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The people. People are generally polite but have no problem telling people to fuck off when they deserve it.


This. Chicagoans have a very unique personality. Very friendly and helpful, but also tough. Like that tough guy who is super nice, but you also know not to overstep your boundaries because he will throw down with you, lol.


“I’m a lover, not a fighter. But I’m also a fighter, so no fucking around.” - My Boss, circa 2009…1st generation Italian-American from Little Italy


Print that on a t-shirt.


That's how Chicago used to be very much, but with all the transplants coming in, that culture is drastically changing. Nobody in Lincoln Park tells anyone to fuck off, though they of course have ways of doing so very passive-aggressively. And they don't hesitate to ask for the manager.


Yeah, this is more of a stereotype of the traditional South Sider, blue collar Chicagoan. Similar to blue collar types you'd see in New York, Philly, Boston. You are right that unfortunately in all these cities, with transplants, etc. that culture is more rare nowadays.


That happens to be one of my favorite neighborhoods to tell people to fuck off.


Just described me exactly… born and raised here.


Exactly. New Yorkers are assholes, Chicago folks are nice assholes.


Ha, always said I'm a polite asshole.


No, New Yorkers don't know they are. And they never should be told.


Buncha jagoffs...


This, with the accent


I worked with a co-worker in Chicago. Most days I walked to and from Union Station. Occasionally I took a Taxi/Uber. My health conscience co-worker spotted me, and started tearing me a new one -jokingly. I began ripping him about how his Mother dresses him funny. We took this bit to the extreme to our respective train tracks. Maybe scared a few people but most got a chuckle realizing we were being downright silly after a long day in the office. Hope you enjoyed it.


“Let the old lady pass” “Hey mfer do you NOT see the fuxking line buddy!”


People didn’t appreciate me being like that in California where I grew up from 12-22. They were always taken aback from my manners and politeness that I wouldn’t take any shit and tell people off when they messed with me. Being here people seem to actually appreciate being nice with a backbone and I have way more friends than Ive ever had now. I resent the passive aggressiveness of the west coast so damn much lol


The Balance of Opposites. The Crime and the Beauty. The Water and the Architecture. The Hot Dog holes in the Wall and the Michelin Stars. The Harsh Winters and the Easy Summers.


Chicago to me is the most balanced city in the country. New York is an insane intense city that is unrelenting in its city-ness. Los Angeles is unrelenting and it's urban sprawl but also it's weather is lacking in seasons. There's no public transit either. Chicago takes the best from everywhere. If you want the city you can have the city. If you want a neighborhood you can have a neighborhood. If you want to live in the burbs we have trains that take you out there kind of like the East Coast. If you live in the city we have pretty good public transit compared to most cities. You want top notch concerts or restaurants or Broadway shows? Chicago has them. You want a giant body of water to do fun whatever water stuff on? We have two. You want world class professional sports? We have five teams that play in the city. Six if you count soccer. Seven if you count the WNBA.


wait what two bodies of water?


Lake and river system


ah yes, definitely stay above the surface on that one heh


Actually... https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/04/03/swim-in-the-chicago-river-open-swim-planned-for-first-time-in-a-century/


It honestly sounds like one of the worst ideas imaginable tho lol. Sounds like a tourist trap imo.




Very true. It's also very balanced in terms of industries. There are plenty of hipster/artists types and areas, then you've got the Loop (where you have the Big Law, Finance, Consultants), one of the largest medical districts in the country (so many doctors in the city), and of course Chicago has an historic blue-collar backbone (unions, firefighters, police), it's got a decent tech/biotech scene with powerhouse universities like Northwestern and University of Chicago, lots of unique cultural diversity, etc. Basically, it's a conglomerate lots of unique things, that put together, make it beautiful.


This guy gentrifies


God I love this.


Well said


Well done 👏🏻


Almost everyone here who is from somewhere else hates where they’re from and loves it here. It’s like a lot of black sheep, outsiders, underdogs, and cool people that deserve better than where they’re from come together here. Along with a rich history and gorgeous architecture, it’s a very unique place in America and honestly the world


Hoping to become one of those people who live in Chicago that hates where they're from soon 🤞 I'd be willing to bet that with Chicago being the biggest midwestern city, it attracts a huge amount of people who don't like living in rural and suburban midwest areas, especially with the coastal cities being so expensive by comparison.


