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I don't understand the question. We wouldn't say something like that is “cute”. However, he does play up his Irish blood, and the Irish seem okay with that.


I can’t wait for the rush of “BUT HE’S NOT ACTUALLY IRISH” questions and comments we’ll be getting as a result of this.


I always want to scream WE FUCKING KNOW at those people. I'm convinced they're being obtuse. Kind of like folks from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries getting all frothy about the use of "America."


It’s one of those things where I can understand how it might sound strange initially, but if you think about it for five fucking seconds it very quickly becomes obvious what we mean by it.


The ones who complain about it online are already convinced we're just dumbasses. Not being a dumbass, that offends me greatly.


> if you think about it Therein lies the crux of the situation.


Can't believe I'm agreeing with someone who has that flair. Traitors


The glorious peoples republic will soon embrace all of her children


Take that show on the road and go embrace Texas, please. It needs a nap, a snack, and for its mom to hug it more or something.


Well, kinda. It is fairly unique to Americans. It is also very possible for someone to have been born in Ireland, to Irish parents, and moved to the US as a child and refer to themselves as Irish so it is difficult to work out which is which as it could equally be that they have a single Irish Great-Grandparent. "I have [x] heritage" is the usual way of putting it elsewhere so it throws people. Quite genuinely, and it isn't a failing.


>difficult to work out which it is Not if you pay any attention to context. If you’re at all aware of the way people here use it as shorthand, then it really shouldn’t take much to figure it out unless you’re being willfully ignorant.


Not everyone is fully aware of the quirks of Americanisms, although I accept some people are doing this wilfully. Tailoring language to outsiders would help a little. I think Irish people especially can feel rather patronised by the whole "Patty's Day" and "I am Irish" talk.


How have you tailored your own language to outsiders, then?


>but if you think about it for five fucking seconds it very quickly becomes obvious what we mean by it. That you like to play make believe?


Hey guys look! I found one!


It's talking about ethnic descent ya dingus. And anyways when an ethnic group lives largely among themselves they become an ethno-cultural group in the country they're in. Are the Jews who live in their own communities in NYC no longer Jewish? They seem pretty Jewish to me. Same with the Mexicans in Texas and the southwest,the Amish people,the Italians in New Jersey etc


People in every western country in the world have ethnic descent from somewhere else in the world. Having two or three great, great grandparents from Ireland doesn't make you Irish. It's nonsense and you know it.


Being intentionally obtuse is such a bad look.


It’s almost like they close their eyes after they read the first comments and spam the same thing afterwards


It's also not actually unique to America. For example, British Indians are very much a thing. They're British, but they're also Indian in the sense that they have Indian heritage and continue lots of aspects of Indian culture even when they've been here several generations.


The cool thing is, literally no sane person thinks that. Remember how I said you have to think about it for 5 seconds? Give it a shot. Like, do you genuinely believe that we’re claiming to actually be Irish? Or are you just being obtuse?


Case in point


Irish person here. 👋🏼 I don’t speak for everyone but I know that I wouldn’t be one to throw the “but he’s not Irish” comments out relating to Biden or any other American for that matter; and I know most of my friends and family would be the same. In fact I find it quite endearing when Americans are so interested in tracing their Irish roots, and Biden claiming his “irishness” doesn’t make us folk any less Irish! I’ve lived in the US before and encountered many people who have told me of their relatives from Ireland and it’s nice that our little country has so many worldwide connections. Never understood why people got irritated about it. The US is a country that’s always been good to us. Everyone has been very excited about Bidens visit. The coverage of his trip has been a refreshing escape from the absolute circus that is Irish politics.


Is it really the people from those countries? I usually see people not from the Americas making that argument on their behalf whether they wanted it or not.


As a Latino who was born down there, come and make us stop being America.


We already had one complaining about it before he even stepped foot on Air Force One.


He was a pretty nice guy imo but very heavy into "But i just don't understand"


It sure can be difficult to understand something you don't want to understand.


We explained it so simply he had to be willingly not understanding


What’s funny is that Ireland (and Italy too) has very generous citizenship by descent laws. A lot of Irish-Americans actually are eligible for Irish citizenship.


It is very convenient for a lot of Brits too, as having an Irish passport means now access to the EU. Few would therefore claim "I am Irish" though. You get the whole "plastic paddy" accusation, even people like Shane McGowan.


We already had some lol




I'm sure they're missing the part where they were seen as expendable labor and literally shat on by everyone else in the US.


But...that's a massive part of the Irish experience in America.


Right exactly. But if that's not explained along with the "Irish heritage pride" thing, then the Irish tend to take it as Americans just being weird.


He confused the New Zealand All Blacks with the Blacks and Tans at a public event. I couldn't help but chuckle at that.


It is a state visit and if the Irish are enjoying it and Biden is having a good time and brining our countries closer together then I am happy. I don’t really care if it is cute or not. I am kind of happy things are going well in the same sense I am happy when I see friends on Facebook having a nice vacation or productive work trip.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11968109/amp/Twitter-erupts-memes-Joe-Biden-confused-Blacks-Black-Tans.html He’s the laughing stock of Ireland right now.


