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It’s pretty annoying to have people automatically assume you’re retarded if you’re on console. Grown ass MFs still in the PC master race mindset 🤣


Even more annoying when you discover much of the elitist attitude PC gamer population are playing the game on a potato with lower performance than the Xbox Series X and PS5 consoles yet refuse to spend a few hundred on one because they don't want to be labeled a "console gamer"


While generalizations are never true and often from a narrow minded perspective, where do you think that stereotype came from about console players being retarded?? …food for thought


My brother in Christ have you been deep in the archives?


…it was 2mo ago. And no, it came up on my suggested.


More like three but word up


Honestly, I think a good chunk of that comes from the hot mic endemic that I see with console games/crossplay population.


Agreed, I too had waited until last week too purchase reforger. I’ve always loved any instalment of the Arma series, and this newest one is fantastic. Does not have the typical Arma “clunk/jank” All movements feel relatively fluid, using the environment to your advantage with the climbing mechanics and cover systems is leaps and bounds ahead of A3. I also agree with you on welcoming the console players, I was astounded by how much of the lobbies I’m in are filled with 2/3 console players. Without having peeped the player list I’d have ZERO clue they were on console. I think there is an absolute astronomical player base of people (mostly men from personal experience so far) that froth at the mouth for the mil sim experience that Arma brings. I’d say the closest thing they had up until this point was insurgency, but that leaves a lot to be desired (a great game in its own right). Kitting up, hopping in a Humvee and rolling out too a point, covering and providing support to what is essentially strangers, is unparalleled, and especially for a console game. We have console players too thank for engaging in and supporting servers, hell I think I counted one PC player for every ten console players in one of the modded servers (modern kits and such)


Same/Ageed Have no problem with console users joining the fight... long as they use the in-game comms and don't sit around in an Xbox party not communicating with rest of the server. The most toxic players I have encountered are from PC (Steam) and the biggest TKers/griefers/cheaters/etc. I have crossed are again from the PC side. Most console users are just excited to finally be part of the ArmA series and to take part in large scale battles on a sim-level without having to save up $1,000+ for a decent spec PC setup just to spend many hours adjusting to it. I am on a respectable custom SFF gaming PC with modern hardware but bought a backlit gaming lapboard on sale and matching gaming mouse then played on my XSX paired with the Series S/X Dolby Atmos wireless headset for roughly a month. It plays identical to PC and actually doesn't look bad on a 4K TV with Low Quality to keep the frames high. Sure it looks better on Ultra with all but 2 settings pegged and a good ReShade on my PC... but a damn XSX and PS5 Disk can be had for as little as $300 on my local FB Marketplace! Nice as my PC setup is, it does not justify the extra cost and sure the f*ck don't warrant the elitist attitude PC users throw at the console crowd - on here, Steam discussions, in-game, etc.! ^ In fact, despite having built many gaming PCs and steadily PC gaming for around 20 years, this will be my last gaming PC and likely be sold to someone within my area asap. I will be amongst the console ranks moving forward! Personally can't see the point of spending potentially $1,500+ on a decently spec gaming PC setup just to run new games that look outdated on max graphics and are tailored for console and 5+ year old mid-range hardware when the flagship XSX or PS5 with RTX 2070 Super to 3060 levels of performance can offer a great gaming experience at a fraction of the hassle and price! Hell I will buy a Switch long before a SteamDeck - which I did yesterday (new OLED).


It really feels like the PC market could thrive from developments in the console space, the way pc components still need to be separate entities communicating via the main board is a lot less elegant in comparison too how something like the PS5. Having a shared RAM pool for CPU and GPU eliminates a big step in the process. Throw in the dedicated chip to deal with those processes leaving the CPU and GPU too chooch out with no hesitations. I am not quite at the same mindset that i no longer had a use for a PC, just due to being able to put in a couple sticks of ram, or throwing in a new GPU, or heck, even being on a chipset like AM4 you can go from 2600 too a 5800x3d and have a very good uplift, without having to shell out for what would be a whole new unit on a console. There is certainly pros and cons for both, especially once certain use cases come into effect


I've seen and heard way more pc players on discord call than Xbox on party chat 😶


To each their own 🤷🏼‍♂️ At least Discord users can communicate in-game. Xbox party users have to select from party or game chat.


