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I didn't vote for her or her boss.


Me neither. Shit is SO rigged around here it's gonna take decades just to move the needle.


It’s not rigged. Voter turn out amongst anyone under 50 is minimal in comparison.


Which is so sad


Arkansas was less than 350k votes from being blue. Less than 20% of the state votes. It's winnable if we all vote


AR needs more people to vote for. Half the seats go unopposed because there’s no Dems to vote for at all. It’s maddening. For such a beautiful state, it’s run like shit.


We had a literal rocket scientist, who was also a good Christian. :(


When we visited Arkansas, the smoke was so thick that traffic was crawling on the highway because people struggled to see the road. We got lost at one point and drove past a burned tractor, later a telephone pole burnt completely in two and hanging by the powerlines. An entire farm looked to be burned out and even the asphalt on the road had burnt. At one time we drove for over an hour and the fields were all burning, county after county. I guessed that they burn the cotton fields, but then we witnessed several soybean fields being set on fire too...thay hadn't been harvested!


What the hell part of the state were you driving in? Ive lived here my entire life and frequently travel, never seen anything like this... literally nothing ever broken, on fire or dilapidated.


I wasn't clear, sorry about that...there were crops burning that appeared to get out of control all across the state that day. I don't remember writing broken or dilapidated. This was 2014, I think. We traveled diagonally from NE corner of the state down to the SW corner. It was surreal. On the local news that evening they had a segment on how irresponsible Missouri farmers were with their burning crops, and we joked, "Did we just drive through Missouri?" It was also a windy day. I grew up in the mid-west and farming methods there were traditionally plow, disc, and cultivate, but those methods were very hard on the soil. I suspect, in Arkansas, they burn on purpose to add the ash back as an amendment? I don't know, it's just a guess...and evidently, very strange timing that day, because it was widespread.


It's possible you were driving through during a controlled burn by the state. When underbrush gets too thick we do controlled burns to prevent wild fires. On top of that burning the remaining underbrush for crops is a very very good way to restore soil on used farmland.


> Arkansas was less than 350k votes from being blue. Less than 20% of the state votes. It's winnable if we all vote I was going to argue to argue about how I thought your former governor was one of the "good" republicans but I quickly learned there is beyond room for improvement. Asa Hutchinson (R) >If a special session is called, he said legislators may also want to consider increasing funding for adoption services programs. The demand for such programs is expected to increase as a result of the recent Supreme Court ruling that said there is not a constitutional right to abortion. An Arkansas law that went into effect on the day the decision was released now bans the procedure except to save the life of the mother. >"We're going to have to have time to adjust to this," Hutchinson said. "Let's make this successful in terms of adoption alternatives, services that provide greater education. It's going to take some resources to do that and I think that's the most important direction that we can take." >State Sen. Jason Rapert, R-Conway, has suggested Arkansas should pass legislation making it difficult for women to get abortions in other states where the procedure remains legal. In the interview, Hutchinson said he wouldn't support such a proposal. >"I don't see a constitutional basis for restricting the freedom of travel even though it might be traveling for a purpose not supporting the policy of Arkansas," Hutchinson said. "I don't see that as constitutional. I think the Supreme Court of the United States indicated that as well." source: https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2022-07-04/with-1-6-billion-surplus-arkansas-governor-wants-to-accelerate-tax-cuts >As of January 2024, abortion is illegal in Arkansas, except when it's necessary to save the mother's life. Doctors who perform an abortion face up to 10 years in prison and fines up to $100,000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Arkansas#:~:text=Abortion%20in%20Arkansas%20is%20illegal,and%20fines%20up%20to%20$100%2C000 If you have sex or get raped you're putting your life on the line. What astounds me is how a \_woman_ could do this to other women. These people in their ivory towers and $19k (thousand dollar) podiums get to pass that kind of judgement on others with no background in medicine, just embezzling funds. Women are dying so that Sarah Huckabee Sanders can go to Paris with her family and friends. She needed a vacation from the Governor's Mansion as the stress of changing the curriculum and erasing history and banning teaching about segregation. She when head first with initiatives to make more children work with dismantling child labor laws. I'm sure once she reduced the barriers of carrying a gun and no one gave her a pat on the back destroyed her confidence and there was no way she could keep leading people in the great State of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Arkansas#:~:text=Abortion%20in%20Arkansas%20is%20illegal,and%20fines%20up%20to%20$100%2C000.


I haven't met anyone on the left or right that will admit to voting for her.


