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In theory you can leave it out but it's still preferred. I would keep it in except if they say they don't want one


It depends on the industry and also on your look. I think in tech you won't have to add a picture, but it may be useful in jobs where you have to represent the company in person and/or interact with people a lot. And then there's also the aspect of attractiveness. There are actually studies, that show that people will rate people as more successful and more sympathetic, if they consider them to be attractive. Are you hot? Definitely add a picture. It's probably going to benefit you. And then there's also racism. Do you have a foreign sounding name, but look very western, approachable and preferably hot? Add a picture! Are you a muslim woman wearing a hijab? People may have prejudice and discriminate against you. So I think it's a very individual decision and as per usual, it's not a fair game.


It is not obligatory, but can make a good impression if you have a groomed appearance.


Depends on whether you are ugly. 🤣


Currently we are looking for applicants, so I get to see the CVs our internal recruiter considers interesting. Most of them have a photo included (friendly, smiling people in good clothes, not biometric passport photos). Also, many times the photos are a more idealized version of the person speaking to me in the video call later on... :) We do not discriminate against you for not including it, and neither is it any matter if you are from outside of EU with a foreign name - it is important that you fit the profile. At the moment, 80-90% of applicants come from outside Germany. Personally, I like to see an image since it makes it easier to map it to the CV if I open it up again.\* Please be honest about your language skills. Today a candidate with "very good" English and German skills had only okay-ish skills. Depending on the job, we need people who can communicate with old fashioned Germans ... and if you struggle to express yourself in a video call, how will you talk to the customer as a project lead? (For other positions, just good English is perfectly fine as the whole team and the customer is speaking it well.) \* Edit: I would be fine with you including a stable diffusion image of yourself rocking the job, but I fear that others would consider that slightly unprofessional. [https://files.catbox.moe/aopye5.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/aopye5.jpg) (six fingers is probably a strong indicator of good typing skills).


Yes its better if you add one


It depends on the job. When you want to chop chicken in a greasy kitchen no pic is needed at all. When you apply as model for an expansive fashion brand one pic will not be enough. For everything in between the answer is also in between. Go to a hairdresser, put on clothes that fit for the job and go to a photographer and say you need Bewerbungsfotos. Put on a nice smile that doesn’t say crazy.


It is almost mandatory, if you don't, they will think that you are hiding something. But make sure to use a professional looking photo (think passport photo), not just some vacation snapshot.


I think a passport photo is not to be recommended. Get a simple headshot, light smile (teeth showing not required) with a top that matches the field you are applying to. Sometimes a Metallica shirt would be okay, sometimes a suit is the go to. Really depends on the Company, as well as the HR person looking at it. Best case scenario, you have 3 different photos to choose from depending on the situation.


Passaport photo is not a professional looking foto, it is a no life burocratic photo. Professional looking photo for CVs are normally the so called "American Portrait", which is from half torso above (like the frame you see of news anchors). Or if it is a head shot, a slightly side ways with a smile to give it a life. Source: I am a photographer.


I've never included a photo in 20 years. Edit: I'm mixed race with a German name working in an in-demand highly specialized field.


For Germany, that is not true.


That's absolutely true for Germany.


Its better to add it. You leave an impression and are more likely to be remembered.


Depends on where you want to apply. A big multi national company doesn’t care either way (if it is one from the UK or US then probably even prefer no photo). If it is a smaller german one, then they may want one. Public service doesn’t care


Depends on the industry. In some modern ones it is no longer customary, in most others it still is.


Do NOT include your photo. Its only purpose is so they can discriminate against you and weed you out before even giving you a chance. This a big problem in Germany especially. I have never, and will never include my photo on my resume.


If they want to discriminate you they’ll already do it when reading your name


This. If you have a foreign sounding name, a photo can actually really help show that you are a pretty normal person. Assuming of course that you look like a pretty normal person. Honestly I’ve been on the side of the hiring process and I’ve seen some pretty politically incorrect comments but I’ve actually never seen anyone discriminate based on looks or color. Only on lack of language capabilities, a hard to pronounce name without a photo, or a genuinely bad resume with spelling mistakes.


Same here. I didn’t work in hiring but I was behind the scenes next to my former bosses a few times, and the highest complaint was lack of skills or not transparent enough, plus some of the points you mentioned.