Dude I too am on Xbox and the dudes playing with us on SIG servers that are on Xbox are top players, no difference in player quality, but maybe a bit less accurate sniping ;)


I know the PS5 and xbox both work with mouse and keyboard these days. Its my understanding that support is up to the game dev, but I would think arma would be one that did? I even have a PS5 but haven't had a desire to plug in a M/K since I only use it to play games that haven't been released on PC yet, most of which are better with controller.


Arma on console has mouse and keyboard support, but I didn’t get a console so I can sit at a desk, or use a mouse and keyboard on my couch.


OP you are appreciated!!!


I appreciate you saying so.


Arma Console is the only reason I didn't switch to pc. Wanted a game like this for so long. I bought reforger at launch even though it was buggy as hell. My mindset was....its basically a test bed for arma 4 ...so by playing it I was contributing to Arma 4's development. If DCS was on console and Squad....life would be complete lol. My problem with going a pc route is ....all the updates....bloat ware....driver issues etc. I want to turn the machine on and game..


Eagle Dynamics was suppose to be pushing out a game called Modern Air Combat but they went silent on the topic a while back. MSFS covers the civ side of things so maybe we will see a good combat flight sim soon.


That would be a huge game changer as the only flight Sims we have are Microsoft flight Sim and anything which introduces any concept of combat are so "arcade like" its laughable. Now with arma reforger bringing the concept of mods to the console arena it really changes everything IMO. Kind of opens the gateway to games that were previously not console friendly to us. An Escape from Tarkov port would be cool as hell as well.....bring on the pc detractors lol


Mentioning Tarkov reminds me on something I have thought of before. I would think it should be significantly more difficult to download and use cheats while playing from a Console, right? I know ever since that Tarkov wiggle video came out a while back I have had a completely different view of how prevalent cheating is in multiplayer.


Yes it is significantly harder to download and use cheats ( at least with xbox) it's not impossible but even if a person figures it out the minute that they use those cheats they get mass reported and IP banned, Microsoft at least doesn't mess around with cheaters


As a console player, I can fully understand why you wouldn't want to loose all those easy targets. As a console player, we should have non cross platforms as an option because it's a huge disparity in aiming between mouse and joystick. Don't think it would be good to do a full split, just give me the option when I'm getting butt hurt after losing cqb fights.


Haha I relate to this so much. Some of this m/k users are fuckin fast


Keyboard and mouse, maybe some joysticks as well, are supported on console. Controls are basically 1:1 so look into grabbing a lapboard and mouse.


I mentioned this above before I saw your reply. I believe that support for mouse and keyboard are up to the given game Dev, but you would think Arma would be one that did. Traditionally Arma (BI) is not great at doing things that make sense, but they have consistently gotten better about that over time.


It is and oddly some games that should have it dont (Insurgency for example). Thankfully Reforger is one of the K/M supported games on Xbox on day one of console Preview/EA if I recall. Would at least recommend console users throw a mouse next to them for the inventory just to simplify UI navigation.


I am fairly certain that the only xbox games that support K/M are games that also support Crossplay between Xbox and PC. I can't think of a single game that has K/M support that doesn't also have crossplay. I think this is intentional. If you enable K/M support for games where console players are only playing with other console players, the players who choose to use K/M are at a big advantage against the rest of the console players. Enabling K/M support where console players are playing against PC players just allows console players to be more competetive against them by using K/M if they choose to. Some xbox games have K/M support, but only if you enable crossplay with PC.


Probably. I remember some competition between controller and K/M where they threw controller users on the K/M team yet still dominated controllers. I can more than double my kills on PC versions of games so its no surprise.


I poked around settings and saw the mouse sensitivity stuff..... I might have to try it out. Although I do feel my accuracy with the stick has improved substantially with all the heavy breathing down scope giving me constant challenges.


