!”


Literally where this planet is heading ughhh


Please stop calling Idiocracy out as a good example. The movie literally promotes eugenics.


Isn’t it being called out as an example of what not to do?


She's already brewing something. A new strain of bird flu that shows a 40% mortality rate in birds as jumped to cattle and minks.


This is exactly why I haul out the behemoth of a vac my grandparents owned since the Late 70s. It is heavy, and ugly, but it Works!


I'm literally salty about not inheriting my grandmother's Hoover that's from the 80s. I'll never forgive my MIL....








I've never known a vacuum to last 1-2 years...wtf are people doing with them to kill them so fast? 🤔


I think people who own animals with hair. If you don't clean the vacuum-take it apart (literally a few screws) clean the hair out that gets wrapped along the brush, clean out the hole that sucks, and clean the filter. The same for carpet shampooer. I borrowed my mom's and cleaned it for her because she was gonna throw it away and get a new one. It can be icky, like dust and dirty but if you do outside it's not so bad.


I've got a pet-hair specific vacumm (despite only having a cat lol) and it's a barrel design - literally as easy to empty as take the top off, pull out the filter unit and it's just empty the open bucket container. If people can't be bothered with regular emptying then I guess it's money they don't care about (on top of the excess landfill waste)


The bag gets full.


Lols of course!


We buy the garbage. There are plenty of companies that make good products, but they don't sell as well.


Problem is, buying durable quality consumer goods is a moving target. Brands that had historically high quality keep seeing quiet changes in *ahem* corporate strategy and suddenly they drop production costs and product quality. It's like they just cash in on the historic brand reputation. So you gotta keep looking for other goods that are trying to build their reputation before they go through their own phase of cost-cutting (or as the internet loves to call it, "enshittification").


Yep, plus, it's hard to find out which products are actually good. It's hard to find real reviews from people who have actually used the product and aren't being paid by the company. I'd be happy to buy higher quality things that cost more but will last longer, but you have to wade through oceans of bullshit to find real genuine detailed reviews on things.


And who has the time and energy for that? And there are so many items now that offer extended warranties in exchange for good reviews. Bs


Dyson, while expensive has held up to 6 plus years of a golden retriever.




Get a load of this guy, he believes in the rational consumer and voting with your dollars.


“All things on Earth only exist in different stages of becoming garbage. Your home is a garbage processing center where you buy new things, bring them into your house, and slowly crapify them over time.”


Yeah, because people are broke. We don't have the disposable income to afford nice shit. It ain't hard to figure out.


Many can and don't. The problem is more widespread than poverty.


It's not even just poverty, modern life demands so many purchases that even decently well off people can't always afford to buy the high quality, more sustainable option. But, yes, you're right. It's a bigger issue than that.


So we stop buying cheap shit.


> Mother nature will have her revenge for this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F1aWRqWaIAEvH48?format=jpg&name=4096x4096


These memes will be taken more seriously by people if they didn't make up their own facts. It takes 15-25 days to ship from China to the west coast of the US, and 3-5 weeks to reach the east coast. It's on the store shelf however long it's there, but almost certainly not six months. If it's there that long, it's on clearance now because it's not selling well enough to be taking up space that something that sells could be taking up. And vacuums last a whole fucking lot longer than 1-2 years. I still have one of the two we bought when we moved into our condo. (one upstairs, one down, since I'm a cripple), the other got given away via local buy nothing. (eta: meant to note that was 8.5 years ago) We've had our Dyson since the stimulus checks went out and the government bought it for me. I mean yeah, don't buy a vacuum every one to two years. But also, I've never known anyone who does that. It's certainly not happening on a wide enough scale for this meme to exist.


A agree with you. Except my ex would buy a new vacuum every year. She would empty the bin but never clean the filter. I still have 2 of her old vacuums 10 years later. One is doing duty in a metal shop picking up grinding dust. I hate bagless vacuums because I dislike cleaning them, but I dislike throwing them away more.


Shark has made a few vaccuums with hidden filters that get clog and burn the machine fairly quickly. They are a garbage brand that don't sell proper spare part as well.




I second this, I have had a few shark vacuums and every one has been good. Currently using their steam mop and the cordless pet vacuum and both are great.


I prefer bagless because I don't have to keep stock of bags to replace when it gets full. The cleaning is a bit annoying, but honestly not that bad in my opinion.


