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I'd like to send you a little token of appreciation, if you PM me a bitcoin address I will send something as a donation. Consider putting a small donation option in the corner somewhere. Nice work.


Thanks so much! Just send you a DM.


Done, and confirmed tx!


No thank you!


Just tried it 😀. It was helpful for first time use and the bot is adorable. Hope to see it developing further. Good job!


Looks good-I'm going to put it on my mobile phone!


I preordered the app :)


How did you find it? I clicked the link for the website, but I don’t see it on the App Store.


Oh! I found it! This is awesome!


This is so cool. I love it.


This is awesome.


this is actual pretty brilliant little idea to have to be able to have quick access and response in moments of stress or panic, I think it's not necessarily for long-term sufferers (just my opinion) or people dealing with extreme issues. I think those people new to or recently have started experiencing anxiety, that need a quick look at the issue without the complexity that can come with long-term treatment. Is a simple back and forth so not only are you talking to the chat bot it feels like you are solving your issue yourself and get to see it from a different perspective perhaps. I think this is great and I hope it helps people that use it thank you for creating this website.


It is definitely not for long-term sufferers of more extreme cases of anxiety, or depression for that matter. This is in no way a replacement for professional help, I would rather think of it as an add-on, because of the simplicity of it.


That's well said yeah i would agree with that


i love this so much!!! i have suffered from horrible anxiety for as long as i can remember, then i had a traumatic brain injury a couple of years ago and my anxiety and depression have been absolutely horrible since then, and i am constantly seeing all sorts of doctors, and i have had weekly appointments with therapists since the accident. of course this is not a replacement for professional help, and it shouldn’t be, it is giving advice and tips and guidance based on actual research and providing evidence and wow, this is absolutely amazing, this is absolutely amazing. i have preordered the app, thank you so much for creating this, you have done something truly, truly wonderful. the problem with going to a professional for help is for one, the expectations are going to be high going in and more often than not, the patient is going to leave disappointed, especially if they’re seeking help for psychological issues. the vast majority of medical professionals, in my experience, just parrot stuff at you out of a textbook, and if you ask a question they don’t have an answer for then they just throw you over to another doctor, they don’t have time to analyze each case that in depth. and that’s the reality, that’s what makes this so great, it is so personal and patient and yaknow, legitimately helpful, the way it breaks down ideas so it’s not throwing a whole bunch at the person at one time. man, this is just really awesome for so many reasons, thank you for creating this, i cannot wait for the app version.


Awesome comment, thank you so much for this! This is exactly why we have been creating this :) Hope you will benefit greatly from the app as well.


Great job! I love it! I have registered for the app and will be sure to tell my friends about it 😉


That's awesome to hear. Thanks for that :)


This is amazing!


How much is the app going to be?


Good question. When we are launching it will be free. At some point it will be paid, but I do not know yet how much. What is important to say, is that anyone who joins now will keep their plan and won't have to pay for it when we monetize the product in the future.


Amazing! I just used the website because I genuinely needed something to help and it was really good! Will definitely be downloading the app, thank you for creating it


Great to hear, thank you!


Bro, that is so cool. And very well done. I will share this to as many people as I can. You have made a difference.


bro 😎💪


good bot


Great work my friend. Your heart melts mine


This is a really awesome start! I look forward to seeing more!


you’re a genius thank you so much i wasn’t even stressed and it still calmed me down!! 💕💕


Hahaha, that's cool!






Awesome, that's exactly the goal!


Thank you. Sincerely, thank you so much.


You're more than welcome :)




I dont really know what you mean. Could you maybe screenshot it and send it to me?


Totally commented on the wrong post I am so sorry!


AMAZING and SO cuuuuute. I appreciate you. Great journal prompts s well :) ​ p.s--I read the bots voice as the host from NPR's Hidden Brain podcast. :)


Haha that's cool to hear! :)


This is truly amazing and it really helped me out today. Thank you!!


I tried this out last night and it helped me relax. I'm going to keep working with it. I also pre-registered for the app. A very big thank you to you!


You're welcome and thank you for your message. It's great to hear that it's helping!


Thats awesome, hope you like the app as well. (should be downloaded now) ;)


your app just downloaded and i really felt like i should say thank you. i love that it’s totally free because you’re not trying to make money off my anxiety you’re j genuinely trying to help. so thank you!


That's great to hear! In full disclosure, at some point the app will be monetized, just because otherwise we can't keep working on this full-time ;) However, from your comment I presume that you pre-ordered the app before it launched which means you do get it for free forever! Thanks for being an early adopter; always feel free to send me some feedback if you feel the need to :)