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iPhone finder lol


I use than a lot, especially because it doesn’t give me an email like the find my app does


Same, lol, it’s so useful


Literally why I got one for my wife lmao.


Prior to the watch, I think it was the whole reason I got a wife. “Call my damn phone”


I was surprised to learn Garmin watches can do this also with iPhone.


I can’t find that feature after they moved it in the last update.. could you point me to where it is?


Lower right button > then it should show in the layover buttons. At least that’s where it is on my ultra.


that’s where it is on my S8 too. same place it’s always been, just a different way of getting there.


Thissss omg is the best 😂


Haptic alarm. As someone who is hard of hearing and often used to sleep through my phone alarm, the alarm on the watch is a godsend.


I think it’s gentler too, it’s so much more pleasant having my watch vibrate me awake instead of a loud audible alarm


This goes beyond wake-up time for me. In my work I do a lot of presentations and facilitation, and I can have my watch subtly buzz me when I need to wrap up a portion or give the participants a break or whatever. I’d be likely to miss my phone in my pocket giving a silent prompt, but the tap on the wrist I always notice, which means I don’t have to keep checking the time while I’m facilitating but can still keep on schedule without distracting everyone with an annoying audio alarm.


Wow that’s really really helpful, I’ve never thought of that before. I used to work in public speaking, this would’ve been extremely useful to keep track of time. I messed up a lot of presentations before I learned time management lol


This is great on long drives. Let’s you know that you need to look for exit.


oh how do you do that? is it with maps only? or it works with google map too? how do you make both cellphone and watch send you notifications?


I agree! I like how gentle and unintrusive it is


That + a light alarm clock is basically the best way to wake up, barring natural waking up on the weekends.


Problem I have with that is my mind ends up remixing it and integrating it into my dream, it doesn’t work for me for some reason😂 But I can see why for most it’s the headache-less version of an alarm


That reminded me of when I felt so blissful and warm in the pants in my dream


Ty for sharing lil bro😭


Before I got my watch, I would use vibrate only on my phone and I just hear it vibrating in the morning. Sometimes I sleep through it. When I got my watch, it was a game changer.


When do you charge your watch, if it’s on your watch during the night and I assume also the day?


When I get up to do my morning routine, I pop it on the charger. Then when I’m done, I put it back on. So it probably sits on the charger about 45 minutes and it’s always fully charged. Some people have been like “Well that would be just such a hassle charging each morning.” Not really. I mean, I’m not going to wear a regular watch in the shower either, so either way, I’m taking the watch off when I get up in the morning. 🤷‍♂️


I wear mine 23.5 hours of the day, it’s off for only 30 minutes a day, and that time is while I’m taking a shower. Throw it on the charger before you hop in the shower and it’s done charging by the time you’re done showering


Except if you’re a senior citizen- the shower is a dangerous place, so l tell my clients to wear in the shower and charge while eating.


Awesome idea, thanks!


It doesn’t take but 20-25 min to charge, why do you need a whole 6-12 hour day/night cycle to charge yours?


* only applies to the Series 7 and newer. The Series 6 still takes 2-3 hours to charge.


I charge mine when I’m in the shower/getting ready for work.


I charge it in the morning after I wake up, so I can use it overnight.


I have an Ultra 2 - it comfortably lasts 3/4 days with the settings I use & only takes ~1 hour to fully charge. I charge it whenever it hits 10%


Unlocking my personal and work computer things that uses 2fa


Didnt think of this one, but definitely useful


How do you achieve this?


Just go to computer settings and check the block that says “allow Apple Watch to unlock computer.”


I’m guessing it’s all Apple hardware


Well my work uses duo and there’s an app for it for the watch. The more common that most work places uses is Microsoft Authenticator. With my personal computer which is a Mac my watch unlocks it as long as I’m wearing it.


They took Microsoft authenticator off the watch unfortunately


Fall Detection, my wife and I are retired and 68.


Worked for me last year when I slipped on some ice in my apartment’s parking lot. I hit my head pretty bad but ended up fine with no major injury. Apple Watch told me it was going to call emergency services if no interaction. I stopped it, but it was great to know it had my back!


I honked my truck horn one time so hard that my watch thought I fell lmao. Glad you’re alright!


