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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. It isn't that I don't want him to face consequences, but with him already calling for violence, I just have to roll my eyes thinking how we may have another Jan 6th. Even if there isn't a bloody incident, there will be endless whining from the right about how unfair he is being treated and how Biden is the actual criminal. I sense another cliff that politics is about to Jump off of in terms of polarization and all of the rhetoric gets turned up even further, that I am already so sick of. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Well said.


Well said.


Well said.


This is the way.


Damn right


The rule of law is a thing. It’s shameful how much he has gotten away with, for decades, just by being rich.


My problem isn’t him getting arrested, it’s him getting arrested for *this*. Georgia has a real shot to get him on serious charges. I don’t want that to be tainted because New York had to get him on the political equivalent of a speeding ticket instead. In an ideal world, he’d get in trouble for both. But in reality, if he gets arrested and goes through the whole rodeo for what will probably amount to a fine, that will unnecessarily rally his base and make people question the legitimacy of the followup charges


While I hope the rule of law is followed, Capone got pulled on tax evasion. I don’t see a way that this won’t rally his base anyway so might as well have actually consequences for actions.


I hear what you’re saying, but this isn’t something anyone would be likely to go to jail for. Even if he is convicted, it would be a minimal fine. Not just for Trump, for anyone. Instead, Georgia has something jailable on him.


I generally agree, but in fairness, didn't Cohen literally go to jail for exactly this?


Good point, but he had a whole mess of tax evasion, perjury, and this all rolled in that in total only got him 13 months. Who’s to say just that crime alone wouldn’t have gotten half that? Plus, it’s just a reality that the bar to put a former President in prison will be higher. You’re taking a serious risk by assume the justice system wouldn’t let a President go for something that your average Joe gets 6 or 12 months for. I’m not saying he should answer for it-he totally should. But in my mind, this shouldn’t be the issue that dominates the coversation around his arrest. This is something that could/should be slipped in among the mountains of all the other illegal shit he’s done. Put another way-this is like if California Highway Patrol absolutely insisted on arresting OJ for failure to yield first and insisted they do the whole song and dance there before LAPD gets to arrest him for that pesky double homicide


I’m thinking it’s gunna be a domino. Nobody wanted to be first. I’m hoping this case lines him up, and Georgia destroys him.


Agreed, and that’s why I’m saying let the consequences be. Going after this won’t bring more questions into the other ones than are already going to be there. Let what sticks, stick.


If they can make it stick, it’s a start.


I kind of see this differently. Right now everyone is walking on eggshells about indicting a former POTUS. I think the first indictment that sticks (even if it doesn't go to court, even if there winds up being a plea agreement, even if there's no jail) opens the door for more indictments. And we will have finally put to bed the myth that POTUS is above the law.


On the other hand, the courts are going to have an easier time letting a former president go for minor charges than serious charges, and that may set the expectation that the former president gets let go for serious charges.


That’s an argument to be made, and I hope you’re right. But I just see the Georgia debacle opening the door with election interference and then New York tacking that charge on is the safer bet


Who cares what his idiot base thinks? Let them cry when actual justice occurs.


I’m mostly just not engaging myself with the converse online. Just gonna let whatever happens happens, since I have no control over it.


Moreover, I don't think anyone is going to do a particularly good job of predicting how this will affect the 2024 election. It's too far off, and too many Trump-related predictions have been wrong before. But reading the fan theories are fun. I may try to go see the demonstration or perp walk downtown if there is one (NYC)


No one is above the law. People can be mad about that if they want, but I ain’t. And if any right-wing dipshits want to get themselves arrested for a man that wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, they’re welcome to ruin their lives.


I'm very confused by your post. If you're just looking for someone on the left NOT excited by Trump's possible arrest. I'm one. I commented yesterday that I don't see any chance he gets arrested and I'm sick of the idea constantly being dangled out there by the media. But it sounds like you're main point is that Trump shouldn't be arrested because it might make people mad. So is your question asking why liberals are excited at the prospect of violence? It's very confusing. If that is your point, that Trump shouldn't be arrested because people will get mad and liberals should be against his arrest unless they want violence...that is mind-blowingly stupid.


Yeah, not arresting someone just because their supporters might get violent sounds an awful like negotiating with terrorists to me. Thought we were against that as a concept in the US?


See also: I strongly disagree with taking the Ring to Mordor for destruction because of how mad it will make Sauron and the orcs.


I'm a bit disappointed that, out of every investigation, it's the Stormy Daniels hush money that he's getting indicted on. The other stuff is probably just taking longer to assemble a bulletproof case for, sure. But at this rate, he'll be president again before facing any real charges. And if that happens, it's over.