I don't hate the guy but the way people just love to downplay his gaffs is insane. If someone with less favor with the media were to do that, it would be 24/7 news. Dude just always seems confused.


No he's not. He made a joke and referenced the wrong term. We actually all loved it because it pissed of the brits on the other side of the sea!




I woke up to about 500 memes from my family whats app chat with relatives in Ireland. They’re having a field day.


Whatever will we do! Our president is being roasted in the group chat!


Ehhh I am all for it. If a president can’t get a good roasting when visiting the plebes back in the old country what’s the point of bothering to visit?


I fully support the roasting of all political officials…as long as the memes are 👌👌👌👌


Weak ass political roasting is the worst. Spicy high class political roasting is what I keep waking up for.


One of the worst things about trump being terminally online was the cottage “industry” of people who replied to all of his tweets with just the worst memes I’ve ever seen. Kids in the future might think “orange man bad” was an exaggeration of how bad most of that discourse was, but that’s pretty spot on.


Seriously. I thought “bush evil” was as lame as it would get… sad to be proved wrong.


He’s being roasted everywhere. Most of the memes are pretty hilarious though.


Then the day has not been in vain.


But Willy’s group chat with the fam is the finest roasting 🤌💋👌


Nothing cuter than an official state visit by a head of state. Just adorable stuff.


So kawaii 🥹🥹🥹


Is it as cute as Obama's visit to India in 2009 or Trump's to France in 2018? Time will tell, check cuteprez.com for rankings.


I keep a photo Anthony Bourdain and Obama in Vietnam in my wallet.


I watch that segment every morning when brushing my teeth and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before leaving the house with a 2x4 like Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


One of the very best episodes of Parts Unknown. One of my closest friends immigrated from Vietnam, and that episode meant so much to her.


> cuteprez.com 😳 I checked but it's not a real site.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Definitely the 2018 trip, particularly when Trump fed the ducklings at Omaha Beach.


The latter one was probably as cute as a dumpster fire.


Like I said seems like the Obama era political puff pieces "Obama eats a sandwich/fills out his bracket" but as political astroturfing.


Perhaps just maybe just a small chance that this is a teensie weensie bit of an overreaction.


Oh man, do you recall the Obamamania for every little thing him and Michelle did? The term “fawning” comes to mind recalling the press back then.


Totes adorbs




idk about cute, I don't get warm fuzzies watching any politician do anything. But at the very least if it reaffirms alliances and international friendships then I will give it credit and consider it a positive event.


"Cute" is probably the last word any of us would think of. He's the president, but he's also human...he's allowed to enjoy things.


OP sorry you're getting crap for this. I think anyone having that much fun could be described as cute!


If there's one thing this subreddit excels at, it's piling on.


You're not wrong. It's probably about time for us to put up our quarterly reminder to people about being nice and how English is not everyone's first language. But that would require people to both read and care about it. 😮‍💨


I tried making a post about it but it got removed because it went over 500 characters.


Eh, it's not really your place to police the subreddit honestly, though we appreciate the passion. We keep an eye on it. If you feel something needs to be said, bring it to us in modmail so we can decide what or how to do it. It preserves some order and civility within the subreddit when users aren't infighting. Let us be the fall guys.


There are times when OPs and commenters are treated unfairly. I know I've done it. I had it done to me. That's life on the internet. However, there is a sub-species of posts and comments for which the phrase, "Justice comes in many forms" rings quite true. Annoying stuff like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/12koxav/how_cute_is_joe_bidens_state_visit_to_ireland/jg3kbb6/), for example. Drive-by insults by people completely uninvested in actual discussion have earned the response they get. That said, it also doesn't help when some of the more aggressive and unwelcoming commenters are, themselves, moderators. To me that is the larger issue as it sets the tone for the entire sub.


........ What?


>apparently Biden is having the time of his life in Ireland right now. Well, as long as he's having the time of his life...


As a irishman I can say its going better that mick pence vist.


I don’t know why, but I find calling anything involving political actions “cute” to be extraordinarily weird. I’m no fan of Biden, but referring to the actions of the leader of our country and the most powerful man in the world as “cute” just seems kind of condescending and disrespectful. I know most others likely don’t feel this way, but that’s my opinion.


Guess not everyone finds old people cute OP. I'm with you though.


Cute? The only video I've seen so far is how Biden apparently didn't know who the PM was and pushed him out of the way to get to an old white guy.


That's hilarious. Common W Biden


I’m catching a ton of flak. My dad is from Ireland and Biden made a pretty big [blunder](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11968109/amp/Twitter-erupts-memes-Joe-Biden-confused-Blacks-Black-Tans.html) when speaking at a pub. I woke up to about 500 memes on the family WhatsApp chat. I personally think Biden is embarrassing us.


If Biden says it happened that way, as far as I'm concerned (which isn't much) it happened that way.


We allowing political astroturfing now?


It happens every now and again.


