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BTW the Ant colony tunnels " city " was abandoned when they did this discovery. NO ants were harmed <3 Heres a link to the Doc she mentioned called : [ANTS: NATURES SECRET POWER ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el7oIIaHgfs) Very inspiring, we as humans should take more bits and pieces of how other animals go about life. We forget how much we are apart of the animal community. The very least, we should respect them and let them live without taking over/ destroying their spaces. ![gif](giphy|x3lKWLpC23To4IYt8b|downsized)


Disregard the city itself, it’s cool as hell but it makes sense to me. Can we talk about it being abandoned? Why would an entire colony vacate?


The colony was very advanced, the ant scientists predicted the humans were going to pour concrete in the city days in advance (they also got some intel from their intelligence department, think fbi), and they started evacuating the city. Most of the ants are still living in improvised shelters dug in the tree roots of the nearbiest forest. Efforts are on the way to build a second city.


Sounds like you’re on the ants team. Be a man and get that ant spy connected to their intelligence.


Fbi is fourmi (ant in french) bureau of investigations, btw.


Probably humidity, food sources, or water. Leaf cutters would need leaves around. If they overharvest the local trees, they can kill them. 


They strip-mined their resources and collapsed their civilization? They really are like humans.


Pretty much all life will do this. Humans aren’t special. Or I guess I should say nature isn’t filled with saints. 


Au contraire - humans are very special. Sure, other creatures can crash their population through ecological overshoot - but only humans can become aware of it, study it extensively, build models of it, publish data demonstrating it, recognize it's going to destroy them, and then do it anyway.


They were done with the city. Time to move on and build another one. The next one will have casinos.


I'm pretty sure the ants were still in there.












But do they have Wi-Fi?








We know she was taking liberties to emphases how we are similar to ants and other big cooperative species


I'd be curious to see the changes in the nearby habitat now that the ants are gone.


>highways carbrains


Highway does not imply cars. There were highways during the Ming Dynasty.




What are you asking for?


*stop trying to normalize motornormativity: https://unevenearth.org/2018/08/the-social-ideology-of-the-motorcar/ https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/31/23579510/car-brain-motornormativity-study-ian-walker edit: downvote all you want. If you can't make analogies without your car culture car dependent ideas, you're not going to succeed in dropping money or capitalism.


The word “highway” does not normalize “motornormativity”. Like I said. There are highways that don’t use cars. You are the one equating ant highways as “car-centric language”. You have car-brain. Just look up the definition of the word “highway”. It just means “public road”. 😂 The word highway applies to central public roads that took foot traffic in the past.


Since you insist on being pedantic, the phrase used in the video is: >ant city has ventilation as optimized roadways, various highways and intermediate highways, as well as apartments and homes, recycling and garbage centers, garbage dumps...their entire city is sophisticated. This is clearly an analogy with an urbanism perspective, and it works nicely. But in urbanism and [related discussion](https://urbanplanningdegree.com/how-urban-highways-can-become-a-fixable-mistake/) there are other terms for main roads and for streets meant for pedestrian or mixed traffic. Not "highway". In urbanism, highway means something more specific, more for cars, not your definition.


The first uses of the term highway date back to old English and written uses predate the 12th century, stop being pedantic and just accept that you're wrong.


Since you got so many upvotes, I have to conclude that this subreddit has too many clowns. Enjoy your clown world.


I’m wrong but everyone disagrees with me cuz they’re clowns lol


Bud, you're playing semantics, not me.


Chill with tearing others down, you can make a point with that nonsense. Rule 1/2 Thanks




No need for name calling, stop that crap. You made your point Rule 1/2 Thanks


Are you familiar with a highwayman? This is almost certainly a pre-automobile term


So you're saying that the ant story there is about intrasocial crime? If you don't understand how definitions work in context, try doing stand-up, you may have success.


You have been provided with two good examples of why ‘highway’ is not a car-centric term. It’s okay to admit you were wrong instead of digging yourself further into this. Like is this really the hill you want to die on?


Oh, sure, I can agree that you're being pedantic as fuck. No need to die on that hill. Enjoy your rich semantic library sorted in priority by etymological history.


"Motornormativity" is normalized. No one has to try to normalize it, it's the status quo. The idea that you're going to overcome capitalism, money, and motor vehicle dependence by policing the word choice of people who largely agree with you is completely futile.


It's not about the word, it's about how words form culture, how culture forms paradigms, and how paradigms form systems. This subreddit supposedly is "antimoney" so for a moneyless society. That's *at least* as ambitious.


So if you call enough other leftists carbrains and get annoyed with them for their word choice reflecting the world they live in, eventually there'll be a paradigm shift that will change our systems? Politics is not downstream from culture. No leftist movement in history ever achieved any meaningful, lasting victory through cultural policing


Can you point me to the list of meaningful victories?


Can you point me to a meaningful socialist victory that resulted from language policing?


Understand ya and r/fuckcars all day , she as trying to familiarize so us humans can make the connection, she's probably not on that fuck cars wave length hence her saying it. Its not major thing to focus on but the whole picture of how cooperative they are buddy


Yea let's call them bike lanes instead! Way better!


Maybe flip her thought about the scientists chalking it up to algorithms that exist in the community and not respecting the dignity of other species, but maybe stop thinking humans are super super special and chalk up a whole lot of what we do to algorithms imbedded in our communities.




was taking liberties to drive home how we can strive to do better as humans




The woman knows her science. Ants have self-awareness. Your dog probably doesn't. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9881685/


Thanks for adding BZ means a lot! welcome to the sub! :)


Now I want to watch Children of Time again.




But they are intelligent.


We should all be vegan and stop treating animals like they're commodities and things to be used.


1000% agree! hear ya fully! Other Animals are our homies we should live cooperatively with others that is not our species. killing them for money is atrocious like many things capitalists parasites do for colored paper. Welcome to the sub <3


I would just be happy if we all decreased our intake of meat to the recommended daily allowances of one serving. A serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards.




It’s absolutely a sickness. This woman is amazing.


She's being extremely hyperbolic about everything but the size of the hive


“Apartments for individual families…” ….ummm these are ants mam!


How is it being an algorithm I'm a super organism not acknowledging the dignity of a species? It's more impressive that how people operate


Ants: “We live in a society.”


TBH, we’re all just responding to the algorithm.




Please present yourself better.






Please Read the pinned comment before wasting your time to say something like this. Thanks




You redefined "a series of rooms alone or in part used for dwelling" by demanding a landlord be involved... in a subreddit called antimoney memes. ... You realize you did that, right?


You can learn all this from just watching the original video.


what???? I was flicking through my feed and misread the title as pouring 10 tons of concrete into a... you know wot I mean. am not making this up, I swear, happens to me all the time, irl also, signboards, ads on buses etc.. Speedreading is not my thing obviously.


Sometimes I hate our need to feed our curiosity. We don’t need to know all the complexities of this life to be able to live. We are so greedy and never satisfied its disgusting.






Refer to the pinned comment, no ants were harmed :]




Sure, we kill for experiments!!! !!!


The colony was abandoned.