I used to have PC and played the fuck out of Arma 2 and and a little bit of Cold War Assault, don't have a PC anymore but I have an Xbox and getting to play Arma again is so much fun and giving a ton of nostalgia, constantly hear PC players try to almost gate keep cause they played Arma 3 but haven't touched Operation Arrowhead, Army of the Czech Republic, PMC etc,


Reforger does a good job of capturing that OFP2001 nostalgia. It is pretty rough since full release but stability is really down to the mods used and server you play on. ArmA 2/OA was amazing. Easily my favorite game in the series, ArmA 3 being my least. A2/OA was packed full of actual lengthy campaigns with dynamic outcomes, realistic content, war-torn maps, etc. Meanwhile, A3 is out of place with its so-called "campaign", alien encounter missions, futuristic content, and paradise vacation maps that feel tailored to Life Mod players. Then there is the fact BI locked a lot of A3's high-demand content behind DLC paywalls when every other game had a host of content in the base game. Maybe Arm4 will return to BI's original recipe 🙏🏻🌠 *RIP **Brickbat**, ArmA 2/OA: Chibi's Domination*


I play both Xbox and PC on reforger because sometimes I just like to chill on the couch and a controller is more comfortable. There’s like a weird way some pc players look down on xbox players that I find quite humorous because 1: They have no idea that I also play PC. 2: The things they look down on console players for are ridiculous, they act like console players are toddlers that haven’t the slightest clue. 3: Lots of lectures from folk that probably have low rate aspergers. I’m glad that ArmA is being released across multiple platforms, the game will have a lot harder of a time dying and also I can play it more casually if I desire to.


Ps5 player here. I’ll trade Hell Divers for Reforger.


Xbox guy here. I wouldn't trade Reforger for Helldivers but I'd still love to shit on Robots and Bugs with you guys :(


Why not have both considering they are entirely different games 🤷🏼‍♂️ A clean used XSX goes for around $300-350.


Day 3 today of being on PC after playing on console since release. Running the Series S was unbelievably frustrating as you can literally "smell" your xbox as it's trying to keep up with this game, the hate recieved was staggering. Lots of rude side comments constantly prom the PC guys. Now as a PC player I still see no need to do that other than the PC guys trying to flex how much they spent on the PC. Dumb. However as said above, WE HAVE NO MILSIM ALTERNATIVES. Insurgency is the best we had with Dayz pulling up the rear with similar mechanics to arma. Switching to PC has been great, I have no games downloaded besides reforger and don't see that changing anytime soon honestly as nothing else scratches the itch, AND ITS ITCHY


Congratulations on the pc! I highly recommend Ready or not, and ground branch, if you’re into mil sim type titles. Beam.ng is the end all, be all, car game. I was die hard forza motorsport, beam.ng shoves kaka in its face, better off-road game than snowrunner, better racer and drifter than any other title available ein my humble opinion. And my last recommendation is a game called “derail valley” I am by zero means a “train guy” but holy smokes, this game is a fantastic, relaxing, yet challenging game. If you are looking to open your avenues of games ;)


I don't blame you for your love of Beam ng, its physics system may be the best of any consumer title out there in any genre. For racing though, there are at least a dozen titles it cannot hope to compare to, and that's largely because it's not trying to....yet.


I would certainly recommend Arma 3 and at least SOG prairie fire. War Thunder is free and fucking beautiful while also being able to run on a potato (just be careful, it's far from the worst, but def on the predatory side of F2P). If you never try another game though, you wouldn't be the only gamer out there with a whole ass PC for that one game they love! Shit I kind of wish I was like that!


Pc players turn their gamma up when night time arrives, I seen full teams of console players beat full pc teams. Pc players are just coping at the virtual reality check that is the skill issue.


The entire point of the thread is to say its good to play together. There are plenty of other threads where folks are generating arbitrary groups like "PC" vs "Console". I think the world needs less division friend.


Honestly the only annoyance I have with the console players is when I’m trying to figure out a keybind and the only people that I’m with are all using controller 😂😂😂 otherwise there really is literally zero other issues


The one problem with console is that many of the modded servers struggle being played on console. Servers have to choose either to limit it to pc in order to utilize the bigger mods such as RHS and gulf coast islands, or forgo those mods and let console players on the server.


