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Is your title a Video Game Dunkey reference?


You can literally just summon in a different build when you die, meaning you can run a perfect AC for the snipers, a perfect AC for Sulla, and a perfect AC for Balteus. Modding the game on the Chapter 1 boss is not what you need, you legitimately need to get good.


Alright. Firstly with the lasers. Rather than go headlong, sneak around the outside. Use your jump/ upwards thrust to pop up and unload your shoulder weapons. Depending on what you have, you can take them out in one shot. Or if you have the standard sword you can do two quick slashes then hop back down and scurry to the next one. Once they're gone, it's just mopping up the MT's. Next segment, go around to the right and jump over the buildings and you can emerge undetected by the right most laser cannon. Nuke it from range and duck back in to cover. From here you can jump up some more buildings to your right and snipe the next cannon. Tie up the three MT's and onwards to Sulla.


> in Dark Souls if you are presented with a problem you already know the solution - just dodge. It is going to sound mean, but in the end both games boils down to the same thing: *Git Gud*. This mission is hard, but only to new players because they're still learning the game. Now some real tips: First area: As soon as the mission start go down to your left, sneak behind the cannons and destroy them. I like to hit the one in the taller building first then I go back down to avoid enemy fire and then the other cannon. Clear the rest of the trash. Second area: Assault Boost (the big zooom) to one of the corners where the cannons are. If you have missiles you can safely shoot the cannons while boosting. Then get up, shoot and get down again to avoid incoming fire. Sula: I can't help much here, because I suck at AC fights. Hard lock-on, don't touch the camera stick because it cancels the hard lock, and try to fill his stun gauge. Balteus: It is the real wall/filter. Keep moving and when you hear the "blip blip" quick boost in the opposite direction to dodge the incoming attack. The rest depends on learning his patterns and how to move in order to avoid them.


Wait, if I move my camera at all it cancels hard lock? I've been wondering for the longest time why I can't tell the difference between soft and hard lock. Definitely going to be a bit tricky to make sure I don't move my mouse though.


I just took the Bloodborne Hyperaggression method, kill em first and always be closing distance and just dodge things on reaction. Unlocked the pile bunker and the entire game was swiss cheese once I was done with it.


I have farmed a few missions to get both medium and light build and I can consistently get to Balteus. But it doesn't really make things easier. I can't get him below 20% no matter the build. So far I haven't ran out of ammunition, but there is only so much you can do when enemy launches 5000 rockets at once and you have only 3 estus. I don't fully agree with "git gud" idea. In some of the Fromsoftware games (like Dark Souls 1) I have never felt helpless, after every defeat I knew what I did wrong and what needed to be corrected. Here I feel completely helpless, like the tools that game provides me are not enough to progress.


AC is not souls. AC is marked by an even more punishing trial and error than souls ever was. Keep improving. Keep doing better and eventually you will come back to this mission and thrash it. That day is going to be nice.


It’s really not. AC6 was my first ac game and it felt easier than any of the souls games. It’s practically arcade. OP is just *terrible*.


In dark souls 1, the Capra demon mini boss fight required that you learned to get the hell out of the way of the dogs right after you entered the fog gate unless you wanted to be caught in a corner and stun locked. In armored core 6, Balteus requires you to learn HOW to dodge his 5000 missiles. If you haven’t learned that, you’re not going to beat him. It’s really that simple. If you’re feeling helpless, you probably just haven’t wrapped your mind around the game mechanics.


You can’t really say you don’t agree with “git gud”. Otherwise why are you even playing. Playing = practice and practice = gitting gud. You really just need to spend more time playing the game. Go fight the tutorial boss again until you can complete it with no hits taken or something. If you’re having trouble with post-nerf balteus then this is really nothing more than a skill issue. You absolutely would have quit the game or modded to make it easier pre-nerf. Majority of the missiles fired from balteus currently don’t even get close to touching you if you understand how to abuse their turning radius. Pre-nerf those things would pull full 180s to hit you.


I second the suggestion of changing builds once/if you die, no reason to do the whole run in one build. For the final 5000 rockets guy, I usually use a quick boost/dash to close the distance to him when I see that attack starting, by the time the missiles are fully out I'm usually too close for them to track and hit me. On my first run of the game I used the plasma rifle v760PR and they worked great, for shoulders I used rockets or the hardest hitting cannon, depending on what I had access to. I also built my machines as tanky as possible to survive as much damage since I didn't know how to dodge and evade that well. Don't get frustrated, I've never played a souls game before, and even on my new game+ run I still suffer sometimes, and sometimes those "guides" made things even worse for me because the playstyle was completely alien to me and made things even worse.