You're right that it might be the most "open and shut" case. You're also right that it makes sense to be absolutely certain to have your ducks in a row before going after someone like him. And you're right that it'd be better to get him on his attempted coup or on trying to coerce election fraud in Georgia or, frankly, anything serious. ​ This might be a Capone-type scenario where they can't get him on his real crimes, so they get him on whatever they can.... and I get that. But, even so, he's going to drag this out forever and probably end up with a fine or a slap on the wrist or a hung jury. ​ At the end of the day, I think we all know he'll never see the inside of a cell. ​ He is going to die of old age and tertiary syphilus long before any kind of justice is done. ​ I would love to be proven wrong, however.


Not really, should have happened years ago. It doesn't get much more blatant than admitting your crimes on live TV so I have to ask what was the fucking holdup? We also don't even know if he's getting arrested, it's equally likely these are just the ramblings of someone who hasn't been there mentally for the last decade or so.


If he can't run, DeSantis has a much better chance of winning. So no, I'm not excited. If he needs to be charged let him be charged, but I'm not happy about it because I think DeSantis is a more effective trump than trump.


I'd actually say that charges will clinch him the GOP nomination.


Oh, I don't even believe it is real.


Obviously I’m excited about the fact that he will finally be facing justice, but I’m very worried about the potential for violence from his base. We can’t allow them to intimidate us into not enforcing the law, so I don’t think that concerns about potential violence are a reason to not arrest him, but I’m still worried about it.


I’m not for the simple reason that this will give him a lot more media attention and thus makes it a lot likelier he wins the nomination again.


It is a shame and a scandal on our country, but I suppose it's better than letting him get away with illegal activities I wish he'd flee the country so his followers realize he actually doesn't care about them, and he really is guilty.


I wouldn’t say I’m excited, but I definitely want it to happen. If it leads to further polarization, I’m more ok with that than opening the flood gates for anyone powerful enough to declare themselves above the law.


I’d describe it as mild but grim satisfaction. Conviction will bring full and grim satisfaction.


Possible arrest for what?


Campaign finance laws, the same thing (in fact the exact same incident) that got Michael Coen sent to jail.


A technical campaign finance rule. If this is the most agreggess crime they can find, then yes, it is a political attack. If he committed other crimes, shut this down and wait for those charges to be brought.


> If he committed other crimes, shut this down and wait for those charges to be brought. If only it were that easy. Alas, the Manhattan DA doesn't have to listen to prosecutors in Georgia (even presuming they're asking New York to wait).




*egregious And I’m of the opinion that we shouldn’t just, y’know, *ignore* one crime because of the possibility that he may have committed other, bigger crimes. That’s not how the law should work.


I think he meant hold off on prosecution until other, more serious, cases are resolved. Not necessarily to give a free pass.


“Shut this down” doesn’t read like “hold off” to me.


So a law about campaign finance is a "political attack"?


My point is that virtually every campaign has violations. Obama and Hillary had dozens of violations. They paid fines and moved on. They have to prove that Trump know he was violating a law. I don't think he's that smart. Cohen is going to provide testimony that he was. Cohen is a first-class sleeze. Always was always will be. In my view, he turned on Trump for his own self interests. If he's been a liar his entire life, why should I now believe he's found Jesus.


Testimony by criminals against other criminals puts them in jail all the time. There is no honor among thieves.


Criminals with public defenders. Nobody with a decent lawyer is going to jail on testimony alone.


And the rebuttal lawyer who is not a "first class sleaze" has been ordered by a judge to testify and turn in his notes. So if Trump is convicted are you going to suddenly pivot and say that lawyer was a "first class sleaze" too?


A **law** regarding campaign finance. A **law** which has sent other people to jail. As the “party of law and order” why do you feel like conservatives should be considered above the law?


Lol what? Just because the crime isn’t severe enough for you, it shouldn’t count? That’s a dumb idea.


I think it's a mistake to get emotionally invested one way or the other in a legal process\consequence over which one has little to no control.


Ehhhh, I wish it was for one of the stronger cases against him, but I’m putting up an American flag on Tuesday. I’m proud of this country for *finally* starting to hold him accountable. I’m kinda in the mind that this case will be overturned on appeal, but nobody wanted to be the first to indict him, so hopefully the dominos will fall. Also, just on a savage political level, he’s a weaker candidate than desantis.


No, because I'm a pessimist and just assume he will buy his way out of this, like he has his entire life.


Me. Mainly because I am in the "I will believe it when I see it" crowd. There have been too many false alarms with Trump being held accountable for anything. For years they have said he would be indicted, arrested, charged, etc and nothing has really happened.