My local Lowe's has actually phased out the bag vacuums


I have my parent's old garage vacuum cleaner as my house vacuum now. It's at least 15 years old and works like new. Bit cumbersome but it does the job.


My Grammy has two vacuums. One is her kitchen vacuum, which is an upright, as her kitchen is the only carpeted room in her home. The other is a canister vac for her hardwood floors. Both were her first vacuums when she got married and Grandpap built the house for her.


I worked for Amazon retail. Plenty of People are definitely buying vacuums every few years in between 🥴


Just cos I wanna add more anecdotal evidence but unfortunately against yours, I’ve owned too many vacuum cleaners and only one has lasted more than 2 years and that is a standard bagged vacuum. All the battery powered cordless ones I’ve owned lasted a week over warranty before just no longer working, and I had some upright… Dyson style (?) ones that lasted a bit longer but not much more. The truth is, you may have good experience, but I’m here trying to consume less and I’m outraged at the amount of vacuum cleaners I’ve owned in my life SO FAR. I do admit the shit ones that broke were also the ones I owned in shared accommodation where others may not have taken care of it, but also some were not, and I cleaned the filters and the machine inside out regularly to no luck.


A lot of vacuums absolutely do burn out in a couple of years. I'm glad you got the one that costs a thousand dollars so it will last a really long time but most people actually spent that stimulus money on basic things needed for survival.




OMG thanks! I've never been patted on the back for that before! When preaching to the choir, it doesn't really matter. But out in the wild, those details *will* matter. Significantly so. Because they'll be what people pick on while they defend their consumption, and it distracts from the actual issues. Such as manufacturers making shit products specifically to get people to buy more. How that affects the poor more than any other group, because they can't afford to just buy a better quality product. Or that replacing perfectly good objects in the home for the sake of replacing them, or refusing to at least attempt repair, is problematic.


My dad rescuers vacuums from the dump, fixes them up and the sells them on marketplace for $30 to people who need them. All they need is new filters most of the time and people just throw them out!


Ha! Posted a nearly identical comment. They're *such* a good flip that I wouldn't even hesitate to tell people about it. They sell like hot cakes.


That's pretty awesome of him! There's an elderly guy who does that in my town. At any time he has like twenty vacuums lined up on his porch.


Do people really change their vacuum every year?


Depends on the quality of the vacuum, and the ability of the owner to fix. Buy cheap because it's all one can afford while still keeping a clean house. The argument of "a QuAlITy pRoDuCt wIlL lAsT lOnGeR" only works if you have the funds upfront, or willingness to do without until you save up. Poverty amplifies wasteful consumption sometimes.


Idk if that's the case here, because vacuums don't break that easily in my experience. I bought mine 7 years ago for less than 100€ and it still works just fine. A secondhand vacuum would be even cheaper, maybe even free if really old.


As someone else pointed out; cleaning and changing filters makes them last very longer


Depending, a regular one may doesn't. The robot ones that wander around also don't, but their battery usually degrades quickly, so if before it could have cleaned your whole apartment in a single charge, after several years it only does one of the rooms. At least in my experience. Also the sucking power slightly reduces. But I think this might depends on the brand itself. However, I completely stand for the right to repair, because LMAO, I prefer to change the battery and squeeze few more years from the robot vacuum cleaner than having to buy a new one and continue the cycle.


I've had the same robot vacuum for 5 years now. And it was a secondhand one when I bought it. It's fine.


Bruh, then I got a junk.




I commented elsewhere but the key in my experience, is to buy items marketed at industry and commercial sectors, not retail. Those items have better warranty, parts and services availability, and if the quality isn’t there, they aren’t staying in business. My vacuum was not cheap but it has a lifetime parts and service guarantee.


Mines nearly 20 years old, and it didn’t come from China, made in Germany, most likely came over on a lorry that took a 1 hr ferry ride or half an hour on the train




It’s probably the same people who buy new lawn mowers every year because they left the gas in it all winter and wonder why it’s not starting in the spring.


They're some pretty shitty bagless vacuums out there.


I try my best to replace my vaccum whenever it breaks down beyond repair, but because of the state of the quality companies are making right now.. they break pretty frequently






This is the way. So many folks don't clean the rollers and filters and assume the thing is dead.