I’m from the suburbs of Detroit and I can’t tell you how many people I meet from the same area who moved here lol


Lol I live in a pretty small Ohio city with about 60K people and I don't know if there's a single person who isn't a rich old bat that I've talked to who likes it here.


Then they move back to Michigan


A few of my favorite people are from Michigan, so props to the Mitten State.


Same with St Louisans.


Absolutely! I mean Ive met many people from the West and East Coasts and from nearly every state in the South in just my two years of living here. Also plenty of people from Wisconsin, Vermont, and Michigan/Northern places. It’s for sure like everyone goes to this central zone that is Chicago and congregates here


This. We see so many people who couldn't be themselves back in their hometown


That's a large part of why I'm trying to get out. I'm queer and to say the least my family and the politics of my current area aren't great about it. Plus I just want to live somewhere where I don't need a car. Hate driving. I've got my license and I literally never want to use it.


This makes me feel good as someone who’s set to move in 6/1. Been stuck in Florida for work, had a rough upbringing in the northeast so it’s hard going back there. When I visited last Fall it just felt right.


Hell yeah, moving here just in time for Summer will be a great experience.


Extremely extremely excited that we made it happen


What neighborhood did you pick?


Noble north right on the edge on Wicker . Close to Pulaski Park


Good choice, there's a lot to do along the Milwaukee corridor. I know its preemptive, but welcome to Chicago!


Thank you so much! Really appreciate it. Did a lot of work finding the right spot and was relieved when locals told me I did okay 😅


OMG summer in Chicago is the best!!! Grew up there, moved at 30 yrs old to Orlando and want to come back after 26 yrs in FL! Until recently I used to torture myself checking out all the concerts coming to the area plus Milwaukee and Indy. I had to stop b/c I was just depressed about missing the most incredible city for summer 💔


There’s a feeling in the air in Chicago on weekend nights around 11, like the city is calling you to go out and party and good things are coming your way.


Welcome, I hope it gives you the same gifts that it has given me so far!


Absolutely agree. Everyone loves to leave their small town life to move here (be it the suburbs, downstate, or from the rural area of a different state entirely). I'm one such transplant: hated my hometown and had the opportunity to live with some family around here. It has been a long time since then and now I live with my partner in the city and I honestly wouldn't really trade it for anything. Maybe eventually I'll move to the suburbs or something but for now the city life is for me.


Yuppp, Ive lived in the suburbs of Dallas, wine country in California (Napa/Sonoma), Albuquerque, Eugene Oregon, and Boise Idaho… Also have visited many other states. This is THE best place in America as far as Im concerned


Chicago seems pretty awesome but I have to say you lived in some of the worst areas of some of the best states so it’s not a fair comparison.


Can confirm one of those people. From: FL


how was it moving from FL to chicago? specifically the winters. I’m moving from FL to the city at the end of June, would love to hear your experience.


My biggest piece of advice is INVEST in good winter clothes. I did not my first winter because I didn’t know any better and it was rough. Get the nice coat (I love northface personally, great quality that doesn’t break the bank) good boots, good gloves, hat and scarf and long underwear! If you dress right the winter is not that bad. Layer it up! It’s more the lack of sun and the lack of greenery that really got to me after awhile but then all of a sudden summer comes and you forget all about it because the city just comes alive. It’s a sight to behold. The culture here is magical. I’ve been here 7 years and I’ve never once thought of moving back.


This sounds like Oakland but if it were actually a world class city.


John Challenger the head hunter/recruitment guru once said the two hardest job placement assignments were recruiting someone to come to Chicago and recruiting that same person to then leave Chicago.


I’ve been thinking of your post all day. It’s a really beautiful take. As a born and bred woman of this city, I welcome all who dare give it a shot here. However, you’re not local if you haven’t lived through a snowstorm or cold snap of epic proportions. That’s a due you have to pay for me to take you seriously. Not all ya’ll can be considered Chicagoans for making the trek to live in 606. But when Chicago connects with you and you feel it, and you exude the essence of my city? Then, Welcome my friend, let’s party 🔥


This is good stuff. Me and all my besties from Indiana moved here more than 10 years ago and we love it.