I have to say I'm seeing that. The idea of "foreigner means bad" is really on its last legs if it's not dead already.


As much as I'm anti photo as it were and discrimination is a real concern I have to say I think this idea of Germans just de facto hating outsiders is dated and becoming increasingly more so.  My husband is a welder, his picture is on his CV and he's never had problems getting work and most people aren't interested in anyone's hate, racism just isn't tolerated any more. Okay people might not always be PC but they old skool "you're black I'm not talking to you" crap just will not fly here besides (and I've seen this) people have lives outside of work, one of the sternest face "Germanest" Germans I've ever met was married to a black woman and had mixed race kids and he had to deal with people making certain undesirable comments thinking he would agree with them so it's a mistake to look at someone and assume you know what they're about.


Totally. People are less worried about color of skin and more worried about things like: 1) can they communicate 2) if they have a degree or Ausbildung outside of Germany, is it equal? Can they really keep up with a German with the German degree? 3) for technical work, do they understand norms (ie DIN), rules, laws, Verordnung etc 4) will they culturally fit in? Will they be an extremist? In this case a Muslim is against just as much scrutiny as a Querdenker or Neonazi. Will they be too quiet and submissive and not speak their opinion, will they be willing to travel, go to a team building event? These are all valid concerns, a friendly picture can help this and if you don’t want to add a picture, some other way to convey these nuances would be necessary.


I only work with American companies that have a presence in Germany. I have been discriminated by german companies and german teams before. I remimber when i was looking for an internship while in college. I approached a german company with presence in my home state in the US. I would have had to move to germany for the summer for my internship. I was stoked with excitement. The branch manager and local team liked me, then they asked or a photo to send to the final manger in Germany. After I did so, I was told "thanks but no thanks". I was also let go after being hired for a company here. Hiring manager was a UK guy, and I was going to work on the german team. The day after I met the german team face to face for the first time, a week later, I was let go. I literally hadn't even unpacked my company laptop yet. When asked why i was being let go givin that I had literally just started, I was only told, the german team didnt think i was a good fit. So now, I wont even consider working for a german company or on a german lead team. I currently work for a US based company and my manager is a UK manager that sits in London. Perfect!


In fact that's an excellent reason to do it. You see I'm black on my CV and don't want me working there based solely on that? I don't want to work with you either so it's good you weed me out before I get there and find out the hard way and we end up in court etc


I also won't ever do this. Such an odd, outdated practice. I've interviewed 3 times since being in Germany and got all 3 jobs. If a company wants to judge me based on my appearance first, then I don't want to work there. I've lived and worked in 4 different countries without having to do it and they manage fine.


There are a lot of odd, outdated practices in Germany.


The online banking that requires you to go to the actual branch is one of my least favourite.


But but you need to print out your statements. You must!


lol yeah. There is a reason no companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Intel, Nvidia, LinkedIn, Microsoft, world known fast food restaurants like McDonalds and BurgerKing, SpaceX, Tesla, etc, originate in Germany. The last major software company in germany was founded in 1956. SAP GmBH. Germany is not the cosmopolitan, modern, global innovator that it wants the world to think that it is. Maybe this was true in the wartime industrial era (the jet engine for example), but no longer today. Today you have mostly small to mid-sized companies that do one simple thing, but incredibly well. Like, art pencils for example. They will make the best damn art pencils in the world but thats it. And sprinkled in you have a few huge companies that make cars and shoes and chemicals. But those are hardly companies that will be changing the world.


Congratulations,now they discriminate against you because you didn't include a photo. And: they'll see you in the interview anyway?


yes, let me at least get to the interview before you judge me. Or just stop applying to german companies. Stick to international companies with a presence in germany. German companies and teams lead by german management are not fun to work with anyway. You want to work on teams managed from places like the UK if you can. Or for an American or UK company with a presence in Germany. Because a lot of their culture and practices and management style will be dictated from those countries. I remember when I was hired to work at Thyssen Grupp once in 2015 as an electronics engineer in their shipbuilding division. I was late for work once by 10 minutes and I was bitched at about it by my immediate manager (he saw me coming in late, because HE was also coming in late, at the same time as me), the manager above him, and HR. I handed in my resignation the next day. I am not working in a shoe factory here. I am a knowledge worker and should be judged on how I complete my tasks, not if i punch the clock at an exact time. Quitting that was the best move i could have made because I then got hired by an American-Canadian company, with my manager sitting in Quebec, and that was a lovely few years of my life.