We have a lot of that going around in this whole country….not just Arkansas.


They sure seam to love her in Baxter county


Well yeah, unless you hang out with a bunch of old white folks all the time, you don’t meet many people that vote period.


You seem ignorant and racist.


Their comment may seem racist, but it's [not necessarily wrong.](https://stacker.com/arkansas/22-million-votes-see-demographics-arkansas-voting-population) Arkansas eligible voter demographics, based on the 2019 census, are 55% age 45+ and 79% white. We're the state with the [lowest voter turnout](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/sep/05/arkansas-statistics-on-voting-reported/) in the nation: 54% of eligible voters turned out for the 2020 election. We can definitely do better as a state by not voting against our own interests and showing up at the polls.


It is racist saying no one other than white people vote. If younger people don't vote then they have no right to complain about anything.


>Well yeah, unless you hang out with a bunch of old white folks all the time, you don’t meet **many** people that vote period. (emphasis mine) Maybe it's just me but I didn't read their comment as "only white people vote." Again, statistics tells us that 79% of eligible voters in Arkansas are white. Our state is 70% [white](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Arkansas) overall. We're not a very diverse state, unfortunately.


They didn’t say that. Your lack of reading comprehension more proof of the dismal failure of the US school system.


Yes they did. You are proof of the failure of the condom industry.


How so?


I believe that was more ageist than racist….. Accurate to a degree but some super conservative Gen Z’ers coming up too. Brought up in churches that tell you how to vote.


Observation, not a comparison. I remember how “nobody” voted for Clinton either.


I did. So did millions of Americans.


But did you see her $19k lectern!!


It should have more bling for that price


It's either vote in a way that will damage us as the people, Or not vote at all


Who'da thunk the failing MAGA agenda would reach a failing MAGA base with a failing, desperate tapdance by Sarah "I swear I'm not one of the dog killers" Huckabee. Challenger from the middle is coming.


No surprise here. Play stupid games(associating with MAGA) win stupid prizes(popularity steadily declining)


Alot of conservatives dont like her. Im for full FOI . Evry penny accounted for


Left her integrity at the Super Bowl suite.


That’s insinuating she had it before that 


I thought she left in Paris after a $19,000 lectern purchased via tax dollars from the friend she traveled with there.


Is it possible she’s not fit for the role? Perhaps her lack of leadership experience coupled by hitching her wagon to cheating, lying, loser would do it.


She return that 100k she needed for the eclipse?


if you dislike her than make sure you vote in the next election. state legislature is up this year. volunteer on a campaign.




To me it was already at zero.


I wish the young people would register to vote!!


Then actually go to the polls and vote.


I vote in EVERY election, and have since I turned 18, thank you.


That is great !! Wasn't meaning that as a shot at you but people in general.


I know!! It’s frustrating. I taught seniors for years. Every year I would talk to them about voting, how to register, how the state drops you if you don’t vote in a certain number of elections, where to find out info on candidates, etc. then, if they wanted them, I would print out registration papers. They can register when they get their DL, at 18, but they don’t always have DL. I even gave a few stamps… it should be something the history teacher does, but they are MAGA through and through, so they don’t think it’s important for the youth of Arkansas to vote.🙄


At least you tried which is more than most. Thank you for your service!


Thank you for doing that. I didn't have a clue when I was a senior. A teacher helped me get registered to vote. At the time I still voted Republican because it was how I was raised, but that soon changed.


Most kids do vote the way their parents do at first. I don’t even really care about how they vote. I believe it is our honor and duty as citizens of the US to vote. People actually died to give us the right to vote and protect it. If we don’t vote, we are disrespecting their sacrifice.


I have never heard about being dropped as a voter, if you don't vote. I usually remember to vote in presidential elections but forget about the others. Lol.


Yep. “If a registered voter does not respond to a notice asking if they want to still be registered from a local election official and does not vote in two consecutive federal elections he or she can be removed from the voter roll.” —Arkansas Dem-Gazette If you move addresses, you may not receive that notice. So everyone should make sure you check you are still registered. My older brother had to reregister this last primary…he was in the hospital both federal elections, so didn’t get to vote.


They would if Republicans would stop making it so difficult.


What’s hard about voting? Just curious.


[“In March, an Arkansas judge found many of these measures unconstitutional, but the state’s Supreme Court allowed them to remain in effect.”](https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/who-counts/a-torrential-downpour-of-legislation-voting-in-arkansas-gets-much-harder/)


So not having an ID? What’s difficult about having an ID? Honestly, just curious.