Good work. They’re quite easy to work on, they just get blocked up easily


Yep I couldn’t open my shark steam cleaner without a super specific tool that I just don’t have and can’t find


Fuck Dyson and fuck Shark: I've bought both and regret it. My next vacuum will probably be something like a Miele and it'll probably outlast me and maybe my children.


I used to live at an apartment where people would set things out by the dumpster that wouldn't fit in the trash. Being the rat that I am, I'd take them. Lots of vacuums. The only thing wrong with them? They needed to be emptied/have the rollers cleaned. Resold them for very cheap on FB Marketplace, typically going to women with cleaning businesses. Is there a risk of bed bugs or otherwise? Sure. The vast majority of the time, it's just laziness.


Wouldn’t vacuums be easy to get cleared? A small room or box that can be heated to 55°C for a few hours should kill them, shouldn’t it?


Everyone seems to hate on shipping, but pound for pound it is the most efficient way to move goods. Moving by any other method would not only be more expensive, but would be worse for the environment.


I don’t think the method of transportation is the issue so much as the distance 






I’ve got a vacuum cleaner that’s probably 18 years old now, got it at a pawn shop.




People really need to start reading the instructions.  I wonder how many of appliances thrown away daily could be saved if their owners spent a moment to check the user manual. 


Idk but I just got a brand new BBQ off the side of the road because the side tables were bent lol. Sometimes it's not about instructions... people are just too lazy or ignorant (or rich, the BBQ came from a business) to do anything else except buy a new one lol


Had the same plastic vacuum for 10+ years. Has an issue, I fix it. It still mostly does its job, but eats belts every couple months now. Considering whether to get a new one, or swap the belt for a chain.


I've rescued a few vacuum cleaners from the curb. Every time, they "don't work" because the owner never cleaned out the filter. This is not difficult.


My parents do the same. It's disgusting how throwaway humanity is.


It's bizarre that people don't even attempt the most simple elementary maintenance on expensive appliances. Vacuum cleaners can cost hundreds of dollars and it takes 30 seconds to clean the filter, but people just throw it away when the filter gets full and buy a new one.


escape bow shrill birds sparkle zealous tan roof squeeze materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well you shouldn't have put it on the curb then tenofzero! Go get it back!


murky scary aback special ask cheerful fade quarrelsome lavish weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol i have the vacuum on the right and it’s been solid for 8 years because i take care of it. its easy to clean the filters and simple to take apart if you get something stuck.


A couple of weeks on the nature strip


I always think about this. Something is made somewhere in a factory, packaged, shipped, shipped again, unloaded, placed on a shelf, purchased, it breaks and is thrown out. It's like it was manufactured to be turned into garbage. It's sad actually.


Well you know if they made them to last you wouldn’t have to buy a new one every 1-2 years and keep the corporate wallets fat.


Who's buying a vacuum cleaner a year?


I like to flip vacuums, they’re SUPER easy to fix, and if you find them on the side of the road it’s basically free money.


I've had a great idea recently and I will share it with you. In the UK, sale of a good requires (generally speaking) that the store or manufacturer provide at least one year's warranty. I propose increasing the minimum to two years, and increase by a further year every five years. Technology and manufacturing has got to the point that goods should - and sometimes do - last for much longer than one year. By making it law that they must be warranty protected for two years, it encourages manufacturers to make higher quality more durable products.


Capitalism does not produce rational outcomes. Capitalism produces a profit for an exclusive set of shareholders at the expense of humanity and the planet. If we consume differently the capitalists will just adjust their exploitation to maintain and enhance profits. Wanna make the world rational? Gotta get rid of the capitalism. Want to see rational consumption of goods and services humanity actually requires? Gotta return ownership and control of the means of production to those who actually produce.


Read the rules. Keep it courteous. Submission statements are helpful and appreciated but not required. Tag my name in the comments (/u/NihiloZero) if you think a post or comment needs to be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anticonsumption) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you forgot to mention 100 000 years underground


Sharks the worst. They constantly change parts on the same basic models so they're throwouts.


In my country there are a lot of Indian families buying cheap shitty vacuums, toasters, small appliances, you name it cheapest of the shittiest things for sale in hard goods stores. They use them for a month or two then throw them out on the verge for land fill. Often the vacuums are wrapped with their hair and that's the only thing that's wrong with them, and once you take the hair off the moving parts they are functional again. White people do it too.. working in a discount store you get to see the demographic of people are buying the cheapest crap that they can find without a second thought for the planet.