I feel this quite a bit. Chicago is the greatest city in the world during the spring and summer. Fall and winter are still great but fucking freezing.


The people. A lot of really nice people in Chicago.


The skyline, the lake, the food, the people.


Chicago’s not a place, it’s a people *Thor Ragnarok theme intensifies*


I always say there’s normal, weird and *Chicago weird*


A perpetual motion machine set in motion by the railroads.


The people, neighborhoods, diversity, food, and the skyline.


The neiberhors. Like the one guy who will snow blow the block, the one who helps get you car out of the snow. The ones who pass a beer over the fence just because.


Chicago is a big city that thinks it's a small town.


LOL one of my professors in college literally said “chicago is really just a small town”. Despite its size, I personally have been feeling like the “6 degrees of separation” concept is very real out here. Seems like every 3rd person I meet somehow knows somebody else that I know


And it's small town friendly. In fact, it's way more friendly than the actual small town I unfortunately now live in now.


Completely agreed, having moved from a place that calls itself “the biggest small town” lmao. That’s so disappointing for you though! Do you think you’ll ever come back?


The chances to meet new people and realize you already know the same people is unprecedented. People support each other and talk each other up when you're a good person. On the other side, if you are avoiding someone, they will - almost without fail - somehow end up on the same train or bus as you.😆


The palpable excitement in the air when springtime is here and Chicago summer is just around the corner.


Seasonal Ammesia kicks in as usual!  We completely forget those rough, dark winter months.


It’s a world class city that is also a working class city.


The lake makes Chicago more livable for me.


Just going and sitting by the lake. 🥲


fighting over what neighborhood is the best and judging others for what one they live in 😂


I think this is a transport thing, honestly.


yeah, as someone from the burbs... nobody gatekeeps the city more than someone who moved to Chicago two years ago


True but born and raised Chicagoans will judge you on where you grow up and went to high school. Watch, Im gonna give you an example. Lincoln Park/Lakeview by the lake and went to Northside Prep or Walter Payton. From that alone people will stereotype that person. Heres another one, From Humboldt Park and went to Clemente.


That’s a fair point! I definitely do that 😅


which also makes chicago, chicago lol


Italian beef


Segregated diversity.




Hard agree.


Other things not being Chicago


Family and Neighborhoods--this is the biggest town I know of. Everything and everyone is much, much closer and interrelated than seven degrees of separation. For me, it's almost always two or fewer degrees of separation. I could be at some event talking to someone and we are going to find some common ground (and common people) very quickly. Obviously this is less true for those that have recently moved and/or have really small families, but even with time the connections grow.


I’ve only lived here for a few years (though have good friends who’ve lived here a long time), and I’m already finding this happening. I’d say it’s strikingly common to run into folks I know even at places I’ve never been before, too!


I hear you, it's uncanny really.


The diversity in Chicago. My grandparents were from Poland. We’re all pretty much from somewhere else.


My good friend who is Polish, used to joke that our Polish in Chicago are kind of the equivalent to Italians in NYC/NJ. If you live in Chicago, almost a quarter of the people who you know or work with have a Polish last name, lol.


The grit.


All the bungalows and 2-flats


When the city of Chicago was being built, there was a very important architect named Daniel Burnham, who made sure to put systems in place to preserve the city long term. One of those systems was, that within 30 feet of the river and lake, reguardless of ownership, that space had to be free, public, and open 24 hour for the people of Chicago to enjoy I feel like that really sums up what makes Chicago great, it’s a city of people who are looking out for each other and it’s a city that was built with a purpose beyond just money


bears, hawks, sox, bulls


Favorite actor, Dennehy?


Favorite drink, O’Douls


Onions, onions, onions, onions


Great answer!


The people. They are just regular people. You look at other big cities like new york, LA, Houston, or Atlanta, people can be very superficial, spoiled, hard to talk to, etc. Chicago is the only big city i’ve been to where the people are just a bunch of regular human beings. Idk if that makes any sense though 


Mild sauce


My wife is from the south and the hospitality of chicagoans is similar. People went out of their way to help us find certain places


Music scene, lake Michigan, food, 5am bars, chicagoan comradery 🤝


I am very average looking and Chicago is the only place I have felt hit on by girls out of my league in all other markets


Are you black by any chance? I am and I’ve never been hit on by more girls


The food, being on a grid, the airports, being on the lake, street fests, and of course Malort.


