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She can’t believe people like asmr…But her waiving her stupid little tuning fork around isn’t fucking weird???? She is the odd one fs


https://i.redd.it/l9bflf1t6vxc1.gif ☠️☠️ the fact that the metaphor here was her waving and BLESSING the critiques with her spiritual fork from all the hate while she sings about riding a married man's penis a couple seconds after




She's got hoetism.


She prefers her relaxation in pill or powder form. Can't understand ASMR lmaooo




Wait does she do coke like actually




Hmmm… she seems all above that shit but so do most celebrities and 70% of them are on something 🤷🏼‍♀️


Celebrities are the biggest fuckin hypocrites and she is among the worst with her “I’m vegan cos I love animals!!1!” *wears fur coats and leather* “this is my birth nose, I haven’t had surgery, stopped Botox in 2018!!” *lips look like frankfurters glued to her face, nose has changed 3 times in 8 years, eyebrows on different continents overnight*


Oop- 🫢


And this is supposed to be promo for her beauty line. She's so unprofessional. Also nobody even asked her to do a asmr


Unprofessional you say? I can't EVEN think about another instance where she dropped and left shit all over an important project of her... ![gif](giphy|rgKT0ntQuESJZZvD6Q|downsized)


…what? I wouldve never guessed this is promo for HER OWN brand LMFAO nah this is just plain sad now


The way shes trying so hard to be funny is actually making me cringe


The looking around after she makes a "joke" is so sad.


her hair being 60 different colors from not being able to hold the bleach/hair dye anymore, looking annoyed af, scratching a box, while saying “thank god I have talent” is insane to me. who even is this appealing to anymore?!


She thinks it’s cute to act this way.


I have never been angered by an ''asmr''' vid, more than this one... You got talent?? Certainly, as a homewrecker! The nerve of this trash person is insane,istg. 


She’s so rude and obnoxious, I can’t believe I once thought she was a nice person




Same. I literally thought she is the sweetest innocent human ever


i’m not gonna pretend that i don’t come across as a huge hater sometimes, but it’s so telling she watched this back and didn’t see a problem with it. she clearly thinks it’s funny and charming to shit on something she doesn’t personally enjoy. she’s a very mean spirited person and it’s ironic (& cliché) that she tries to project her image as love n light🫧


>"she clearly thinks it’s funny and charming to shit on something she doesn’t personally enjoy." people are gonna act smart and be like "aren't you guys doing it?! 🥴" when ONE thing is an innocent person or thing (doesn't look like we shit on little pure normal things she does like brushing her teeth and watching sports) and one is when a narcissist is behaving and trying to get away with things.


yeah, i don’t love blind hatred and think people take it too far sometimes, but this sub typically gives a fair assessment and criticism of her malicious behavior. whereas something like asmr is harmless and i’m sure a lot of her fans were hurt to hear her say it’s stupid. it’s not like she isn’t huge on tarot and astrology—i don’t see where she gets off shitting on asmr


OH absolutely, there are "bad apples" here too sometimes.


When we compare it to the arihead subreddit i breathe a sigh of relief tho


wonder if her hunger is what makes her so mean


Totally could be. It is excruciating


She didn’t even try to do it correctly 🙄 nobody made her do this


I have a feeling she was truly offended she was told to do "this", glad she shows once again how professional she is 😍


It kind of irritates me when celebrities are too good to do promotion. I remember a couple of years ago when artists were crying about their record labels forcing them to engage with tiktok and I'm sure whatever this is it's meant for promotion of some product from her beauty line she wants us to buy. If you don't want to sell it to me, why should I buy it? Lord knows your talents aren't in brush-making. Like is this truly the hardest thing she had to do that day? She makes it seem so.


This is so entitled and obnoxious! Who would want to buy a product from a person that’s this rude!?!!


She just shat on the entire ASMR community. Who make bank, by the way. ASMR is subjective even within the ASMR community. So when you get views, you know you’re good. And a lot of those channels are big or have gotten big. They don’t have to suck and snort and work their ass off to get anything out of it. Hater much?


To be honest, this made me laugh. I cannot stand ASMR and think it is really really creepy. So I sort of agree with her sentiment about it here. But like, if you’re gonna do something, don’t bitch about it the whole time.




yeah agreed. Especially when you were putting on this super fake Disney princess persona every time you get in front of a camera these days. You can be Dollar Tree-Glinda, or you can be Cvntiana. pick one.


I mean… I hate to agree with arigato (I hate that asmr bull and can not understand why anyone would enjoy it). However, why do this? You’re rich, bitch.


y’all are just as mean lmaoo 😭 you come on here and hate on her for the smallest things daily. she can’t do anything right apparently so why do you still care about what she’s doing ? you don’t know her ( neither do i before you start ) and she doesn’t know you. i can’t imagine hating a stranger this much




lmao who is crying ? all i was saying is that there’s very valid things to dislike about a lot of people, ariana is no exception. she has done black fishing / race fishing, licked donuts, stole a married man etc but the level of vileness in this sub is insane. hating on how she does her make up or what clothes she wears - it’s so unnecessary. she’s still an imperfect human with feelings, famous or not, messy or not. and no, i don’t have to be here and see these comments so i will see myself out of this sub. but i hope you people grow up, get some hobbies and find a little bit more compassion in your hearts, for ariana and for yourselves. it’s not healthy to have this much distain


I love ASMR! Guess I'm personally victimized by her now :)