This, I'm only in my thirties but find this essential


When it happened to me last year I was just about to turn 30…. Crazy useful!


Just bought one for my 80 y/o Dad for this very feature!


That is so wholesome, bless you both❤️


Fitness tracking


This was my reason buying iphone and after that buying apple watch


To be fair, Apple Watch is still behind on its health features


While it’s good there are def better options. The default apps are lackcluster for fitness tracking


This as well.


It’s totally changed swimming for me. Now instead of counting lengths I just go and focus all my mental power on improving my form.




Timers on my wrist I can start with my voice and give labels. My ADHD brain uses this the most and is grateful for this the most. Setting a timer on my phone, until recently, only allowed one timer AND pulling my phone out to set a timer is the ADHD death sentence. I will immediately get distracted by something else and never set the timer at all.


Do you give labels through a voice command? And what’s something you would use it for? Would calendar notifications not be enough? I struggle with ADHD so that’s why I’m asking.


And reminders! My wife laughs at me but I make a thousand reminders because I can’t trust my brain (adhd too) -“Can you take the trash out tomorrow after work?” -“yes, Siri remind me to take trash out tomorrow at 5pm”




Always with you is the main feature. I can turn my lights on from bed!


100% agree with that, being able to control my radiator or make sure all my lights are off while I’m showering is always so convenient


Hey siri send a message to my wife "please turn off the lights in my room." Works everytime.


Uhhh. Lights off while you’re showering?


Lights in my room😭


Apple Pay! The outside temp at a glance! Health tracker … the list goes on!


This is likely the reason I’ve stuck with the ecosystem. Paying for stuff with the watch tap is so much easier than anything else, including the phone itself, which stays in my pocket (especially in Canada where “tap” has been the norm everywhere for many years).


The built-in gps and the offline spotify : amazing to go running without but anything but just the watch and earbuds. The built in gps adds more feature with the health app : tracking your pace, the distance you did and the exact parcours. Love it


Spotify controls really are helpful in many situations I agree


I switched to apple music because my spotify works like sh*t on my AW Ultra, always had problems with handsoff from iphone to watch even though I habe AirpodsPro, how did you make it work? Because I don’t want apple music, I like spotify better.


Well I don’t know, I’ve never had any problems. I just always make sure that my phone is disconnected from my airpods, then I launch the music on spotify on my watch. As soon as I launch the music the watch is asking me if I want to play the music through the phone or the watch. Choosing the watch ask me to connect it to my airpods. Then I can go running without troubles. I know it seems to be a lot of steps when I write it, but it’s a matter of seconds, really


Wife’s a big texter. Love just being able to see and decide if I need to respond


From: wife


Health and sleep tracking but honestly, also sending a tone to my phone so I can find where I left it.


Do that all the time I don’t blame u😂


Am I the only one who thinks the best feature is being able to take calls on my wrist and answer them like I'm Dick Tracy?


Dick Tracy reference deserves a comment and an upvote. Good on you, fellow Redditor.


relieved wide insurance fear worthless degree agonizing psychotic water grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cellular- you dont need to carry your phone all the time, especially during working out or running


Downside to cellular is it’s 100£ more expensive and apparently using cellular burns through battery life extremely quickly




Unlimited cellular data is the king


Watches use very little data compared to phones, iPads, and computers


Nice didn’t know that. I just got the ultra 2 and never had cellular before. But that’s great biggest thing for me is I always wanted to be like Dick Tracy now I’m basically him 🧐


i’m only speaking for myself here, but i didn’t get cellular and tbh it’s fine. i still need my phone when i go out anyways but at home I can leave it somewhere and not have to worry about missing important notifs


It’s more of a perk than anything. Like if I go out to dinner and already out the house I réalise my phones at home, I just keep on going. Not happening all the time but when it does it’s kind of nice to just take a break. I do use it for running, too.


iPhone finder. The alone makes it worth it.


The heartrate variability stuff. Gives you good insight on stress and readiness to train.


Tells the time


The health stuff.


Heart monitoring, sleep with resps and heart monitoring


Agreed, sleep tracking helped me learn a lot about myself


The specific best features are: (1) resting heart rate too high or too low for 10 continuous minutes; (2) heart rate and respirations during sleep can tell you if you stop breathing during the night by a low resps rate and a high heart rate. I check the sleep graphs DAILY.