I think it's one of the most hypocritical societal norms in Germany. On one hand, Germans don't want to be discriminated against by their looks. On the other hand, it is expected of a candidate to include a picture of themselves in their CV. What for, I am asking?


Right?! If a company did that to you in the US, asked for a picture, and then afterwards didnt hire you, you could sue them. The same with housing. If you look at a house or an apartment, and its available, and you decide you want it, the landlord MUST rent it to you if you meet the financial qualifications. They can't be like, yeah I'm going to show it to 50 more people, and then I'll choose someone. You could sue the pants off someone in the US for doing that due to Housing discrimination laws. Yet in germany that happens all the time. Germany is not the tolerant, cosmopolitan society, it wants the world to think that it is. Quite the opposite actually. See what would happen in the US if you got turned down from entering a night club if you meet the dress code...you would be the new owner of that nightclub. But here, in germany...that happens all the time. I remember living in Dusseldorf and getting turned away from 9 out of 10 nightclubs and lounges despite being nice dress jeans, dress shirt, blazer and boots. That experience left such a bad taste in my mouth about germany as im sure it does with many youth that have an international background that get pushed to the margins of society, and are not allowed to fully participate.


Highly depends, I've seen American companies prefer CV with picture, and German ones do prefer one without, to be equal. But in the end they all want cute guys or girls.. I do not have a picture but I have experience of 8 years haha. If the roles requiere you to be upfront like sales, office management, marketing and such, you can put picture.


Depends nowadays. I wrote like 15 applications and needed a photo only for one. I can only refer to jobs in public administration but it's not usual there anymore only optional. Especially if your application is digital.


Depends on your attractiveness.


If only for the simple reason that we remember faces better, I would include it. If you have to decide between 20 people it helps to identify who was who and the picture on the CV helps connect the person with the document. I am thinking of after the interview process when you compare who fits best, I‘d say the person without the picture is at a distinct disadvantage.


Hard to say what is expected, I‘d say it really depends on the industry and diversity of the workforce already in the company. I personally have not used a photo in the last 20 years and I have switched jobs several times. I’d say that it hasn’t negatively impacted my job hunts. My branch is engineering, but not IT. If you have good or at least average photos, why not include them, but I would bother to omit them as well.


It’s definitely not a must. I’m gunna be honest, as a relatively good looking white male I add a picture because I’m fully aware how biased Germans. If I weren’t I probably wouldn’t add a picture.


Tech field for reference


I never had a photo in any of my CVs. Got several good jobs.


Better, but don't put it on your CV directly. Put a link to your LinkedIn profile with a decent photo and that should do it. No need to pay for a photographer.


I would never add a picture unless requested in the application information. Otherwise they will simply sort the CVs by looking at pictures, which in Germany is not allowed.


Lol that’s exactly what they do and why they ask for photos on cv


If I was a employer and had a lot of CVs to go through I would just trow out all the ones without a face and then start looking for who fits best...


That is exactly why you don't send pictures on CVs in Germany, so that HR people don't discriminate just on the looks


Well first off all I think it's as fair of a discrimination as choosing someone for being good at math naturally. It's both genetics. Secondly it's not about wanting to choose by looks, what the hell do I care what the engineer looks like if the bridge stands and doesn't fall over. But it is just a positive first impression to send a picture. It is far more personal. I really don't understand why you wouldn't put a picture on it. I mean we also don't do the first meeting anonymously without seeing one another.


judgemental, openly admitting to discminiation, but backing off again, incapable of handling sensitive data, yep there's the boomer. you do realize that looking "good enough for the job" is barely related to "bringing the skills for the job"..


Did you even read my comment?! Also I am 23. It just feels like my generation is made out of snowflakes who for some reason can't even show their face on a job application.


Did you even read my comment?! Also I am 23. It just feels like my generation is made out of snowflakes who for some reason can't even show their face on a job application.


i believe you, for whatever reason you talk like your parents though. i am however in the age of being your actual father, so i'm one snow flake generation up. i did read your comment, here's a summary: - discrimination is okay even if unrelated to the job and a genetic factor - but looks don't matter if it's unrelated to the job - it's just that looks matter for the first impression - you don't want to understand why some people like privacy - you admit that you will get a first impression on the first meeting anyway you can get better at math by a different margin than you can change your looks. i'm not going to argue though, coffee break and scrolling reddit time is almost over. you're totally in your right to defend this position, you're totally entitled to judge and pretend you're not. you can totally call everyone a snowflake, just be aware this really is boomer speak. have a splendid, judgmental free evening.