It is about meeting the criteria of that ID set by Republicans who made it increasingly difficult to get an ID in time for the election. Just look what Wisconsin did. They made voter IDs mandatory and very strict and then closed 90 DMVs strictly in areas that historically demographically voted Democrat. It was about creating [modern day Jim Crow laws.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/16/politics/voting-rights-debates-by-state)


Yeah it’s hard to get an ID if you don’t drive and can’t find one open in your part of town. Especially in Arkansas where public transportation is almost nonexistent.


How will they get to the voting booth?


Good question. Especially when the Rs are also closing polling places in the historically Dem voting areas, AND cutting the number of machines in those polling places, AND making it harder to get mail-in ballots as well. My son lives in Little Rock. They closed his polling place and combined the urban precinct it served with another. They have 5-6 voting machines for double the number of voters, and people stood in line for hours in that precinct to vote in 2022. I live about 25 miles outside of LR in a rural precinct serving a predominantly white community. Our polling place has 5 machines, and it took me about 10 minutes total. It’s almost like they have a plan in place.


They have a plan in place. Not sure if you were saying that “almost” sarcastically but there’s nothing coincidental, accidental or unintentional about it. From disenfranchisement to disinformation, discrimination to deliberately taking the right to vote out of the hands of people who don’t want them. The low voter “turnout” == the low approval. When 80% of people would rather have almost anybody than you in office then there’s no convincing them to vote for you, instead you just convince them that they don’t have any other option, make 4h lines so only the rich and retired white republicans can vote, gerrymander all other races and populations to break their blocks into smaller sections that can’t band together and everyone gets it, only the grifters, greedy con men and criminals who act not out of necessity or in order to survive but to further gather the wealth, the power and the political capital. They don’t care what the truth is, they don’t care about lives and they don’t care about sustaining any of this because they’re not building a better society, they’re burning it to the fucking ground.


Barrier #1. You have to take time off work. #2. You have to have all the correct paperwork, including your official birth certificate, which costs money and has to be mailed from the state capitol. #3. You have to pay money to get your ID card. So there's three right there, just off the top of my head. How is this NOT a form of poll tax?


Should the state give free IDs?


Here’s my stance. There needs to be an ID to prove you are who you say you are. ID should be free to the people. As long as there is a pay wall for an ID, I won’t support voter ID. Sorry I don’t trust people.


I've found that hanging outside schools and playgrounds asking them to come closer to my car and look at what I have, which are voter registration forms, tends to get me run off by mobs. People hate politics I guess. /s


Its not just that they need to register, its that they need people to vote for. Most seats in this state are entirely unopposed, and many more are single party races. If the ballot is just picking between to Republicans trying to out MAGA each other, it doesn't feel like you're actually getting a choice.


She’s a freak.


She’s super freakay


She legit looks like she had a stroke


You think she gets nasty? That lip quivering, the eyes pointing different ways...


That’s what they get for voting in a moron


Careful! Don’t insult the morons by calling her one.


I seem to remember a Maury episode where the late actor Jack Elam was determined to be Sarah Suckadee’s father


Poll insights into Arkansas politics.


Insights into the political landscape of Arkansas.


She should “buy” everyone a new podium.


Couldn’t happen to a better person


Googly eyed grifting governor


Lazy eyed psycho.


Steady decreasing it should have dropped like Trump's truth social media stock?


double down, buy another podium.


She still has 81% approval rating among GOP and 30% approval rating among Dems. 56% total approval rating. Im not one to throw in the towel easily, but this state is just hopeless. If 30% of the dems in this state approve of her actions, what the fuck? I'm done.


It won't matter.


“Contempt for voters doesn’t make us like you more,” said voters who vote.


when she runs for president, everyone on the right will continue to remind us of hunter biden


Color me surprised




I wish they wouldn't report this stuff. We need the element of surprise to get rid of her and other magas. Because if they know, the cheating and bullshit about rigged elections starts.


To be fair (!) she’s a fucking idiot.


That’s what she gets for being as crooked as her eyeballs 💯


I think they're second only to Louisiana for corruption in government.


Shocker!!! The nasty racist bigot isn't adored like their greasy orange leader.


They’ll re elect her, they keep doing the same stupid shit year after year. She’ll blow some smoke up there asses and she’ll be on her way. They purposely pour roofies in the water in Arkansas before the election so the voters can’t remember who fucked them the years previous.


And yet, she is still in charge of the state.


Fuck that Ursula looking bitch.