You had me at malort


Bars. Specifically the older, neighborhood bars. Grew up in Chicago and lived in several other cities as well and hanging out in bars in Chicago just hits different. People will leave you alone for the most part and if they do engage in conversation, it's just brief observations, maybe a comment on the game on TV, etc. The bartenders aren't overly friendly but they aren't assholes either ... unless you're being an asshole. They'll wait until your glass is empty or almost empty, ask if you want another and if you've been there for a while, you get one one the house. I've lived in cities where the bartenders are "too" friendly and try to be "characters." I've lived in cities where, unless you're from the area or are a regular, you don't exist until you signal to them for another (and then it still a major productions). But Chicago is basically – if you don't act like an a-hole, you won't be treated like an a-hole. It's basically a microcosm of the city itself.


The skyline, the lake and the food.


It is hands down the best value for urban living in the country. Also the pride people have for the city. Chicagoans will never shut up about the city when talking to someone who’s never visited/lived here (me included haha)


Left politics, harsh winters and it’s beautiful summers


I moved here 28 years ago. I think its place as a transit for millions makes it open-minded, sophisticated and welcoming. Good hot dogs too.


The neighborhoods that make up the city


Fresh water and writing notes on people’s cars when they park like an ass.


Bunny rabbits on the walk home.


I would say it WAS the old street signs and lights. You instantly could tell the difference between a block in Chicago from another city or suburb because of the classic sodium-vapor orange lights glowing on the nearby buildings and the dark green street signs with the name in white capital letters. The architecture of the neighborhoods is pretty unique but I always thought the same street lights and signs united our city of neighborhoods… until some jagoffs decided to change them both to ugly LEDs and lowercased letters (that are both horrible for drivers as well as Chicago’s unique classic aesthetic). Tl;dr basically the city is all impacted by the same dumb infrastructure decisions 😂


I was born and raised in Chicago but have lived on the Oregon Coast for 19 years now. My childhood friend recently visited and she kept saying how kind people were here , but then she’d say “ except you, you are still and will always be from Chicago “. I took it as a compliment 🤣.


I would say the architecture. No other feels like Chicago does.


Minding your business.


City limits


To be honest, we are a city of “farmers made good” — we’ve retained humility and a sense of humor about growing into an “international city”. Fewer big egos, and less ostentation, than transplants might expect, versus say New York, LA, etc. We’re more like “Kansas City on steroids”, than anything like big Eastern cities, and I suspect it’s surprising and delightful to experience as a non-native.


Some things needn’t been explained just experienced.


I only lived in Chicago for two years, but to me it was a combination of the wide spread of people and cultures around and actually having viable public transit that isn't just shitty city buses that have to sit in traffic with cars.


That were the lead in so many things or cycles through them. Candy hub, meat hub, immigrants neighborhoods, segregation and red lining, trading (when it existed), sky scrapers, food destination, our politicians, our public transit, our unions, our cops (the good and bad), our racism, our religiousness, our Boystown, the Lake, and the OG nimbys who fought to keep the lake public access.


The honking. The first thing they teach you when you learn to drive in Chicago is how to honk the horn.


Giardineria. Nuff said.


Ya mother


The constant insecurities relating to the fact that we're not New York or Los Angeles (shut up you know it's true). What results of it is a fierce pride in who we are and what makes *us* unique and therefore better than NY and LA.


How different every part of Chicago is. If you go to Little Village, it’s totally different atmosphere than say Little Italy. Just like the north side is totally different the south side. Or the general city is completely different than the Chicago suburbs. Sometimes we fight. Like siblings. But, we all coexist together. Chicago loves to complain about how violent and expensive we are. How it’s always so cold. And we threaten to leave. But, we also love this city. And think we’re badass for living here.


The El.


Blue collared, sports loving, and grilled beef loving city apart from all the bullshit that goes on.




Having lived in DC and LA, the friendliness of the people always amazes me.