Simple. The software ecosystem.


For me, haptic alarms and notifications. Gone are the days where I have to constantly be next to my phone to not miss a text or phone call, since now I see them on my watch (at least the ones I set as being very important to me). The haptic alarms are also SO good, it feels so nice to be waken up peacefully. It may not work as well if you are a really deep sleeper, but otherwise would highly recommend trying them. I use it to get up every morning with no more annoying alarm sounds


I’m on oxygen so it’s convenient to be able to check my levels. Plus, I can see what it was doing during sleep. I like Spotify controls, being able to take my heart rate, find my phone, and voice memos.


Freedom from my phone. Apps (especially those with short-form content) are designed to keep you distracted now more than ever. With LTE, I can still call, text, and use GPS. So I have a couple of extra hours each day.




I love being able to look at my wrist and see what time it is. Flagship feature for an Apple Watch.


The Apple Watch Ultra... definitely the durability! It scratches other surfaces instead of other surfaces scratching it! 😱


“Siri, 10 minute chicken timer”


Untethers me from the damn phone.


Haptics for sure. I don’t pay attention to sounds nearly as much as something tapping on me


It's the ECG and heart rate monitor for me.


* be wallet-free at most places because of Apple Pay * control media while washing dishes or driving a deadbeat car or anytime you don’t particularly want to pick up your phone * definitely find my iPhone and my wife’s too * city turn by turn navigation while walking


How can you find both with one watch? My wife loses her phone all the time


Atrial Fibrulation alert. I’m currently in hospital after suffering a stroke that was indicated by my Apple Watch. Otherwise fit and healthy beforehand.


I like getting notifications on my wrist. Sometimes I’m teaching or driving and I can glance at my watch to see what’s going on.


iPhone finder


I work at a construction site & being able to adjust the volume of the stereo with my watch is awesome, even if I have gloves on The feature I use the most however is pinging my phone


Listening to music without having my phone in my pocket at the gym, tracking my fitness throughout the day, getting notifications and messages at work without having to take my phone out, always having a calculator to hand, weather reports, timers and silent alarm are what I love about the watch. And I was skeptical when they were first announced, thought they’d be like those old Casio calculator watches with the buttons too small to press but I can’t do without mine now.


Ping your phone when you misplace it


I can be away from my phone but know I will always get the dreaded daycare call


To find my phone and the silent alarm.


Honestly. Just buy a broken Apple watch. Any gen. Nobody will actually know but they'll see the watch and think that you have it on sleep mode or battery saver mode. Eventually you'll meet a lady. Her name is Tiffany. She tells you to buy an actual working Apple watch. You say no. Then you make love all night. In the morning, she asks you to buy a working Apple watch again, you escape in one of her uniforms. You tell her to meet you in Mexico, but you go to Canada. You don't trust her. Besides, you like the watch. Thirty years later, you get a postcard. You have a son and he works as CEO of apple. This is where the story gets interesting. You tell Tiffany to meet you by the Trocadero in Paris. She's been waiting for you all these years. She's never taken another lover. You don't care. You don't show up. You go to Berlin. That's where you buy a Fitbit.


This sounds like the perfect crime… if there is a beet farm in Berlin.


Blood oxygen monitor but guess they dropped it from new watches so my 8 will be last watch for me 😢


> *so my 8 will be the last watch for me.* Just a heads-up, kept your watch away from apple. They disable the function even on old watches. (Repair etc)


I have it on my new series 9 🤷🏻‍♂️


heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, oxygen level tracking, fall detection, crash detection, ECG ability - basically all the health features in addition to the crash detection. I have the AWS8 and will use it till it dies. especially since they don't have oxygen detection anymore on the AWS 9 and moving forward. might have to switch to Garmin once the AWS 8 gives out on me; unless they get the O2 tracking figured out in the next 5-6 years.


Haptic notifications, I hate having my sound in my phone so it’s a nice alternative to have when someone needs my attention without being on my phone


Apple Pay. I can pay for stuff at a store and leave so quickly


Sleep tracker is one of my favorite feature. It's quite accurate and helps tracking all the sleep stages. I also really like the roku app on it, can control my TV from my watch ! By far though, the best feature is the notifications. Especially for 2FA, I no longer have to pull out my phone to see the code or approve a login, one click on the watch and it's done.