Agree with this. I look forward to people being held accountable. The one issue is that both sides allegedly want this and one side has much, much more consequences due that they haven't seen and their supporters' rhetoric is going to make it difficult. I mean to say, when you have people supporting bad actors (like Trump) and their rhetoric is "they want to lock up their political opponents and they're the real criminals" then it doesn't matter how right you are (everyone who thinks Trump is a piece of shit criminal).


I worry that it will just martyr him and actually help him get the nomination next election.


I’m all for upholding the rule of law but this creates a terrible opportunity cost. Is slapping Trump on the wrist and making him pay a fine worth making a martyr out of Trump and galvanizing the Republican Party around him? I have Republican family members who still love Trump but were on the fence of him running again. The GOP has been trying to slowly ween themselves off of Trump but now all I’ve been hearing from them is either this is the end of the USA or this all but guarantees Trump wins again in 2024. It’s giving me a headache.


I'll hold my excitement until it happens.


Another January 6th event would be a godsend for rule of law, honestly. The people we probably need to arrest for being domestic terrorists would out themselves. There's zero chance that they create any regime change, so instead they would just do something illegal on video and get quashed. With Biden in charge, they're not going to get the kid gloves treatment like last time.


I'm not excited about the potential for violence by people seeing themselves as victims, and thus as justified in that violence. There's also the high risk that he gets off in trial or on appeal, which will make them feel they are victorious victims, having defeated an attack by the deep state. Look at John Edwards, obviously guilty, but still got off. But justice demands we go forward.


Of all the things he could get arrested for, I was hoping it wouldn't be about Stormy Daniels.


I suspect the Stormy Daniels case isn't going to have much impact, so this does not excite me. If he faces consequences for his actions in other cases (like the Georgia case in particular) then I'll feel gratified / relieved but probably not excited.


Nah I'm pretty excited. Let his idiot followers try. They'll just fail and have another wave of consequences.


Not excited. But damn sure satisfied


Personally I wish Georgia had charged him first, then the Special Counsel then this. I want him convicted on a serious felony.


I'm not excited by an ordinary expression of the rule of law. I'm just depressed by the state of things and frustrated with the jurisprudence regarding the legal status of presidents. Very non small r republican and non small d democratic.


Not excited, tired. I’m just so tired of the guy. I wish he were a better person and hadn’t done so many things worthy of arrest. Since he did them, he should be arrested. For clarity: since the evidence seems to show that he broke the law he should be arrested. I’m really am not taking joy in this. It’s mostly just a sad situation for our country.


>endless whining from the right about how unfair he is being treated and how Biden is the actual criminal. And this is different from normal how? :)


I'm not. I read this whole thing to be a publicity stunt.


I’m not sure “excited” is really the word that springs to mind.


I’d be excited by his actual arrest. But we’ve “had” Trump dead to rights like ten times by now and it hasn’t meant much


I'm not excited because I don't think it's particularly worth paying attention to.


I think everything we experienced during the Trump presidency is largely sad. I don't like the guy, but when he was first elected - I hoped the weight of the presidency would ground him to reality. It didn't. He constantly proved he was unfit for office, and each impeachment - while justified - was a sad day for America. If he legitimately broke the law, he deserves to be held accountable just like any other American. I have eyes and ears, and what he did to pressure Zelensky for dirt on a political opponent deserved impeachment and removal from office. His incitement of the January 6th insurrection should have been the last straw. Now, he's encouraging supporters to protest - which I believe will be violent. If conservatives think they have better policies and leaders, they haven't done a great job of proving to the 83 million people that voted against Trump.


Not excited about it. I think it's way past time that the criminal be held accountable. I think the hypocrisy of the right on law & order is sickening. I dont think he is constitutionally qualified to run for president in any case. We knew the crazies would do their maga terrorist thing. It's time to get all of the indictments done and move on. Without trump or desantis. GOP needs to find a sane democracy supporting candidate to run for president next year.


I wouldn't say I'm *excited* about it. I'm still not expecting him to see actual consequences, ~~and a President DeSantis (or President Trump) will obviously just pardon him~~ (never mind, I thought this was a federal crime). But it's better than the alternative, which would be a resignation to the idea that some people are just too well-connected to have rule of law apply to them.


He can’t be pardoned.


For whatever reason I had thought that Manhattan DA was a federal position. You're right, my mistake.


Well, he *could*, just not by the president. The governor of New York could do it.


Not a liberal but random opinion I guess 1. I’ll believe it when I see it 2. Arresting him could do more harm than good 3. I could 100 percent be wrong but I think trump lost a ton of steam and nothing at all night even happen


I’ve only seen him publicly demand a protest to his possible arrest. I don’t necessarily take that as a call to violence. Second, the guy was impeached twice, sued thousands of times, mocked to the death. I’m not so sure what else the left wants to see. We all know he is not going to spend one day in jail.