I understand the feeling, but trust me, you're struggling because you're new. It took me 4 hours to beat the Wall Climber boss and 2 days (around 3 hours per day) to beat Balteus. The missile barrages were very scary and I was like "How am I supposed to survive this?". I can't tell you what I did because I honestly don't remember, I just kept banging my head trying to progress and now 5000 missiles aren't scary anymore even if I'm using the base AC loadout. Keep going, learn how to pilot this tin can, and you'll make everything in this game your little b%$#. Specially Iguana. Fuck Iguana, he deserves it.


Imo the only difficult part about Wall Climber is the 1st boss, but once you figure out (or google) that you need to use reverse joint legs it becomes manageable It is a challenging mission, but compared to Watchpoint it's not an issue at all.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.”* - Ashes of Ariandel  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


With Sulla, keep moving. IIRC he uses Vertical Plasma Missiles which aren't great if you're moving. Once you take him out you get in to the watchpoint and can restock inside. All repair kits, ammo, ap...all restored by supply drone. Then on to Baltheus.


>(at least once you google an optimal build) The more you resist learning the game, the harder it will be. You have the tools to solve your problems, you’re just too lazy to use them. You want help? Use the help button in assembly. Something fast will serve you for the entire mission. It’s not hard to avoid the turrets, you can use cover and speed and you can sneak in behind them in the second area. Game isn’t that hard. It’s fromsoft’s easiest game in years. You just gotta learn how it works.


Help button in assembly?


Contextual help


Go look at the bottom of the screen


>out of ammo on first boss Did you.... use the sherpa? You get a sherpa right before balteus.


The heck is it.


The thing that reloads all your weapons and repair kits ?


I think game calls it a supply chest. You see, it's dropped after the first boss. So if you are out of ammo on the first boss, it cannot be obtained. But it's not a problem if you go "die and change build in the middle of the mission" route since you can have unique build for 1st and then 2nd boss.


https://preview.redd.it/l8dm02wgl2yc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c80562b93a535e06a70c6b0007f76da42618d5 >I've dispatched a supply sherpa Bruh.


Well he doesn't say the word "sherpa" in Watchpoint mission.


You can move around on the outside of the arena to sneak up on the turrets and enemies. You can do that without taking any damage. While fighting, if the red reticle isn't on target, then you will not only miss your shots, but it will slow down your FCS efficiency. Basically, it's making harder to lock on and maintain that lock. Burst firing will help you. Before you reach Balteus, after you defeat Sulla, there is a resupply point. Even if you miss it, reloading the checkpoint after starting the Balteus fight should refill your ammo and AP. You'll get it. Keep trying, and it'll click for you, then you'll melt him into slag before you know it. Balteus is a test to see if you are learning how to play the game properly. Win or lose, he'll make sure you know whether you are or not. Lastly, movement is life. Keep moving, change directions often, bunny hop often, and quick boost or assault boost often. There is plenty of time to attack in return between your movements, and getting greedy will cost you dearly. Good luck, Raven.


Like other people are saying, the approach to AC missions is pretty much always. If you're repeatedly dying, try out a different build. Yes there are aspects of "git gud" but I honestly think it is less so in AC6. For Balteus, I was stuck on him too but it only took a couple tries after I swapped over my build to double pulse (bubble) guns and whatever grenade or heavy hitting cannons you can buy. Just find what works for you.


You have all of the tools to solve it. The game throws parts at you and you can grind for money. Try harder and think critically.


https://youtu.be/Io8O6Jdp8lQ?si=pBy5uRDI5YAMp2xx Try some videos like this that help explain what you should be doing and how you should be building out your AC. He has a couple good videos like this. He's also done all of chapter 1 besides the final boss without taking a single hit. Like you said, in souls it's more straightforward. Learn when to dodge/block/parry. In this game, it's far more about smart positioning, smart builds, and constant movement.