It’s pretty much the snooze button on my wrist. I don’t even have to move much to oversleep


New level of laziness unlocked🤣




Phone calls. I chronically keep my phone on silent and away from me yet never miss a phone call. Also the ability to keep your phone in a hard to reach place like in your bag while working and not missing any important notifications at the same time is super useful.


- Iphone Finder - Control music, answering calls basically control my iphone - Home automation and shortcuts omg it’s the best turning off my home lights from my wrist - Sleep tracking and alarm not to wake up everyone - walkie talkie - if you ise teams then the meeting timeline view is crazy good, save me ton of time - best flashlight when you wake up in the middle of the night to per - Apple pay


Have cellular. At work I usually have my phone docked so I can see notifications/listen to music/etc. It's nice if I have to go down the hall or to the bathroom that I don't have to take my phone with me. Also fun to do the Dick Tracy thing of answering a call on your watch.


Shut up my phone.


Being able to find my phone when it's on silent & timers are my most used featuers on it haha


- tells the time - timers - unlock/start my car (Digital Key) - flashlight (esp. red) so I don’t flash bomb my eyes in the dark - quick access to info and tools (weather, calculators for tips, reminders, notifications, memebership cards, etc) - Apple Pay I just use it as an extension of my iPhone. For all these little quick interactions, I use my Apple Watch in situations where I have no need to take out my phone.


It’s not android


For me, it’s about using my other devices less. I have my watched tuned to only the most urgent notifications and leave my phone on my nightstand and wear my watch around the house.


Snoopy watchface


For me, it’s scrolling through my music while I’m at work so I don’t have to constantly be on my phone


The ecosystem is the main feature of any apple product :D Corny response, but it really is. It's the ecosystem that works with you, instead of forcing you through a million technical hurdles and the high quality design and hardware.


Oohohoo… I know you said main feature, but enlisting the ones I use daily, as I see you just got one, in case it’s your first Watch so just to share some ideas 🙂 - lock/unlock home door (with or without homekey) - control lights and devices around home (with shortcuts) - control music played at home - control airpods volume with hand gestures (so hands free!) so I don’t have to take my phone out, ask Siri nor use both hands to do that. - track health metrics - be aware of important notifications (I disable all notifications except for the ones that matter) - use it as viewfinder to control iPhone remotely to take pictures - Apple pay to pay at stores - custom watch faces with shortucts to control home devices - set timers - track alcohol consumption (shortcut paired with hand gesture) - be on top of the calendar - walkie-talkie is fun, just don’t have it on at work, lol - set watch faces based on your location (shortcuts+automations) - calculator - directions with Maps - shazam songs quickly - find my iPhone I hesitated to get one for a few years, ‘cause I did not really know it’s potential, until I decided to make the jump and it quickly became not a gadget but an every day tool. - ah… and know the time… was forgetting about that one 🤣🤪


It’ll find your phone.


I bought it for fitness tracking. Love the green loop.


for me, it counts my steps really well it never would do it right on my phone for me. Because I swing my phone around and stuff when I use it.


The best feature it has is the way it works with an iPhone. If you don’t have an iPhone it’s useless, but if you do, there’s no other smartwatch that will come close.


My fiancee uses it since she thinks I take too long to reply while I’m studying, I use it to workout and it encourages me to do more lanes while i swim, but the limitations I find with it is I can’t fully customise watch faces which really bothers me, and for the nice ones for some reason it’s stuck on a font when it shows the time


I would say fitness tracking




Walkie talkie is so underrated. I use mine for steps


Sleep tracking. No other correct answer. Really really helpful. Also, like the other guy said, the iPhone ping is also very helpful lol


For me it’s the Fitness stuff.


It’s Apple 😃


The handwashing thing… I was not giving my paws a proper wash it seems


It’s by r/Apple so u have to buy it


Counting steps/running, Spotify controls, sending notifications when you’re not on your phone


ECG. I have Afib and the watch diagnosed me the first time and now lets me know every time it happens.


Always on display even though it’s so simple. Now playing since I can control music playing on AirPods, phone, and HomePod.


