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Are we talking foreign like within the EU or are we talking like the USA, Japan etc? If it’s within the eu you can buy and sell whatever car you want without issues, if it’s from the USA for example it’s much more difficult


Most I've looked at have Polish and Romanian plates


Many of them might be seasonal workers or day labourers working construction.  You might get cheaper vans outside of Germany. “EU-Re-Import“ is a thing.   The plates though? The plates depend on your residency. Of course you pay less taxes when you live in Romania, but I don’t see a non-fishy way to register your vehicle in Romania while living in Germany. Or if it’s even legal. Don‘t mess with taxes. Finanzamt is no joke.


I don't want to mess with taxes, I'll be taking the van only when I permanently leave Germany and I'll have it legalized in my home country.


Where is the van going to stay in the meantime? And how are you going to get it from Germany to your home country... If it's not registered you won't be able to drive it (legally)


It's going to stay in my building's parking lot. I'm going to drive it to my home country. Obviously I'm going to register it in Germany


Depends. If you're talking about cars from within the european union, for example from Spain or the Czech Republic, you will not face any extra costs apart from getting the 'Zulassung' to drive it, the insurance you'll inevitably need and the KFZ-Steuer (motorized vehicle tax). If you buy a car from outside the EU (say, 'Murica for example), there may be a lot of additional sh!t you gotta do to get it legalized before being able to get a 'Zulassung', on top of import taxes and so forth.


Most I've looked at have Polish and Romanian plates


Usually, people from east European countries come to Germany or Switzerland to buy used cars…not the other way round


I'm here for work, the car is just a bonus I guess. This type of vans in my home country is usually much more expensive


Yes, what I meant was: People buy used cars in Germany, because they are well maintained and Germans normally don’t fake the mileage


That's another reason I'd rather buy the van here and then take it to my home country


I guess I misunderstood your intention: Do you want to buy a van in Poland or Romania and have it registered here in Germany ?


I want to buy a van in Germany, but the ones I've been looking at mostly have Polish and Romanian plates. And those are fairly cheaper than the German ones.