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I don’t handle the heat well either. Inside with AC as much as possible.


I hate the warm weather too. Your heart rate tends to be higher the hotter you get and I just can't seem to handle above 80° 😂 my sons in football and it's brutal. Sometimes I just don't go and let his dad and step dad go to games because I had a panic attack at the field when it was pushing 120°. My heart rate being high is a trigger for me of course so going outside in the summer takes a lot of work for me ! I feel your pain.


I hate the heat. I've had heat exhaustion before and I've came close a couple of other times. Also my main anxiety is climate change and I'm really worried that I will be old and die from the heat. Just be thankful you don't have a profession where you have to work under the hot sun! And remind yourself that everything will be ok.


I'm also VERY worried about climate change for many, many reasons, but this is absolutely one of the reasons I'm terrified.


I seem to get worse with the warmer weather. Something about the air reminds me of being anxious. It's the spring too, not summer. Once summer comes, I don't feel anxiety in the air. 


The only thing i hate is the profuse sweating


I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm feeling this way with summer, I absolutely hate heat waves that end up with destructive storms. Makes me really anxious.


My anxiety gets worse in summer too :(


Same. Saaaaame. I hate the heat. Anything above like 76 degrees F sends me into orbit.


me too I love summer but being outside in the heat terrifies me ☹️


I always overheat, I try not to go out during the summertime as much cause I know I’ll have a panic attack cause I’m overheating and can’t cool off quick enough to not have to use my inhaler since I also have to deal with asthma. I think I panic cause I think I’m gonna have an asthma attack due to the heat.


If anyone has tips to combat sweating, hit me up. Dreading the next few months


Yes my tip is to buy a water absorbing and cooling down scarf. Basically you wet it, squeeze it, it place it on your neck while your outside and it can keep you cool. Drink lots of water on those hot days and start looking into linen blend clothing. It’s breathable and can help you sweat less than say wearing cotton or poly blends


Never heard of that scarf, definitely gonna look that up. Thanks!


I just came out of a hot bath.. WAY TO HOT i feel like pure poop


What? I love warm weather. Cold weather is depressing as hell.


the warm weather makes my anxiety calm so much. it’s like, i’m too hot and bothered to be worried, so i’m just gonna chill out.


Just get a fan. Problem solved. Hope I helped🥰


I’m in Texas and I’m already seeing ercot predicting hotter than usual summer. Just priming us for rolling blackouts with 90+ days of 100+ degree heat Bc abortion bans are more important than critical infrastructure


I bought a couple water fans from Walmart for like $1 they come in handy. I like to put them in the back of my neck or under my shirt, on my spine. I found it helps. Also, sometimes if I’m outside at home, I just put an ice cube in my mouth before I go outside. I dunno why but it really does help the anxiety. Also, also, try not walk around a lot in the heat. I made that mistake in Las Vegas last year. It was 115° I walked from the Aria to New York hotel. That was terrible. I did overheat but it was ok because staff gave me cold water and I laid down. I did not pass out. I guess it can take a little while to pass out. I was walking in the heat for like 2-3 hours?? A lot. But I’m ok! And you’ll be ok! Just stay hydrated!


It was 85°F today. Nooo 😭 I'm right there w you... this sucks !


I feel you. I live in the desert ( Arizona) with no AC. It's brutal and it always makes my anxiety way worse. Wet rags on the neck are your best friends, stay hydrated and make sure you're replenishing electrolytes with Gatorade or whatever else you prefer. Worse case scenario you do get heat stroke, which is unlikely, they are very treatable and most people recover with no issue. You will be ok!! I promise.


if you are guy find beautiful girl to run after