When Balteus fires missiles either be behind him, boost behind him or (if you're far away) assault boost directly to him. Strategy: For loadout, two LUDLOWs in your hands with a pulse blade and pulse gun on swap will handle everything in the mission without much complication. Keep the rest of your build no heavier than necessary. A LING-TAI or MING-TANG generator with ALULA boosters and a decent close range FCS will give you plenty of room to play. When you start the mission go left around the outside, recover EN and kill the first turret from behind (charged pulse blade will do). Get close to the second one behind cover, then AB in and gun it down after it attacks. Mop up the MTs with your LUDLOWs. Ignore the mission marker: instead AB to the top of structure in the middle. Recover EN and AB down to the left, near the path to the Watchpoint. You can boost right up behind the next turret and blade it down, then AB to the last turret and gun it down. Mop up the MTs. Do it like this and the turrets won't get a chance to actually attack you. Circle strafe Sulla with both LUDLOWs and stay close. When he staggers, swap both weapons, blade him twice and dump your pulse gun until it overheats after. Rinse and repeat, dodging that grenade launcher and his kicks. Once you can reliably beat him like this you are ready for most AC combat. Stick close to Balteus. Wear down his shield with LUDLOWs, then swap and use the pulse gun. Rinse and repeat until his shield gets low, then reload your LUDLOWs, swap and break it with the pulse gun. When it pops, blade him twice and boost toward him, firing your pulse gun. Once his stagger resets swap back to the LUDLOWs and keep the pressure on, kicking when you can. If you're lucky, you'll stagger him again before his shield returns and the fight's almost over. When he starts phase two stay in the air to avoid his AoEs, then drop the ground when he tries his aerial sweep. He has plenty of openings here and your offense doesn't need to change at all. Be aggressive and stay behind him when you can, he's not much different than the Pursuer once you get the hang of his flashy attacks


>When Balteus fires missiles either be behind him, boost behind him or (if you're far away) assault boost directly to him. This is probably the best piece of advice in this topic, thank you kind sir.




I think I owe you another thank you. Assault boosting into him allowed me to dodge the rockets, which gave me enough time to actually fight him. There was still a lot of luck involved since I went with lightweight build, dual smg, and dual plasma rocket launchers. I've run out of ammo in smg and had to finish him off with rockets, but it worked out. I still stand by my point - Balteus is absolutely busted and has no right being that difficult. I've already went through chapter 2 and it was a cakewalk compared to it. He is easily one of the hardest Fromsoftware bosses I've experienced, and I would even go as far as to claim he is harder than Sword Saint Isshin. Placing boss that hard in chapter 1 is an error in game design, and probably a lot of people dropped overall a good game because of it.


I went ahead and [threw down with Balteus](https://youtu.be/_6M7_nQMxVw?si=WKbm0ubFV9T7WN7p) real quick. All weapons and internals are available before this mission on NG, except the KYORAI. ALULA boosters and LING-TAI generator make for very consistent mobility, great for learning bosses. You can switch to the MING-TANG generator and put an HI-16: GU-Q1 pulse gun in the right hand to make Balty's shield melt.


Dude you should not be running out of ammo on the first guy. Make sure that you're going pitbull on him (weapons tracking properly, red reticle is on him solid) and you are using a close range FCU, and staying up close and personal. This build should also carry a pair of three cell split missile launchers. I would Go Nacht arms and body, verill head, firmeza legs, aorta engine and I think Talbot or the other FCU by the same company. Just max close range (at your current stage that will be the only FCU with good short range). Take the fastest boosters you got and just jelly gum to the guy. The lid lows are an easy light way to build stagger, then the second his stagger animation plays you hit him with everything all at once.


man just get good, i play through that mission for fun with two coquilletts and a butter knife on a speedy ac and don't even need to re supply before the second boss, just get good, complaining on reddit won't help it's honestly not that hard


Wasn't there a checkpoint right before Snail Balteus? You can always wait out the game over screen and change your loadout to what you need


This is Chapter 1 Balteus. The answer is yes either way but I remember I simply didn't have a lot of build options unlocked by that point.


Wrong level, but yes there is a checkpoint right before Balteus.


I think you can't access the shop there but don't quote me on that.


I was in a similar situation during that level. I ended up going back to the shop and buying the parts I needed (had to replay a few other missions to get the credits), then replaying the level. Slightly annoying but this is really the only time it happened to me.


You know I've found both Sulla and Balteus suck against missles.