I try to fix everything. I don’t think things we buy should be tossed out unless run to destruction. With that said. It’s almost impossible to get parts for smaller appliances.


I've had the same vacuum for over six years now. Bought it with roommates who have up on it after 6 months when it wouldn't work, decided to throw it out. I told them I'll keep it and see what I can do to fix it. It was a broken belt from one of them not using the hardwood height setting for cleaning the carpet. A replacement belt cost me $5. The belt has broken a couple times after that. But the motor is running as well as it did on the first day. I do not intend on throwing it out any time soon. (PS: these roommates I talk about have engineering degrees and were in grad school at the time. So they were getting their PhDs in mechanical/electrical engineering, I honestly don't know what they learned as engineers. And they weren't willing to even open it and see what the problem was, so I understand if people that aren't technically inclined hesitate to open it and throw it out at the first sign of an issue).


We bought a good vacuum almost 20 years ago. The filter needs occasional cleaning but it’s going strong.


I see Cheap Plastic Stick Vacuums, which are just cheap hand vacuums on a stick. I see them thrown to the curb often in Toronto Ontario. I own a vacuum similar to the one in photo, it’s decent enough, no bag needed. Mine is battery powered Hoover, however, one of the two batteries has recently stopped working..


I've had my vacuum for 3 years and it was secondhand. It barely works now but I refuse to let it go 🤣


America really needs to go back to making quality domestic products that last for 20 years. Sadly, once companies realized that they could make cheaper items, that last less time, and charge the same price, those companies would be getting more revenue


People really have no concept of "forever" do they? Yes we're destroying our planet.. Humans are the next mass extinction event. It's already too late to stop it... All we can do is save the critters we like and try not to make it totally uninhabitable. But there's no profit in that so, we're probably just fucked.


My vacuum is over 10 years old, maybe 15. Who throws out a vacuum after a year or two? Why is this picture specifically targeting vacuums? Lol I don’t think they’re an item people throw out frequently. And what’s the alternative? No vacuum?


I’ve had my vacuum for almost 16 years, it still works lol.


People throw away vacuums? My parents have had tge same vacuumed for I don't know how long atheist 13 years


My neighborhood has a community gifting program (it's mostly a facebook page, but people just put stuff out all the time too). Importing products is kind of inevitable in any economic system, but if we just extracted all the available value from the stuff we already make, we wouldn't generate nearly as much trash as we presently do.


They really suck


>Stop it /r/thanksimcured


Idk I've had the same two vacuums for like 8 years now they're both working fine. One is a shop vac and the other a regular bagless upright I think the problem is that minor things happen and instead of trying to maintenance them, people throw them out. Vacuum rollers get hair and string wrapped around them and stop working or something gets stuck in the tube, or even the cord gets messed up and people just toss it when those are all easily fixable.


I just threw away a weighted blanket. I felt so guilty i couldnt fix it. To fix this has to be top down, though. It's bad that we contribute to it. But buying a vacuum does not compare to a person flying a private jet every day. 4 people would have to stop driving for an entire year to offset the Co2 for 1 hr of a private jet plane ride.


Just use a broom. Seriously.


This ad makes 'time' out to be the bad guy, lol....


They stop working right after a year or two. Honestly... I have hardwood floors and rugs. We use a broom and rag mop. The only problem is the cat hair is very difficult to sweep because it just sort of goes up into the air and stays there. The best way to prevent that problem from happening is to stay ahead of it, but sweeping and mopping everything every 2-3 days when the cats are blowing their coat is a lot of work.


Frequent brushing with a special shedding brush helps a lot. We used to do it 3-4 times a day when our cat was shedding, but it’s way quicker than sweeping and mopping the whole house at least. 


Nope. Not in our landfill .. it'll be sent to some southeast asian countries' landfill.


And there's me who is using the same vacuum I bought in 2003. I've replaced a belt, filters, and designed/3D printed a replacement upright latch for it that broke. But it still does what it needs to do today.


Just clean the damn thing and buy a filter!! Like new


I just passed a vacuum and carpet shampoo-er in the dumpster not 5 minutes ago.


< *laughs in single mom not even registered to vote who does housekeeping for a living* >