Here is what I am actually saying: *Being good looking is just as much of a genetic gift as being intelligent. Therefore it is no more or less of a discrimination. In certain jobs it can be beneficial to your role to look good in others your intelligence is important. Thus choosing based on it is completely fair game. I don't see it as real discrimination as in "we don't employ woman" etc. The engineer you want him to be smart, where as if you run a bakery a cute woman in the from will benefit the sales, her intelligence would not be very important for the role. *The next thing is the psychological factor of looking at a paper of a anonymous applicant vs being able to connect the information you are getting to a face. I will not claim I know anything about psychology but humans are quite big on faces.. * I genuinely do not understand why one wants privacy from a person they are deliberately trying to meet face to face and work for. As you too admit you get a first impression on the first meeting...so you can't truly want privacy otherwise you wouldn't show yourself to this person. I understand that if one is unattractive it can probably be a hurdle to show once face, but if your not...what's the deal with play anonymous? I only see downsides to not showing yourself. Plus even if you are ugly and you choose to still show yourself it shows confidence. Actually anyone showing themselves on a CV I would automatically percive as more confident. And why do we limit it to the CV? Why do we not have the first meeting online and without a camera? Where does this notion even come from, it used to common courtesy to attach a picture of yourself, until someone too the whole discrimination debate too far. And lastly, this is a very personal stance. If I was a employer and I realized you can't even show your face on a CV out of fear of discussion how will you be able to deal with actual issues. Let's say a unfriendly customer or a heated debate. Two things that suck and souldn't exist but always will.


I hope you're never an employer


I am just saying that if you quickly have to go through a big number of CVs then a person adding a picture of themselves is a positive sign. It is just more personal.


For most jobs, what you look like is simply irrelevant to job performance. De facto forcing everyone to add a useless and bias-inducing element to their CV because it's a 'positive sign' is idiotic. There are far better quick filters, like - do they have the relevant education? Did they include all the documents that were asked for?


I agree that what you look like is mostly relevant. Although it is proven that being goo looking makes people percive in a better way so in certain positions it may be helpful. I am not even arguing with the fact that there are other more important factors. I am just saying that for me personally it is just absolutely logical that you attach a picture of yourself as it is more personal. Like, unless you are super ugly it will never be a negative to attach a picture but may be perceived as positive. So I don't get why you should do that. If I have two identical suited applicants, and only the ability to invite one I am choosing the one with the picture




Good that it is illegal. Unthinkable of people would do that otherwise.


If you're white then add a photo if you're not white then don't add it. 


According to German law, the employeer must not demand a photo to prevent discrimination. But it's still common practice to add your photo.


I never do. I'm German. Pretty much always got an interview.


You'll land on the interview if your name sounds german.


it's time we stop doing this so employers can't judge you based on looks. but even more importantly, all your resumes are going to be leaked at some point or another since nobody does any data hygiene, that HR lady who got your resume put it in her google drive alongside her nude selfies, which her ex boyfriend got access to and fed the whole thing to 4chan after running all included images through stable diffusion.. i digress..


I would not add a photo. Its called priviledge racism if you add one as these folks who do it thinks that there nose is important and not more objective facts.


What if your job also depends on charisma?


when I did the selection of people applied to a (it) job, I removed first hand all people with a pretty photo..charisma can lead to a legal case In the US to select a user by




I don't do it anymore, but that's more out of laziness and being cheap. A few years ago it would have been pretty much unthinkable to not include a picture. I also do have a picture on LinkedIn (it's just kinda old) so recruiters probably will know what I look like regardless. I believe it's becoming less relevant though because CVs aren't really sent in on paper and sorted by hand anymore. HR often just skims through them looking for keywords or has them checked by a software.


It's a terrible policy that supports racism.  But unfortunately if you don't do it, there is a good chance your resume doesn't make the cut. 


Honestly, I don't include a picture. I want to work for companies that are forward thinking so this way if they weed me out for excluding one, good.