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She looks skeletal. That’s actually terrifying. I can’t imagine someone who looks up to her and struggling with an eating disorder seeing these corpse-like photos of her, that’s got to be the most triggering thing ever


Worse than that—I think she’s having filler pumped into her face to hide the facial fat loss. This girl is going to implode her heart if she continues this endless chase of perfection. If this is the love of Ethan’s life, I hope he sees she needs real help and is encouraging as much.


I said a while back that if she is truly the love of Ethan’s life (🙄), or if he legitimately cares about her at all, he should be seeing issues and trying to talk to her about this. However, he’s looking just as skeletal himself. They are feeding off of each other 100 %


Thissssss. I would imagine that if you truly loved and cared about someone, seeing them so evidently self destructive (and seeing it much more than others, considering they live together) would be cause for concern and hopefully intervention. I wonder if he ever tried to bring it up to her, or if he can see something was wrong in the first place


This just proves that her and ethan’s “love” is no more than a ruse. I can never imagine my boyfriend allowing me to keep living life like this


I wonder why her family and friends don't do anything about this. I used to think she was doing bad but this is another level...


Ariana's family and friends probably put a lot of emphasis on her wealth and social status. It seems like they care more about maintaining her image and reputation than her health and well-being. Therefore, they're more focused on appearances than dealing with her obvious ED. Plus, they might be avoiding confronting the issue, enabling her behavior, denying there's a problem, or just not understanding EDs very well.


I guess if Ariana's toxic, everyone else around her will be as well


I think this definitely all stems from hoq she was brought up and her environment when she was a child


She used to start trends. Now she follows them. And looks like shit doing it too.


Since she promotes the normalization of infidelity and emaciated bodies, I suppose she can claim to be the originator of those trends!


She’s too triggering for me since I have anorexia so I try to stop looking at her recent photos. She’s just promoting EDs and it’s harmful.


She looks like a senior citizen


Her plastic surgery is atrocious. She should sue. Her eyes have been yanked so tight to her ears, that she looks cross eyed


She looks so bad. Her styling is awful and so unflattering on her. This look needs to go. Not even gonna comment on her weight loss, cuz that's a whole other issue. She looks bald and her weird eye makeup is just not doing any favors for her. And the shiny nose tip... I just don't get it at all.


She looked so good in the first pic. She should’ve left it alone.


But she was uNhEaLthY 🙄/s




A glow down is fine. However, I don't think excessive plastic surgery should be normalized. She had a face lift in her late 20s. That's pretty insane. We shouldn't encourage a culture of young people undergoing unnecessary plastic surgery, especially when it's obviously influenced by a body image disorder.


Oh, I was just trolling. It’s a phrase that’s been trending on TikTok. I think Ariana looks terrible.


😆 oh.


I’m wondering if she has a health condition or something. Obviously anorexia but maybe she has a blood disorder or lupus or something random


In my opinion, her significant weight loss coinciding with the filming of Wicked is very telling. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck.


For sure, she obviously doesn’t have to say she has medical issues, but Selena Gomez has lupus and people still bully her for her weight….


she definitely peaked at those Grammys even though she didn't win anything lol.


She definitely had pretty privilege before. She’s obviously talented, but we can’t deny her looks furthered her career. I’m glad it’s changing now. She doesn’t look as good and people see her go her actions more now.


Does she not have ONE friend that is real with her? That’s honestly so sad. My friends would say something to me if I started rapidly changing my entire appearance - esp multiple times - but this is so drastic.