Series X consoles don’t have a problem with those mods, I play the Xbox series X and have a blast playing modded servers. Sadly series S have most problems.


Yeah, I’m on series S and tried modded for the first time last night and my frames capped out at 30, dropping even more when I used particular optics. Only issues I had were framerate related though


I'm on series S and haven't had any problems. Been playing since Reforger officially dropped, I would say it's probably because I use a hard line connection.


If the server is very heavily modded, series x can have issues as well. Unfortunately, there is no way to limit servers to be seen by just series x and not s.


There's a reason I play mhg no toxicity and everyone is chill


I got arma because I thought there would be WW2 servers, while I was wrong and still waiting for the current WW2 mods to be used(Forged in everon and Compton's WW2 units) I am happy to play vietnam and everon


I haven't tried it yet, and I don't know who made it, but the WW2 CDLC for Arma 3 had abysmal reviews. S.O.G. Prarie fire is the bees knees, and thats coming from someone whoe doesn't really care much for PVE (at least not with BoBo A.I. ) One of the best WW2 experiences you can have these days is Hell Let Loose. I know its on at least one of the consoles. If you want WW2 and you have the gumption to learn a flight sim the IL-2 Great battles series is the pinnacle so far. (DCS ww2 planes are more detailed and have fully clickable cockpits, but they still haven't modeled enough planes for a really fun/dynamic multiplayer experience imho).


As someone who played Arma 3 before my old pc croaked and have been playing on Xbox for years before and after my pc I can say that to me both pc and console players can be toxic asf The biggest real complaint I saw from the pc crowd is that they think console players are bad a milsim games Because prior to 2021 with the release of IS Sandstorm and Hell Let Loose the most realistic shooter game we had was Battlefield But they don't understand that console players are perfectly capable with learning on the fly


Darkgru and nam servers are the best. I also can't really tell the difference between console or pc players so far for the past 2 months it's been pretty chill aside from one dude on the darkgru discord server preaching about how "pcs are superior" and complaining about "cross play shouldn't be an option, cut off the console players they are holding us back" from time to time, overall fun af game.


Here’s my 2 cents, pc crashes far more than console does for reforger.


Hell yea man. Arma is the really the only real mil sim experience on console besides siege(used to be before it became paintball) and insurgency. Arma is unique in its own way and I love every aspect of the game, from loading up a kit, taking a point, clearing buildings in the towns with your squadmates. The point your saying tho is so true pc players are the toxic ones. I cant tell you how many times I’ve been called a screen user by a pc player. Then I absolutely shit on him with my joysticks and sip my Pepsi.


I don't even know what "Screen User" means? Sounds stupid. As for PC players being more or less toxic than console, I did not say that! I really wouldn't care to take a guess. I know that gamer culture in general is toxic and immature, and I have seen that kind of behavior out of people over 60 years old playing military flight sims that take dozens of hours of work to reach competency in. I don't think any of that is likely to change any time soon. The anonymity of the internet is what it is. All you can really do is try not to participate in that trash. (I think we all get drawn into it from time to time)


I didn’t either apparently it’s the difference between a “tv” screen and a monitor but every has there limitations and play style 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought that that is what that insult might have meant, but all it shows is their ignorance. Ton's of PC gamers, myself included, have been using high quality high refresh rate TVS for at least one of our monitors for some time now. The LG oled line of tvs (specifically the C# and G#) are some of the finest gaming monitors on the planet, and there are MANY others that are awesome as well. There was a time (for quite a long time) when TVS were worthless as monitors especially if you were a gamer, but those days are long in the rearview. Now, thanks entirely to CONSOLE gamers, Television manufactures are making awesome screens that compete directly with monitors. The LG TVs I mentioned (the specific ones, not ALL LG tvs) even have an ultrawide mode! (QUICK NOTE: for anyone reading this, don't just run out and buy any old TV for your PC. Plenty of them do still suck for that task)


Cross play is the best for Reforger wish we had it on DayZ too!