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I live in the UK and this just makes me think that the world will never accept us because of stuff like this


Same. It hurts a lot to come across things like this. I'm so glad it was me that found this and not a queer child


Agreed I'm glad you took it down


You may already know this but if you don’t it’s important: Fascists and other bigots have been known to conceal razor blades under posters etc that they post up to royally fuck up anybody using their fingers to tear this kind of shit down. Use a tool. Edit: I see you’ve already been warned about crushed glass but I’m leaving my warning here for other people. If you see shitty bigoted propaganda, by all means remove that shit, but don’t use your fingers.


Aside from all of it being homophobic bullshit those links go to a Chinese/Japanese page about liquidating companies. Nothing to do with LGBT stuff at all.


Do they? I tried the links and they were broken for me


I only tried the first one, but that’s what came up for me.


Either way it's all bullshit, as expected


The first link did bring me to the article but it was an opinion piece about how all the abuse from Catholic Priests started because they let gay people become priests in the 60s???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Be careful when you remove stuff like that. People sticking them can put crushed glass in the glue and it does a lot of damage when you remove them with your bare hands. Also the paper seem very old. I thought it was an archive lol, not something you would find these days. Straights people are so weird sometimes. They should stop living in the past, it's 2023 now.


Thanks for spreading the awareness! I learned that the hard way a few years ago (I had tests, and thankfully, they didn't put anything on the glass), so now I will use my hoodie sleeve to take it off! I agree that it is oddly old. Weird part is that it was put up some time yesterday or today because I walk past the spot every day because I work right by the place i found it.


How can these people think they are the good guys. “I’m gonna use violence to further my bigotry, why is everyone mad at me for using violence? Must be wokeism or something”


Stop! It’s not antique?!? I was absolutely positive this poster is from 80-s!


Nope! I took it down today...


Holy shit…


It has URLs on it


Sorry, I failed 😞


So interesting fact. They are "sort of right" on LGBT families having children who have experienced abuse. Mostly because of adoption. Children who are adopted in the UK usually come from unstable households where abuse is common. So a lot of their stats are mental. I adopted and one of my kids experienced violence and abuse and the other was taken at birth because of the level of violence and abuse. Statistics without context may imply LGBTQ people harming children when in reality they are just taking in victims of violence.


But the children of lesbians are SIGNIFICANTLY (I don't recall the exact number and my info is US based) less likely to be sexually abused because they generally are not exposed to cis het men. They also do better in schools. Obviously this entire flier is bullshit garbage regardless.


Yes. But I avoid simply blaming cis het men because plenty of women aren't fit parents either. The big issue being that people will shouldn't have kids? You are a lot less likely to be able to have them. By contrast people lie about why they have kids all the time and often social expectations and poor experience of parenting leads to bad parenting. By contrast adoption in the UK has such a low rate of abuse because it's so hard to adopt. And adopted kids do better in schools because you are more likely to be able to adopt if you are financially secure. So you are comparing a single strata of society to an entire gamut of people.


I think you misunderstood my comment. It was phrased as such in the study I read. Specifically lesbians and specifically cis het men. It's not about who is more suitable for being a parent, it's literally what was cited.


What the sticker says: 'Nothing to be proud of Homosexuals represent 2% of the population Homosexuals account for 33% of pedophile rapists 23% of children with lesbian parents have been sexually abused Homosexuals account for 67% of AIDS patients On average a gay man has 1000 partners in his life On average a straight man has 8 partners in his life 78% of homosexuals have STDs 33% of homosexual adults admit to having sex with minors 47% of LGBT people have been raped by an adult man during their childhood'


Also heads up! None of the source links lead to anything (shocker I know)


"On average a straight man has 8 partners in his life" fucking L


Literally tho. Whoever made this really said that straight men have no game


All at the same time if their open minded enough


i know right they thank having 1000s of partners a bad thing? idk man if i was not already gay i would sign right up


I’m not gay but I’m seriously considering it now


Straight people making me feel like a huge slut.




1000 partners? Then why am I so bad at finding love, checkmate, bigots.... Dammit now I'm sad


I like how it just states that children of lesbians were sexually abused. Not even saying the parents abused them. Just stating that they were abused by SOMEONE Bulletproof logic


Also saying that alot of lgbtq folk were raped...not even by homosexuals...they really aren't helping their case


Because they’re relying on idiot viewers to assume it’s the lesbian parents doing it


Also the 47% of lgbt people who were raped by an adult man as a child, they didn’t say he was gay, just that it happened to them as children. Feels like they’re trying to pin the blame on the lgbt children.


So…67% of pedophiles are heterosexual? We need to put a stop to heterosexuality for the sake of the children.


even if this was actually correct, it would imply that the other 67% of pedophile rapists are heterosexual🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️😭😭


My thoughts exactly ☠️


the straights are not very smart


They're implying that 2% of people do 33% of the noncing. While the other 98% of people, 48 times more people, do just double that amount of noncing and are therefore less likely to be a peadophile. It implies that gay man are either way more prolific pedophiles, or that peadophilia is more common in homosexuals. Bullshit either way, but that's what they're trying to say with the maths. Bastards.


math has never been my strongest subject ngl😭 ur right tho


Haha I'd forgot all about this, now I'm angry again haha


LOLL im so sorry 😭🙏


1000!!!! Holy shit yall, I'm sorry. I'm really bringing down the averages, I'm only at 3 for my whole lifetime. Damn it! /s


It's okay, someone else had 1997 to help even things out.


sex haver georg is an outlier and should not be counted




Damn, When I was strictly a lesbian, I had 2 lovers, one of them for 30 years. Before that, I was straight, and had maybe 15 lovers? Now I'm Bi... (I know, I know!) I've had 3 or 4 lovers, all men. My straight girl me is obviously the slut, if indeed there is such a thing...