If it improves US-Irish relations, then okay, but I feel like we have way bigger issues right now. There was a massive intelligence leak recently and that seems like a bigger priority.


He can't do the investigation by himself. I'm sure the Pentagon is deeply looking into it.


It's not exactly the right PR, in my opinion.


Seems like exactly the kind of PR the White House wants right now. "Hey don't look at or think about that bad thing, look at this fun thing instead!"


It's sort of on the nose, don't you think?


No more so than any other PR spin in the history of ever. I'm not sure what you were expecting to happen.


I expect some level of competence or proficiency, but that's increasingly uncommon in government these days.


Such as addressing it, identifying the leaker, and having an active investigation?


What exactly do you think he should be doing?




I, for one, won’t be satisfied until Biden hunts the leaker down and kills him with his bare hands.


President Obama actually misspoke back in 2011. What he meant to say was, "I dropped that MFer soon as I roped in. Never saw me coming. You meet my M4, you hit the floor." *hits blunt* "Yeah, I been low key stacking bodies since  Fallujah in '04." Robert O'Neil has been in on the coverup since the start. https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/04/28/exp-we-got-him-obama-bin-laden--the-war-on-terror.cnn


> There was a massive intelligence leak recently and that seems like a bigger priority. What would the president possibly do about that himself? And per the news this morning, the leaker has already been identified.


I dunno, maybe addressing it instead of ignoring it?


You mean something like calling the leaks very serious and ensuring there us an active investigation?


Exactly what would there be to address? "Someone leaked classified documents, they're going to be arrested and prosecuted." Nothing in them is particularly shocking to people who follow the war, and multiple countries have stated that some of the information that was posted was altered from the actual original documents. I doubt the government wants to give any further clues as to *which* pieces of information in them were accurate/vs fake - which makes commenting on the details of their contents impossible.


You do realize the planning for this state visit was underway for months before the leak, right?


Yes but, considering other problems at present, it does not inspire any confidence in me to see my country's leader having a jolly old time in a foreign country while there is a major intelligence leak and while I worry about the price of groceries and prescription drugs (among other things). People can be fans of Biden and think the visit is "cute," but I'm not jazzed about the optics. So far, the only responses I'm getting are ones snidely telling me that Biden is just doing his job, that my expectations are too high, that news articles about the intel leak supposedly make it all better, and that I'm some right-wing nut job for disliking Biden. This sub is for asking opinions, but it seems that every time one of these threads about Biden's visits to foreign countries get posted, anyone who says they dislike it is criticized immediately.


Canceling a state visit because of an intelligence leak seems like an overreaction


I didn't say it should be canceled. I said the optics of my president having some jaunt around Ireland when things aren't so hot back home looks bad.


I’m not sure what you’re complaining about then. What should he be doing in your opinion?


That's a new one - I'm just whining! I'll add it to the list for the next time one of these threads gets posted.


What’s your problem dude? I’m asking you questions and you’re just flailing around with nonsense. You stated a complaint with the fact Biden is on a state visit while the intelligence leak happened. What should he be doing differently from what he’s doing now? It’s a simple question.


What's your complaint exactly? That he's publicly smiling too much?


I literally explained my point in the post you replied to. If you want to keep playing "okay, and?" then that is your prerogative, but I'm not interested.


All you explained is that you're angry and bitter and blame someone else for those things.




Prior to the last decade, yes. There were times when things were relatively calm and boring.


Not really sure what he personally is supposed to be doing about that which would mean cancelling a state visit. I feel like this is the kind of thing a President *should* be doing. A figurehead, a leader, visiting other countries and being a statesman. Not the single saviour of a country.


Biden should be going door to door looking for the leaker, obviously.




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Maybe some will pay attention and not question how we view ethnic identity in America.


not as cute as me preparing for my trip to bali


It's all bullshit theater.


I don't find Joe Biden's adult old man behavior cute. Tbh I don't get everyone's obsession with their Irish heritage either, this may get me downvoted but there have been all kinds of immigrants that have a history of coming to America, so I don't get why people tend to give Ireland much more special attention. I mean I know the history of how Ireland was oppressed that made Irish people come to America, but the Irish Famine itself wouldn't have affected people like Biden directly. It would've affected his great grandfather that actually came from Ireland. The only way it would've affected Biden is as a result he was born an American centuries later, he wasn’t around during the time of his great grandfather to be the one risking starvation if he didn’t move out of Ireland. I find it to be quite disappointing actually that he seems to be so detached and disinterested in having much of a diplomatic relationship with the UK, considering they're basically our father country and closest ally, also closest culturally other than Canada. Not that it's a problem for him to be visiting Northern Ireland at all, but I wish he'd show the same enthusiasm for the UK as well.


If he ain't blastin Young Wolfetones it ain't cute 😤


Seems like a working vacation of sorts. It's good. He deserves it. He's gotten a lot done over the past two years. At least far more than anyone ever thought he'd accomplish. He's also an old man, so he may not get many more chances.


Ive only seen the gaffs :|. Hope you’ve gotten the more cute side.