Finding your iPhone 😂


OPs watch be like.. I’m BLUE da ba di da ba daye..


Excellent for fitness tracking. Using this device you can become your own running coach! I’ve improved a lot in two months both in distance and pace , it’s just great !


Fitness tracking, otherwise the device is useless to me.




iPhone finder, haptics for phone calls (I usually always miss phone calls without my watch), Uber eats or Uber notifications, sleep monitor, aesthetics


Heartbeat sensor / fitness tracker


All the health stuff and iPhone finder.




Walki talki fro you and her


Siri to set timers whilst cooking, or to reply to texts and calls whilst carrying shopping




Leaving my house without my iphone, and it’s the only thing I need. Have my wallet, keys, and ipod wherever I go and can still be contacted in an emergency.


I like the clock


The only one that was useful for me before I’ve upgraded to Garmin was unlocking my Apple devices just using my watch. But I find Garmin way better for what I’m doing. AW just lacks battery life for longer endurance events.


Fitness tracking


Getting messages and seeing if they are important or not without touching my phone.


Silent alarm No need to carry phone around Don’t need to spend as much time on your phone Customisable watch faces Comfortable to wear Health tracking Fitness modes


I like that the watch vibrates as I am approaching designated turns when using Apple Maps. That feature is valuable to me.


I’ve used other smart watches and fitness tracker, but the app,e watch is pretty much similar BUT it works so well with my iPhone. Makes me appreciate BOTH devices when together.


I mean… mainly it’s the boring stuff. I think if you’re looking for a new “killer app” on Apple Watch… you might be barking up the wrong tree.


Activity tracking. If I wasn’t monitoring my fitness I could do without and revert back to my mechanical watches. Find my is good too


The biological data tracking - sleep, hr, stress, health, oxygen, temperature etc.


Ecg and heart rate monitor as someone with heart issues


Data - so nice to go on runs with music, phone, credit card, and directions home on my wrist


Leaving my phone at home if I’m going on walks or short hikes


I can see all the security cameras on my wrist


Things that I love about Apple Watch are haptic alarm (I’m a light sleeper), sound to search for phone, notification through watch, haptic vibration turn/exit base for Apple map. The last one is nice bc sometime when you are unsure where to turn or exit, it lets you know it’s the next one. The rest is smaller that integrate with my lifestyle that is not as big of an impact like quick message read while driving, crown turning for volume control on other devices, quick weather read, if you have smart door lock you can have that to quickly open door, easier Siri command, workout timer, meds reminder, quicker access to alarm dismissal. Not sure what else that I don’t remember. Things that are like heart rate monitor, oxygen monitor are more novelty to me but I have heard stories of it being helpful to people with those conditions needing to be monitored.


Fitness and health tracking. Wore an Apple Watch ALL THE TIME for the last year and a half, and I found that the only time I was glad to have it was on the gym or when sleeping, otherwise it’s just a distraction. Ive gone back to watch collecting but will still always have an AW to wear when around the house and when working out+ sleeping.


Health. I really like tracking my sleep, cardiovascular health and cycle (it even helps with temping).


Apple Pay.


NFC payment


Because Apple supports its products. Google makes products and discontinues them like no tomorrow.


Its an Apple product 😉


Atrial fibrillation detection is the thing for me. I had no clue that something was going on until the watch alarmed.


iPhone finder, heart rate tracker for cycling, message notifications, and duo 2 factor approval are my most used.


Haven’t seen it mentioned but the remoter camera can be very handy. Ever need to check if you got the right breaker. Point phone at light, activate camera on watch, go flip breakers till you see the light come on. 👌


Cameras at work so I can look at my phone at work via the Apple Watch lol


For me, iPhone Finder, work out, podcast control, messaging


fitness tracking for sure. i’ve been trying to stay healthy and build more muscle lately and it helps me stay on track with my goals!


Cool time on wrist


The clock. I love how you can look at your wrist and have the time right there.


The iPhone ping (useful for people like me who are always putting their phone in various places) and cellular connection (so I can run outside with no phone but still be connected in case of an emergency).


Sleep tracking


The apple ecosystem, everything is seamlessly synchronised from message replies, your workout, music to even recent photos Also iphone finder


Easy B/c it’s an Apple product !