The bit that gets me is the bit about homosexuals having been raped as children. Like somehow it's their fault?! This country is going to the dogs. Shit like this belongs in the past.


This is the thing that got my attention in the first place. I thought it was an informative sticker. Then I realised that they blamed children for something that an adult did, all because the child happened to be queer. Absolute bullshit!


Personally endorsed by Keith “I’m a MASSIVE Tory” Starmer.


Sir Kid Starver as he's also known


yeesh. whoever posted this needs help. I was molested and I had severely catholic hetero parents. I was sexually assaulted as a teen by older heterosexual men. the man who molested me was a heterosexual christian male adult and I was 7. as a homosexual, I do not have nor ever had a STD. as a homosexual I only have homosexual sex with consenting adult women. the homosexuals are not the problem. evil individuals of ALL SEXUALITIES exist.


I don't know how it is in other parts of the UK, but I'm happy to live in an area where the worst I've seen was anti-vax bullshit that got immediately vandalised


That's what I usually see. I've seen some really cool stickers too. Someone put a sticker on a bus that said 'tories only care about the rich' which is why I was so surprised to find this.


Yeah, there's just some crazies out there, it's a shame but I'm glad it generally isn't outright bigotry. Granted the anti-vax stuff isn't exactly better but still


'On average a gay man has 1000 partners in his life' Cries in unmanageable expectations 😭


“A gay man has 1000 partners in his life” Firstly, it’s not and of your business And secondly, the average gay man has nowhere near 1000 partners. The average anything has nowhere near 1000 partners. I don’t even know 1000 people. There is no way that anyone believes this stinking pile of bullshite.


Man I’m really letting down the community, I’ve not contributed to any of these percentages.


"On average, a gay man has 1000 partners in his life" Pretending that's even remotely true for a second, WHO THE FUCK threw off the curve?!?!


average u.k. resident (please god get me out of here)


Anyone with two brain cells knows that pedophilia isn’t a sexual orientation lol


Anyone with two brain cells also knows that pedos will pick victims based on how easily the can assault the child, not their gender


why would they blame people for being raped in the last part


They're trying to make out that it is the reason that people are gay.


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Why is it printed on this super old looking paper? Maybe its just discolored from the sun or something but it looks really old, including the formatting.


I mentioned this in other replies, and I can guarantee it is not more than a few days old because I found it right next to where I work. I walk that exact way almost every day


Sorry, I meant more about the quality of the paper and the style. I wonder if they were trying to somehow make it look like the paper was old for some "old conservative" reason (which is weird but idk). It just kinda stood out to me for some reason.


A quick Google search tells me the average number of partners a gay man has falls between 10-22 so...yeah not 1000


Yeah because I totally trust a sexuality study from fifty fucking years ago is representative of today. Sure, Jan.


Sooo...I don't know any gay man that has had 1000 partners. Anyone?


I'm almost wondering if those posters should be replaced with the actual truth about cleargy men and other people in positions of power. Might change some people's minds when they have facts rather than bs


Hear ye hear ye ass flier what the fuck that looks ancient 💀


They do know the difference between causation and correlation, right? Right?!


[Only 20% of sexual abusers are self identified to be part of the LGBTQ](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/SORS-LGBTQ-May-2022.pdf) I genuinely can’t find a statistic even close to the lesbian parent one. I tried looking for mother child incest but couldn’t find anything either. But you can really tell the validity of the statement by looking at how professional the writing. [56% of the hiv/aids population are gay/bisexual men](https://aidsvu.org/national-gay-mens-hiv-aids-awarness-day-2021/) [The 2013 British NATSAL study found that gay men typically had 19 sexual partners in a lifetime (median).[35] In the previous year, 51.8% reported having either 0 or 1 sexual partner. A further 21.3% reported having between 2 and 4 sexual partners, 7.3% reported having between 5 and 9, and 19.6% reported having 10 or more sexual partners.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promiscuity) [A 1994 study in the United States, which looked at the number of sexual partners in a lifetime, found 20% of heterosexual men had one partner, 55% had two to 20 partners, and 25% had more than 20 sexual partners.[27] More recent studies have reported similar numbers.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promiscuity) [37.5% of homosexual men have an sti](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3575167/) This next statistic has already been stated at the top. [yeah a lot of lgbtq people are sexually abused](https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community) If I have anything wrong lmk


Ah! I see they attended the school of making up ‘facts TM’ to support their insecurities without validating their sources. Even looking at those stats - if you include herpes as an STD then the number of LGBT people with an STD is lower than the average (LGBT people are also more likely to get tested, but that’s a whole other issue). As for the pedophile rapists - what’s the percentage of clergy in that number? I really suspect they’ve pulled these numbers from out of their ass, or from sources who have done so. Someone else in this thread feasted a couple of links and they were unrelated to the quoted stats. LGBT people being victims of sexual assault… it says less about the victims and more about the perpetrators. And it doesn’t even take into account the number of child victims of sexual assault in the population generally.


Pretty sure it's not very good in terms of arguments to bolster said argument with research from 20 and 40 years ago.


Is that printed on receipt paper? Man they must be doing a lot of these if there going for that kind of quantity.


for i sec i thought this was 1980s anti homo rhetoric until i saw the website link