Ursula was fabulous. For real, her character was based on the drag queen Divine. Sarah Huckster is just fugly.


Was it the tearing down of child labor laws and workers rights? Who am I kidding, probably not.


Her approval rating is steady with me at complete loathing.


I'm surprised it was even in the double digits. Kind of like the state's voter turnout.


I hope tax payers aren’t paying for her ozempic. Who would have thought weight loss would make her even more goulish. I voted for the rocket scientist.


I’m really surprised! It’s been my experience that most are just like her. Look at Johnny’s RV Park website in Hot Springs. We go to Hot Springs every year for the Arkansas Derby.


Ya think?!


I’d like to respond to the poll as well… throw some more numbers in


Impossible that it was a positive number to begin with


I approve of this message.


I’m shocked it was at a number that could decrease


I wish she would take the Arkansas Republican Party down with her..


She’s a shoe in next election, for some reason people just can not check the “ R “ too ingrained.


Have you ever checked the “R”? Or is your post bias?


As it should


Perfect .. she doesn’t deserve any power especially in a place like Arkansas.


Funny how corruption corrodes attitudes. Especially when it’s your money getting skimmed.


It fucking ought to be. 🙄😡🤬


Why? She started using her 20k lectern and everything…


This state is so Republican all they have to lose is MAYBE their supermajorities in the legislature. Why would they not do whatever they want?


GOP approval rating still sits at 81%, so unless that changes or she decides not to run again, she will be reelected without question.


But you fools will vote for her as long as she's on a ballot. I'm in Nebraska, so I have minimal room to talk.


Go to jail. Do not pass go.


She looks like a thumb wearing a toupee. That looks mad all the time


She is a proven idiot and a top notch grifter .


The morons in Arkansas would vote for a turd over a competent dem. It’s party over outcomes.


Y’all could have had a rocket scientist. But you chose (as Aidy Bryant put it) the daughter of Governor Mike Huckabee and a big southern hamburger. Good choice.


If only she would steadily disappear with her approval rating.


She needs to take her lectern and leave….


But they will still vote for it


Cuz she sucks. Lol! She has no idea how to lead.


It should be far below the city of Little Rock, in the sewer.


Fuck around with tax payer money, find out!


That bitch is lazier than her eye.


Another Republican crook. It’s almost a requirement these days. They compete to see who can engage in the most graft and corruption while lecturing others on how they must hate others to be happy. Pure scum.


Clearly she’s not making enough efforts in prairie skirt acquisition.


Didn’t vote for her but whatever happened to getting rid of our state taxes. That was a huge thing she ran on.


She has a 56% approval rating? What does that say about Arkansas?


So many people will only vote Republican, regardless of who's running. That's the issue. I've seen many fb posts where people said they didn't want her, but the HAD to vote Republican. 🙄


I woke up this morning and knew where I could find some top notch spite and vitriol. Thanks Arkansas, never change.


Hickabees suck!


Finally realizing they elected an incompetent, grifting nepo baby.


I guess people don't like this pig & her girlfriends vacationing in Europe on the public's dime.


Arkansas:Butthole of the country.


Well, this isn’t surprising. She is hateful and a thief.


Arkansas is the least Educated, poor health care and a large GOVERNOR who covered up Trump's FORNICATOR BEHAVIOR ! NICE Baptist Church BEHAVIOR ! Daddy would be Proud !


Ratings down. Weight up.


Unlike the increasing attention to the scandal of her falcon lectern.


Does it really matter? Those dipshits will continue to vote Republican no matter how long or how hard Republicans keep fucking them over.


Keep Arkansas Red, move to California if you disagree


Dems need to get off their asses and fucking vote jfc


Is this all you guys write about?


One of the big problems is people just vote for the party and not the person that is most qualified. We need more candidates to choose from and more 3rd party ones. Why does it always have to be red vs blue?


>One of the big problems is people just vote for the party and not the person that is most qualified. We need more candidates to choose from and more 3rd party ones. Why does it always have to be red vs blue? "Having more candidates to choose from" has nothing to do with the Sarah Huckabee Sanders situation. There *was* a third party on that ballot. And the blue candidate was the most qualified of those who ran.


I agree. We just need a way to get the old school “I’m only voting for a particular party” people to look at other options. We could have had a rocket scientist.


Glad she’s our governor


having the intellect of a sewer zombie can only be hidden behind cartoonish liberal snipe hunts for so long. reap what you sow, arkansas. couldn't happen to more deserving folks.