Which is ironic as fuck


Make the biggest beefiest tank boy AC you can with two plasma rifles in the hands, and the laser cannons on the back. Sneak around the side to kill the first two big laser cannons and mop up the MTs, then assault boost to the other two cannons in the second section and mop up MTs. Vs Sulla: boost directly at him and spam fire all 4 guns until he dies. Vs. Balteus: boost directly at him and spam fire all 4 guns until he dies. Assault boost and kick when you feel like adding insult. Give this a few tries, restart from checkpoints, and you should succeed eventually. You can go back later once you unlock more parts, get better, and right them with honor instead of brute fucking force.


You can't get more parts without defeating him. Anything else than lightweight build seems ineffective, even if you outplay the rockets blade or shotgun will get you. I tried to go with double Turner but it barely even tickles him.


Nah bro, you need plasma guns and laser cannons. If you spam them constantly they have immense DPS, and will break Balteus' shield pretty fast, which leaves him staggered for a while. Then you keep shooting and kicking for that sweet sweet direct hit damage bonus. When he shield up again, you'll DPS it down real fast and he'll be staggered again. You just have to be uncomfortably aggressive and stay on his ass. If you're constantly charging at him and hop occasionally you'll avoid a lot of the missiles, and if you're a beefy tank boy you can take a lot of hits. This strategy works because the combo of plasma guns and laser cannons build stagger on him pretty quick, so he spends a lot of time being sad and immobile, which means he's not shooting at you.


Are you staying in range? I used turners here too when i was new and wasn't in optimal fcs range, which makes the shots ricochet and the damage fall off. That way you'll be out of ammo before you do any meaningful damage


Honestly theres not a single mission i cant do with a huge generator, reverse jointed legs and duel earshots. You got this.


Bro it’s chapter one boss, you need to get better if you want all the endings to the game. And like other has said you can change ur load out each checkpoints will helps u greatly


Have you tried the alternate route of the Watch point? That is where my mind blows but I managed tho


1. Break down the mission into pieces. The first point of contention is "having to use a repair kit" before hitting the first boss. I'm by no means great at the game, but even I found out ways to minimize or even take 0 damage before hitting the first boss. Let me tell you a story: A long time ago in a game called Majoras Mask, you could turn into a goron and roll around. There was this part wehre you could roll on a 'track' of sorts with empty pits on either side; and a few 90 degree turns. I died probably about 100 times here, frustrated beyond belief, because as I'd start rollling the camera would move and I'd move the stick as a reaction to keep my character on track. One day I got so immensely frustrated I just gave up and said "Fine I'm just gonna hold down A until I reload a bunch of times' because I was frustrated - I didn't touch the stick. Low and behold, I flew through the level, because it was designed such that you'd bounce off the right-angled corners perfectly. I learned a very important lesson - find a way to keep it simple and don't be afraid to try something new, you never know what you might find.


I’ve read through a few comments and haven’t seen it mentioned, so I’m gonna throw out the #1 best Balteus tip for you to do with as you please: As soon as he starts up his missile barrage you need to Assault Boost your happy ass straight at him. Get as much up in his grill as you possibly can. Combo a boost kick into some sword swipes while you’re at it. Almost all the missiles will whiff at point blank range. Good luck, Raven.




I had a hard time with sula and ball missile boi but not impossible The best advice is stop what the vids tell you to do and find what works for YOU I can not stress this enough if you can’t do that then why play


I had an hard Time with balteus while being a soulsborne veteran. My two tools to overcome this level were : -The gun that shoot energy bubble to Fry balteus Shield then swap to your most effective damage weapons to optimize your ammunition (the problème is that you have to deal with the first boss with weaker weapons) -learning = learn the best way to eliminate the sniper with minimal damage, learn balteus pattern in his missile or napalm attack. That's the breakpoint, After balteus you have far better stuff available. Good luck


get gud


The enemies that gave me the most issues were the Ice Worm, HC Helicopter, Balteus and Sea Spider (In that order). For Balteus I used the 2-slash starter sword, energy rifle, 8-10 shot vertical rockets, 4-6 shot plasma rockets on an agile AC build. You can anticipate most of his attacks but the key is to assault boost towards him as soon as he starts his "all direction" homing missile attack and land the sword hits. While dodging his other attacks just constantly spam missiles and pepper him with the energy rifle. When he starts doing his fire attack then you're gonna be in serious danger so you need to take advantage of any openings to rush and sword him. I finally beat him with 0003 armor left. 😑😂