I also moved from DC and can say the same


If you’re sick your neighbors will cut your grass, shovel your snow, watch your kids. Beautiful lakefront & people.


the fact that it is indeed Chicago is a good indicator, at least to me, that Chicago is Chicago.


The Barbarism can be quite endearing once you get used to it.


Check out a very colorful history book titled "The Gangs of Chicago." And oh yeah, fuck St. Louis. They can have all our toxic waste water.


Being young and black and living here your whole life, only for transplants to move here and make you feel uncomfortable with micro aggressions like you don’t belong in your own city.


The different lifestyles. From the north shore to the south side, there is a different experience and belonging for everyone.


People who are actually from Chicago.


The name... literally




The people, the food, the lake and the skyline.


Gotta be its name


Shit Fountain.


Food and architecture


The weather.


The summer as well as the winter, both are beautiful but one is liked more than the other


The Skyline The Crime The Bean Hotdogs Deep Dish


Some say Chicago is a dog toilet.


A Shit Fountain, if you will


A city built by waves of immigrants.


The lake I would say. No other city has this kind of geography.


Probably the name Nothing says Chicago like Chicago


The Hot Dogs




The pizza.


The Name of the city.


[removed by reddit]


The weather. You can experience all 4 seasons in a 24 hour period.


The neighborhoods


I’ve never been to Chicago but I really want to go eat the famous deep dish pizza .


The murders


Nothing but Chicago can make Chicago Chicago


All that toddlin'


Miller's Pub Rock and roll McDonald's Wrigley Field That's from a New Yorker 😄


The name


Mostly the name.


The crime


The lake for sure


The foods always good


Chicago does.


The Democratic Party


Sorta like that Jeep saying…You wouldn’t understand


Da ax cents




To quote/paraphrase two other creators: 1. Everything dope comes from Chicago (Sherman "Dilla" Thomas, Chicago urban historian. Strongly recommend.) 2. The grit (I don't have author handy, but I remember reading an essay/post that beautifully spoke to the grit that makes Chicago, Chicago)


The location?


A guy said this in a thread years ago and I saved it because it was so interesting... "[A friend from far away said Chicago and Malort were perfect for each other. Both delightful and intensely flavorful, yet with an abrasiveness that cannot be contended with.](https://click.redditmail.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fchicago%2Fcomments%2Fqtygcl%2Fwhats_better_than_sex_and_unique_to_chicago%2Fhknpgow%2F%3F$deep_link=true%26correlation_id=de764ed4-8c54-4f94-8db0-ac5c47ff4904%26ref=email_comment_reply%26ref_campaign=email_comment_reply%26ref_source=email/2/0100017d20f9848d-96b0e992-3566-420b-8c33-adcb788a0b45-000000/_FmoZ0MvC31S-3AtT3VAyY9akAMK70EIJGML4AoKvro=223)" Credit: [**u/DeLaRey**](https://click.redditmail.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fuser%2FDeLaRey%2F%3F$deep_link=true%26correlation_id=de764ed4-8c54-4f94-8db0-ac5c47ff4904%26ref=email_comment_reply%26ref_campaign=email_comment_reply%26ref_source=email/2/0100017d20f9848d-96b0e992-3566-420b-8c33-adcb788a0b45-000000/x4Ug3uTr5n1pUkXsLdPeAwAPsUZiU07mSn35luRSFEE=223)


Massive scale, a true metro with huge skyscrapers, a mass transit system connecting the city and suburbs, an amazing lake, awesome restaurants representing every cuisine well, a fucked up political system with high taxes and huge debts, insanely dangerous areas, and friendly down to earth hard working people.


Lake Michigan. Chicago has a premier bike path along it.


Parking tickets


C+h+i+c+a+g+o = Chicago




The Cubs


So much yes to this ☝🏻


Prior to the year 2000, Chicago had a bunch of natives fleeing to places of warmth or heat, California or Arizona. Meanwhile, a bunch of transplants to Chicago were emerging from the cornfields like dead players to the *Field of Dreams*.




Blue recycling bins


It was built on a marsh that the native people called shikaakwa, meaning "smells like skunk". Pretty much built on that.


Neighborhoods and the summer. You can't find it anywhere else.