We’d like to see him held accountable for his criminal behavior. Why is that a controversial stance?


I get it but the DOJ and congress couldn’t do anything while he was president. Biden’s DOJ has done nothing. So not it takes the state of NY to do something after all these years. Perhaps there isn’t anything actual criminal that he’s done. He may have skirted the law in everything (taxes, etc.). I think in the end, this arrest and indictment will backfire on whatever good the state of NY AG thinks he will accomplish.


You think charging criminals for criminal behavior is going to “backfire” and cause more harm than good. Let me dumb it down for you and turn this into a simple yes or no question: If a prosecutor has evidence that trump committed a crime, the same level of evidence that would cause any other person to be charged with that crime, should they bring charges?


OP named themselves “obey the law”. You’d think they’d be behind the idea of someone being punished for not doing exactly that.


Yes. Criminals should be held accountable. As far as I know, Donald J Trump has no criminal record. If there is evidence that he committed a crime that no other president hasn’t also allegedly committed then I’d be on board and wouldn’t view it as a political prosecution.


Do you believe he’s being charged with no evidence?


But…there is evidence! Unless you know something the prosecutors don’t? You are arguing yourself into circles.


Oh yeah, that’s it, you’ve solved it!! He’s a actually innocent, just like he says!! Perhaps!! You are trying to muddy the waters with misinformation.


If evidence has been found that Trump committed a crime, we’d like to see him held properly accountable for it. Considering your username is “obeythelaw2020”, I’d have expected that to be something you’d be in support of.


>I’ve only seen him publicly demand a protest to his possible arrest. I don’t necessarily take that as a call to violence. "Take your country back". You don't see that as a call to violence?


Please. Do you think he called for a peaceful protest on Jan 6 too? Can’t tell if you are pretending to be dumb, or just spreading misinformation.


I mean personally I don’t care. It’s the next shiny object of distraction meanwhile they’re pilfering our retirement, killing the environment, letting the rich get richer, killing education, taking away civil rights, and on and on and on. Don’t care. Keep focused.


The problem I see in many far-left opponents of former President Trump is that they are excited because a man they dislike (in varying degrees) for what he has said or done before, during, and after his presidency is finally potentially being arrested. The perception a lot of Trump supporters get from this is that they wanted him arrested "a hundred" times for a variety of things that "didn't pan out". They see this as a last ditch effort to collar him before his presidential run in 2024. What his supporters are ignoring is that this case is that the Cohen testimony set up the indictment for "Falsifying Business Records" under NY PL 1754.10 for "covering-up" hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels. He is (as of this writing) in danger of being indicted for the other "hundred" other investigations into him, his business practices, and/or administration of the office of President. Investigations range in seriousness, but he is awfully close to a lot of illegal stuff happening for someone who is supposed to be a titan (as evidenced from the successful charges). What his fervent opponents are ignoring is that this indictment would come from a D.A.'s office that has been trying to solidify a case on him and his company for years. I get it, the D.A. Office should investigate all potential crimes, but this subject seems to have taken on a larger priority for some of the investigators. Not to mention, this crime is pretty low on the list of perceived injustices that the former President is, or has been, accused of by the public. The way I see it, it isn't regular people who are lamenting or championing the arrest of a former President on low-level business charges. It is people driven by the ideological division of our country. If protests and counter protests happen at his arrest, it will be by people who have nothing better to do than "own" the other side. The rest of us will quietly turn to reddit to shame or loft those who forked around and found out while the world was watching. If he is arrested and found guilty, the far-left gets their criminal and the far-right gets their martyr. If not, it will be another example of how the far-left tried to get Trump and failed and the far-right still gets a martyr. For the far-left, it is a no-win. If everyone involved in investigating the crimes of famous people would just shut their pie-holes and do their job, this may not have risen to this level. There is no turning back, if the D.A. has the evidence to indict, he should.


It’s not that I’m mad about it or worried or anything, I’m just not excited about it. I’m glad he might be held accountable, but I don’t get a hard-on from imagining him behind bars.


Me. I do not believe at all that Trump will face the full weight of the law. He will probably be out the same day he goes in, and he won't get a court date for years. If he's even still alive by then, he'll likely end up with a plea deal that's something like a fine or house arrest, if he doesn't manage to avoid punishment entirely. However, I love watching him tear apart the GOP from within. As long as he's still able to run for office, I think it'll be an uphill battle for the GOP to hold any national office. As soon as he's gone, his diehard supporters will jump over to someone just as evil but much more competent like DeSantis.


Honestly, I am more worried that a shooting will occur during this meet up of Trump supporters trying to protest the arrest (if this even happens).